# Introduction: Welcome to your AGL system! When booting up an AGL system, the first thing that your eyes will spot is this: ![AGL HomeScreen Application Launcher](pictures/homescreen_applauncher.png) **The AGL HomeScreen!** Intended to be used with touch presses, the reference HMI provides access to all pre-installed AGL demo applications as well as in the future access to user installed apps. The list of demo apps contains some automotive applications like HVAC-control, Navigation or Dashboard, as well as some infotainment apps. Radio, Multimedia, Phone... This applications are already available and were presented at CES 2017. Here are some screenshots of the pre-installed demo applications: ![AGL HVAC](pictures/hvac.png) ### Phone ![AGL Phone](pictures/phone.png) ### MediaPlayer ![AGL MediaPlayer](pictures/multimedia.png) ### Dashboard ![AGL Dashboard](pictures/dashboard.png) ### Settings ![AGL Settings](pictures/settings.png) #### Note: * All current demos (including HomeScreen) are optimized for landscape full HD resolution (1080x1920).