From 9cc19a5e998d93fbe6d7a7c18fba1e37a36076d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petteri Aimonen <>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 12:14:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Modify the alltypes test to check re-encoding through protoc.

This way we can verify that the message is encoded exactly the same way
as the official protobuf implementation would do it.
 tests/alltypes/SConscript     | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/alltypes/alltypes.proto | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 tests/site_scons/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/alltypes/SConscript b/tests/alltypes/SConscript
index 1dc6f87..9c9072b 100644
--- a/tests/alltypes/SConscript
+++ b/tests/alltypes/SConscript
@@ -7,6 +7,29 @@ env.NanopbProto(["alltypes", "alltypes.options"])
 enc = env.Program(["encode_alltypes.c", "alltypes.pb.c", "$COMMON/pb_encode.o"])
 dec = env.Program(["decode_alltypes.c", "alltypes.pb.c", "$COMMON/pb_decode.o"])
+# Test the round-trip from nanopb encoder to nanopb decoder
 env.RunTest([dec, "encode_alltypes.output"])
+# Re-encode the data using protoc, and check that the results from nanopb
+# match byte-per-byte to the protoc output.
+           ["encode_alltypes.output", "alltypes.proto"],
+           MESSAGE='AllTypes')
+           ["encode_alltypes.output.decoded", "alltypes.proto"],
+           MESSAGE='AllTypes')
+env.Compare(["encode_alltypes.output", "encode_alltypes.output.recoded"])
+# Do the same checks with the optional fields present.
+env.RunTest("optionals.output", enc, ARGS = ['1'])
+env.RunTest("optionals.decout", [dec, "optionals.output"], ARGS = ['1'])
+           ["optionals.output", "alltypes.proto"],
+           MESSAGE='AllTypes')
+           ["optionals.output.decoded", "alltypes.proto"],
+           MESSAGE='AllTypes')
+env.Compare(["optionals.output", "optionals.output.recoded"])
diff --git a/tests/alltypes/alltypes.proto b/tests/alltypes/alltypes.proto
index a2cf8bb..2bc8efc 100644
--- a/tests/alltypes/alltypes.proto
+++ b/tests/alltypes/alltypes.proto
@@ -39,26 +39,26 @@ message AllTypes {
     required EmptyMessage req_emptymsg = 18;
-    repeated int32      rep_int32   = 21;
-    repeated int64      rep_int64   = 22;
-    repeated uint32     rep_uint32  = 23;
-    repeated uint64     rep_uint64  = 24;
-    repeated sint32     rep_sint32  = 25;
-    repeated sint64     rep_sint64  = 26;
-    repeated bool       rep_bool    = 27;
+    repeated int32      rep_int32   = 21 [packed = true];
+    repeated int64      rep_int64   = 22 [packed = true];
+    repeated uint32     rep_uint32  = 23 [packed = true];
+    repeated uint64     rep_uint64  = 24 [packed = true];
+    repeated sint32     rep_sint32  = 25 [packed = true];
+    repeated sint64     rep_sint64  = 26 [packed = true];
+    repeated bool       rep_bool    = 27 [packed = true];
-    repeated fixed32    rep_fixed32 = 28;
-    repeated sfixed32   rep_sfixed32= 29;
-    repeated float      rep_float   = 30;
+    repeated fixed32    rep_fixed32 = 28 [packed = true];
+    repeated sfixed32   rep_sfixed32= 29 [packed = true];
+    repeated float      rep_float   = 30 [packed = true];
-    repeated fixed64    rep_fixed64 = 31;
-    repeated sfixed64   rep_sfixed64= 32;
-    repeated double     rep_double  = 33;
+    repeated fixed64    rep_fixed64 = 31 [packed = true];
+    repeated sfixed64   rep_sfixed64= 32 [packed = true];
+    repeated double     rep_double  = 33 [packed = true];
     repeated string     rep_string  = 34;
     repeated bytes      rep_bytes   = 35;
     repeated SubMessage rep_submsg  = 36;
-    repeated MyEnum     rep_enum    = 37;
+    repeated MyEnum     rep_enum    = 37 [packed = true];
     repeated EmptyMessage rep_emptymsg = 38;
     optional int32      opt_int32   = 41 [default = 4041];
diff --git a/tests/site_scons/ b/tests/site_scons/
index 1f81115..38aa1a4 100644
--- a/tests/site_scons/
+++ b/tests/site_scons/
@@ -55,7 +55,11 @@ def add_nanopb_builders(env):
             infile = None
-        pipe = subprocess.Popen(str(source[0]),
+        args = [str(source[0])]
+        if env.has_key('ARGS'):
+            args.extend(env['ARGS'])
+        pipe = subprocess.Popen(args,
                                 stdin = infile,
                                 stdout = open(str(target[0]), 'w'),
                                 stderr = sys.stderr)
@@ -81,6 +85,17 @@ def add_nanopb_builders(env):
                              suffix = '.decoded')
     env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Decode': decode_builder})    
+    # Build command that encodes a message using protoc
+    def encode_actions(source, target, env, for_signature):
+        esc = env['ESCAPE']
+        dirs = ' '.join(['-I' + esc(env.GetBuildPath(d)) for d in env['PROTOCPATH']])
+        return '$PROTOC $PROTOCFLAGS %s --encode=%s %s <%s >%s' % (
+            dirs, env['MESSAGE'], esc(str(source[1])), esc(str(source[0])), esc(str(target[0])))
+    encode_builder = Builder(generator = encode_actions,
+                             suffix = '.encoded')
+    env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Encode': encode_builder})    
     # Build command that asserts that two files be equal
     def compare_files(target, source, env):
         data1 = open(str(source[0]), 'rb').read()