From: Jose Bollo <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 15:30:32 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: af-main & af-binder: Partial shift to token logic
X-Git-Tag: 8.99.2~2

af-main & af-binder: Partial shift to token logic

This commit includes changes related to integration
of token security logic and use of nss-localuser.

Changes from af-main are:
 * 581f99c wgtpkg-install: Add default permissions
 * 50ab763 Remove tokens
 * 6008a3e Enforce numeric application IDs
 * 653562e Introduce localuser interface for applications

Changes from af-binder are:
 * 5026e71 docs( typo
 * 2243df1 afb-api-dbus: Fix broken broadcast in dbus apis
 * ff5446e afb-proto-ws: Fix crash on event to disconnected
 * 1b240e6 afb-hreq: Handle HTTP header Authorization
 * 29ae81f Introduce object for tokens
 * 6f59158 coverage: Fix regression
 * 9a623c3 monitoring: Fix display on connection error
 * e6908a2 afb-hreq: Handle access_token query parameter
 * 0d3dc97 Remove refreshing token
 * 7c67e96 Remove returning token
 * e08d57c Don't return the uuid
 * b4da3b7 Move tokens from sessions to requests
 * e80c1a7 Use afb_token in contexts
 * d735ff8 afb-session: Expose a local id for sessions
 * 5ac7bb0 afb-session: remove initial token
 * 0fd887b u16id: Add maps for identifiers id of 16 bits
 * eaf5670 afb-evt: Use 16 bits for ids
 * b55f3cd afb-stub-ws: Enforce asynchronous describe
 * 7386e1c afb-proto-ws: Change the protocol WSAPI
 * 74a7ebb afb-error-text: Introduce standard error text
 * af003cd afb-auth: Increase and improve use of afb-auth
 * 98b214e afb-hswitch: Update websocket policy
 * b70caad afb-context: Move credentials to context
 * d8aff62 afb-context & afb-token: rework token validation
 * 36094f9 afb-supervision: Improve messages
 * 354dfe5 afb-perm: separate access to permission db
 * 93483c5 AFB.js: Enforce single code
 * c79b6ba Relax constraint on aliases
 * 7a28ebb afb-socket: Add ability to set a default scheme
 * 82a9d79 main-afb-daemon: manage listening interfaces

Bug-AGL: SPEC-2968

Change-Id: If4751144595c38a69608a962c92b54ae1a976ac8
Signed-off-by: Jose Bollo <>

diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-binder/ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-binder/
index 7822bbb09..4081a51f9 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-binder/
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-binder/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE-2.0.txt;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"
 SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=${AGL_BRANCH}"
-SRCREV = "355db4b7f226c198fd001c41a0f3827dee65932f"
+SRCREV = "82a9d796219de863253b96340bb03c4506c8c676"
 PV = "${AGL_BRANCH}+git${SRCPV}"
 S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-main/ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-main/
index cb8c7e771..a8f4e930f 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-main/
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/af-main/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"
 SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=${AGL_BRANCH}"
-SRCREV = "f68b681e785456207fd8195ac83ade0c89373416"
+SRCREV = "653562e1449c935f087d2d8265081eeac1cd73b4"
 PV = "${AGL_BRANCH}+git${SRCPV}"
 S = "${WORKDIR}/git"