meta-agl, the Yocto layer for Automotive Grade Linux Distribution ================================================================= This layer's purpose is ... [TBD] Layer Dependencies ------------------ URI: git:// > branch: dizzy > revision: 5f0d25152bac2d3798663a4ebfdd2df24060f153 URI: git:// > layer: meta-oe > branch: dizzy > revision: 853dcfa0d618dc26bd27b3a1b49494b98d6eee97 Layers ------ There are 2 sub-layers in top-level `meta-agl`. `meta-agl` is a layer which contains AGL common and middleware packages. > meta-agl/meta-agl `meta-agl-bsp` is a layer which contains required packages to boot AGL distribution on an emulated machine(QEMU). > meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp Packagegroups ------------- AGL package group design: These are the top-level packagegroups for AGL Distribution. > packagegroup-agl-core (basic/common packages out of oe-core) > packagegroup-agl-ivi (middlewares for AGL IVI) Each package group can contain sub-package groups like these. > packagegroup-agl-core-multimedia > packagegroup-agl-core-connectivity > ... > packagegroup-agl-ivi-multimedia > packagegroup-agl-ivi-connectivity > ... The recipe for `packagegroup-agl-core-*.bb` will contain common packages between meta-agl, meta-ivi and meta-tizen. > directory: meta-agl/meta-agl/recipes-core/packagegroups > recipes : packagegroup-agl-core-[subsystem].bb The "packagegroups-agl-ivi-*" will contain AGL specific middleware packages. > directory: meta-agl/meta-agl/recipes-ivi/packagegroups > recipes : packagegroup-agl-ivi-[subsystem].bb Supported Machine ----------------- * QEMU (x86-64) - emulated machine: qemux86-64 Supported Target of bitbake ------------------------ * `agl-image-ivi` The baseline image of AGL Distributions * `agl-image-minimal` For internal use to develop distribution (experimental) * `agl-image-weston` For internal use to develop distribution (experimental) Build a QEMU image ------------------ You can build a QEMU image using the following steps: 1. Export TEMPLATECONF to pick up correct configuration for the build > $ export TEMPLATECONF=/full/path/to/meta-agl/meta-agl/conf 2. Rune the following command: > $ source poky/oe-init-build-env 3. Build the minimal image of AGL Distribution > $ bitbake agl-image-ivi 4. Run the emulator > $ PATH_TO_POKY/poky/scripts/runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64 For large screen: > $ PATH_TO_POKY/poky/scripts/runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64 bootparams="uvesafb.mode_option=1280x720-32" 5. Some weston samples are available from weston terminal.