2023-12-22 Marius Vladmain: Remove fullscreen option from waylandsink 59/29559/1 17.0.0 17.0.1 17.0.2 17.1.0 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3 17.1.4 18.0.0 18.0.1 18.0.2 18.0.3 quillback/17.0.0 quillback/17.0.1 quillback/17.0.2 quillback/17.1.0 quillback/17.1.1 quillback/17.1.2 quillback/17.1.3 quillback/17.1.4 quillback_17.0.0 quillback_17.0.1 quillback_17.0.2 quillback_17.1.0 quillback_17.1.1 quillback_17.1.2 quillback_17.1.3 quillback_17.1.4 ricefish/18.0.0 ricefish/18.0.1 ricefish/18.0.2 ricefish/18.0.3 ricefish_18.0.0 ricefish_18.0.1 ricefish_18.0.2 ricefish_18.0.3
2023-12-22 Marius Vladmain: Remove raw video media types caps 55/29555/2
2023-12-05 Marius Vladapp: Fix resizing to window/float and set it up if... 82/29482/2
2023-12-05 Marius Vladapp: Remove width/height from filesrc fallback sink 81/29481/2
2023-11-27 Marius Vladapp: Convert to meson build system and use gRPC 80/29480/1
2023-11-08 George KiagiadakisPort to gst-wayland changes in gst 1.22, maintaining... 91/29391/1
2023-10-25 Ashok Sidipotucamera-gstreamer: Add fallback sink 76/29276/6
2023-10-12 Ashok Sidipotucamera-gstreamer: Add pipewire source to capture video... 19/29119/8
2023-08-28 Marius Vladmain: Redo buffer handling in camera-gstreamer 73/29173/1
2023-08-09 Marius Vladmain: Destroy the pipeline before window/display 11/29111/1
2023-08-09 Marius Vladmain: Allow to pass different devices and height/width 10/29110/1
2022-03-07 Scott MurrayUpdate for app framework removal 48/27248/1 12.93.0 13.93.0 marlin/12.93.0 marlin_12.93.0 needlefish/13.93.0 needlefish_13.93.0
2022-01-17 Vasyl VavrychukFix code review comments from https://gerrit.automotive... 89/27089/2 12.92.0 marlin/12.92.0 marlin_12.92.0
2022-01-16 Vasyl VavrychukExplain why need to check for buffer valid. 88/27088/1
2022-01-16 Vasyl VavrychukRearrange buffer valid and busy check. 87/27087/1
2021-12-07 Vasyl VavrychukFreeing main argv is not needed and must not be done. 36/26936/3 11.0.5 12.91.0 koi/11.0.5 koi_11.0.5 marlin/12.91.0 marlin_12.91.0
2021-12-07 Vasyl VavrychukFix crash due to 'window->buffers[0].buffer' NULL pointer. 35/26935/3
2021-12-07 Vasyl VavrychukAutomatically detect camera capable v4l2 device. 34/26934/3
2021-12-04 Andriy TryshnivskyyDisable buffering on stdout. 63/26963/1
2021-03-03 Marius VladInit camera-gstreamer 15/26115/2 10.0.3 11.0.3 11.0.4 11.91.0 11.92.0 12.90.0 12.90.1 jellyfish/10.0.3 jellyfish_10.0.3 koi/11.0.3 koi/11.0.4 koi_11.0.3 koi_11.0.4 lamprey/11.91.0 lamprey/11.92.0 lamprey_11.91.0 lamprey_11.92.0 marlin/12.90.0 marlin/12.90.1 marlin_12.90.0 marlin_12.90.1
2021-02-26 Jan-Simon MoellerInitial empty repository