I divided the script of Navi, but I will do the merge.
With this change, all installations are done with one script.
This patch solves the problem that navigation can not be started.
Change-Id: I523b85cbee19531345c2e3fdaffc9c8c5f6b9c1b
Signed-off-by: Naoto Yamaguchi <i33399_YAMAGUCHI@aisin-aw.co.jp>
/usr/bin/afm-util install radio.wgt
/usr/bin/afm-util install settings.wgt
/usr/bin/afm-util install navigation.wgt
+ /usr/bin/afm-util install poi.wgt
+ #it's Workaround
+ cyad -s -k MANIFESTS -t allow -c User::App::navigation -u '*' -p 'http://tizen.org/privilege/internal/dbus'
+ cyad -s -k MANIFESTS -t allow -c User::App::poi -u '*' -p 'http://tizen.org/privilege/internal/dbus'
+++ /dev/null
-/usr/bin/afm-util install poi.wgt
-#it's Workaround
-cyad -s -k MANIFESTS -t allow -c User::App::navigation -u '*' -p 'http://tizen.org/privilege/internal/dbus'
-cyad -s -k MANIFESTS -t allow -c User::App::poi -u '*' -p 'http://tizen.org/privilege/internal/dbus'
SRC_URI="git://github.com/AGLExport/genivi-navi-yelp-client.git;branch=new-layout \
file://config.xml \
- file://installNaviApps.sh \
RDEPENDS_${PN} = " navigation "
install -d ${D}/usr/AGL/ces2017-demo
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/widget/poi.wgt ${D}/usr/AGL/ces2017-demo/
- install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/installNaviApps.sh ${D}/usr/AGL/ces2017-demo/
-FILES_${PN} += " /usr/AGL/ces2017-demo/poi.wgt /usr/AGL/ces2017-demo/installNaviApps.sh "
+FILES_${PN} += " /usr/AGL/ces2017-demo/poi.wgt "