2017-05-25 José BolloSecurity-manager: update of global user name 03/9503/3
2017-05-25 Jan-Simon MoellerA fix is in upstream now. 13/9513/2
2017-05-24 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd hotfix for sg3-utils SRC_URI not available 07/9507/2
2017-05-23 Harunobu KurokawaAdd support H.264 Encoder proprietary Library for R... 83/9483/2
2017-05-23 Jan-Simon MöllerBump version for DARING DAB rc1 65/9465/2
2017-05-22 Stephane Desneuxappfw:fix dep in af-binder-dev on af-binder-tools 61/9461/2
2017-05-22 Scott Murrayrun-agl-postinsts: run before systemd-user-sessions 39/9439/2
2017-05-20 Jan-Simon MöllerFix typo in cyclone5 configuration template 41/9441/2
2017-05-20 Matt Porterpulseaudio: enable ofono hfp backend 11/9411/3
2017-05-19 Harunobu Kurokawameta-rcar-3 setup: Improve error message 15/9415/4
2017-05-19 Ronan Le MartretUpdate Renesas gen3 setup script for BSP 2.19. 73/9373/3
2017-05-19 José BolloAllows specific features for agl-devel 93/9393/3
2017-05-19 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: add -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 to CFLAGS 03/9403/3
2017-05-19 José BolloMake /usr/local compatible with SOTA 71/9071/5
2017-05-19 Scott Murrayagl-audio-plugin: Fix Pulseaudio version 13/9413/2
2017-05-16 José Bolloaf-binder: changes the packaging 95/9395/2
2017-05-16 Kotaro Hashimotodragonboard-410c: install 96boards-tools for resizing... 91/9391/2
2017-05-16 Ronan Le MartretRun weston with dedicated 'display' user and group 35/9135/12
2017-05-16 Jan-Simon MöllerFix build of mozjs, gpm and libatasmart due to SECURITY... 79/9379/2
2017-05-16 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd machine templates for the beaglebone 37/9337/4
2017-05-13 José Bollolibmicrohttpd: upgrade to 0.9.54 49/9349/3
2017-05-12 José Bollolinux-renesas: Applies Smack patch for bluetooth 71/9371/3
2017-05-12 Ronan Le MartretFix Readme.weston-ini-conf Readme 75/9375/2
2017-05-12 José BolloUpgrade af-binder 51/9351/3
2017-05-12 Martin Kellyweb-runtime: add missing runtime dependencies 35/9335/2
2017-05-12 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: Fix build error with mozjs and libatasmart 69/9369/2
2017-05-09 Martin Kellyx86_64-tune: fix KVM qemu options 29/9329/2
2017-05-09 Jan-Simon MöllerSwitch to medium compiler 27/9327/2
2017-05-06 Jan-Simon MöllerEnforce unified tunings across all target boards of AGL 99/9299/4
2017-05-06 Matt Ranostaysdcard: rpi-sdimg: fix mcopy issue with boot.scr 19/9319/2
2017-05-06 Matt Ranostayraspberrypi3: change GPU_MEM to 255 21/9321/2
2017-05-06 Jan-Simon MöllerEnable lava test-run on vayu board 95/9295/2
2017-05-05 Martin Kellyagl-postints: remove unneeded Glob 11/9311/2
2017-04-30 Jan-Simon MöllerEnable test-run on porterboard 35/8635/6
2017-04-28 Anton GerasimovRemove sota-related includes from meta-agl-bsp 57/9257/5
2017-04-28 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove sota from agl-ci-change-features 77/9277/3
2017-04-27 Jan-Simon MöllerEnforce uImage as KERNEL_IMAGETYPE for rpi 81/9281/2
2017-04-26 Changhyeok Baemeta-agl-bsp/meta-raspberrypi: Upgrade to v12.0.3 53/9253/4
2017-04-26 ronan@iot.bzhchange default screen transform to 270 13/9213/2
2017-04-26 Martin Kellyrtl-sdr: remove -I/usr/include from pkg-config 67/9167/3
2017-04-26 Kotaro Hashimotodragonboard-410c: linux: update to kernel 4.9 59/9159/3
2017-04-25 Anton GerasimovChange require to include to unbreak builds without... 39/9239/2
2017-04-25 Jan-Simon MöllerTemporary fix for the agl-sota feature 19/9219/2
2017-04-25 Martin Kellypoky-agl: exempt qtwebengine from security flags 57/9157/4
2017-04-24 Anton GerasimovSwitch to meta-updater 89/9189/2
2017-04-23 Jan-Simon MoellerRevert "Switch to meta-updater" - waiting for main... 87/9187/2
2017-04-23 Anton GerasimovSwitch to meta-updater 95/9095/2
2017-04-23 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: delete the remove rule 69/9169/2
2017-04-20 Matt Ranostaybluez5: add interface access for MediaPlayer application 25/9125/2
2017-04-20 Kotaro Hashimotometa-agl-bsp/meta-qcom: Fix kernel config fragment... 33/9133/2
2017-04-20 Matt Ranostaysystemd: rename udev rule to conform with convention 47/9147/3
2017-04-20 José Bolloaf-main: Improve environment setting 37/9137/4
2017-04-20 Kotaro Hashimotometa-agl-bsp/meta-ti: Fix kernel config fragment about... 31/9131/2
2017-04-20 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: rename udev rule to conform with... 49/9149/2
2017-04-20 Matt Ranostaymeta-rcar-gen3: add CONFIG_INPUT_UINPUT to bluetooth.cfg 19/9119/2
2017-04-19 Ronan Le MartretUse weston-init to startup weston 03/9103/5
2017-04-18 Jan-Simon MöllerSet a weak distro-wide DEFAULTTUNE for ARM 32bit 15/9115/2
2017-04-16 Jan-Simon MöllerSet a default tune for cyclone5 until the distro define... 13/9113/3
2017-04-15 Martin Kellypackagegroup-agl-devel: add pstree 11/9111/2
2017-04-12 Martin Kellypackagegroup-agl-devel: add vim 09/9109/1
2017-04-12 Martin Kellyadd vmware drivers 99/9099/2
2017-04-12 Matt Ranostaysystemd: remove force flag to mount in 79/9079/2
2017-04-12 Ronan Le Martretupdate weston.ini for Renesas Gen3 board 91/9091/3
2017-04-11 Ronan Le Martretupdate Renesas Gen3 driver for BSP 2.17 85/9085/1
2017-04-09 Jan-Simon MöllerLLVM3.3 build fix on qemux86-64 63/9063/2
2017-04-09 Anton GerasimovSet UBOOT_MACHINE to minnowmax for intel-corei7-64... 65/9065/1
2017-04-06 Anton GerasimovAdd porter-bootfiles to dependencies when agl-sota... 55/9055/1
2017-04-04 José BolloHandle systemd's "inactive" state as transient 47/9047/2
2017-04-04 Anton GerasimovAdd grub2 support in SOTA 25/9025/2
2017-04-04 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: Enable GStreamer on the morty branch 13/9013/2
2017-04-04 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: cleanup of gstreamer files 15/9015/2
2017-04-04 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Upgrade to 1.8.2 11/9011/2
2017-04-04 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: gst-plugins-ti: Update VPE plugins to latest 09/9009/2
2017-04-04 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: add dbus configuration 43/9043/2
2017-04-04 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: add udev scan rule 43/8943/4
2017-04-04 Matt RanostayAdd media automounting support 39/8939/4
2017-04-03 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: gst-plugins-ti: Update ducati plugins to latest 07/9007/2
2017-04-03 Matt Ranostaylightmediascanner: change service scan path 41/8941/4
2017-04-01 Matt Porterqemux86-64: add Virtio GPU DRM driver 33/9033/1
2017-03-30 Matt Ranostayfaac: fix typo of SRC_URI directive 91/8991/2
2017-03-30 Martin Kellydlt-daemon: remove spaces before += 63/8963/3
2017-03-30 Ronan Le MartretGenerate weston.ini dynamically 95/8895/9
2017-03-30 Matt Ranostaylibuiomux: fix format security issues 65/8965/3
2017-03-30 Jan-Simon MöllerFix parallel build issue in wayland-ivi-extension 83/8983/2
2017-03-30 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: linux: Update smack patches for Kernel 4.9 73/8973/2
2017-03-30 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: Remove SRC_URI update 71/8971/2
2017-03-30 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: linux: rename kernel recipe to make version... 69/8969/2
2017-03-29 Matt Ranostayfaac: fix format security issue 67/8967/3
2017-03-29 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: weston: cleanup patches 85/8885/3
2017-03-29 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: preferred kernel is 4.9 67/8867/5
2017-03-29 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: minor cleanup of config file 65/8865/4
2017-03-29 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: u-boot: Remove patch for compilation fix 61/8861/4
2017-03-29 Tadao TanikawaFix version of gst-omx 77/8977/2
2017-03-29 Tadao TanikawaFix version mismatch of gstreamer for R-Car Gen3 75/8975/3
2017-03-29 Jan-Simon MöllerFix virtual provider for webruntime 81/8981/5
2017-03-29 Ronan Le MartretFix af-main build 55/8955/3
2017-03-28 Stephane DesneuxRe-enable security flags proposed in Poky 49/8949/3
2017-03-28 Gerrit Code ReviewMerge "Merge: migrate appfw from meta-agl-extra"
2017-03-28 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: uEnv: default dtb is renamed to identify version 81/8881/3
2017-03-28 Karthik Ramanandra7xx: ti-sgx-ddk-um: remove recipe from meta-agl 79/8879/3