2018-04-10 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Rework how we pass arguments to QEMU, provide...
2018-04-10 Ronan Le Martret[Rcar] Remove valgrind recipes from meta-rcar 55/13755/1
2018-04-06 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Add hci uart ko cfg for rpi3 on board bluetooth"
2018-04-05 Tom RiniRework how we pass arguments to QEMU, provide a wks... 29/13729/1
2018-04-05 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "dbus-cynara: Avoid dependency loop"
2018-04-05 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Fix License collect for this recipe"
2018-04-04 José Bollodbus-cynara: Avoid dependency loop 21/13721/1
2018-04-04 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Adapt repository priorities in preparation of...
2018-04-03 Jan-Simon MöllerAdapt repository priorities in preparation of the profiles 13/13713/1
2018-04-03 Tom RiniMake better use of UUIDs on Intel platform wks files 11/13711/1
2018-04-03 Phong TranAdd hci uart ko cfg for rpi3 on board bluetooth 03/13703/1
2018-04-03 Ronan Le MartretFix License collect for this recipe 97/13697/1
2018-04-02 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "weston-init: Ensure setting of the user"
2018-04-01 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove upstreamed patch for typo in verify3 89/13689/1
2018-03-30 José Bolloweston-init: Ensure setting of the user 43/13543/3
2018-03-29 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Merge branch 'sandbox/ronan/rocko_kf'"
2018-03-29 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Add bluez-alsa recipes to AGL"
2018-03-28 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "most: delete bbappend for removing skb_put_data...
2018-03-27 Romain ForlotRename CAN low level service 05/13605/3
2018-03-27 José Bolloxmlsec1: Fix compilation issue in examples 69/13669/1
2018-03-27 Ronan Le MartretAdd bluez-alsa recipes to AGL 53/13653/2
2018-03-26 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "af-binder: Bug fix"
2018-03-26 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge " Add meta-updater-qemux86-64"
2018-03-26 Kotaro Hashimotomost: delete bbappend for removing skb_put_data patch 19/13619/3
2018-03-26 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "wayland: weston-ini-conf: change virtual.cfg...
2018-03-20 Leon Add meta-updater-qemux86-64 43/13643/1
2018-03-20 Ronan Le MartretMerge branch 'sandbox/ronan/rocko_kf' 41/13641/1
2018-03-20 Harunobu Kurokawaremove unused opencv folder
2018-03-20 Harunobu Kurokawasi-tools: FM configuration improvements
2018-03-20 Harunobu Kurokawa[AGL] ulcb: Disable build-in most driver
2018-03-20 Matt Porterti-bt: add a systemd unit and enable
2018-03-20 Ronan Le MartretPreserve HDMI naming for kingficher board
2018-03-20 Ronan Le MartretUpdate BBMASK for ulcb board
2018-03-20 Ronan Le MartretAdd kingficher support
2018-03-16 José Bolloaf-binder: Bug fix 25/13625/1
2018-03-13 Matt Ranostaywayland: weston-ini-conf: change virtual.cfg to 1080p... 33/13533/2
2018-03-13 Martin Kellyre-enable gobject-introspection 27/13527/2
2018-03-13 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "dra7xx-evm, beaglebone: Switch to sdimage-bootpa...
2018-03-09 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Add db-820c as community board"
2018-03-08 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "run-agl-postinsts, weston-init-conf: Switch...
2018-03-08 Jan-Simon MöllerFix image class for cyclone5 until fixed upstream 87/13587/1
2018-03-08 Tom Rinidra7xx-evm, beaglebone: Switch to sdimage-bootpart... 85/13585/1
2018-03-07 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd db-820c as community board 37/13537/2
2018-03-07 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Adding support for NVM Express partitions"
2018-03-07 Tom Rinirun-agl-postinsts, weston-init-conf: Switch LIC_FILES_C... 69/13569/1
2018-03-07 Jan-Simon MöllerDisable agl-ptest in snapshot build until dependency... 65/13565/1
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "af-binder: Upgrade"
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "enabling kernel 4.14"
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove sota and sdl from default feature list 55/13555/1
2018-03-05 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "core-boot-agl: add tzdata zoneinfo files"
2018-03-02 Dominig ar... enabling kernel 4.14 47/13547/1
2018-03-01 Dominig ar... Adding support for NVM Express partitions 41/13541/1
2018-02-27 José Bolloaf-binder: Upgrade 35/13535/1
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MöllerHotfix for db410 on rocko 05/13505/1
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MöllerFix cyclone5 build by supplying patched image class 03/13503/1
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "meta-agl-bsp: weston: flags of events must be...
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "lttng-modules: update to v2.10.5"
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "meta-intel: removal of ibt info since it has...
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Remove old boards for rocko"
2018-02-22 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove duplicate bbappend file in meta-agl-bsp/meta-ti 97/13497/1
2018-02-21 Kien Dinhmeta-intel: removal of ibt info since it has been defin... 95/13495/1
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Upgrade wayland-ivi-extension"
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "move GPLv2 logic into agl-gplv2 feature"
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "adding Minnow eth driver to allow network boot"
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove old boards for rocko 91/13491/1
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MöllerFixes for meta-agl-bsp for rocko 89/13489/1
2018-02-20 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "Remove meta-rust from bblayers"
2018-02-20 Leon Anavilttng-modules: update to v2.10.5 79/13479/2
2018-02-20 repo syncRonan... Remove meta-rust from bblayers 81/13481/1
2018-02-16 Martin Kellylinux-renesas: stop inheriting from 4.9 77/13477/1
2018-02-16 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "linux-renesas: remove bbappend"
2018-02-16 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "open-vm-tools: drop backport"
2018-02-16 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "linux-yocto: remove redundant patches from recipe"
2018-02-16 Jan-Simon MöllerMove xmlsec1 folder in meta-app-framework 75/13475/2
2018-02-16 Martin Kellylinux-renesas: remove bbappend 65/13465/1
2018-02-16 Martin Kellyopen-vm-tools: drop backport 67/13467/1
2018-02-15 Matt Ranostaylinux-yocto: remove redundant patches from recipe 61/13461/1
2018-02-14 Mihail Grigorovmeta-agl-bsp: weston: flags of events must be kept 49/13449/2
2018-02-14 Dominig ar... adding Minnow eth driver to allow network boot 43/13443/1
2018-02-14 Jan-Simon MöllerMerge remote-tracking branch 'agl/sandbox/ronan/rocko... 29/13429/1
2018-02-14 Jan-Simon MöllerMerge remote-tracking branch 'agl/sandbox/locust2001... 27/13427/1
2018-02-14 Kazumasa MitsunariUpgrade wayland-ivi-extension 15/13315/6
2018-02-14 Matt Ranostaycore-boot-agl: add tzdata zoneinfo files 19/13419/1
2018-02-13 ronanUpdate ulcb conf file
2018-02-13 ronanRemove unsed gstreamer backport
2018-02-13 ronan[GEN3] add preferred version on omx package
2018-02-13 José Bollorun-(agl-)postinst: Emit progress to console
2018-02-13 José Bollometa-security: Remove unused content
2018-02-13 Kazumasa MitsunariUpgrade wayland-ivi-extension
2018-02-13 ronanRevert "Fix kernel gcc7 issue"
2018-02-13 ronanremove backport commit
2018-02-13 ronanRevert "Fix CVE-2017-1000364 by backporting the patches...
2018-02-13 ronanRemove fix for optee-os
2018-02-13 ronanRemove gcc 6 fix
2018-02-13 ronanUpdate rcar gen3 kernel bbappend version
2018-02-13 ronanUpdate rcar gen3 driver
2018-02-13 ronanRemove porter machine
2018-02-13 José Bollodbus-cynara: Upgrade to 1.10.20
2018-02-13 José Bolloxmlsec1: switch to meta-security version
2018-02-13 José Bollosystemd: earlier smack label switch