run-agl-postinsts, weston-init-conf: Switch LIC_FILES_CHKSUM syntax
[AGL/meta-agl.git] / templates / feature / agl-ci-change-features /
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "af-binder: Upgrade"
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MoellerMerge "enabling kernel 4.14"
2018-03-06 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove sota and sdl from default feature list 55/13555/1
2017-08-21 Phong Tranmeta-agl: Init SDL feature 25/10625/5
2017-04-28 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove sota from agl-ci-change-features 77/9277/3
2017-01-18 Jan-Simon MoellerRevert "Remove agl-sota from ci builds until fixed... 93/8293/2
2017-01-11 Jan-Simon MöllerRemove agl-sota from ci builds until fixed for morty 13/8213/1
2016-11-24 Jan-Simon MöllerConvert to feature.dep 99/7299/1
2016-11-16 Jan-Simon MöllerAdd feature shortcuts matching ci system 95/7195/2