From: Jan-Simon Möller <>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 22:09:14 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Remove backport for useradd classes
X-Git-Tag: chinook_3.0.0~120

Remove backport for useradd classes

The krogoth branch has the fix backported now.

Change-Id: I8f6ad125ef4614b02cd8f10c5c29eec0fd2fd53c
Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Möller <>

diff --git a/meta-agl/classes/useradd-staticids.bbclass b/meta-agl/classes/useradd-staticids.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d4a4b3d..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/classes/useradd-staticids.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# In order to support a deterministic set of 'dynamic' users/groups,
-# we need a function to reformat the params based on a static file
-def update_useradd_static_config(d):
-    import argparse
-    import itertools
-    import re
-    import errno
-    class myArgumentParser( argparse.ArgumentParser ):
-        def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
-            bb.warn("%s - %s: %s" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, message))
-        # This should never be called...
-        def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
-            message = message or ("%s - %s: useradd.bbclass: Argument parsing exited" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg))
-            error(message)
-        def error(self, message):
-            raise
-    def list_extend(iterable, length, obj = None):
-        """Ensure that iterable is the specified length by extending with obj
-        and return it as a list"""
-        return list(itertools.islice(itertools.chain(iterable, itertools.repeat(obj)), length))
-    def merge_files(file_list, exp_fields):
-        """Read each passwd/group file in file_list, split each line and create
-        a dictionary with the user/group names as keys and the split lines as
-        values. If the user/group name already exists in the dictionary, then
-        update any fields in the list with the values from the new list (if they
-        are set)."""
-        id_table = dict()
-        for conf in file_list.split():
-            try:
-                with open(conf, "r") as f:
-                    for line in f:
-                        if line.startswith('#'):
-                            continue
-                        # Make sure there always are at least exp_fields
-                        # elements in the field list. This allows for leaving
-                        # out trailing colons in the files.
-                        fields = list_extend(line.rstrip().split(":"), exp_fields)
-                        if fields[0] not in id_table:
-                            id_table[fields[0]] = fields
-                        else:
-                            id_table[fields[0]] = list(map(lambda x, y: x or y, fields, id_table[fields[0]]))
-            except IOError as e:
-                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                    pass
-        return id_table
-    def handle_missing_id(id, type, pkg):
-        # For backwards compatibility we accept "1" in addition to "error"
-        if d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC', True) == 'error' or d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC', True) == '1':
-            #bb.error("Skipping recipe %s, package %s which adds %sname %s does not have a static ID defined." % (d.getVar('PN', True),  pkg, type, id))
-            raise"%s - %s: %sname %s does not have a static ID defined." % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, type, id))
-        elif d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC', True) == 'warn':
-            bb.warn("%s - %s: %sname %s does not have a static ID defined." % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, type, id))
-    # We parse and rewrite the useradd components
-    def rewrite_useradd(params):
-        # The following comes from --help on useradd from shadow
-        parser = myArgumentParser(prog='useradd')
-        parser.add_argument("-b", "--base-dir", metavar="BASE_DIR", help="base directory for the home directory of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-c", "--comment", metavar="COMMENT", help="GECOS field of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-d", "--home-dir", metavar="HOME_DIR", help="home directory of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-D", "--defaults", help="print or change default useradd configuration", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-e", "--expiredate", metavar="EXPIRE_DATE", help="expiration date of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-f", "--inactive", metavar="INACTIVE", help="password inactivity period of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-g", "--gid", metavar="GROUP", help="name or ID of the primary group of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-G", "--groups", metavar="GROUPS", help="list of supplementary groups of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-k", "--skel", metavar="SKEL_DIR", help="use this alternative skeleton directory")
-        parser.add_argument("-K", "--key", metavar="KEY=VALUE", help="override /etc/login.defs defaults")
-        parser.add_argument("-l", "--no-log-init", help="do not add the user to the lastlog and faillog databases", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-m", "--create-home", help="create the user's home directory", action="store_const", const=True)
-        parser.add_argument("-M", "--no-create-home", dest="create_home", help="do not create the user's home directory", action="store_const", const=False)
-        parser.add_argument("-N", "--no-user-group", dest="user_group", help="do not create a group with the same name as the user", action="store_const", const=False)
-        parser.add_argument("-o", "--non-unique", help="allow to create users with duplicate (non-unique UID)", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", metavar="PASSWORD", help="encrypted password of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-R", "--root", metavar="CHROOT_DIR", help="directory to chroot into")
-        parser.add_argument("-r", "--system", help="create a system account", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-s", "--shell", metavar="SHELL", help="login shell of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-u", "--uid", metavar="UID", help="user ID of the new account")
-        parser.add_argument("-U", "--user-group", help="create a group with the same name as the user", action="store_const", const=True)
-        parser.add_argument("LOGIN", help="Login name of the new user")
-        # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default
-        # files/passwd or the contents of USERADD_UID_TABLES
-        # paths are resolved via BBPATH
-        def get_passwd_list(d):
-            str = ""
-            bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True)
-            passwd_tables = d.getVar('USERADD_UID_TABLES', True)
-            if not passwd_tables:
-                passwd_tables = 'files/passwd'
-            for conf_file in passwd_tables.split():
-                str += " %s" % bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)
-            return str
-        newparams = []
-        users = None
-        for param in re.split('''[ \t]*;[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', params):
-            param = param.strip()
-            if not param:
-                continue
-            try:
-                uaargs = parser.parse_args(re.split('''[ \t]+(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', param))
-            except:
-                raise"%s: Unable to parse arguments for USERADD_PARAM_%s: '%s'" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, param))
-            # Read all passwd files specified in USERADD_UID_TABLES or files/passwd
-            # Use the standard passwd layout:
-            #  username:password:user_id:group_id:comment:home_directory:login_shell
-            #
-            # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used.  The 'username'
-            # field is required.
-            #
-            # Note: we ignore the password field, as including even the hashed password
-            # in the useradd command may introduce a security hole.  It's assumed that
-            # all new users get the default ('*' which prevents login) until the user is
-            # specifically configured by the system admin.
-            if not users:
-                users = merge_files(get_passwd_list(d), 7)
-            if uaargs.LOGIN not in users:
-                if not uaargs.uid or not uaargs.uid.isdigit() or not uaargs.gid:
-                    handle_missing_id(uaargs.LOGIN, 'user', pkg)
-                continue
-            field = users[uaargs.LOGIN]
-            if uaargs.uid and field[2] and (uaargs.uid != field[2]):
-                bb.warn("%s: Changing username %s's uid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.uid, field[2]))
-            uaargs.uid = field[2] or uaargs.uid
-            # Determine the possible groupname
-            # Unless the group name (or gid) is specified, we assume that the LOGIN is the groupname
-            #
-            # By default the system has creation of the matching groups enabled
-            # So if the implicit username-group creation is on, then the implicit groupname (LOGIN)
-            # is used, and we disable the user_group option.
-            #
-            user_group = uaargs.user_group is None or uaargs.user_group is True
-            uaargs.groupname = uaargs.LOGIN if user_group else uaargs.gid
-            uaargs.groupid = field[3] or uaargs.gid or uaargs.groupname
-            if uaargs.groupid and uaargs.gid != uaargs.groupid:
-                newgroup = None
-                if not uaargs.groupid.isdigit():
-                    # We don't have a group number, so we have to add a name
-                    bb.debug(1, "Adding group %s!" % uaargs.groupid)
-                    newgroup = "%s %s" % (' --system' if uaargs.system else '', uaargs.groupid)
-                elif uaargs.groupname and not uaargs.groupname.isdigit():
-                    # We have a group name and a group number to assign it to
-                    bb.debug(1, "Adding group %s (gid %s)!" % (uaargs.groupname, uaargs.groupid))
-                    newgroup = "-g %s %s" % (uaargs.groupid, uaargs.groupname)
-                else:
-                    # We want to add a group, but we don't know it's name... so we can't add the group...
-                    # We have to assume the group has previously been added or we'll fail on the adduser...
-                    # Note: specifying the actual gid is very rare in OE, usually the group name is specified.
-                    bb.warn("%s: Changing gid for login %s to %s, verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.groupid))
-                uaargs.gid = uaargs.groupid
-                uaargs.user_group = None
-                if newgroup:
-                    groupadd = d.getVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, True)
-                    if groupadd:
-                        d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, "%s; %s" % (groupadd, newgroup))
-                    else:
-                        d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, newgroup)
-            uaargs.comment = "'%s'" % field[4] if field[4] else uaargs.comment
-            uaargs.home_dir = field[5] or uaargs.home_dir
-   = field[6] or
-            # Should be an error if a specific option is set...
-            if not uaargs.uid or not uaargs.uid.isdigit() or not uaargs.gid:
-                 handle_missing_id(uaargs.LOGIN, 'user', pkg)
-            # Reconstruct the args...
-            newparam  = ['', ' --defaults'][uaargs.defaults]
-            newparam += ['', ' --base-dir %s' % uaargs.base_dir][uaargs.base_dir != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --comment %s' % uaargs.comment][uaargs.comment != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --home-dir %s' % uaargs.home_dir][uaargs.home_dir != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --expiredata %s' % uaargs.expiredate][uaargs.expiredate != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --inactive %s' % uaargs.inactive][uaargs.inactive != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % uaargs.gid][uaargs.gid != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --groups %s' % uaargs.groups][uaargs.groups != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --skel %s' % uaargs.skel][uaargs.skel != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % uaargs.key][uaargs.key != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --no-log-init'][uaargs.no_log_init]
-            newparam += ['', ' --create-home'][uaargs.create_home is True]
-            newparam += ['', ' --no-create-home'][uaargs.create_home is False]
-            newparam += ['', ' --no-user-group'][uaargs.user_group is False]
-            newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][uaargs.non_unique]
-            newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % uaargs.password][uaargs.password != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % uaargs.root][uaargs.root != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --system'][uaargs.system]
-            newparam += ['', ' --shell %s' %][ != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --uid %s' % uaargs.uid][uaargs.uid != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --user-group'][uaargs.user_group is True]
-            newparam += ' %s' % uaargs.LOGIN
-            newparams.append(newparam)
-        return ";".join(newparams).strip()
-    # We parse and rewrite the groupadd components
-    def rewrite_groupadd(params):
-        # The following comes from --help on groupadd from shadow
-        parser = myArgumentParser(prog='groupadd')
-        parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="exit successfully if the group already exists, and cancel -g if the GID is already used", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-g", "--gid", metavar="GID", help="use GID for the new group")
-        parser.add_argument("-K", "--key", metavar="KEY=VALUE", help="override /etc/login.defs defaults")
-        parser.add_argument("-o", "--non-unique", help="allow to create groups with duplicate (non-unique) GID", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", metavar="PASSWORD", help="use this encrypted password for the new group")
-        parser.add_argument("-R", "--root", metavar="CHROOT_DIR", help="directory to chroot into")
-        parser.add_argument("-r", "--system", help="create a system account", action="store_true")
-        parser.add_argument("GROUP", help="Group name of the new group")
-        # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default
-        # files/group or the contents of USERADD_GID_TABLES
-        # paths are resolved via BBPATH
-        def get_group_list(d):
-            str = ""
-            bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True)
-            group_tables = d.getVar('USERADD_GID_TABLES', True)
-            if not group_tables:
-                group_tables = 'files/group'
-            for conf_file in group_tables.split():
-                str += " %s" % bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)
-            return str
-        newparams = []
-        groups = None
-        for param in re.split('''[ \t]*;[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', params):
-            param = param.strip()
-            if not param:
-                continue
-            try:
-                # If we're processing multiple lines, we could have left over values here...
-                gaargs = parser.parse_args(re.split('''[ \t]+(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', param))
-            except:
-                raise"%s: Unable to parse arguments for GROUPADD_PARAM_%s: '%s'" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, param))
-            # Read all group files specified in USERADD_GID_TABLES or files/group
-            # Use the standard group layout:
-            #  groupname:password:group_id:group_members
-            #
-            # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used. The 'groupname' field
-            # is required.
-            #
-            # Note: similar to the passwd file, the 'password' filed is ignored
-            # Note: group_members is ignored, group members must be configured with the GROUPMEMS_PARAM
-            if not groups:
-                groups = merge_files(get_group_list(d), 4)
-            if gaargs.GROUP not in groups:
-                if not gaargs.gid or not gaargs.gid.isdigit():
-                    handle_missing_id(gaargs.GROUP, 'group', pkg)
-                continue
-            field = groups[gaargs.GROUP]
-            if field[2]:
-                if gaargs.gid and (gaargs.gid != field[2]):
-                    bb.warn("%s: Changing groupname %s's gid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), gaargs.GROUP, gaargs.gid, field[2]))
-                gaargs.gid = field[2]
-            if not gaargs.gid or not gaargs.gid.isdigit():
-                handle_missing_id(gaargs.GROUP, 'group', pkg)
-            # Reconstruct the args...
-            newparam  = ['', ' --force'][gaargs.force]
-            newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % gaargs.gid][gaargs.gid != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % gaargs.key][gaargs.key != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][gaargs.non_unique]
-            newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % gaargs.password][gaargs.password != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % gaargs.root][gaargs.root != None]
-            newparam += ['', ' --system'][gaargs.system]
-            newparam += ' %s' % gaargs.GROUP
-            newparams.append(newparam)
-        return ";".join(newparams).strip()
-    # The parsing of the current recipe depends on the content of
-    # the files listed in USERADD_UID/GID_TABLES. We need to tell bitbake
-    # about that explicitly to trigger re-parsing and thus re-execution of
-    # this code when the files change.
-    bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True)
-    for varname, default in (('USERADD_UID_TABLES', 'files/passwd'),
-                             ('USERADD_GID_TABLES', 'files/group')):
-        tables = d.getVar(varname, True)
-        if not tables:
-            tables = default
-        for conf_file in tables.split():
-            bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file))
-    # Load and process the users and groups, rewriting the adduser/addgroup params
-    useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True)
-    for pkg in useradd_packages.split():
-        # Groupmems doesn't have anything we might want to change, so simply validating
-        # is a bit of a waste -- only process useradd/groupadd
-        useradd_param = d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)
-        if useradd_param:
-            #bb.warn("Before: 'USERADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, useradd_param))
-            d.setVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, rewrite_useradd(useradd_param))
-            #bb.warn("After:  'USERADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)))
-        groupadd_param = d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)
-        if groupadd_param:
-            #bb.warn("Before: 'GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, groupadd_param))
-            d.setVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, rewrite_groupadd(groupadd_param))
-            #bb.warn("After:  'GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)))
-python __anonymous() {
-    if not'nativesdk', d) \
-        and not'native', d):
-        try:
-            update_useradd_static_config(d)
-        except as f:
-            bb.debug(1, "Skipping recipe %s: %s" % (d.getVar('PN', True), f))
-            raise bb.parse.SkipPackage(f)
diff --git a/meta-agl/classes/useradd.bbclass b/meta-agl/classes/useradd.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index bf62ada8b..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/classes/useradd.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-inherit useradd_base
-# base-passwd-cross provides the default passwd and group files in the
-# target sysroot, and shadow -native and -sysroot provide the utilities
-# and support files needed to add and modify user and group accounts
-DEPENDS_append_class-target = " base-files shadow-native shadow-sysroot shadow"
-# This preinstall function can be run in four different contexts:
-# a) Before do_install
-# b) At do_populate_sysroot_setscene when installing from sstate packages
-# c) As the preinst script in the target package at do_rootfs time
-# d) As the preinst script in the target package on device as a package upgrade
-useradd_preinst () {
-if test "x$D" != "x"; then
-	# Installing into a sysroot
-	OPT="--root $D"
-	# Make sure login.defs is there, this is to make debian package backend work
-	# correctly while doing rootfs.
-	# The problem here is that if /etc/login.defs is treated as a config file for
-	# shadow package, then while performing preinsts for packages that depend on
-	# shadow, there might only be /etc/login.def.dpkg-new there in root filesystem.
-	if [ ! -e $D${sysconfdir}/login.defs -a -e $D${sysconfdir}/login.defs.dpkg-new ]; then
-	    cp $D${sysconfdir}/login.defs.dpkg-new $D${sysconfdir}/login.defs
-	fi
-	# user/group lookups should match useradd/groupadd --root
-# If we're not doing a special SSTATE/SYSROOT install
-# then set the values, otherwise use the environment
-if test "x$UA_SYSROOT" = "x"; then
-	# Installing onto a target
-	# Add groups and users defined only for this package
-# Perform group additions first, since user additions may depend
-# on these groups existing
-if test "x`echo $GROUPADD_PARAM | tr -d '[:space:]'`" != "x"; then
-	echo "Running groupadd commands..."
-	# Invoke multiple instances of groupadd for parameter lists
-	# separated by ';'
-	opts=`echo "$GROUPADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	remaining=`echo "$GROUPADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	while test "x$opts" != "x"; do
-		perform_groupadd "$SYSROOT" "$OPT $opts"
-		if test "x$opts" = "x$remaining"; then
-			break
-		fi
-		opts=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-		remaining=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	done
-if test "x`echo $USERADD_PARAM | tr -d '[:space:]'`" != "x"; then
-	echo "Running useradd commands..."
-	# Invoke multiple instances of useradd for parameter lists
-	# separated by ';'
-	opts=`echo "$USERADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	remaining=`echo "$USERADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	while test "x$opts" != "x"; do
-		perform_useradd "$SYSROOT" "$OPT $opts"
-		if test "x$opts" = "x$remaining"; then
-			break
-		fi
-		opts=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-		remaining=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	done
-if test "x`echo $GROUPMEMS_PARAM | tr -d '[:space:]'`" != "x"; then
-	echo "Running groupmems commands..."
-	# Invoke multiple instances of groupmems for parameter lists
-	# separated by ';'
-	opts=`echo "$GROUPMEMS_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	remaining=`echo "$GROUPMEMS_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	while test "x$opts" != "x"; do
-		perform_groupmems "$SYSROOT" "$OPT $opts"
-		if test "x$opts" = "x$remaining"; then
-			break
-		fi
-		opts=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-		remaining=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 2- | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-	done
-useradd_sysroot () {
-	# Pseudo may (do_install) or may not (do_populate_sysroot_setscene) be running 
-	# at this point so we're explicit about the environment so pseudo can load if 
-	# not already present.
-	export PSEUDO="${FAKEROOTENV} PSEUDO_LOCALSTATEDIR=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${localstatedir}/pseudo ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${bindir_native}/pseudo"
-	# Explicitly set $D since it isn't set to anything
-	# before do_install
-	# Add groups and users defined for all recipe packages
-	GROUPADD_PARAM="${@get_all_cmd_params(d, 'groupadd')}"
-	USERADD_PARAM="${@get_all_cmd_params(d, 'useradd')}"
-	GROUPMEMS_PARAM="${@get_all_cmd_params(d, 'groupmems')}"
-	# Tell the system to use the environment vars
-	useradd_preinst
-useradd_sysroot_sstate () {
-	if [ "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "package_setscene" -o "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot_setscene" ]
-	then
-		useradd_sysroot
-	fi
-userdel_sysroot_sstate () {
-if test "x${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}" != "x"; then
-    if [ "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "clean" ]; then
-        export PSEUDO="${FAKEROOTENV} PSEUDO_LOCALSTATEDIR=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${localstatedir}/pseudo ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${bindir_native}/pseudo"
-        OPT="--root ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}"
-        # Remove groups and users defined for package
-        GROUPADD_PARAM="${@get_all_cmd_params(d, 'groupadd')}"
-        USERADD_PARAM="${@get_all_cmd_params(d, 'useradd')}"
-        user=`echo "$USERADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-        remaining=`echo "$USERADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 2- -s | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-        while test "x$user" != "x"; do
-            perform_userdel "${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}" "$OPT $user"
-            user=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-            remaining=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 2- -s | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-        done
-        user=`echo "$GROUPADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-        remaining=`echo "$GROUPADD_PARAM" | cut -d ';' -f 2- -s | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-        while test "x$user" != "x"; do
-            perform_groupdel "${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}" "$OPT $user"
-            user=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-            remaining=`echo "$remaining" | cut -d ';' -f 2- -s | sed -e 's#[ \t]*$##'`
-        done
-    fi
-SSTATECLEANFUNCS_append_class-target = " userdel_sysroot_sstate"
-do_install[prefuncs] += "${SYSROOTFUNC}"
-SYSROOTFUNC_class-target = "useradd_sysroot"
-SSTATEPREINSTFUNCS_append_class-target = " useradd_sysroot_sstate"
-do_package_setscene[depends] += "${USERADDSETSCENEDEPS}"
-do_populate_sysroot_setscene[depends] += "${USERADDSETSCENEDEPS}"
-USERADDSETSCENEDEPS_class-target = "${MLPREFIX}base-passwd:do_populate_sysroot_setscene pseudo-native:do_populate_sysroot_setscene shadow-native:do_populate_sysroot_setscene ${MLPREFIX}shadow-sysroot:do_populate_sysroot_setscene"
-# Recipe parse-time sanity checks
-def update_useradd_after_parse(d):
-    useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True)
-    if not useradd_packages:
-        raise"%s inherits useradd but doesn't set USERADD_PACKAGES" % d.getVar('FILE', False))
-    for pkg in useradd_packages.split():
-        if not d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True) and not d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True) and not d.getVar('GROUPMEMS_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True):
-            bb.fatal("%s inherits useradd but doesn't set USERADD_PARAM, GROUPADD_PARAM or GROUPMEMS_PARAM for package %s" % (d.getVar('FILE', False), pkg))
-python __anonymous() {
-    if not'nativesdk', d) \
-        and not'native', d):
-        update_useradd_after_parse(d)
-# Return a single [GROUP|USER]ADD_PARAM formatted string which includes the
-# [group|user]add parameters for all USERADD_PACKAGES in this recipe
-def get_all_cmd_params(d, cmd_type):
-    import string
-    param_type = cmd_type.upper() + "_PARAM_%s"
-    params = []
-    useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True) or ""
-    for pkg in useradd_packages.split():
-        param = d.getVar(param_type % pkg, True)
-        if param:
-            params.append(param.rstrip(" ;"))
-    return "; ".join(params)
-# Adds the preinst script into generated packages
-fakeroot python populate_packages_prepend () {
-    def update_useradd_package(pkg):
-        bb.debug(1, 'adding user/group calls to preinst for %s' % pkg)
-        """
-        useradd preinst is appended here because pkg_preinst may be
-        required to execute on the target. Not doing so may cause
-        useradd preinst to be invoked twice, causing unwanted warnings.
-        """
-        preinst = d.getVar('pkg_preinst_%s' % pkg, True) or d.getVar('pkg_preinst', True)
-        if not preinst:
-            preinst = '#!/bin/sh\n'
-        preinst += 'bbnote () {\n\techo "NOTE: $*"\n}\n'
-        preinst += 'bbwarn () {\n\techo "WARNING: $*"\n}\n'
-        preinst += 'bbfatal () {\n\techo "ERROR: $*"\n\texit 1\n}\n'
-        preinst += 'perform_groupadd () {\n%s}\n' % d.getVar('perform_groupadd', True)
-        preinst += 'perform_useradd () {\n%s}\n' % d.getVar('perform_useradd', True)
-        preinst += 'perform_groupmems () {\n%s}\n' % d.getVar('perform_groupmems', True)
-        preinst += d.getVar('useradd_preinst', True)
-        d.setVar('pkg_preinst_%s' % pkg, preinst)
-        # RDEPENDS setup
-        rdepends = d.getVar("RDEPENDS_%s" % pkg, True) or ""
-        rdepends += ' ' + d.getVar('MLPREFIX', False) + 'base-passwd'
-        rdepends += ' ' + d.getVar('MLPREFIX', False) + 'shadow'
-        # base-files is where the default /etc/skel is packaged
-        rdepends += ' ' + d.getVar('MLPREFIX', False) + 'base-files'
-        d.setVar("RDEPENDS_%s" % pkg, rdepends)
-    # Add the user/group preinstall scripts and RDEPENDS requirements
-    # to packages specified by USERADD_PACKAGES
-    if not'nativesdk', d) \
-        and not'native', d):
-        useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True) or ""
-        for pkg in useradd_packages.split():
-            update_useradd_package(pkg)
-# Use the following to extend the useradd with custom functions
diff --git a/meta-agl/classes/useradd_base.bbclass b/meta-agl/classes/useradd_base.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ba87edc57..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/classes/useradd_base.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# This bbclass provides basic functionality for user/group settings.
-# This bbclass is intended to be inherited by useradd.bbclass and
-# extrausers.bbclass.
-# The following functions basically have similar logic.
-# *) Perform necessary checks before invoking the actual command
-# *) Invoke the actual command with flock
-# *) Error out if an error occurs.
-# Note that before invoking these functions, make sure the global variable
-# PSEUDO is set up correctly.
-perform_groupadd () {
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing groupadd with [$opts]"
-	local groupname=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local group_exists="`grep "^$groupname:" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-	if test "x$group_exists" = "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO groupadd \$opts\" || true
-		group_exists="`grep "^$groupname:" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-		if test "x$group_exists" = "x"; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: groupadd command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbnote "${PN}: group $groupname already exists, not re-creating it"
-	fi
-perform_useradd () {
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing useradd with [$opts]"
-	local username=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local user_exists="`grep "^$username:" $rootdir/etc/passwd || true`"
-	if test "x$user_exists" = "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c  \"$PSEUDO useradd \$opts\" || true
-		user_exists="`grep "^$username:" $rootdir/etc/passwd || true`"
-		if test "x$user_exists" = "x"; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: useradd command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbnote "${PN}: user $username already exists, not re-creating it"
-	fi
-perform_groupmems () {
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing groupmems with [$opts]"
-	local groupname=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) if ($i == "-g" || $i == "--group") print $(i+1) }'`
-	local username=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) if ($i == "-a" || $i == "--add") print $(i+1) }'`
-	bbnote "${PN}: Running groupmems command with group $groupname and user $username"
-	local mem_exists="`grep "^$groupname:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^,]*,\)*$username\(,[^,]*\)*" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-	if test "x$mem_exists" = "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO groupmems \$opts\" || true
-		mem_exists="`grep "^$groupname:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^,]*,\)*$username\(,[^,]*\)*" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-		if test "x$mem_exists" = "x"; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: groupmems command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbnote "${PN}: group $groupname already contains $username, not re-adding it"
-	fi
-perform_groupdel () {
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing groupdel with [$opts]"
-	local groupname=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local group_exists="`grep "^$groupname:" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-	if test "x$group_exists" != "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO groupdel \$opts\" || true
-		group_exists="`grep "^$groupname:" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-		if test "x$group_exists" != "x"; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: groupdel command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbnote "${PN}: group $groupname doesn't exist, not removing it"
-	fi
-perform_userdel () {
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing userdel with [$opts]"
-	local username=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local user_exists="`grep "^$username:" $rootdir/etc/passwd || true`"
-	if test "x$user_exists" != "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO userdel \$opts\" || true
-		user_exists="`grep "^$username:" $rootdir/etc/passwd || true`"
-		if test "x$user_exists" != "x"; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: userdel command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbnote "${PN}: user $username doesn't exist, not removing it"
-	fi
-perform_groupmod () {
-	# Other than the return value of groupmod, there's no simple way to judge whether the command
-	# succeeds, so we disable -e option temporarily
-	set +e
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing groupmod with [$opts]"
-	local groupname=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local group_exists="`grep "^$groupname:" $rootdir/etc/group || true`"
-	if test "x$group_exists" != "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO groupmod \$opts\"
-		if test $? != 0; then
-			bbwarn "${PN}: groupmod command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbwarn "${PN}: group $groupname doesn't exist, unable to modify it"
-	fi
-	set -e
-perform_usermod () {
-	# Same reason with groupmod, temporarily disable -e option
-	set +e
-	local rootdir="$1"
-	local opts="$2"
-	bbnote "${PN}: Performing usermod with [$opts]"
-	local username=`echo "$opts" | awk '{ print $NF }'`
-	local user_exists="`grep "^$username:" $rootdir/etc/passwd || true`"
-	if test "x$user_exists" != "x"; then
-		eval flock -x $rootdir${sysconfdir} -c \"$PSEUDO usermod \$opts\"
-		if test $? != 0; then
-			bbfatal "${PN}: usermod command did not succeed."
-		fi
-	else
-		bbwarn "${PN}: user $username doesn't exist, unable to modify it"
-	fi
-	set -e