2019-09-03 Veeresh Kadasanifix drm-introduce-drm_get_dmafd_from_view.patch 22/22122/5
2019-08-30 Leon Set CMA for SOTA 85/22285/1
2019-08-28 Matt Ranostayfreetype: add pixmap to PACKAGECONFIG 31/22231/1
2019-08-27 Leon Extend DISTRO_FEATURES for sota 35/22135/4
2019-08-26 Matt Ranostaylinux: add netfilter.cfg fragment 10/22210/3
2019-08-26 Matt Ranostaypackagegroups: agl-core-connectivity: add connman plugin 09/22209/2
2019-08-26 Matt Ranostayconnman: add session-policy-local PACKAGECONFIG option 08/22208/2
2019-08-26 Zhou MingyingFix qtbase compile error for dra7xx-evm 04/22204/2
2019-08-25 build.automotiveli... Fix combined dtb names to match original file 99/22199/2
2019-08-23 Ronan Le Martret[RCAR] update to BSP v3.19.0 92/21992/3
2019-08-23 Ronan Le MartretRevert " Use GFX 3.19 binaries... 91/21991/3
2019-08-22 Stephane Desneuxagl-service-windowmanager: fix typo on RDEPENDS 92/22192/2
2019-08-20 José Bolloaf-binder: fixes 84/22184/1
2019-08-20 José Bolloafs-supervisor: Start the service on need 67/22167/2
2019-08-20 Tobias JahnkeAdd recipe for agl-service-unicens-controller 56/22156/2
2019-08-16 José Bollodbus-cynara: Fix SIGSEGV on disconnections 64/22164/1
2019-08-16 José Bollodbus-cynara: Simplifies build recipe 53/22153/4
2019-08-15 Matt Ranostaylinux: add missing CONFIG_BT_HCIUART option to usb... 52/22152/2
2019-08-15 Matt Ranostaylinux: update config option to CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_TI 51/22151/3
2019-08-15 Matt Ranostaylinux: remove old kernel options in extra-graphics... 50/22150/2
2019-08-15 Matt Ranostaylinux: add CONFIG_IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER=m to iiodevice.cfg 49/22149/2
2019-08-15 Matt Ranostaylinux: update options in ath9k_htc.cfg 48/22148/2
2019-08-12 Leon AnaviuEnv.txt: Modify uEnv.txt for SOTA 43/22143/1
2019-08-12 Leon Anaviu-boot_2019.07.bbappend: Apply patch for AGL SOTA 36/22136/3
2019-08-12 Leon Anavicreate-combined-dtb: Check if DTB files exist 02/22102/4
2019-08-06 Corentin Labbemeta-agl-bsp: recipes-kernel: linux: Add USB host driver 99/22099/2
2019-08-06 Pierre Marzinmachine: Add readme for ebisu 33/22033/2
2019-08-05 Veeresh KadasaniUpdate waltham-transmitter patches to weston 5.0 & 6.0 51/22051/2
2019-08-02 Scott Murraywayland-ivi-extension: disable building EGLWLMockNaviga... 17/22017/2
2019-08-02 Jan-Simon MöllerMove master to icefish after branching halibut 68/22068/2
2019-08-01 Ronan Le MartretChange user/group id for xuser 18/21918/4
2019-08-01 Ronan Le MartretAdd default value for passwd and group table 17/21917/4
2019-08-01 Harunobu Kurokawameta-rcar-gen3-adas: improve BBFILE description 42/22042/2
2019-08-01 José Bolloaf-binder: Fix error in synchronous calls 26/22026/2
2019-07-30 Matt Ranostaybluez5: add obex.service.d conf to fix smack label... 20/22020/3
2019-07-29 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: remove user media directories scanning 13/22013/1
2019-07-26 Matt Ranostayrecipes-multimedia: lightmediascanner: move database... 90/21990/2
2019-07-26 Scott Murrayintel-corei7-64: Remove ttyS2 from SERIAL_CONSOLES 89/21989/1
2019-07-25 Ouyang JunEnable eglfs for QT based application in cluster profile 15/21815/5
2019-07-25 Jan-Simon MöllerPost-release bump of distro config 58/21958/1
2019-07-24 Scott MurrayFix i.MX6 multiple package tuning problem 52/21952/2
2019-07-24 Frederic MarecBump cmake-apps-module revision 60/21860/5
2019-07-24 Matt Ranostayrecipes-multimedia: lightmediascanner: switch from... 47/21947/4
2019-07-24 Leon Anavibcm2835-bootfiles.bbappend: Support Raspberry Pi 4 45/21945/2
2019-07-24 Leon Anavirpi-config_git.bbappend: Update for Raspberry Pi 4 44/21944/2
2019-07-24 Leon Anaviu-boot_2019.07: Bootloader for Raspberry Pi 4 43/21943/2
2019-07-24 Leon Anavilinux-raspberrypi: Add 4.19 for Raspberry Pi 4 42/21942/2
2019-07-24 Leon Anaviraspberrypi4.conf: Add machine definition 41/21941/2
2019-07-24 Leon Anavitemplates: Add templates for Raspberry Pi 4 40/21940/2
2019-07-24 Raquel Medinaagl-service-steering-wheel: update SRCREV 49/21949/2
2019-07-24 Stéphane Desneuxadd markdown documentation for all machines and features 13/18113/6
2019-07-23 Pierre Marzinlinux-renesas: Add ADSP patch only for m3ulcb 34/21934/3
2019-07-23 Pierre Marzinebisu: Add the support of a custom setup script 33/21933/2
2019-07-23 Pierre Marzinebisu: Use a specified path to integrate binaries 32/21932/2
2019-07-23 Pierre Marzinebisu: Update setup fragment to copy binaries 31/21931/2
2019-07-23 Pierre Marzinmachine: Add new ebisu machine 30/21930/2
2019-07-23 José Bolloaf-binder: Fix circular broadcast of events 15/21915/2
2019-07-20 Stephane Desneuxaglsetup: add -t|--topic and -V|--version options 92/21892/3
2019-07-16 Stephane Desneuxdistro-build-manifest: add DIST_BUILD_TS in all manifests 91/21891/1
2019-07-16 Stephane Desneuxdistro-build-manifest: fix incorrect DIST_LAYERS 90/21890/1
2019-07-13 Jan-Simon MöllerPrepare Happy Halibut rc3 v7.99.3 78/21878/1 7.99.3 halibut/7.99.3 halibut_7.99.3
2019-07-13 Jan-Simon MoellerRevert "Fix rpi touchscreen support on master" 74/21874/3
2019-07-13 José Bolloaf-binder: Fix of subscribe issue 70/21870/2
2019-07-12 Stephane Desneuxnetboot: adjust SMACK label for /etc/resolv.conf 73/21873/2
2019-07-09 José Bolloaf-binder: Fix supervision socket name 39/21839/1
2019-07-09 Harunobu Kurokawaagl-service-hvac: Install hvac.json into /etc 08/21808/3
2019-07-09 Jan-Simon MöllerFlip distro config post rc2 33/21833/2
2019-07-07 Stephane Desneuxnetboot: systemd must mount /tmp and /run 07/21807/2
2019-07-07 Jan-Simon MöllerChange the AGL mirror setup following the server change 17/21817/2
2019-07-03 Stephane Desneuxagl-core-connectivity: add avahi-daemon when agl-devel... 06/21806/1
2019-06-30 Jan-Simon MöllerPrepare Happy Halibut rc2 release 98/21798/1 7.99.2 halibut/7.99.2 halibut_7.99.2
2019-06-28 Matt Ranostayrecipes-core: systemd: move script 78/21778/2
2019-06-27 Scott Murraylinux-agl: change aloop to a module instead of built-in 70/21770/2
2019-06-27 Scott Murrayagl-hmi-framework: remove virtual/navigation over-ride 60/21760/1
2019-06-26 Scott Murrayrtl-sdr: Install tweaked udev rules 54/21754/1
2019-06-26 Bechir MghirbiAppend a new empty line to features' local template... 07/21707/2
2019-06-25 Scott Murrayagl-service-unicens: add missing DEPENDS 35/21735/1
2019-06-22 Jan-Simon MöllerMove the agl-service-radio to the graphical profile 54/21554/4
2019-06-21 Corentin LabbeSPEC-2376: Add config for QEMU arm kernels 62/21662/2
2019-06-21 Ronan Le MartretAdd support for nbd protocol v3 74/21674/4
2019-06-20 Raquel Medinarecipes-apis: agl-service-windowmanager: update SRCREV 68/21668/2
2019-06-20 Stephane Desneuxdistro-manifest-generator: enhance git repos detection 79/21679/2
2019-06-20 Stephane Desneuxmeta-rcar-gen3/ always clean workdir 84/21684/2
2019-06-20 Scott MurrayAdd cubox-i and nitrogen6x i.MX6 machines 71/21671/3
2019-06-20 Scott Murraymeta-agl-bsp: Changes to get imx6qdlsabreauto working... 70/21670/3
2019-06-20 Scott Murraymeta-agl-profile-core: Add packagegroup-machine-base... 72/21672/3
2019-06-20 Loïc CollignonReworked the automount script 77/21677/2
2019-06-19 Matt Ranostaymeta-agl-profile-core: recipes-connectivity: ofono... 16/21616/3
2019-06-19 Matt Ranostaymeta-agl-profile-core: recipes-connectivity: bluez... 15/21615/3
2019-06-19 Matt Ranostaymeta-agl-profile-core: recipes-connectivity: bluez... 14/21614/2
2019-06-19 José Bolloaf-main: Version bump for running as agl-driver 57/21657/8
2019-06-19 José Bolloagl-service-ca-low-level: run at platform scope 56/21656/8
2019-06-19 José Bollolibafb-helpers: Fix bug SPEC-2520 55/21655/8
2019-06-19 Jose Bollodbus-cynara: Fix upgrading to dbus-1.12.10 54/21654/9
2019-06-19 José Bolloaf-platform-setup: Add recipe for setting platform 53/21653/10
2019-06-19 José BolloEnforce separation of users using UMASK 52/21652/13
2019-06-19 José Bollolightmediascanner: change db directory 51/21651/8
2019-06-19 José Bolloaf-main: Remove afm-user-daemon and bump version 50/21650/4
2019-06-19 José Bolloaf-main: Add dependency to m4 and sed 49/21649/3
2019-06-19 José BolloImprove management of the group display 48/21648/3