/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Mentor Graphics Development (Deutschland) GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "app.hpp" #include "json_helper.hpp" #include "layers.hpp" #include "layout.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "wayland.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace wm { namespace { App *g_app; using nlohmann::json; result file_to_json(char const *filename) { std::ifstream i(filename); if (i.fail()) { return Err("Could not open config file"); } json j; i >> j; return Ok(j); } struct result load_layer_map(char const *filename) { logdebug("loading IDs from %s", filename); auto j = file_to_json(filename); if (j.is_err()) { return Err(j.unwrap_err()); } json jids = j.unwrap(); return to_layer_map(jids); } } // namespace // _ _ _ _ // ___| | __ _ ___ ___ / \ _ __ _ __ (_)_ __ ___ _ __ | | // / __| |/ _` / __/ __| / _ \ | '_ \| '_ \ | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | // | (__| | (_| \__ \__ \ / ___ \| |_) | |_) | | | | | | | | |_) | | // \___|_|\__,_|___/___/ /_/ \_\ .__/| .__/ |_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_| // |_| |_| |_| App::App(wl::display *d) : api{this}, chooks{this}, display{d}, controller{}, outputs(), config(), layouts(), layers(), id_alloc{}, pending_events(false) { assert(g_app == nullptr); g_app = this; try { { auto l = load_layer_map( this->config.get_string("layers.json").value().c_str()); if (l.is_ok()) { this->layers = l.unwrap(); } else { logerror("%s", l.err().value()); } } } catch (std::exception &e) { logerror("Loading of configuration failed: %s", e.what()); } } App::~App() { g_app = nullptr; } int App::init() { if (!this->display->ok()) { return -1; } if (this->layers.mapping.empty()) { logerror("No surface -> layer mapping loaded"); return -1; } this->display->add_global_handler( "wl_output", [this](wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v) { this->outputs.emplace_back(std::make_unique(r, name, v)); }); this->display->add_global_handler( "ivi_controller", [this](wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v) { this->controller = std::make_unique(r, name, v); // Init controller hooks this->controller->chooks = &this->chooks; // XXX: This protocol needs the output, so lets just add our mapping // here... this->controller->add_proxy_to_id_mapping( this->outputs.back()->proxy.get(), wl_proxy_get_id(reinterpret_cast( this->outputs.back()->proxy.get()))); }); // First level objects this->display->roundtrip(); // Second level objects this->display->roundtrip(); // Third level objects this->display->roundtrip(); return init_layers(); } int App::dispatch_events() { if (this->dispatch_events() == 0) { return 0; } int ret = this->display->dispatch(); if (ret == -1) { logerror("wl_display_dipatch() returned error %d", this->display->get_error()); return -1; } this->display->flush(); return 0; } int App::dispatch_pending_events() { if (this->pop_pending_events()) { assert(this->pending_events == false); this->display->dispatch_pending(); return 0; } return -1; } // _ _ _ _ _ ____ // (_)_ __ (_) |_ | | __ _ _ _ ___ _ _| |_ / /\ \ // | | '_ \| | __| | |/ _` | | | |/ _ \| | | | __| | | | // | | | | | | |_ | | (_| | |_| | (_) | |_| | |_| | | | // |_|_| |_|_|\__|___|_|\__,_|\__, |\___/ \__,_|\__| | | | // |_____| |___/ \_\/_/ int App::init_layers() { if (!this->controller) { logerror("ivi_controller global not available"); return -1; } if (this->outputs.empty()) { logerror("no output was set up!"); return -1; } auto &c = this->controller; auto &o = this->outputs.front(); auto &s = c->screens.begin()->second; auto &layers = c->layers; // XXX: Write output dimensions to ivi controller... c->output_size = genivi::size{uint32_t(o->width), uint32_t(o->height)}; // Clear scene layers.clear(); // Clear screen s->clear(); // Quick and dirty setup of layers // XXX: This likely needs to be sorted by order (note, we don't (yet?) // do any zorder arrangement). for (auto const &i : this->layers.mapping) { c->layer_create(i.layer_id, o->width, o->height); auto &l = layers[i.layer_id]; l->set_destination_rectangle(0, 0, o->width, o->height); l->set_visibility(1); logdebug("Setting up layer %s (%d) for surfaces %d-%d and role match \"%s\"", i.name.c_str(), i.layer_id, i.id_min, i.id_max, i.role.c_str()); this->layouts[l->id] = LayoutState{}; } // Add layers to screen (XXX: are they sorted correctly?) s->set_render_order(this->layers.layers); c->commit_changes(); this->display->flush(); return 0; } namespace { #ifdef WE_LIKE_NOT_TO_USE_THIS // This can fix the HomeScreen... void redraw_fix(App *app, std::unique_ptr &s, int x, int y, int w, int h) { { // XXX: Work around weston redraw issues // trigger an update by changing the source dimensions! s->set_configuration(w + 1, h); s->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, w + 1, h); s->set_destination_rectangle(x, y, w + 1, h); app->controller->commit_changes(); app->display->roundtrip(); // wait some time, for the process to do its thing... using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); // Set a different size then what we actually want. s->set_configuration(w, h); s->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, w, h); s->set_destination_rectangle(x, y, w, h); app->controller->commit_changes(); app->display->roundtrip(); } } #endif } // namespace void App::surface_set_layout_full(uint32_t surface_id) { if (!this->controller->surface_exists(surface_id)) { logerror("Surface %d does not exist", int(surface_id)); return; } auto o_layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(surface_id); if (!o_layer_id) { logerror("Surface %d is not associated with any layer!", int(surface_id)); return; } uint32_t layer_id = o_layer_id.value(); logdebug("surface_set_layout for surface %u on layer %u", surface_id, layer_id); auto const &layer = this->layers.get_layer(layer_id); auto rect = layer.value().rect; auto &s = this->controller->surfaces[surface_id]; int x = rect.x; int y = rect.y; int w = rect.w; int h = rect.h; // less-than-0 values refer to MAX + 1 - $VALUE // e.g. MAX is either screen width or height if (w < 0) { w = this->controller->output_size.w + 1 + w; } if (h < 0) { h = this->controller->output_size.h + 1 + h; } // configure surface to wxh dimensions s->set_configuration(w, h); // set source reactangle, even if we should not need to set it. s->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, w, h); // set destination to the display rectangle s->set_destination_rectangle(x, y, w, h); //redraw_fix(this, s, x, y, w, h); logdebug("Surface %u now with rect { %d, %d, %d, %d }", surface_id, x, y, w, h); } void App::surface_set_layout_split(uint32_t surface_id, uint32_t sub_surface_id) { if (!this->controller->surface_exists(surface_id)) { logerror("Surface %d does not exist", int(surface_id)); return; } auto o_layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(surface_id); if (!o_layer_id) { logerror("Surface %d is not associated with any layer!", int(surface_id)); return; } uint32_t layer_id = o_layer_id.value(); logdebug("surface_set_layout for surface %u on layer %u", surface_id, layer_id); auto const &layer = this->layers.get_layer(layer_id); auto rect = layer.value().rect; auto &s = this->controller->surfaces[surface_id]; auto &ss = this->controller->surfaces[sub_surface_id]; int x = rect.x; int y = rect.y; int w = rect.w; int h = rect.h; this->state.main = surface_id; this->state.sub = sub_surface_id; this->state.s = LayoutState::Split; // less-than-0 values refer to MAX + 1 - $VALUE // e.g. MAX is either screen width or height if (w < 0) { w = this->controller->output_size.w + 1 + w; } if (h < 0) { h = this->controller->output_size.h + 1 + h; } int x_off = 0; int y_off = 0; // split along major axis if (w > h) { w /= 2; x_off = w; } else { h /= 2; y_off = h; } // configure surface to wxh dimensions s->set_configuration(w, h); // set source reactangle, even if we should not need to set it. s->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, w, h); // set destination to the display rectangle s->set_destination_rectangle(x, y, w, h); // configure surface to wxh dimensions ss->set_configuration(w, h); // set source reactangle, even if we should not need to set it. ss->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, w, h); // set destination to the display rectangle ss->set_destination_rectangle(x+x_off, y+y_off, w, h); //redraw_fix(this, s, x, y, w, h); //redraw_fix(this, ss, x+x_off, y+y_off, w, h); logdebug("Surface %u now on layer %u with rect { %d, %d, %d, %d }", surface_id, layer_id, x, y, w, h); } char const *App::activate_surface(char const *drawing_name) { auto const &surface_id = this->lookup_id(drawing_name); if (!surface_id) { return "Surface does not exist"; } if (!this->controller->surface_exists(*surface_id)) { return "Surface does not exist in controller!"; } if (this->state.main == *surface_id || this->state.sub == *surface_id) { return "Surface already active"; } // This should involve a policy check, but as we do not (yet) have // such a thing, we will just switch to this surface. // XXX: input focus missing!!1 // Make it visible, no (or little effect) if already visible auto &s = this->controller->surfaces[*surface_id]; //// Set all others invisible //for (auto &i : this->controller->surfaces) { // auto &si = this->controller->sprops[i.second->id]; // if (si.id != s->id && si.visibility != 0 && // int(si.id) != this->layers.main_surface) { // this->deactivate(si.id); // } //} if (this->state.main == -1) { this->surface_set_layout_full(*surface_id); this->activate(*surface_id); this->state.main = *surface_id; this->state.sub = -1; this->state.s = LayoutState::Single; } else { bool can_split = this->can_split(*surface_id); if (this->state.sub == -1) { if (can_split) { if (this->state.main != *surface_id) { this->surface_set_layout_split(this->state.main, *surface_id); this->activate(*surface_id); this->state.sub = *surface_id; } } else { this->surface_set_layout_full(*surface_id); this->deactivate(this->state.main); this->activate(*surface_id); this->deactivate(this->state.sub); this->state.main = *surface_id; this->state.sub = -1; this->state.s = LayoutState::Single; } } } // commit changes this->controller->commit_changes(); this->display->flush(); // no error return nullptr; } char const *App::deactivate_surface(char const *drawing_name) { auto const &surface_id = this->lookup_id(drawing_name); if (!surface_id) { return "Surface does not exist"; } if (*surface_id == this->layers.main_surface) { return "Cannot deactivate main_surface"; } if (this->state.main == -1) { return "No surface active"; } else { if (this->state.main == *surface_id) { if (this->state.sub != -1) { this->deactivate(*surface_id); this->surface_set_layout_full(this->state.sub); this->state.main = this->state.sub; this->state.sub = -1; this->state.s = LayoutState::Single; } else { this->deactivate(*surface_id); this->state.main = -1; } }else if (this->state.sub == *surface_id) { this->deactivate(*surface_id); this->surface_set_layout_full(this->state.main); this->state.sub = -1; this->state.s = LayoutState::Single; } else { return "Surface is not active"; } } this->controller->commit_changes(); this->display->flush(); return nullptr; } // _ _ _____ _ // _ __ _ __ _____ _(_) ___ __| | | ____|_ _____ _ __ | |_ ___ // | '_ \| '__/ _ \ \/ / |/ _ \/ _` | | _| \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ __| // | |_) | | | (_) > <| | __/ (_| | | |___ \ V / __/ | | | |_\__ \ // | .__/|_| \___/_/\_\_|\___|\__,_| |_____| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__|___/ // |_| void App::surface_created(uint32_t surface_id) { logdebug("surface_id is %u", surface_id); this->surface_set_layout_full(surface_id); this->controller->layers[this->layers.get_layer_id(surface_id).value()] ->add_surface(this->controller->surfaces[surface_id].get()); // activate the main_surface right away if (surface_id == static_cast(this->layers.main_surface)) { logdebug("Activating main_surface (%d)", surface_id); this->activate_surface( this->lookup_name(surface_id).value_or("unknown-name").c_str()); } } void App::surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id) { logdebug("surface_id is %u", surface_id); this->id_alloc.remove_id(surface_id); } void App::emit_activated(char const *label) { this->api.send_event("activated", label); } void App::emit_deactivated(char const *label) { this->api.send_event("deactivated", label); } void App::emit_syncdraw(char const *label) { this->api.send_event("syncdraw", label); } void App::emit_flushdraw(char const *label) { this->api.send_event("syncdraw", label); } void App::emit_visible(char const *label, bool is_visible) { this->api.send_event(is_visible ? "visible" : "invisible", label); } void App::emit_invisible(char const *label) { return emit_visible(label, 0); } void App::emit_visible(char const *label) { return emit_visible(label, 1); } result App::request_surface(char const *drawing_name) { auto lid = this->layers.get_layer_id(std::string(drawing_name)); if (!lid) { // XXX: to we need to put these applications on the App layer? return Err("Drawing name does not match any role"); } auto rname = this->lookup_id(drawing_name); if (!rname) { // name does not exist yet, allocate surface id... auto id = int(this->id_alloc.generate_id(drawing_name)); this->layers.add_surface(id, lid.value()); // XXX: we set the main_surface[_name] here and now, // not sure if we want this, but it worked so far. if (!this->layers.main_surface_name.empty() && this->layers.main_surface_name == drawing_name) { this->layers.main_surface = id; logdebug("Set main_surface id to %u", id); } return Ok(id); } // Check currently registered drawing names if it is already there. return Err("Surface already present"); } void App::activate(int id) { if (this->controller->sprops[id].visibility == 0) { this->controller->surfaces[id]->set_visibility(1); char const *label = this->lookup_name(id).value_or("unknown-name").c_str(); this->emit_activated(label); this->emit_visible(label); } } void App::deactivate(int id) { if (this->controller->sprops[id].visibility != 0) { this->controller->surfaces[id]->set_visibility(0); char const *label = this->lookup_name(id).value_or("unknown-name").c_str(); this->emit_deactivated(label); this->emit_invisible(label); } } bool App::can_split(int new_id) { if (this->state.main != -1 && this->state.main != new_id) { auto new_id_layer = this->layers.get_layer_id(new_id).value(); auto current_id_layer = this->layers.get_layer_id(this->state.main).value(); // surfaces are on separate layers, don't bother. if (new_id_layer != current_id_layer) { return false; } std::string const &new_id_str = this->lookup_name(new_id).value(); std::string const &cur_id_str = this->lookup_name(this->state.main).value(); auto const &layer = this->layers.get_layer(new_id_layer); logdebug("layer info name: %s", layer->name.c_str()); if (layer->layouts.empty()) { return false; } for (auto i = layer->layouts.cbegin(); i != layer->layouts.cend(); i++) { logdebug("%d main_match '%s'", new_id_layer, i->main_match.c_str()); auto rem = std::regex(i->main_match); if (std::regex_match(cur_id_str, rem)) { // build the second one only if the first already matched logdebug("%d sub_match '%s'", new_id_layer, i->sub_match.c_str()); auto res = std::regex(i->sub_match); if (std::regex_match(new_id_str, res)) { logdebug("layout matched!"); return true; } } } } return false; } // _ _ _ _ _ // ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | | | ___ _ __ | |__ ___ ___ | | _____ // / __/ _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| | |/ _ \ '__|| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / __| // | (_| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | | __/ | | | | | (_) | (_) | <\__ \ // \___\___/|_| |_|\__|_| \___/|_|_|\___|_|___|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_|\_\___/ // |_____| void controller_hooks::surface_created(uint32_t surface_id) { this->app->surface_created(surface_id); } void controller_hooks::surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id) { this->app->surface_removed(surface_id); } } // namespace wm