site_name: AGL Framework Binder theme: readthedocs docs_dir: docs # tr '*])([' "-''''" < docs/ | sed "s/^\(.*'\)'/ \1: '/" pages: - 'Overview' : '' - 'Binder Overview': '' - 'Binder daemon vocabulary': '' - 'How to write a binding ?': '' - 'Binding references': - 'Types and globals': 'reference-v3/' - 'Functions of class afb_api': 'reference-v3/' - 'Functions of class afb_req': 'reference-v3/' - 'Functions of class afb_event': 'reference-v3/' - 'Functions of class afb_daemon': 'reference-v3/' - 'Functions of class afb_service': 'reference-v3/' - 'Macros for logging': 'reference-v3/' - 'Binder events guide': '' - 'Binder Application writing guide': '' - 'Annexes': - 'Migration to binding v3': '' - 'WebSocket protocol x-afb-ws-json1': '' - 'Installing the binder on a desktop': '' - 'Options of afb-daemon': '' - 'Debugging binder and bindings': '' - 'LEGACY Guide to migrate bindings from v1 to v2': 'legacy/' - 'LEGACY Binding V2 references': 'legacy/' - 'Document revisions': ''