/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 "IoT.bzh" * Author José Bollo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #define NO_PLUGIN_VERBOSE_MACRO #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afb-systemd.h" #include "afb-session.h" #include "afb-cred.h" #include "afb-api.h" #include "afb-apiset.h" #include "afb-proto-ws.h" #include "afb-stub-ws.h" #include "afb-context.h" #include "afb-evt.h" #include "afb-xreq.h" #include "verbose.h" #include "jobs.h" struct afb_stub_ws; /******************* handling subcalls *****************************/ /** * Structure on server side for recording pending * subcalls. */ struct server_subcall { struct server_subcall *next; /**< next subcall for the client */ uint32_t subcallid; /**< the subcallid */ void (*callback)(void*, int, struct json_object*); /**< callback on completion */ void *closure; /**< closure of the callback */ }; /** * Structure for sending back replies on client side */ struct client_subcall { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; /**< stub descriptor */ uint32_t subcallid; /**< subcallid for the reply */ }; /* * structure for recording calls on client side */ struct client_call { struct client_call *next; /* the next call */ struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; /* the stub_ws */ struct afb_xreq *xreq; /* the request handle */ uint32_t msgid; /* the message identifier */ }; /* * structure for a ws request */ struct server_req { struct afb_xreq xreq; /* the xreq */ struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; /* the client of the request */ struct afb_proto_ws_call *call; /* the incoming call */ }; /* * structure for recording events on client side */ struct client_event { struct client_event *next; struct afb_eventid *eventid; int id; int refcount; }; /* * structure for recording describe requests */ struct client_describe { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; struct jobloop *jobloop; struct json_object *result; }; /* * structure for jobs of describing */ struct server_describe { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; struct afb_proto_ws_describe *describe; }; /* * structure for recording sessions */ struct server_session { struct server_session *next; struct afb_session *session; }; /******************* stub description for client or servers ******************/ struct afb_stub_ws { /* count of references */ int refcount; /* resource control */ pthread_mutex_t mutex; /* protocol */ struct afb_proto_ws *proto; /* listener for events (server side) */ struct afb_evt_listener *listener; /* event replica (client side) */ struct client_event *events; /* credentials (server side) */ struct afb_cred *cred; /* sessions (server side) */ struct server_session *sessions; /* apiset */ struct afb_apiset *apiset; /* on hangup callback */ void (*on_hangup)(struct afb_stub_ws *); /* the api name */ char apiname[1]; }; /******************* ws request part for server *****************/ /* decrement the reference count of the request and free/release it on falling to null */ static void server_req_destroy_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq) { struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); afb_context_disconnect(&wreq->xreq.context); afb_cred_unref(wreq->xreq.cred); json_object_put(wreq->xreq.json); afb_proto_ws_call_unref(wreq->call); afb_stub_ws_unref(wreq->stubws); free(wreq); } static void server_req_success_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq, struct json_object *obj, const char *info) { int rc; struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); rc = afb_proto_ws_call_success(wreq->call, obj, info); if (rc < 0) ERROR("error while sending success"); json_object_put(obj); } static void server_req_fail_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq, const char *status, const char *info) { int rc; struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); rc = afb_proto_ws_call_fail(wreq->call, status, info); if (rc < 0) ERROR("error while sending fail"); } static void server_req_subcall_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq, const char *api, const char *verb, struct json_object *args, void (*callback)(void*, int, struct json_object*), void *cb_closure) { int rc; struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); rc = afb_proto_ws_call_subcall(wreq->call, api, verb, args, callback, cb_closure); if (rc < 0) ERROR("error while sending subcall"); } static int server_req_subscribe_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq, struct afb_eventid *event) { int rc; struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); rc = afb_evt_eventid_add_watch(wreq->stubws->listener, event); if (rc >= 0) rc = afb_proto_ws_call_subscribe(wreq->call, afb_evt_eventid_fullname(event), afb_evt_eventid_id(event)); if (rc < 0) ERROR("error while subscribing event"); return rc; } static int server_req_unsubscribe_cb(struct afb_xreq *xreq, struct afb_eventid *event) { int rc, rc2; struct server_req *wreq = CONTAINER_OF_XREQ(struct server_req, xreq); rc = afb_proto_ws_call_unsubscribe(wreq->call, afb_evt_eventid_fullname(event), afb_evt_eventid_id(event)); rc2 = afb_evt_eventid_remove_watch(wreq->stubws->listener, event); if (rc >= 0 && rc2 < 0) rc = rc2; if (rc < 0) ERROR("error while unsubscribing event"); return rc; } static const struct afb_xreq_query_itf server_req_xreq_itf = { .success = server_req_success_cb, .fail = server_req_fail_cb, .unref = server_req_destroy_cb, .subcall = server_req_subcall_cb, .subscribe = server_req_subscribe_cb, .unsubscribe = server_req_unsubscribe_cb }; /******************* client part **********************************/ /* search the event */ static struct client_event *client_event_search(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws, uint32_t eventid, const char *name) { struct client_event *ev; ev = stubws->events; while (ev != NULL && (ev->id != eventid || 0 != strcmp(afb_evt_eventid_fullname(ev->eventid), name))) ev = ev->next; return ev; } /* on call, propagate it to the ws service */ static void client_call_cb(void * closure, struct afb_xreq *xreq) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_proto_ws_client_call(stubws->proto, xreq->request.verb, afb_xreq_json(xreq), afb_session_uuid(xreq->context.session), xreq); afb_xreq_unhooked_addref(xreq); } static void client_on_description_cb(void *closure, struct json_object *data) { struct client_describe *desc = closure; desc->result = data; jobs_leave(desc->jobloop); } static void client_send_describe_cb(int signum, void *closure, struct jobloop *jobloop) { struct client_describe *desc = closure; if (signum) jobs_leave(jobloop); else { desc->jobloop = jobloop; afb_proto_ws_client_describe(desc->stubws->proto, client_on_description_cb, desc); } } /* get the description */ static struct json_object *client_describe_cb(void * closure) { struct client_describe desc; /* synchronous job: send the request and wait its result */ desc.stubws = closure; desc.result = NULL; jobs_enter(NULL, 0, client_send_describe_cb, &desc); return desc.result; } /******************* server part: manage events **********************************/ static void server_event_add(void *closure, const char *event, int eventid) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_proto_ws_server_event_create(stubws->proto, event, eventid); } static void server_event_remove(void *closure, const char *event, int eventid) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_proto_ws_server_event_remove(stubws->proto, event, eventid); } static void server_event_push(void *closure, const char *event, int eventid, struct json_object *object) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_proto_ws_server_event_push(stubws->proto, event, eventid, object); json_object_put(object); } static void server_event_broadcast(void *closure, const char *event, int eventid, struct json_object *object) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_proto_ws_server_event_broadcast(stubws->proto, event, object); json_object_put(object); } /*****************************************************/ static void on_reply_success(void *closure, void *request, struct json_object *result, const char *info) { struct afb_xreq *xreq = request; afb_xreq_success(xreq, result, *info ? info : NULL); afb_xreq_unhooked_unref(xreq); } static void on_reply_fail(void *closure, void *request, const char *status, const char *info) { struct afb_xreq *xreq = request; afb_xreq_fail(xreq, status, *info ? info : NULL); afb_xreq_unhooked_unref(xreq); } static void on_event_create(void *closure, const char *event_name, int event_id) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct client_event *ev; /* check conflicts */ ev = client_event_search(stubws, event_id, event_name); if (ev != NULL) { ev->refcount++; return; } /* no conflict, try to add it */ ev = malloc(sizeof *ev); if (ev != NULL) { ev->eventid = afb_evt_eventid_create(event_name); if (ev->eventid != NULL) { ev->refcount = 1; ev->id = event_id; ev->next = stubws->events; stubws->events = ev; return; } free(ev); } ERROR("can't create event %s, out of memory", event_name); } static void on_event_remove(void *closure, const char *event_name, int event_id) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct client_event *ev, **prv; /* check conflicts */ ev = client_event_search(stubws, event_id, event_name); if (ev == NULL) return; /* decrease the reference count */ if (--ev->refcount) return; /* unlinks the event */ prv = &stubws->events; while (*prv != ev) prv = &(*prv)->next; *prv = ev->next; /* destroys the event */ afb_evt_eventid_unref(ev->eventid); free(ev); } static void on_event_subscribe(void *closure, void *request, const char *event_name, int event_id) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct afb_xreq *xreq = request; struct client_event *ev; /* check conflicts */ ev = client_event_search(stubws, event_id, event_name); if (ev == NULL) return; if (afb_xreq_subscribe(xreq, ev->eventid) < 0) ERROR("can't subscribe: %m"); } static void on_event_unsubscribe(void *closure, void *request, const char *event_name, int event_id) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct afb_xreq *xreq = request; struct client_event *ev; /* check conflicts */ ev = client_event_search(stubws, event_id, event_name); if (ev == NULL) return; if (afb_xreq_unsubscribe(xreq, ev->eventid) < 0) ERROR("can't unsubscribe: %m"); } static void on_event_push(void *closure, const char *event_name, int event_id, struct json_object *data) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct client_event *ev; /* check conflicts */ ev = client_event_search(stubws, event_id, event_name); if (ev) afb_evt_eventid_push(ev->eventid, data); else ERROR("unreadable push event"); } static void on_event_broadcast(void *closure, const char *event_name, struct json_object *data) { afb_evt_broadcast(event_name, data); } static void client_subcall_reply_cb(void *closure, int status, json_object *object, struct afb_request *request) { struct afb_proto_ws_subcall *subcall = closure; afb_proto_ws_subcall_reply(subcall, status, object); } static void on_subcall(void *closure, struct afb_proto_ws_subcall *subcall, void *request, const char *api, const char *verb, struct json_object *args) { struct afb_xreq *xreq = request; afb_xreq_subcall(xreq, api, verb, args, client_subcall_reply_cb, subcall); } /*****************************************************/ static void record_session(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws, struct afb_session *session) { struct server_session *s, **prv; /* search */ prv = &stubws->sessions; while ((s = *prv)) { if (s->session == session) return; if (afb_session_is_closed(s->session)) { *prv = s->next; afb_session_unref(s->session); free(s); } else prv = &s->next; } /* create */ s = malloc(sizeof *s); if (s) { s->session = afb_session_addref(session); s->next = stubws->sessions; stubws->sessions = s; } } static void release_sessions(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { struct server_session *s; while((s = stubws->sessions)) { stubws->sessions = s->next; afb_session_unref(s->session); free(s); } } /*****************************************************/ static void on_call(void *closure, struct afb_proto_ws_call *call, const char *verb, struct json_object *args, const char *sessionid) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; struct server_req *wreq; afb_stub_ws_addref(stubws); /* create the request */ wreq = malloc(sizeof *wreq); if (wreq == NULL) goto out_of_memory; afb_xreq_init(&wreq->xreq, &server_req_xreq_itf); wreq->stubws = stubws; wreq->call = call; /* init the context */ if (afb_context_connect(&wreq->xreq.context, sessionid, NULL) < 0) goto unconnected; wreq->xreq.context.validated = 1; record_session(stubws, wreq->xreq.context.session); if (wreq->xreq.context.created) afb_session_set_autoclose(wreq->xreq.context.session, 1); /* makes the call */ wreq->xreq.cred = afb_cred_addref(stubws->cred); wreq->xreq.request.api = stubws->apiname; wreq->xreq.request.verb = verb; wreq->xreq.json = args; afb_xreq_process(&wreq->xreq, stubws->apiset); return; unconnected: free(wreq); out_of_memory: json_object_put(args); afb_stub_ws_unref(stubws); afb_proto_ws_call_fail(call, "internal-error", NULL); afb_proto_ws_call_unref(call); } static void server_describe_sjob(int signum, void *closure) { struct json_object *obj; struct server_describe *desc = closure; /* get the description if possible */ obj = !signum ? afb_apiset_describe(desc->stubws->apiset, desc->stubws->apiname) : NULL; /* send it */ afb_proto_ws_describe_put(desc->describe, obj); json_object_put(obj); afb_stub_ws_unref(desc->stubws); } static void server_describe_job(int signum, void *closure) { server_describe_sjob(signum, closure); free(closure); } static void on_describe(void *closure, struct afb_proto_ws_describe *describe) { struct server_describe *desc, sdesc; struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; /* allocate (if possible) and init */ desc = malloc(sizeof *desc); if (desc == NULL) desc = &sdesc; desc->stubws = stubws; desc->describe = describe; afb_stub_ws_addref(stubws); /* process */ if (desc == &sdesc) jobs_call(NULL, 0, server_describe_sjob, desc); else { if (jobs_queue(NULL, 0, server_describe_job, desc) < 0) jobs_call(NULL, 0, server_describe_job, desc); } } /*****************************************************/ static const struct afb_proto_ws_client_itf client_itf = { .on_reply_success = on_reply_success, .on_reply_fail = on_reply_fail, .on_event_create = on_event_create, .on_event_remove = on_event_remove, .on_event_subscribe = on_event_subscribe, .on_event_unsubscribe = on_event_unsubscribe, .on_event_push = on_event_push, .on_event_broadcast = on_event_broadcast, .on_subcall = on_subcall }; static const struct afb_proto_ws_server_itf server_itf = { .on_call = on_call, .on_describe = on_describe }; static struct afb_api_itf ws_api_itf = { .call = client_call_cb, .describe = client_describe_cb }; /* the interface for events pushing */ static const struct afb_evt_itf server_evt_itf = { .broadcast = server_event_broadcast, .push = server_event_push, .add = server_event_add, .remove = server_event_remove }; /*****************************************************/ static void drop_all_events(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { struct client_event *ev, *nxt; ev = stubws->events; stubws->events = NULL; while (ev) { nxt = ev->next; afb_evt_eventid_unref(ev->eventid); free(ev); ev = nxt; } } /* callback when receiving a hangup */ static void on_hangup(void *closure) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws = closure; afb_stub_ws_addref(stubws); if (stubws->on_hangup) stubws->on_hangup(stubws); release_sessions(stubws); afb_stub_ws_unref(stubws); } /*****************************************************/ static struct afb_stub_ws *afb_stub_ws_create(int fd, const char *apiname, struct afb_apiset *apiset, int client) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; stubws = calloc(1, sizeof *stubws + strlen(apiname)); if (stubws == NULL) errno = ENOMEM; else { if (client) stubws->proto = afb_proto_ws_create_client(afb_systemd_get_event_loop(), fd, &client_itf, stubws); else stubws->proto = afb_proto_ws_create_server(afb_systemd_get_event_loop(), fd, &server_itf, stubws); if (stubws->proto != NULL) { strcpy(stubws->apiname, apiname); stubws->apiset = afb_apiset_addref(apiset); stubws->refcount = 1; afb_proto_ws_on_hangup(stubws->proto, on_hangup); return stubws; } free(stubws); } return NULL; } struct afb_stub_ws *afb_stub_ws_create_client(int fd, const char *apiname, struct afb_apiset *apiset) { return afb_stub_ws_create(fd, apiname, apiset, 1); } struct afb_stub_ws *afb_stub_ws_create_server(int fd, const char *apiname, struct afb_apiset *apiset) { struct afb_stub_ws *stubws; stubws = afb_stub_ws_create(fd, apiname, apiset, 0); if (stubws) { stubws->cred = afb_cred_create_for_socket(fd); stubws->listener = afb_evt_listener_create(&server_evt_itf, stubws); if (stubws->listener != NULL) return stubws; afb_stub_ws_unref(stubws); } return NULL; } void afb_stub_ws_unref(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { if (!__atomic_sub_fetch(&stubws->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) { drop_all_events(stubws); if (stubws->listener) afb_evt_listener_unref(stubws->listener); release_sessions(stubws); afb_proto_ws_unref(stubws->proto); afb_cred_unref(stubws->cred); afb_apiset_unref(stubws->apiset); free(stubws); } } void afb_stub_ws_addref(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { __atomic_add_fetch(&stubws->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } void afb_stub_ws_on_hangup(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws, void (*on_hangup)(struct afb_stub_ws*)) { stubws->on_hangup = on_hangup; } const char *afb_stub_ws_name(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { return stubws->apiname; } struct afb_api afb_stub_ws_client_api(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws) { struct afb_api api; assert(!stubws->listener); /* check client */ api.closure = stubws; api.itf = &ws_api_itf; api.group = NULL; return api; } int afb_stub_ws_client_add(struct afb_stub_ws *stubws, struct afb_apiset *apiset) { return afb_apiset_add(apiset, stubws->apiname, afb_stub_ws_client_api(stubws)); }