// @nebular theming framework @import '~@nebular/theme/styles/theming'; // @nebular out of the box themes @import '~@nebular/theme/styles/themes'; // which themes you what to enable (empty to enable all) $nb-enabled-themes: (default, cosmic); $nb-themes: nb-register-theme(( // app wise variables for each theme sidebar-header-gap: 2rem, sidebar-header-height: initial, layout-content-width: 1400px, font-main: Roboto, font-secondary: Exo, ), default, default); $nb-themes: nb-register-theme(( // app wise variables for each theme sidebar-header-gap: 2rem, sidebar-header-height: initial, layout-content-width: 1400px, font-main: Roboto, font-secondary: Exo, ), cosmic, cosmic);