2016-12-27 Toshiaki IsogaiUpdate GENIVI Audio Manager to 7.4 for CES2017 demo. 53/7853/2
2016-12-24 Kien Dinhmeta-intel: Fix for the sdk build failure for Intel... 69/7869/1
2016-12-23 Anton GerasimovDisable psplash when building for RPi because of occasi... 47/7847/1
2016-12-22 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: weston: Align orientation with psplash 99/7799/5
2016-12-22 Philippe Covalmeta-oic: Hotfix to pull gdbus-codegen from glib-2... 39/7839/1
2016-12-22 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: u-boot: Change default supported display... 97/7797/2
2016-12-22 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: make HomeScreen application fullscreen 95/7795/2
2016-12-22 Harunobu KurokawaRevert "Disable SoC sound driver in porter board" 77/7777/2
2016-12-21 Kazumasa MitsunariChange kernel config to enable wifi of ralink 45/7745/3
2016-12-21 Matt Porterdra7xx-evm: weston.ini: remove stale test binaries... 37/7737/2
2016-12-19 ktdinhEnabling build for Intel's Joule board 89/7689/2
2016-12-16 Naoto YamaguchiDisable SoC sound driver in porter board 73/7673/1
2016-12-16 Dominig ar Foll... bbappend to add Intel extra drivers 43/7643/2
2016-12-16 Naoto YamaguchiEnable USB Audio in porter board 55/7655/2
2016-12-15 Tadao TanikawaDisabling LVDS-1 output 37/7637/1
2016-12-15 Scott Murrayweston-raspberrypi.ini: Add commented out mode for... 19/7619/2
2016-12-15 Naoto YamaguchiAdd patch : ivi input support touch and pointer on... 03/7603/2
2016-12-14 Dominig ar Foll... new default weston.ini for Intel 85/7585/1
2016-12-13 Tasuku SuzukiRotating the splash screen 90 degrees 65/7565/2
2016-12-13 Stephane Desneuxbluez: Upgrade for using BLE features 45/7545/2
2016-12-12 Dominig ar Foll... correcting bbappend localisation for Intel USB wifi... 39/7539/1
2016-12-09 Dominig ar FollAdding more drivers as modules for USB devices on Intel 11/7511/1
2016-12-07 Dominig ar Foll... Enabling HW acceleration for Intel with libva and corre... 47/7447/2
2016-12-06 Ronanadd namespace to config kernel 41/7441/3
2016-12-06 Ronanfix agl-image-weston build 43/7443/1
2016-12-05 Stephane DesneuxMerge meta-agl-security into meta-agl 31/7431/2
2016-12-05 Ronanadd h3ulcb support 27/7427/1
2016-12-02 Romain ForlotFix: CVE-2016-1238 recent perl doesn't include cwd 11/7411/4
2016-12-02 Ronanoptee-os depend on python-pycrypto 89/7389/2
2016-12-02 Jan-Simon MoellerRevert "Enabling HW acceleration with libvaapi on Intel... 93/7393/2
2016-12-02 Anton GerasimovSet rootfs size based on real size of rootfs image 49/7349/4
2016-12-01 Anton GerasimovAdd to weston.ini to porter and... 35/7335/2
2016-11-28 Leon Anaviweston-raspberrypi.ini: Fix Weston configurations 31/7331/1
2016-11-28 Dominig ar Foll... Enabling HW acceleration with libvaapi on Intel by... 21/7321/2
2016-11-28 Stephane Desneuxpackagegroup-ivi-common-core-multimedia: add pulseaudio... 19/7319/2
2016-11-25 Bocklage, JensUse IVI-shell instead of desktop-shell as default in... 07/7307/4
2016-11-24 Jan-Simon MöllerConvert to feature.dep 99/7299/1
2016-11-24 Kotaro HashimotoFix file extension from *.bb to *.bbappend 93/7293/2
2016-11-24 Leon Anaviconf-notes.txt: Add image agl-demo-platform-html5 89/7289/2
2016-11-23 Yannick Gicquelmeta-rcar-gen3: autoload mmp modules 87/7287/1
2016-11-22 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: weston: add changes for AGL home screen 41/7241/2
2016-11-22 Scott Murraymeta-agl-bsp: More CES 2017 demo hardware support for... 71/7271/2
2016-11-21 Yannick Gicquelmeta-rcar-gen3: add template with hw acceleration 67/7267/1
2016-11-21 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: u-boot: Fix SRCREV + mmc stability fix 43/7243/2
2016-11-21 Harunobu remove the description about v4l2sink. 45/7245/2
2016-11-17 Yannick Gicquelmeta-rcar-gen3: optee-os: build fixup 39/7239/1
2016-11-17 Leon Set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to /run/user/0 09/7209/2
2016-11-17 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: u-boot: Add custom uenv.txt 33/7233/1
2016-11-16 Yannick Gicquelmeta-rcar-gen3: gles: support for AGL toolchain 05/7205/2
2016-11-16 Scott MurrayAdd support for CES 2017 demo hardware 97/7197/4
2016-11-16 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd feature shortcuts matching ci system 95/7195/2
2016-11-16 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: ti-ipc: get rid of local patches 07/7207/1
2016-11-14 Leon Update links to AGL wiki 91/7191/2
2016-11-14 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd newlines at end of fragment 87/7187/2
2016-11-14 Yannick Gicqueltemplates: add R-Car M3 starter kit (w/o gfx) 57/7157/2
2016-11-14 Yannick Gicquelmeta-agl-bsp: meta-rcar-gen3: initial integration 55/7155/2
2016-11-14 Yannick Gicquelmeta-agl-bsp: backport: gstreamer1.0 v1.4.5 recipes 53/7153/3
2016-11-14 Yannick Gicquelmeta-agl-bsp: backport: mesa v10.6.3 recipe 51/7151/3
2016-11-14 Yannick Gicquelmeta-agl-bsp: backport: linuxptp v1.4 recipe 49/7149/3
2016-11-13 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd firmware for wifi on rpi3 83/7183/1
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: switch to different kernel 69/7169/3
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: switch to new u-boot 71/7171/4
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: Fix the kernel provider 73/7173/3
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: add cmem to enable radio functionality 75/7175/3
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: add platform specific GStreamer plugins 67/7167/3
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: platform specific additions for gst-bad 65/7165/3
2016-11-13 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: add support for multimedia acceleration 63/7163/3
2016-11-13 Dennis FieldFix Weston crash on touchscreen input 77/7177/3
2016-11-12 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd ota draft for ota image 79/7179/1
2016-11-11 Dennis Fieldweston: Set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for fsl-arm 29/7129/4
2016-11-11 Leon Anavimeta-agl-bsp/meta-renesas: weston.ini for Reneses 47/7147/3
2016-11-10 Philippe Covaloic: Rebase on iotivity maintenance branch for aarch64 59/7159/2
2016-11-10 Karthik Ramanandra7xx-evm: add support for graphics acceleration 37/7137/2
2016-11-09 Jan-Simon MöllerFTBS: himeno - remove from packagegroup until fixed 17/7117/2
2016-11-09 Jan-Simon MöllerAllow .bb files in meta-agl-bsp/meta-layername 19/7119/1
2016-11-08 Ronanallow dependency between agl feature 59/6959/5
2016-11-08 Jan-Simon MöllerFix packagegroup as hvacplugin was moved to meta-agl... 81/7081/1
2016-11-04 Anton GerasimovAdd u-boot image class when sota feature is enabled 01/7001/1
2016-11-04 Anton GerasimovGenerate OTA-enabled live image when building with... 73/6973/2
2016-11-02 Anton GerasimovBugfix: conditional append instead of appending to... 91/6991/1
2016-11-02 Anton GerasimovAutoload uEnv.txt when agl-sota is enabled 79/6979/1
2016-10-31 Anton GerasimovMove RPi specific bbappends to meta-agl-bsp 55/6955/2
2016-10-31 Jan-Simon MöllerUse kernel_configure_variable in append for rpi 41/6941/3
2016-10-28 Anton GerasimovMove machine-dependent sota configuration to machine... 33/6933/3
2016-10-28 Ronanremove powervr service from generic weston service 25/6925/1
2016-10-27 Jan-Simon MöllerEnable smack, ramdisk and nbd in linux-staging-ti kernel 05/6905/2
2016-10-27 Ronanmove Bug-AGL fix from a bb to bbappend file. 03/6903/2
2016-10-26 Jan-Simon MöllerGeneralize EULA functions and apply to imx6qsabrelite 99/6899/1
2016-10-25 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd sabrelite template 83/6883/2
2016-10-25 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd archiver and isafw as features 77/6877/1
2016-10-24 Leon Anaviweston: Launch even without input devices 71/6871/2
2016-10-24 Dominig ar FollAdding support for systemd-boot (or ex-gummyboot) on... 63/6863/4
2016-10-24 Jan-Simon MöllerMake weston variables machine-specific 61/6861/2
2016-10-20 Yannick Gicquelagl-audio-plugin: move sources to AGL staging repository 37/6837/1
2016-10-19 Jan-Simon MöllerFix u-boot bbappend for vayu board 19/6819/1
2016-10-19 Stephane Desneuxrecipes-automotive: move hvacplugin package to meta... 97/6797/2
2016-10-19 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd shortcut to enable all features 03/6803/2
2016-10-19 NuoHan QiaoFix bug of himeno recipe 77/6777/3
2016-10-19 Jan-Simon MöllerRename meta-yocto to meta-poky as done in upstream 05/6805/2
2016-10-18 Tadao TanikawaFix aglsetup always succeeded regardless of whether... 07/6807/2