/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Mentor Graphics Development (Deutschland) GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "json_helper.hpp" #include "layers.hpp" #include "util.hpp" namespace wm { using json = nlohmann::json; layer::layer(nlohmann::json const &j) { if (j["type"] == "range") { this->id_min = j["first_surface_id"]; this->id_max = j["last_surface_id"]; } else { this->id_min = this->id_max = j["surface_id"]; } this->role = j["role"]; this->name = j["name"]; this->layer_id = j["layer_id"]; this->rect = genivi::full_rect; if (j["area"]["type"] == "rect") { auto jr = j["area"]["rect"]; this->rect = genivi::rect{ jr["width"], jr["height"], jr["x"], jr["y"], }; } auto split_layouts = j.find("split_layouts"); if (split_layouts != j.end()) { auto &sls = j["split_layouts"]; this->layouts.reserve(sls.size()); std::transform(std::cbegin(sls), std::cend(sls), std::back_inserter(this->layouts), [](json const &sl) { struct split_layout l {}; l.name = sl["name"]; l.main_match = sl["main_match"]; l.sub_match = sl["sub_match"]; l.prio = sl.value("priority", 0); logdebug( "Added split_layout \"%s\" (main: \"%s\") (sub: " "\"%s\") (prio: %d)", l.name.c_str(), l.main_match.c_str(), l.sub_match.c_str(), l.prio); return l; }); std::sort(std::begin(this->layouts), std::end(this->layouts), [](struct split_layout const &a, struct split_layout const &b) { return a.prio < b.prio; }); } } struct result to_layer_map(nlohmann::json const &j) { try { layer_map stl{}; auto m = j["mappings"]; std::transform(std::cbegin(m), std::cend(m), std::inserter(stl.mapping, stl.mapping.end()), [](nlohmann::json const &j) { return layer(j); }); // XXX: add sanity checks here? // * check for double IDs // * check for double names/roles stl.layers.reserve(m.size()); std::transform( std::cbegin(stl.mapping), std::cend(stl.mapping), std::back_inserter(stl.layers), [&stl](struct layer const &k) { stl.roles.emplace_back(std::make_pair(k.role, k.layer_id)); return unsigned(k.layer_id); }); // XXX need to sort layers? for (auto i : stl.mapping) { if (i.name.empty()) { return Err("Found mapping w/o name"); } if (i.layer_id == -1 || i.id_min == -1 || i.id_max == -1) { return Err("Found invalid/unset IDs in mapping"); } } auto msi = j.find("main_surface"); if (msi != j.end()) { stl.main_surface_name = msi->value("surface_role", ""); stl.main_surface = stl.main_surface_name.empty() ? int((*msi)["surface_id"]) : -1; } // Check lookup auto jtests = j.value("tests", json()); if (!jtests.empty()) { logdebug("Embedded tests..."); std::vector> tests; tests.reserve(jtests.size()); std::transform(std::cbegin(jtests), std::cend(jtests), std::back_inserter(tests), [](json const &j) { return std::make_pair(j["surface_id"], j["expect_layer_id"]); }); for (auto sid : tests) { int lid = stl.get_layer_id(sid.first).value_or(-1); logdebug("this=%d, that=%d, expect=%d", sid.first, lid, sid.second); if (lid != sid.second) { return Err("ID Map embedded test failed!"); } } } return Ok(stl); } catch (std::exception &e) { return Err(e.what()); } } // Helper to allow std::lower_bound with a int key only inline bool operator<(struct layer const &a, int b) { return a.id_max < b; } namespace { optional get_surface_id_to_layer(struct layer_map const *s2l, int surface_id) { auto i = std::lower_bound(std::cbegin(s2l->mapping), std::cend(s2l->mapping), surface_id); if (i != s2l->mapping.end()) { // std::less only checks for layer::id_max, so check // that we are actually inside of an interval here. if (i->id_min <= surface_id) { return optional(*i); } } return nullopt; } } // namespace optional layer_map::get_layer_id(int surface_id) { auto e = get_surface_id_to_layer(this, surface_id); if (!e) { auto i = this->surfaces.find(surface_id); if (i != this->surfaces.end()) { return optional(int(i->second)); } return nullopt; } return optional(e->layer_id); } optional layer_map::get_layer_id(std::string const &role) { for (auto const &r : this->roles) { auto re = std::regex(r.first); if (std::regex_match(role, re)) { logdebug("role %s matches layer %d", role.c_str(), r.second); return optional(r.second); } } logdebug("role %s does NOT match any layer", role.c_str()); return nullopt; } optional layer_map::get_layer_rect(int surface_id) { auto e = get_surface_id_to_layer(this, surface_id); return e ? optional(e->rect) : nullopt; } json layer::to_json() const { auto is_full = this->rect == genivi::full_rect; json r{}; if (is_full) { r = {{"type", "full"}}; } else { r = {{"type", "rect"}, {"rect", {{"x", this->rect.x}, {"y", this->rect.y}, {"width", this->rect.w}, {"height", this->rect.h}}}}; } return { {"id_min", this->id_min}, {"id_max", this->id_max}, {"name", this->name}, {"role", this->role}, {"layer_id", this->layer_id}, {"area", r}, }; } json layer_map::to_json() const { json j{}; for (auto const &i : this->mapping) { j.push_back(i.to_json()); } return j; } } // namespace wm