From: Petteri Aimonen <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 14:27:31 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Update documentation
X-Git-Tag: 3.99.1~14^2~404

Update documentation

diff --git a/docs/concepts.rst b/docs/concepts.rst
index b18c505..052edcc 100644
--- a/docs/concepts.rst
+++ b/docs/concepts.rst
@@ -255,16 +255,8 @@ For example this submessage in the Person.proto file::
 generates this field description array for the structure *Person_PhoneNumber*::
  const pb_field_t Person_PhoneNumber_fields[3] = {
-    offsetof(Person_PhoneNumber, number), 0,
-    pb_membersize(Person_PhoneNumber, number), 0, 0},
-    pb_delta(Person_PhoneNumber, type, number),
-    pb_delta(Person_PhoneNumber, has_type, type),
-    pb_membersize(Person_PhoneNumber, type), 0,
-    &Person_PhoneNumber_type_default},
+    PB_FIELD(  1, STRING  , REQUIRED, STATIC, Person_PhoneNumber, number, number, 0),
+    PB_FIELD(  2, ENUM    , OPTIONAL, STATIC, Person_PhoneNumber, type, number, &Person_PhoneNumber_type_default),
@@ -276,8 +268,8 @@ Most functions in nanopb return bool: *true* means success, *false* means failur
 The error messages help in guessing what is the underlying cause of the error. The most common error conditions are:
-1) Running out of memory. Because everything is allocated from the stack, nanopb can't detect this itself. Encoding or decoding the same type of a message always takes the same amount of stack space. Therefore, if it works once, it works always.
-2) Invalid field description. These are usually stored as constants, so if it works under the debugger, it always does.
+1) Running out of memory, i.e. stack overflow.
+2) Invalid field descriptors (would usually mean a bug in the generator).
 3) IO errors in your own stream callbacks.
 4) Errors that happen in your callback functions.
 5) Exceeding the max_size or bytes_left of a stream.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 31d781e..897f552 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -36,23 +36,26 @@ Features and limitations
 #) Pure C runtime
-#) Small code size (2–10 kB depending on processor)
-#) Small ram usage (typically 200 bytes)
+#) Small code size (2–10 kB depending on processor, plus any message definitions)
+#) Small ram usage (typically ~300 bytes, plus any message structs)
 #) Allows specifying maximum size for strings and arrays, so that they can be allocated statically.
 #) No malloc needed: everything can be allocated statically or on the stack.
 #) You can use either encoder or decoder alone to cut the code size in half.
+#) Support for most protobuf features, including: all data types, nested submessages, default values, repeated and optional fields, packed arrays.
+#) Callback mechanism for handling messages larger than can fit in available RAM.
+#) Extensive set of tests.
 #) User must provide callbacks when decoding arrays or strings without maximum size. Malloc support could be added as a separate module.
-#) Some speed has been sacrificed for code size. For example varint calculations are always done in 64 bits.
+#) Some speed has been sacrificed for code size.
 #) Encoding is focused on writing to streams. For memory buffers only it could be made more efficient.
 #) The deprecated Protocol Buffers feature called "groups" is not supported.
 #) Fields in the generated structs are ordered by the tag number, instead of the natural ordering in .proto file.
 #) Unknown fields are not preserved when decoding and re-encoding a message.
 #) Reflection (runtime introspection) is not supported. E.g. you can't request a field by giving its name in a string.
 #) Numeric arrays are always encoded as packed, even if not marked as packed in .proto. This causes incompatibility with decoders that do not support packed format.
-#) Cyclic references between messages are not supported. They could be supported in callback-mode if there was an option in the generator to set the mode.
+#) Cyclic references between messages are supported only in callback mode.
 Getting started
@@ -104,10 +107,3 @@ Debugging and testing
 Extensive unittests are included under the *tests* folder. Just type *make* there to run the tests.
-This also generates a file called *breakpoints* which includes all lines returning *false* in nanopb. You can use this in gdb by typing *source breakpoints*, after which gdb will break on first nanopb error.
-#) A specialized encoder for encoding to a memory buffer. Should serialize in reverse order to avoid having to determine submessage size beforehand.
-#) A cleaner rewrite of the Python-based source generator.
-#) Better performance for 16- and 8-bit platforms: use smaller datatypes where possible.
diff --git a/docs/reference.rst b/docs/reference.rst
index fee1b70..93aae8b 100644
--- a/docs/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/reference.rst
@@ -37,22 +37,23 @@ pb_type_t
 Defines the encoder/decoder behaviour that should be used for a field. ::
-    typedef enum { ... } pb_type_t;
+    typedef uint8_t pb_type_t;
-The low-order byte of the enumeration values defines the function that can be used for encoding and decoding the field data:
+The low-order nibble of the enumeration values defines the function that can be used for encoding and decoding the field data:
 ==================== ===== ================================================
 LTYPE identifier     Value Storage format
 ==================== ===== ================================================
 PB_LTYPE_VARINT      0x00  Integer.
 PB_LTYPE_SVARINT     0x01  Integer, zigzag encoded.
-PB_LTYPE_FIXED       0x02  Integer or floating point.
-PB_LTYPE_BYTES       0x03  Structure with *size_t* field and byte array.
-PB_LTYPE_STRING      0x04  Null-terminated string.
-PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE  0x05  Submessage structure.
+PB_LTYPE_FIXED32     0x02  32-bit integer or floating point.
+PB_LTYPE_FIXED64     0x03  64-bit integer or floating point.
+PB_LTYPE_BYTES       0x04  Structure with *size_t* field and byte array.
+PB_LTYPE_STRING      0x05  Null-terminated string.
+PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE  0x06  Submessage structure.
 ==================== ===== ================================================
-The high-order byte defines whether the field is required, optional, repeated or callback:
+The bits 4-5 define whether the field is required, optional or repeated:
 ==================== ===== ================================================
 HTYPE identifier     Value Field handling
@@ -60,13 +61,24 @@ HTYPE identifier     Value Field handling
 PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED    0x00  Verify that field exists in decoded message.
 PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL    0x10  Use separate *has_<field>* boolean to specify
                            whether the field is present.
-PB_HTYPE_ARRAY       0x20  A repeated field with preallocated array.
+                           (Unless it is a callback)
+PB_HTYPE_REPEATED    0x20  A repeated field with preallocated array.
                            Separate *<field>_count* for number of items.
-PB_HTYPE_CALLBACK    0x30  A field with dynamic storage size, data is
-                           actually a pointer to a structure containing a
-                           callback function.
+                           (Unless it is a callback)
 ==================== ===== ================================================
+The bits 6-7 define the how the storage for the field is allocated:
+==================== ===== ================================================
+ATYPE identifier     Value Allocation method
+==================== ===== ================================================
+PB_ATYPE_STATIC      0x00  Statically allocated storage in the structure.
+PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK    0x40  A field with dynamic storage size. Struct field
+                           actually contains a pointer to a callback
+                           function.
+==================== ===== ================================================
 Describes a single structure field with memory position in relation to others. The descriptions are usually autogenerated. ::
@@ -83,7 +95,7 @@ Describes a single structure field with memory position in relation to others. T
     } pb_packed;
 :tag:           Tag number of the field or 0 to terminate a list of fields.
-:type:          LTYPE and HTYPE of the field.
+:type:          LTYPE, HTYPE and ATYPE of the field.
 :data_offset:   Offset of field data, relative to the end of the previous field.
 :size_offset:   Offset of *bool* flag for optional fields or *size_t* count for arrays, relative to field data.
 :data_size:     Size of a single data entry, in bytes. For PB_LTYPE_BYTES, the size of the byte array inside the containing structure. For PB_HTYPE_CALLBACK, size of the C data type if known.