trasnmitter: initial commit for waltham-transmitter 77/14977/1
authorWataru Mizuno <>
Wed, 4 Jul 2018 06:25:39 +0000 (15:25 +0900)
committerWataru Mizuno <>
Wed, 4 Jul 2018 06:25:39 +0000 (15:25 +0900)
The waltham-transmitter is the plugin of weston to enable client apps
to share its surface between multiple domains.

Change-Id: I7e607ed183f147fc0078bef54639207cfca80c6e
Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
12 files changed:
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/waltham-transmitter/0001-waltham-transmitter-initial-commit-of-waltham-transm.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/ [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-ivi-shell-register-ivi_layout_interface.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-transmitter-add-an-incomplete-plugin-output-and-poin.patch [deleted file]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0018-compositor-add-output-type-to-weston_output.patch [moved from meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0020-compositor-add-output-type-to-weston_output.patch with 100% similarity]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0018-ivi-layout-Register-ivi-layout-interface-It-enables-.patch [deleted file]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0019-compositor-drm-introduce-drm_get_dmafd_from_view.patch [moved from meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0023-compositor-drm-introduce-drm_get_dmafd_from_view.patch with 100% similarity]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0019-transmitter-transmitter-plugin-for-waltham-protocol.patch [deleted file]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0021-transmitter-add-output-type-for-waltham-output.patch [deleted file]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0022-transmitter-did-code-cleaning.patch [deleted file]
meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0024-transmitter-introduce-waltham-renderer.patch [deleted file]

diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/waltham-transmitter/0001-waltham-transmitter-initial-commit-of-waltham-transm.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/waltham-transmitter/0001-waltham-transmitter-initial-commit-of-waltham-transm.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a27788d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3932 @@
+From 2bcc81912b92d6ba7a6d24e972e0bcce2e746cab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Wataru Mizuno <>
+Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 09:09:33 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] transmitter: initial commit for waltham-transmitter
+The waltham-transmitter is the plugin of weston to enable client
+applications to share its surface between multiple domains.
+Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
+ CMakeLists.txt                                     |    3 +
+ waltham-transmitter/CMakeLists.txt                 |    4 +
+ waltham-transmitter/COPYING                        |   30 +
+ .../transmitter-plugin/CMakeLists.txt              |   62 +
+ waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/README      |   97 ++
+ waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/input.c     | 1317 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/output.c    |  352 ++++++
+ waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.c    |  940 ++++++++++++++
+ waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.h    |  330 +++++
+ .../transmitter-plugin/transmitter_api.h           |  278 +++++
+ .../transmitter-plugin/weston.ini.transmitter      |   21 +
+ .../waltham-renderer/CMakeLists.txt                |   59 +
+ .../waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.c            |  270 ++++
+ .../waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.h            |   41 +
+ 14 files changed, 3804 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/COPYING
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/README
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/input.c
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/output.c
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.c
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.h
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/transmitter_api.h
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/weston.ini.transmitter
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/CMakeLists.txt
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.c
+ create mode 100644 waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.h
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..00fd14e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++project (weston-ivi-plugins)
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/CMakeLists.txt b/waltham-transmitter/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b4d1243
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++project (transmitter)
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/COPYING b/waltham-transmitter/COPYING
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..faefd8f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/COPYING
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++Copyright © 2008-2012 Kristian Høgsberg
++Copyright © 2010-2012 Intel Corporation
++Copyright © 2010-2011 Benjamin Franzke
++Copyright © 2011-2012 Collabora, Ltd.
++Copyright © 2010 Red Hat <>
++Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
++copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
++to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
++the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
++and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
++Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
++paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
++The above is the version of the MIT "Expat" License used by
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/CMakeLists.txt b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a900d3b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++project (transmitter)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WAYLAND_SERVER wayland-server>=1.13.0 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WESTON weston>=2.0.0 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(PIXMAN pixman-1 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WALTHAM waltham REQUIRED)
++    include
++    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer
++add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} MODULE
++    plugin.c
++    output.c
++    input.c
++    plugin.h
++    transmitter_api.h
++set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
++    m
++    plugin.c
++    output.c
++    input.c
++    plugin.h
++    transmitter_api.h
++add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIBS})
++target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIBS})
++install (
++    TARGETS             ${PROJECT_NAME}
++    LIBRARY DESTINATION lib64/weston
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/README b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/README
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..345142d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/README
+@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
++Transmitter plugin
++The current implementation of Transmitter is a stub which interfaces to
++other Weston parts appropriately, but all networking is just a mockup.
++Sections in this file describe:
++- How to build
++- How to write weston.ini
++- How to test
++How to build
++Configure Weston with --enable-surface-remoting to build the Transmitter
++How to write weston.ini
++To load transmitter plugin to weston, add '' to the 'modules'
++key under '[core]', and make sure the 'shell' is ''.
++The destination of remoting is configured in weston.ini.
++Add output name, server address, port number, output's width and height key
++under '[remote-output]'.
++You can speficy multiple [remote-output].
++In details, see 'weston.ini.transmitter'.
++How to test
++You can use server side test application in waltham-server directory.
++If you set 'WALTHAM_DEBUG=1' to your environment valuable, you can
++see the log like this:
++ [13:24:08.345] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
++ [13:24:08.345] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 88
++ [13:24:08.345] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
++ [13:24:08.345] Transmitter initialized.
++ [13:24:08.345] Loading module '/usr/lib64/libweston-2/'
++ [13:24:08.352] gst-setting are :-->
++ [13:24:08.352] ip =
++ [13:24:08.352] port = 34400
++ [13:24:08.352] bitrate = 3000000
++ [13:24:08.352] crop = 384 x 368
++ [13:24:08.352] width = 1920
++ [13:24:08.352] width = 1080
++ [13:24:08.531] open media device: platform:fe960000.vsp (fe960000.vsp)
++ [13:24:08.532] input pad setup ('fe960000.vsp rpf.0 input':'/dev/video0')
++ [13:24:08.533] output pad setup (fe960000.vsp wpf.0 output:/dev/video5)
++ [13:24:08.533] vsp-device '/dev/media0' created
++ [13:24:08.533] gst_recorder_create (1920x1080) crop 384x368 at 0,0
++ [13:24:08.533] gst_pipeline: starting: appsrc name=src ! omxh264enc target-bitrate=3000000 control-rate=2 no-copy=k
++ [13:24:08.582] goot 1 pools
++ [13:24:08.583]  pool settings size 211968, min 5, max 5
++ [13:24:08.583] gst_recorder_create done
++ [13:24:08.583] [gst recorder] transmitter- recorder initialized
++ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter weston_seat 0x15424630
++ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created pointer=0x15625df0 for seat 0x15424630
++ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created keyboard=0x154247c0 for seat 0x15424630
++ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created touch=0x15625f10 for seat 0x15424630
++The connection is established, you can see following debug messages:
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 1
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 2
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00001000030000000100000002000000 wth_display_get_registry
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 3
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00001000020000000100000003000000 wth_display_sync
++ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 40 bytes
++ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 4
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00002c000800000002000000010000000400000010000000777468705f636f6d706f7369746f720001000000 wthpd
++ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 48 bytes
++ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 1) (opcode 9) called.
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 5
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 000034000800000002000000010000000500000015000000777468705f6976695f6170706c69636174696f6e00010d
++ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 44 bytes
++ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 6
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 000030000800000002000000010000000600000012000000777468705f626c6f625f666163746f72790001000000 d
++ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 36 bytes
++ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
++ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 7
++ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00002800080000000200000001000000070000000a000000777468705f736561740001000000 wthp_registry_bid
++ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (11) 16 bytes
++ debug: wthp_callback_send_done(3, 0) (opcode 11) called.
++Start remoting :
++- Start an IVI application.
++- Put surface on transmitter output
++Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
++[13:18:24.572] HMI transmitting surface 0x1c3dad0, ivi-id 0x9ff6
++[13:18:24.572] Transmitter: update surface 0x1c3dad0 (0, 0), 0 cb
++[13:18:24.572] transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(0x1c3dad0, 0x9ff6)
++[13:18:24.972] Transmitter: surface 0x1c3dad0 entered output transmitter-
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/input.c b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/input.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e00546b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/input.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,1317 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <string.h>
++/* for fake stuff */
++#include <math.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "plugin.h"
++#include "transmitter_api.h"
++/** @file
++ *
++ * This is an implementation of a remote input.
++ *
++ * Request wl_data_device_manager.get_data_device would need to be blocked,
++ * except maybe it's not necessary, we just "forget" to forward data to/from
++ * the remote wl_seat. It might still work inside the local compositor.
++ *
++ * weston_compositor_set_default_pointer_grab() will break our pointer
++ * implementation, but no in-tree code is calling it.
++ */
++/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
++ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
++ * removed from the final implementation.
++ */
++static void
++pointer_focus_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
++      /* No-op:
++       *
++       * Weston internal events do not change the focus.
++       */
++static void
++pointer_motion_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
++                          uint32_t time,
++                          struct weston_pointer_motion_event *event)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++static void
++pointer_button_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
++                          uint32_t time,
++                          uint32_t button,
++                          uint32_t state)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++static void
++pointer_axis_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
++                        uint32_t time,
++                        struct weston_pointer_axis_event *event)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++static void
++pointer_axis_source_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
++                               uint32_t source)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++static void
++pointer_frame_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++static void
++pointer_cancel_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
++      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
++                 __func__, grab->pointer);
++/* These handlers would be called from the notify_*() functions in src/input.c.
++ * However, as we do not use the low level input notify_*() functions that
++ * backends drive, these are mostly uncalled, except the focus handler which
++ * weston core generates internally.
++ */
++static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface pointer_grab_impl = {
++      pointer_focus_grab_handler,
++      pointer_motion_grab_handler,
++      pointer_button_grab_handler,
++      pointer_axis_grab_handler,
++      pointer_axis_source_grab_handler,
++      pointer_frame_grab_handler,
++      pointer_cancel_grab_handler,
++static void
++keyboard_grab_key(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
++                uint32_t time,
++                uint32_t key,
++                uint32_t state)
++static void
++keyboard_grab_modifiers(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
++                      uint32_t serial,
++                      uint32_t mods_depressed,
++                      uint32_t mods_latched,
++                      uint32_t mods_locked,
++                      uint32_t group)
++static void
++keyboard_grab_cancel(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab)
++static const struct weston_keyboard_grab_interface keyborad_grab_impl = {
++      keyboard_grab_key,
++      keyboard_grab_modifiers,
++      keyboard_grab_cancel
++static void
++touch_grab_down_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
++                      uint32_t time,
++                      int touch_id,
++                      wl_fixed_t x,
++                      wl_fixed_t y)
++static void
++touch_grab_up_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
++                    uint32_t time,
++                    int touch_id)
++static void
++touch_grab_motion_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
++                        uint32_t time,
++                        int touch_id,
++                        wl_fixed_t x,
++                        wl_fixed_t y)
++static void
++touch_grab_frame_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
++static void
++touch_grab_cancel_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
++static const struct weston_touch_grab_interface touch_grab_impl = {
++      touch_grab_down_handler,
++      touch_grab_up_handler,
++      touch_grab_motion_handler,
++      touch_grab_frame_handler,
++      touch_grab_cancel_handler,
++/* The different ways to get pointer focus on a remoted surface:
++ *
++ * 1. Transmitter seat has pointer. The client has wl_pointer. Transmitter
++ *    receives pointer.enter. (transmitter_seat_pointer_enter())
++ *
++ * 2. Transmitter seat has pointer. Transmitter has received pointer.enter.
++ *    The client calls wl_seat.get_pointer. => send enter only on the new
++ *    wl_pointer. (seat_get_pointer_handler())
++ *
++ * 3. Client has wl_pointer. Transmitter seat adds pointer capability.
++ *    Transmitter receives pointer.enter. wl_pointer MUST NOT enter,
++ *    specified by wl_seat.capabilities.
++ *
++ * By definition, Transmitter cannot receive pointer.enter without having
++ * pointer capability in the seat, so no other combinations are possible.
++ *
++ * The same applies to wl_keyboard and wl_touch.
++ */
++/* Implementor notes:
++ *
++ * The handling of all of wl_pointer, wl_keyboard and wl_touch should be
++ * similar. To make it work, we need to add a signal to each of the
++ * wl_seat.get_pointer, wl_seat.get_keyboard, and wl_seat.get_touch request
++ * handlers in Weston core. Otherwise we cannot implement the case 2 of gaining
++ * input device focus.
++ *
++ * However, weston_keyboard::focus is a weston_surface, not a weston_view, so
++ * we may be able to leverage more of the core implementation and maybe do
++ * without the wl_seat.get_keyboard signal. Weston_touch uses a weston_view, so
++ * that is similar to weston_pointer.
++ *
++ * It might be useful to convert weston_keyboard and weston_touch to use a
++ * similar thing as weston_pointer_client, in case it makes things more
++ * consistent. It might also fix issues when a client has multiple copies of a
++ * wl_keyboard or a wl_touch, but that is getting off-topic.
++ *
++ * This file shows which part of the Weston input path we skip and where we
++ * hook in. We skip everything starting from the notify_*() API used by
++ * backends, and stub out the grab handlers. Instead of actual grab handlers,
++ * we have our own network protocol events handlers. They do much of the same
++ * as normal grab handlers would do, except focus is pre-given, and we do not
++ * have weston_view for the focus surfaces, so we need to bypass core code
++ * dealing with those.
++ *
++ * Our remote seat implementation will leave many struct members unused and
++ * replicate some from weston_pointer, weston_keyboard, and weston_touch.
++ * Weston core must be kept out from the focus handling business, because we
++ * will send enter/leave events ourselves, and focus assignments are given
++ * to us from the remote, they cannot be changed at will by the local Weston.
++ */
++/** Callback from the protocol request handler for wl_seat.get_pointer
++ *
++ * The Weston core handler never sees focus set on the weston_pointer,
++ * so it won't send wl_pointer.enter nor set focus_client. It does call
++ * weston_pointer_ensure_pointer_client() though.
++ */
++static void
++seat_get_pointer_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct wl_resource *new_pointer = data;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct wl_resource *surface;
++      struct weston_pointer_client *pointer_client;
++      struct wl_client *client;
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, get_pointer_listener);
++      if (!seat->pointer_focus)
++              return;
++      client = wl_resource_get_client(new_pointer);
++      surface = seat->pointer_focus->surface->resource;
++      if (wl_resource_get_client(surface) != client)
++              return;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer); /* guaranteed by having pointer_focus */
++      pointer_client = weston_pointer_get_pointer_client(pointer, client);
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              pointer->focus_client = pointer_client;
++      else
++              assert(pointer->focus_client == pointer_client);
++      wl_pointer_send_enter(new_pointer, pointer->focus_serial, surface,
++                            seat->pointer_surface_x, seat->pointer_surface_y);
++      if (wl_resource_get_version(new_pointer) >=
++              wl_pointer_send_frame(new_pointer);
++static void
++transmitter_seat_create_pointer(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      seat->pointer_phase = 0.0;
++      seat->pointer_surface_x = wl_fixed_from_int(-1000000);
++      seat->pointer_surface_y = wl_fixed_from_int(-1000000);
++      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
++      wl_list_init(&seat->;
++      weston_seat_init_pointer(seat->base);
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      /* not exported:
++       * weston_pointer_set_default_grab(pointer, &pointer_grab_impl); */
++      pointer->default_grab.interface = &pointer_grab_impl;
++      /* Changes to local outputs are irrelevant. */
++      wl_list_remove(&pointer->;
++      wl_list_init(&pointer->;
++      weston_log("Transmitter created pointer=%p for seat %p\n",
++                 pointer, seat->base);
++static void
++seat_pointer_focus_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, pointer_focus_destroy_listener);
++      assert(seat->pointer_focus == txs);
++      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
++transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                             uint32_t serial,
++                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                             wl_fixed_t surface_x,
++                             wl_fixed_t surface_y)
++      struct wl_client *client;
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer);
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      client = wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource);
++      seat->pointer_focus = txs;
++      seat->pointer_focus_destroy_listener.notify =
++              seat_pointer_focus_destroy_handler;
++      wl_signal_add(&txs->destroy_signal,
++                    &seat->pointer_focus_destroy_listener);
++      /* If pointer-focus gets destroyed, txs will get destroyed, the
++       * remote surface object is destroyed, and the remote will send a
++       * leave and a frame.
++       */
++      seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
++      seat->pointer_surface_y = surface_y;
++      pointer->focus_serial = serial;
++      /* pointer->focus is not used, because it is a weston_view, while
++       * remoted surfaces have no views.
++       *
++       * pointer->x,y are not used because they are in global coordinates.
++       * Remoted surfaces are not in the global space at all, so there are
++       * no such coordinates.
++       */
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              return;
++      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
++              wl_pointer_send_enter(resource,
++                                    serial,
++                                    txs->surface->resource,
++                                    surface_x, surface_y);
++      }
++transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                             uint32_t serial,
++                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
++      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      if (txs != seat->pointer_focus) {
++              weston_log("Transmitter Warning: pointer leave for %p, expected %p\n",
++                         txs, seat->pointer_focus);
++      }
++      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
++      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
++      wl_list_init(&seat->;
++      if (!txs)
++              return;
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer);
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              return;
++      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list)
++              wl_pointer_send_leave(resource, serial, surface_resource);
++      /* Do not reset pointer->focus_client, because we need to be able
++       * to send a following 'frame' event in
++       * transmitter_seat_pointer_frame().
++       */
++transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t time,
++                              wl_fixed_t surface_x,
++                              wl_fixed_t surface_y)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer);
++      seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
++      seat->pointer_surface_y = surface_y;
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              return;
++      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
++      if (txs)
++              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
++                     pointer->focus_client->client);
++      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
++              wl_pointer_send_motion(resource, time,
++                                     surface_x, surface_y);
++      }
++transmitter_seat_pointer_button(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t serial,
++                              uint32_t time,
++                              uint32_t button,
++                              uint32_t state)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer);
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              return;
++      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
++      if (txs)
++              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
++                     pointer->focus_client->client);
++      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
++              wl_pointer_send_button(resource, serial, time,
++                                     button, state);
++        }
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                            uint32_t time,
++                            uint32_t axis,
++                            wl_fixed_t value)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      assert(pointer);
++      if (!pointer->focus_client)
++              return;
++      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
++      if (txs)
++              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
++                     pointer->focus_client->client);
++      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
++              wl_pointer_send_axis(resource, time,
++                                   axis, value);
++      }
++transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
++      if (pointer)
++              weston_pointer_send_frame(pointer);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_source(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                   uint32_t axis_source)
++      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_stop(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                 uint32_t time,
++                                 uint32_t axis)
++      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_discrete(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                     uint32_t axis,
++                                     int32_t discrete)
++      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
++static void
++transmitter_seat_create_keyboard(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
++      seat->keyboard_focus = NULL;
++      weston_seat_init_keyboard(seat->base, NULL);
++      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
++      keyboard->default_grab.interface = &keyborad_grab_impl;
++      weston_log("Transmitter created keyboard=%p for seat %p\n",
++                 keyboard, seat->base);
++static void
++transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t serial,
++                              struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                              struct wl_array *keys)
++      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
++      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
++      assert(keyboard);
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
++      seat->keyboard_focus = txs;
++      wl_array_copy(&keyboard->keys, keys);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
++                      wl_keyboard_send_enter(resource,
++                                             serial,
++                                             surface_resource,
++                                             &keyboard->keys);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_keyboard_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t serial,
++                              struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
++      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
++      assert(keyboard);
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
++                      wl_keyboard_send_leave(resource,
++                                             serial,
++                                             surface_resource);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_keyboard_key(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++      uint32_t serial,
++      uint32_t time,
++      uint32_t key,
++      uint32_t state)
++      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
++      assert(keyboard);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
++                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->keyboard_focus->surface->resource)) {
++                      wl_keyboard_send_key(resource,
++                                           serial,
++                                           time,
++                                           key,
++                                           state);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_create_touch(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      seat->touch_focus = NULL;
++      weston_seat_init_touch(seat->base);
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      touch->default_grab.interface = &touch_grab_impl;
++      weston_log("Transmitter created touch=%p for seat %p\n",
++                 touch, seat->base);
++static void
++transmitter_seat_touch_down (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                           uint32_t serial,
++                           uint32_t time,
++                           struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                           int32_t touch_id,
++                           wl_fixed_t x,
++                           wl_fixed_t y)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      assert(touch);
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
++      seat->touch_focus = txs;
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
++                      wl_touch_send_down(resource, serial, time,
++                                         surface_resource,
++                                         touch_id, x, y);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_touch_up (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                         uint32_t serial,
++                         uint32_t time,
++                         int32_t touch_id)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      assert(touch);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
++                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
++                      wl_touch_send_up(resource, serial, time, touch_id);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_touch_motion (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                             uint32_t time,
++                             int32_t touch_id,
++                             wl_fixed_t x,
++                             wl_fixed_t y)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      assert(touch);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
++                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
++                      wl_touch_send_motion(resource, time, touch_id, x, y);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_touch_frame (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      assert(touch);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
++                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
++                      wl_touch_send_frame(resource);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_seat_touch_cancel (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
++      assert(touch);
++      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
++              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
++                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
++                      wl_touch_send_cancel(resource);
++              }
++      }
++static char *
++make_seat_name(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, const char *name)
++      char *str;
++      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s-%s", remote->addr, name) < 0)
++              return NULL;
++      return str;
++transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
++      wl_list_remove(&seat->link);
++      weston_log("Transmitter destroy seat=%p\n", seat->base);
++      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
++      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
++      if (seat->pointer_timer)
++              wl_event_source_remove(seat->pointer_timer);
++      free(seat);
++static void
++pointer_handle_enter(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                   uint32_t serial,
++                   struct wthp_surface *surface,
++                   wth_fixed_t surface_x,
++                   wth_fixed_t surface_y)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
++                      if (txs != seat->pointer_focus)
++                              transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial, seat->pointer_focus);
++                      transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(seat, serial, txs,
++                                                     surface_x, surface_y);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++pointer_handle_leave(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                   uint32_t serial,
++                   struct wthp_surface *surface)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
++                      transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial, txs);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++pointer_handle_motion(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                    uint32_t time,
++                    wth_fixed_t surface_x,
++                    wth_fixed_t surface_y)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(seat, time,
++                                      surface_x,
++                                      surface_y);
++static void
++pointer_handle_button(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                    uint32_t serial,
++                    uint32_t time,
++                    uint32_t button,
++                    uint32_t state)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_button(seat, serial,
++                                      time, button,
++                                      state);
++static void
++pointer_handle_axis(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                  uint32_t time,
++                  uint32_t axis, wth_fixed_t value)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(seat, time,
++                                    axis, value);
++static void
++pointer_handle_frame(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer)
++      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle frame */
++static void
++pointer_handle_axis_source(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                         uint32_t axis_source)
++      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis source */
++static void
++pointer_handle_axis_stop(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                       uint32_t time,
++                       uint32_t axis)
++      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis stop */
++static void
++pointer_handle_axis_discrete(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
++                           uint32_t axis,
++                           int32_t discrete)
++      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis discrete */
++static const struct wthp_pointer_listener pointer_listener = {
++      pointer_handle_enter,
++      pointer_handle_leave,
++      pointer_handle_motion,
++      pointer_handle_button,
++      pointer_handle_axis,
++      pointer_handle_frame,
++      pointer_handle_axis_source,
++      pointer_handle_axis_stop,
++      pointer_handle_axis_discrete
++static void
++keyboard_handle_keymap(struct wthp_keyboard * wthp_keyboard,
++      uint32_t format,
++      uint32_t keymap_sz,
++      void * keymap)
++      /* ToDo : implement keyboard handle keymap */
++static void
++keyboard_handle_enter(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
++      uint32_t serial,
++      struct wthp_surface *surface,
++      struct wth_array *keys)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      struct wl_array *wl_key = (struct wl_array *)malloc(sizeof(struct wl_array));
++      wl_key->size = keys->size;
++      wl_key->alloc = keys->alloc;
++      wl_key->data = keys->data;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
++                      //transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(seat, serial, txs, keys);
++                      transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(seat, serial, txs, wl_key);
++              }
++      }
++      free(wl_key);
++static void
++keyboard_handle_leave(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
++      uint32_t serial,
++      struct wthp_surface *surface)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
++                      transmitter_seat_keyboard_leave(seat, serial, txs);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++keyboard_handle_key(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
++      uint32_t serial,
++      uint32_t time,
++      uint32_t key,
++      uint32_t state)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_keyboard_key(seat, serial, time, key, state);
++static void
++keyboard_handle_modifiers(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
++      uint32_t serial,
++      uint32_t mods_depressed,
++      uint32_t mods_latched,
++      uint32_t mods_locked,
++      uint32_t group)
++      weston_log("keyboard_handle_modifiers\n");
++static void
++keyboard_handle_repeat_info(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
++      int32_t rate,
++      int32_t delay)
++      weston_log("keyboard_handle_repeat_info\n");
++static const struct wthp_keyboard_listener keyboard_listener = {
++      keyboard_handle_keymap,
++      keyboard_handle_enter,
++      keyboard_handle_leave,
++      keyboard_handle_key,
++      keyboard_handle_modifiers,
++      keyboard_handle_repeat_info
++static void
++touch_handle_down (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
++                 uint32_t serial,
++                 uint32_t time,
++                 struct wthp_surface * surface,
++                 int32_t id,
++                 wth_fixed_t x,
++                 wth_fixed_t y)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
++                      transmitter_seat_touch_down(seat, serial, time,
++                                                  txs, id, x, y);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++touch_handle_up (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
++               uint32_t serial,
++               uint32_t time,
++               int32_t id)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_touch_up(seat, serial, time, id);
++static void
++touch_handle_motion (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
++                   uint32_t time,
++                   int32_t id,
++                   wth_fixed_t x,
++                   wth_fixed_t y)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_touch_motion(seat, time, id, x, y);
++static void
++touch_handle_frame (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_touch_frame(seat);
++static void
++touch_handle_cancel (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy =
++              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
++      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
++      transmitter_seat_touch_cancel(seat);
++static const struct wthp_touch_listener touch_listener = {
++      touch_handle_down,
++      touch_handle_up,
++      touch_handle_motion,
++      touch_handle_frame,
++      touch_handle_cancel
++seat_capabilities(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat,
++                enum wthp_seat_capability caps)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_seat);
++      weston_log("seat_capabilities\n");
++      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) && !dpy->pointer)
++      {
++              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER\n");
++              dpy->pointer = wthp_seat_get_pointer(dpy->seat);
++              wthp_pointer_set_listener(dpy->pointer, &pointer_listener, dpy);
++      }
++      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD) && !dpy->keyboard)
++      {
++              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD\n");
++              dpy->keyboard = wthp_seat_get_keyboard(dpy->seat);
++              wthp_keyboard_set_listener(dpy->keyboard, &keyboard_listener, dpy);
++      }
++      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH) && !dpy->touch)
++      {
++              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH\n");
++              dpy->touch = wthp_seat_get_touch(dpy->seat);
++              wthp_touch_set_listener(dpy->touch, &touch_listener, dpy);
++      }
++transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat = NULL;
++      char *name = NULL;
++      struct weston_seat *weston_seat = NULL;
++      seat = zalloc(sizeof *seat);
++      if (!seat)
++              goto fail;
++      wl_list_init(&seat->;
++      wl_list_init(&seat->;
++      /* XXX: get the name from remote */
++      name = make_seat_name(remote, "default");
++      if (!name)
++              goto fail;
++      if (wl_list_empty(&remote->transmitter->compositor->seat_list)) {
++              weston_seat = zalloc(sizeof *weston_seat);
++              if (!weston_seat)
++                      goto fail;
++              weston_seat_init(weston_seat, remote->transmitter->compositor, name);
++              seat->base = weston_seat;
++              weston_log("Transmitter created seat=%p \n", &seat->base);
++      } else {
++              wl_list_for_each(weston_seat, &remote->transmitter->compositor->seat_list, link) {
++                      weston_log("Transmitter weston_seat %p\n", weston_seat);
++                      seat->base = weston_seat;
++              }
++      }
++      free(name);
++#if DEBUG
++      weston_seat_init(&seat->base, remote->transmitter->compositor, name);
++      free(name);
++      /* Hide the weston_seat from the rest of Weston, there are too many
++       * things making assumptions:
++       * - backends assume they control all seats
++       * - shells assume they control all input foci
++       * We do not want either to mess with our seat.
++       */
++      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
++      wl_list_init(&seat->;
++      /* The weston_compositor::seat_created_signal has already been
++       * emitted. Shells use it to subscribe to focus changes, but we should
++       * never handle focus with weston core... except maybe with keyboard.
++       * text-backend.c will also act on the new seat.
++       * It is possible weston_seat_init() needs to be split to fix this
++       * properly.
++       */
++      weston_log("Transmitter created seat=%p '%s'\n",
++                 &seat->base, seat->base.seat_name);
++      /* XXX: mirror remote capabilities */
++      transmitter_seat_create_pointer(seat);
++      transmitter_seat_create_keyboard(seat);
++      transmitter_seat_create_touch(seat);
++      wl_list_insert(&remote->seat_list, &seat->link);
++      return 0;
++      free(seat);
++      free(name);
++      return -1;
++static void
++fake_pointer_get_position(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat, double step,
++                        wl_fixed_t *x, wl_fixed_t *y)
++      double s, c;
++      seat->pointer_phase += step;
++      while (seat->pointer_phase > 2.0 * M_PI)
++              seat->pointer_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI;
++      sincos(seat->pointer_phase, &s, &c);
++      *x = wl_fixed_from_double(100.0 + 50.0 * c);
++      *y = wl_fixed_from_double(100.0 + 50.0 * s);
++static int
++fake_pointer_timer_handler(void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat = data;
++      wl_fixed_t x, y;
++      uint32_t time;
++      time = weston_compositor_get_time();
++      fake_pointer_get_position(seat, 18.0 / 180.0 * M_PI, &x, &y);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(seat, time, x, y);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
++      wl_event_source_timer_update(seat->pointer_timer, 100);
++      return 0;
++transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                  struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
++      wl_fixed_t x, y;
++      uint32_t serial = 5;
++      /* remove focus from earlier surface */
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial++, seat->pointer_focus);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
++      /* set pointer focus to surface */
++      fake_pointer_get_position(seat, 0.0, &x, &y);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(seat, serial++, txs, x, y);
++      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
++      if (!seat->pointer_timer) {
++              /* schedule timer for motion */
++              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(seat->base->compositor->wl_display);
++              seat->pointer_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop,
++                                              fake_pointer_timer_handler, seat);
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(seat->pointer_timer, 100);
++      }
++      /* XXX: if the now focused surface disappears, we should call
++       * transmitter_seat_pointer_leave() as part of the mockup. Otherwise
++       * you get a "Transmitter Warning: no pointer->focus_client?".
++       */
++      return 0;
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/output.c b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/output.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c379ce5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/output.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "compositor-drm.h"
++#include "plugin-registry.h"
++#include "plugin.h"
++#include "transmitter_api.h"
++#include "waltham-renderer.h"
++/** @file
++ *
++ * This is an implementation of a remote output.
++ *
++ * A remote output must not be accepted as an argument to:
++ * - wl_shell_surface.set_fullscreen
++ * - wl_shell_surface.set_maximized
++ * - zwp_fullscreen_shell_v1.present_surface
++ * - zwp_fullscreen_shell_v1.present_surface_for_mode
++ * - zwp_input_panel_surface_v1.set_toplevel
++ * - xdg_surface.set_fullscreen
++ *
++ * If a remote output is an argument to the above or similar requests,
++ * it should have the same effect as NULL if possible.
++ *
++ * @todo Should we instead accept the argument and have it start remoting
++ * automatically? That would be shell-specific.
++ *
++ * In ivi-shell's case, only zwp_input_panel_surface_v1.set_toplevel is
++ * reachable from keyboard.c. That just blindly uses whatever the first
++ * output happens to be, so there is no need to check for now.
++ *
++ * @todo Add weston_output_set_remote() which sets weston_output::is_remote
++ * to true and inits weston_output::link. This should be made mutually
++ * exclusive with weston_compositor_add_output().
++ */
++static struct waltham_renderer_interface *waltham_renderer;
++static char *
++make_model(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, int name)
++      char *str;
++      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s:%s-%d", remote->addr, remote->port, name) < 0)
++              return NULL;
++      return str;
++static int
++make_mode_list(struct wl_list *list,
++             const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
++      struct weston_mode *mode;
++      mode = zalloc(sizeof *mode);
++      if (!mode)
++              return -1;
++      *mode = info->mode;
++      wl_list_insert(list->prev, &mode->link);
++      return 0;
++static struct weston_mode *
++get_current_mode(struct wl_list *mode_list)
++      struct weston_mode *mode;
++      wl_list_for_each(mode, mode_list, link)
++              if (mode->flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT)
++                      return mode;
++      assert(0);
++      return NULL;
++static void
++free_mode_list(struct wl_list *mode_list)
++      struct weston_mode *mode;
++      while (!wl_list_empty(mode_list)) {
++              mode = wl_container_of(mode_list->next, mode, link);
++              wl_list_remove(&mode->link);
++              free(mode);
++      }
++transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
++      wl_list_remove(&output->link);
++      free_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list);
++      free(output->base.serial_number);
++      free(output->base.model);
++      free(output->base.make);
++      weston_output_destroy(&output->base);
++      free(output);
++static void
++transmitter_output_destroy_(struct weston_output *base)
++      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
++      transmitter_output_destroy(output);
++static void
++transmitter_start_repaint_loop(struct weston_output *base)
++      struct timespec ts;
++      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
++      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(output->base.compositor, &ts);
++      weston_output_finish_frame(&output->base, &ts, 0);
++static int
++transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
++                         pixman_region32_t *damage)
++      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
++      struct weston_transmitter* txr = remote->transmitter;
++      struct weston_transmitter_api* transmitter_api =
++              weston_get_transmitter_api(txr->compositor);
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface* txs;
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
++      struct weston_view *view;
++      bool found_output = false;
++      struct timespec ts;
++      struct weston_drm_output_api *api =
++              weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor,  WESTON_DRM_OUTPUT_API_NAME, sizeof(api));
++      /*
++       * Pick up weston_view in transmitter_output and check weston_view's surface
++       * If the surface hasn't been conbined to weston_transmitter_surface,
++       * then call push_to_remote.
++       * If the surface has already been combined, call gather_state.
++       */
++      if (wl_list_empty(&compositor->view_list))
++              goto out;
++              goto out;
++      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
++              bool found_surface = false;
++              if (view->output == &output->base) {
++                      found_output = true;
++                      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
++                              if (txs->surface == view->surface) {
++                                      found_surface = true;
++                                      if (!txs->wthp_surf)
++                                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote
++                                                      (view->surface, remote, NULL);
++                                      output->renderer->dmafd =
++                                              api->get_dma_fd_from_view(&output->base, view);
++                                      if(!output->renderer->dmafd) {
++                                              weston_log("Failed to get dmafd\n");
++                                              goto out;
++                                      }
++                                      /*
++                                       * Updating the width x height
++                                       * from surface to gst-recorder
++                                       */
++                                      output->renderer->surface_width
++                                              = view->surface->width;
++                                      output->renderer->surface_height
++                                              = view->surface->height;
++                                      output->renderer->repaint_output(output);
++                                      output->renderer->dmafd = NULL;
++                                      transmitter_api->surface_gather_state(txs);
++                                      weston_buffer_reference(&view->surface->buffer_ref, NULL);
++                                      break;
++                              }
++                      }
++                      if (!found_surface)
++                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote(view->surface,
++                                                                      remote, NULL);
++              }
++      }
++      if (!found_output)
++              goto out;
++      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(output->base.compositor, &ts);
++      weston_output_finish_frame(&output->base, &ts, 0);
++      return 0;
++      transmitter_start_repaint_loop(base);
++      return 0;
++static void
++transmitter_assign_planes(struct weston_output *base) {
++      /*
++       * This function prevents compositor releasing buffer early.
++       */
++      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface* txs;
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
++      struct weston_view *view;
++      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
++              if (view->output == &output->base) {
++                      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
++                              if (txs->surface == view->surface)
++                                      view->surface->keep_buffer = true;
++                      }
++              }
++      }
++static void
++transmitter_output_enable(struct weston_output *base)
++      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
++      output->base.assign_planes = transmitter_assign_planes;
++      output->base.set_backlight = NULL;
++      output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
++      output->base.switch_mode = NULL;
++transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
++                               const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
++      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
++      struct weston_transmitter *txr = remote->transmitter;
++      struct weston_output *def_output;
++      output = zalloc(sizeof *output);
++      if (!output)
++              return -1;
++      output->parent.draw_initial_frame = true;
++      output->base.subpixel = info->subpixel;
++      output-> = make_model(remote, 1);
++      output->base.make = strdup(WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE);
++      output->base.model = make_model(remote, 1);
++      output->base.serial_number = strdup("0");
++      /* x and y is fake value */
++      wl_list_init(&output->base.mode_list);
++      if (make_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list, info) < 0)
++              goto fail;
++      output->base.current_mode = get_current_mode(&output->base.mode_list);
++      output->base.height = output->base.current_mode->height;
++      output->base.width = output->base.current_mode->width;
++      /* WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT already set */
++      weston_output_init(&output->base, remote->transmitter->compositor);
++      /*
++       * renderer_output_create skipped:
++       * no renderer awareness is needed for this output
++       */
++      /*
++       * weston_compositor_add_output() skipped:
++       * Most other code uses weston_compositor::output_list when traversing
++       * all outputs, we do not want any of that.
++       * Also weston_compositor::output_created_signal must not trigger
++       * for this output, since we must not involve input device management
++       * or color management or any kind of local management.
++       */
++      output->base.enable = transmitter_output_enable;
++      output->base.start_repaint_loop = transmitter_start_repaint_loop;
++      output->base.repaint = transmitter_output_repaint;
++      output->base.destroy = transmitter_output_destroy_;
++      output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
++      output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
++      output->base.switch_mode = NULL;
++      output->base.gamma_size = 0;
++      output->base.set_gamma = NULL;
++      output->base.native_mode = output->base.current_mode;
++      output->base.native_scale = output->base.current_scale;
++      output->base.scale = 1;
++      output->base.transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL;
++      output->remote = remote;
++      wl_list_insert(&remote->output_list, &output->link);
++      /* Loading a waltham renderer library */
++      waltham_renderer = weston_load_module("","waltham_renderer_interface");
++      if (waltham_renderer->display_create(output) < 0) {
++              weston_log("Failed to create waltham renderer display \n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      weston_output_enable(&output->base);
++      return 0;
++      free_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list);
++      free(output->base.serial_number);
++      free(output->base.model);
++      free(output->base.make);
++      free(output->;
++      free(output);
++      return -1;
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.c b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f643bd8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <linux/input.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "weston.h"
++#include "plugin.h"
++#include "transmitter_api.h"
++#include "plugin-registry.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++/* waltham */
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <sys/epoll.h>
++#include <sys/timerfd.h>
++#include <waltham-object.h>
++#include <waltham-client.h>
++#include <waltham-connection.h>
++/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
++ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
++ * removed from the final implementation.
++ */
++/** Send configure event through ivi-shell.
++ *
++ * \param txs The Transmitter surface.
++ * \param width Suggestion for surface width.
++ * \param height Suggestion for surface height.
++ *
++ * When the networking code receives a ivi_surface.configure event, it calls
++ * this function to relay it to the application.
++ *
++ * \c txs cannot be a zombie, because transmitter_surface_zombify() must
++ * tear down the network link, so a zombie cannot receive events.
++ */
++transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                             int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      assert(txs->resize_handler);
++      if (!txs->resize_handler)
++              return;
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      if (!txs->surface)
++              return;
++      txs->resize_handler(txs->resize_handler_data, width, height);
++static void
++transmitter_surface_configure(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                            int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
++      assert(txs->surface);
++      if (!txs->surface)
++              return;
++      txs->attach_dx += dx;
++      txs->attach_dy += dy;
++static void
++buffer_send_complete(struct wthp_buffer *b, uint32_t serial)
++      if (b)
++              wthp_buffer_destroy(b);
++static const struct wthp_buffer_listener buffer_listener = {
++      buffer_send_complete
++static void
++transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote;
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
++      int ret;
++      if(!dpy->running) {
++              if(remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED) {
++                      remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;
++                      wth_connection_destroy(remote->display->connection);
++                      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
++                      wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 1);
++              }
++      }
++      else {
++              /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */
++              /* The buffer must be transmitted to remote side */
++              /* waltham */
++              struct weston_surface *surf = txs->surface;
++              struct weston_compositor *comp = surf->compositor;
++              int32_t stride, data_sz, width, height;
++              void *data;
++              width = 1;
++              height = 1;
++              stride = width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
++              data = malloc(stride * height);
++              data_sz = stride * height;
++              /* fake sending buffer */
++              txs->wthp_buf = wthp_blob_factory_create_buffer(remote->display->blob_factory,
++                                                              data_sz,
++                                                              data,
++                                                              surf->width,
++                                                              surf->height,
++                                                              stride,
++                                                              PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format));
++              wthp_buffer_set_listener(txs->wthp_buf, &buffer_listener, txs);
++              wthp_surface_attach(txs->wthp_surf, txs->wthp_buf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy);
++              wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height);
++              wthp_surface_commit(txs->wthp_surf);
++              wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection);
++              txs->attach_dx = 0;
++              txs->attach_dy = 0;
++      }
++/** Mark the weston_transmitter_surface dead.
++ *
++ * Stop all remoting actions on this surface.
++ *
++ * Still keeps the pointer stored by a shell valid, so it can be freed later.
++ */
++static void
++transmitter_surface_zombify(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      /* may be called multiple times */
++      if (!txs->surface)
++              return;
++      wl_signal_emit(&txs->destroy_signal, txs);
++      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
++      txs->surface = NULL;
++      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
++      remote = txs->remote;
++      if (!remote->display->compositor)
++              weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n");
++      if (txs->wthp_surf)
++              wthp_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_surf);
++      if (txs->wthp_ivi_surface)
++              wthp_ivi_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_ivi_surface);
++      /* In case called from destroy_transmitter() */
++      txs->remote = NULL;
++static void
++transmitter_surface_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
++      wl_list_remove(&txs->link);
++      free(txs);
++/** weston_surface destroy signal handler */
++static void
++transmitter_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs =
++              wl_container_of(listener, txs, surface_destroy_listener);
++      assert(data == txs->surface);
++      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
++static void
++sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      txs = wl_container_of(listener, txs, sync_output_destroy_listener);
++      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
++      wl_list_init(&txs->;
++      weston_surface_force_output(txs->surface, NULL);
++static void
++transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++        struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote;
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
++      struct weston_surface *ws;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivi_surf = NULL;
++      int32_t surface_length = 0;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      ret = txs->lyt->get_surfaces(&surface_length, &pp_surface);
++      if(!ret)
++              weston_log("No ivi_surface\n");
++      ws = txs->surface;
++      for(i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivi_surf = pp_surface[i];
++              if (ivi_surf->surface == ws) {
++                      assert(txs->surface);
++                      if (!txs->surface)
++                              return;
++                      if(!dpy)
++                              weston_log("no content in waltham_display\n");
++                      if(!dpy->compositor)
++                              weston_log("no content in compositor object\n");
++                      if(!dpy->seat)
++                              weston_log("no content in seat object\n");
++                      if(!dpy->application)
++                              weston_log("no content in ivi-application object\n");
++                      txs->wthp_ivi_surface = wthp_ivi_application_surface_create
++                              (dpy->application, ivi_surf->id_surface,  txs->wthp_surf);
++                      weston_log("surface ID %d\n", ivi_surf->id_surface);
++                      if(!txs->wthp_ivi_surface){
++                              weston_log("Failed to create txs->ivi_surf\n");
++                      }
++              }
++      }
++      free(pp_surface);
++      pp_surface = NULL;
++static struct weston_transmitter_surface *
++transmitter_surface_push_to_remote(struct weston_surface *ws,
++                                 struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
++                                 struct wl_listener *stream_status)
++      struct weston_transmitter *txr = remote->transmitter;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      bool found = false;
++      if (remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY)
++      {
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
++              if (txs->surface == ws) {
++                      found = true;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      if (!found) {
++              txs = NULL;
++              txs = zalloc(sizeof (*txs));
++              if (!txs)
++                      return NULL;
++              txs->remote = remote;
++              wl_signal_init(&txs->destroy_signal);
++              wl_list_insert(&remote->surface_list, &txs->link);
++              wl_signal_init(&txs->stream_status_signal);
++              if (stream_status)
++                      wl_signal_add(&txs->stream_status_signal, stream_status);
++              txs->surface = ws;
++              txs->surface_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_destroyed;
++              wl_signal_add(&ws->destroy_signal, &txs->surface_destroy_listener);
++              wl_list_init(&txs->;
++              wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list);
++              wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list);
++              txs->lyt = weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor,
++                                               IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME, sizeof(txs->lyt));
++      }
++      /* TODO: create the content stream connection... */
++      if (!remote->display->compositor)
++              weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n");
++      if (!txs->wthp_surf) {
++              weston_log("txs->wthp_surf is NULL\n");
++              txs->wthp_surf = wthp_compositor_create_surface(remote->display->compositor);
++              transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(txs);
++      }
++      return txs;
++static enum weston_transmitter_stream_status
++transmitter_surface_get_stream_status(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      return txs->status;
++/* waltham */
++/* The server advertises a global interface.
++ * We can store the ad for later and/or bind to it immediately
++ * if we want to.
++ * We also need to keep track of the globals we bind to, so that
++ * global_remove can be handled properly (not implemented).
++ */
++static void
++registry_handle_global(struct wthp_registry *registry,
++                     uint32_t name,
++                     const char *interface,
++                     uint32_t version)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry);
++      if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) {
++              assert(!dpy->compositor);
++              dpy->compositor = (struct wthp_compositor *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
++              /* has no events to handle */
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_blob_factory") == 0) {
++              assert(!dpy->blob_factory);
++              dpy->blob_factory = (struct wthp_blob_factory *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
++              /* has no events to handle */
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_seat") == 0) {
++              assert(!dpy->seat);
++              dpy->seat = (struct wthp_seat *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
++              wthp_seat_set_listener(dpy->seat, &seat_listener, dpy);
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_ivi_application") == 0) {
++              assert(!dpy->application);
++              dpy->application = (struct wthp_ivi_application *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
++      }
++/* notify connection ready */
++static void
++conn_ready_notify(struct wl_listener *l, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote =
++        wl_container_of(l, remote, establish_listener);
++      struct weston_transmitter_output_info info = {
++              WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE,
++              1,
++              0, 0,
++              300, 200,
++              strdup(remote->model),
++              {
++                      800, 600,
++                      51519,
++                      { NULL, NULL }
++              }
++      };
++      if(remote->width != 0) {
++              if(remote->height != 0) {
++                      info.mode.width = remote->width;
++                      info.mode.height = remote->height;
++              }
++      }
++      /* Outputs and seats are dynamic, do not guarantee they are all
++       * present when signalling connection status.
++       */
++      transmitter_remote_create_output(remote, &info);
++      transmitter_remote_create_seat(remote);
++/* waltham */
++/* The server removed a global.
++ * We should destroy everything we created through that global,
++ * and destroy the objects we created by binding to it.
++ * The identification happens by global's name, so we need to keep
++ * track what names we bound.
++ * (not implemented)
++ */
++static void
++registry_handle_global_remove(struct wthp_registry *wthp_registry,
++                            uint32_t name)
++      if (wthp_registry)
++              wthp_registry_free(wthp_registry);
++static const struct wthp_registry_listener registry_listener = {
++      registry_handle_global,
++      registry_handle_global_remove
++static void
++connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = wl_container_of(w, dpy, conn_watch);
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
++      int ret;
++      if (!dpy->running) {
++              weston_log("This server is not running yet. %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port);
++              return;
++      }
++      if (events & EPOLLERR) {
++              weston_log("Connection errored out.\n");
++              dpy->running = false;
++              return;
++      }
++      if (events & EPOLLOUT) {
++              /* Flush out again. If the flush completes, stop
++               * polling for writable as everything has been written.
++               */
++              ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection);
++      }
++      if (events & EPOLLIN) {
++              /* Do not ignore EPROTO */
++              ret = wth_connection_read(dpy->connection);
++              if (ret < 0) {
++                      weston_log("Connection read error %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port);
++                      perror("Connection read error\n");
++                      dpy->running = false;
++                      remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING;
++                      perror("EPOLL_CTL_DEL\n");
++                      return;
++              }
++      }
++      if (events & EPOLLHUP) {
++              weston_log("Connection hung up.\n");
++              dpy->running = false;
++              return;
++      }
++static void
++waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
++      struct watch *w;
++      int ret;
++      int running_display;
++      running_display = 0;
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
++      w = &dpy->conn_watch;
++      if (!dpy)
++              goto not_running;
++      if (!dpy->connection)
++              dpy->running = false;
++      if (!dpy->running)
++              goto not_running;
++      running_display++;
++      /* Dispatch queued events. */
++      ret = wth_connection_dispatch(dpy->connection);
++      if (ret < 0) {
++              dpy->running = false;
++      }
++      if (!dpy->running)
++              goto not_running;
++      /* Run any application idle tasks at this point. */
++      /* (nothing to run so far) */
++      /* Flush out buffered requests. If the Waltham socket is
++       * full, poll it for writable too, and continue flushing then.
++       */
++      ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection);
++      if (0 < running_display) {
++              /* Waltham events only read in the callback, not dispatched,
++               * if the Waltham socket signalled readable. If it signalled
++               * writable, flush more. See connection_handle_data().
++               */
++              w->cb(w, mask);
++      }
++      ;
++static int
++waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
++      if (!dpy)
++              return -1;
++      /*
++       * get server_address from controller (adrress is set to weston.ini)
++       */
++      dpy->connection = wth_connect_to_server(dpy->remote->addr, dpy->remote->port);
++      if(!dpy->connection) {
++              return -2;
++      }
++      else {
++              dpy->remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY;
++              wl_signal_emit(&dpy->remote->connection_status_signal, dpy->remote);
++      }
++      dpy->conn_watch.display = dpy;
++      dpy->conn_watch.cb = connection_handle_data;
++      dpy->conn_watch.fd = wth_connection_get_fd(dpy->connection);
++      dpy->remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(dpy->remote->transmitter->loop,
++                                                 dpy->conn_watch.fd,
++                                                 WL_EVENT_READABLE,
++                                                 waltham_mainloop, dpy->remote);
++      dpy->display = wth_connection_get_display(dpy->connection);
++      /* wth_display_set_listener() is already done by waltham, as
++       * all the events are just control messaging.
++       */
++      /* Create a registry so that we will get advertisements of the
++       * interfaces implemented by the server.
++       */
++      dpy->registry = wth_display_get_registry(dpy->display);
++      wthp_registry_set_listener(dpy->registry, &registry_listener, dpy);
++      /* Roundtrip ensures all globals' ads have been received. */
++      if (wth_connection_roundtrip(dpy->connection) < 0) {
++              weston_log("Roundtrip failed.\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      if (!dpy->compositor) {
++              weston_log("Did not find wthp_compositor, quitting.\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      dpy->running = true;
++      return 0;
++static int
++establish_timer_handler(void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
++      int ret;
++      ret = waltham_client_init(remote->display);
++      if(ret == -2) {
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer,
++                                           ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
++              return 0;
++      }
++      wl_signal_emit(&remote->connection_status_signal, remote);
++      return 0;
++static void
++init_globals(struct waltham_display *dpy)
++      dpy->compositor = NULL;
++      dpy->blob_factory = NULL;
++      dpy->seat = NULL;
++      dpy->application = NULL;
++      dpy->pointer = NULL;
++      dpy->keyboard = NULL;
++      dpy->touch = NULL;
++static void
++disconnect_surface(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++      {
++              free(txs->wthp_ivi_surface);
++              txs->wthp_ivi_surface = NULL;
++              free(txs->wthp_surf);
++              txs->wthp_surf = NULL;
++      }
++static int
++retry_timer_handler(void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
++      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
++      if(!dpy->running)
++      {
++              registry_handle_global_remove(dpy->registry, 1);
++              init_globals(dpy);
++              disconnect_surface(remote);
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer,
++                                           ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
++              return 0;
++      }
++      else
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer,
++                                           RETRY_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
++      return 0;
++static struct weston_transmitter_remote *
++transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      struct wl_event_loop *loop_est, *loop_retry;
++      int ret;
++      wl_list_for_each_reverse(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
++              /* XXX: actually start connecting */
++              /* waltham */
++              remote->display = zalloc(sizeof *remote->display);
++              if (!remote->display)
++                      return NULL;
++              remote->display->remote = remote;
++              /* set connection establish timer */
++              loop_est = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
++              remote->establish_timer =
++                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_est, establish_timer_handler, remote);
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 1);
++              /* set connection retry timer */
++              loop_retry = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
++              remote->retry_timer =
++                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_retry, retry_timer_handler, remote);
++              if (ret < 0) {
++                      weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter waltham connecting failed.\n");
++                      return NULL;
++              }
++              wl_signal_emit(&remote->conn_establish_signal, NULL);
++      }
++      return remote;
++static enum weston_transmitter_connection_status
++transmitter_remote_get_status(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
++      return remote->status;
++static void
++transmitter_remote_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      struct weston_transmitter_output *output, *otmp;
++      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat, *stmp;
++      /* Do not emit connection_status_signal. */
++      /*
++       *  Must not touch remote->transmitter as it may be stale:
++       * the desctruction order between the shell and Transmitter is
++       * undefined.
++       */
++      if (!wl_list_empty(&remote->surface_list))
++              weston_log("Transmitter warning: surfaces remain in %s.\n",
++                         __func__);
++      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
++              txs->remote = NULL;
++      wl_list_remove(&remote->surface_list);
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(seat, stmp, &remote->seat_list, link)
++              transmitter_seat_destroy(seat);
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(output, otmp, &remote->output_list, link)
++              transmitter_output_destroy(output);
++      free(remote->addr);
++      wl_list_remove(&remote->link);
++      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
++      free(remote);
++/** Transmitter is destroyed on compositor shutdown. */
++static void
++transmitter_compositor_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
++      struct weston_transmitter *txr =
++              wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener);
++      assert(data == txr->compositor);
++      /* may be called before or after shell cleans up */
++      wl_list_for_each(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
++              wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
++                      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
++              }
++      }
++      /*
++       * Remove the head in case the list is not empty, to avoid
++       * transmitter_remote_destroy() accessing freed memory if the shell
++       * cleans up after Transmitter.
++       */
++      wl_list_remove(&txr->remote_list);
++      free(txr);
++static struct weston_transmitter *
++transmitter_get(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
++      struct wl_listener *listener;
++      struct weston_transmitter *txr;
++      listener = wl_signal_get(&compositor->destroy_signal,
++                               transmitter_compositor_destroyed);
++      if (!listener)
++              return NULL;
++      txr = wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener);
++      assert(compositor == txr->compositor);
++      return txr;
++static void
++transmitter_register_connection_status(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
++                                     struct wl_listener *connected_listener)
++      wl_signal_add(&txr->connected_signal, connected_listener);
++static struct weston_surface *
++transmitter_get_weston_surface(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
++      return txs->surface;
++static const struct weston_transmitter_api transmitter_api_impl = {
++      transmitter_get,
++      transmitter_connect_to_remote,
++      transmitter_remote_get_status,
++      transmitter_remote_destroy,
++      transmitter_surface_push_to_remote,
++      transmitter_surface_get_stream_status,
++      transmitter_surface_destroy,
++      transmitter_surface_configure,
++      transmitter_surface_gather_state,
++      transmitter_register_connection_status,
++      transmitter_get_weston_surface,
++static void
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++      weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb,
++      void *data)
++      txs->resize_handler = cb;
++      txs->resize_handler_data = data;
++static const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api transmitter_ivi_api_impl = {
++      transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback,
++static int
++transmitter_create_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
++                        const char *model,
++                        const char *addr,
++                        const char *port,
++                        const char *width,
++                        const char *height)
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      remote = zalloc(sizeof (*remote));
++      if (!remote)
++              return -1;
++      remote->transmitter = txr;
++      wl_list_insert(&txr->remote_list, &remote->link);
++      remote->model = strdup(model);
++      remote->addr = strdup(addr);
++      remote->port = strdup(port);
++      remote->width = atoi(width);
++      remote->height = atoi(height);
++      wl_signal_init(&remote->connection_status_signal);
++      wl_list_init(&remote->output_list);
++      wl_list_init(&remote->surface_list);
++      wl_list_init(&remote->seat_list);
++      wl_signal_init(&remote->conn_establish_signal);
++      remote->establish_listener.notify = conn_ready_notify;
++      wl_signal_add(&remote->conn_establish_signal, &remote->establish_listener);
++      return 0;
++struct wet_compositor {
++      struct weston_config *config;
++      struct wet_output_config *parsed_options;
++      struct wl_listener pending_output_listener;
++      bool drm_use_current_mode;
++static void
++transmitter_get_server_config(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
++      struct wet_compositor *compositor =
++              (struct wet_compositor *)weston_compositor_get_user_data(txr->compositor);
++      struct weston_config *config = wet_get_config(txr->compositor);
++      struct weston_config_section *section;
++      const char *name = NULL;
++      char *model = NULL;
++      char *addr = NULL;
++      char *port = NULL;
++      char *width = '0';
++      char *height = '0';
++      int ret;
++      section = weston_config_get_section(config, "remote", NULL, NULL);
++      while (weston_config_next_section(config, &section, &name)) {
++              if (0 == strcmp(name, "remote-output")) {
++                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "output-name",
++                                                                &model, 0))
++                              continue;
++                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "server-address",
++                                                                &addr, 0))
++                              continue;
++                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "port",
++                                                                &port, 0))
++                              continue;
++                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "width",
++                                                                &width, 0))
++                              continue;
++                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "height",
++                                                                &height, 0))
++                              continue;
++                      ret = transmitter_create_remote(txr, model, addr,
++                                                      port, width, height);
++                      if (ret < 0) {
++                              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter create_remote failed.\n");
++                      }
++              }
++      }
++wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
++      struct weston_transmitter *txr;
++      int ret;
++      txr = zalloc(sizeof *txr);
++      if (!txr){
++              weston_log("Transmitter disabled\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&txr->remote_list);
++      txr->compositor = compositor;
++      txr->compositor_destroy_listener.notify =
++              transmitter_compositor_destroyed;
++      wl_signal_add(&compositor->destroy_signal,
++                    &txr->compositor_destroy_listener);
++      ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor,
++                                       WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME,
++                                       &transmitter_api_impl,
++                                       sizeof(transmitter_api_impl));
++      if (ret < 0) {
++              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter API registration failed.\n");
++              goto fail;
++      }
++      ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor,
++                                       WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME,
++                                       &transmitter_ivi_api_impl,
++                                       sizeof(transmitter_ivi_api_impl));
++      if (ret < 0) {
++              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter IVI API registration failed.\n");
++              goto fail;
++      }
++      weston_log("Transmitter initialized.\n");
++      txr->loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(compositor->wl_display);
++      transmitter_get_server_config(txr);
++      transmitter_connect_to_remote(txr);
++      return 0;
++      wl_list_remove(&txr->;
++      free(txr);
++      return -1;
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.h b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a473dab
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/plugin.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
++ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
++ * removed from the final implementation.
++ */
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <wayland-client.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "transmitter_api.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++#include <waltham-client.h>
++struct waltham_display;
++enum wthp_seat_capability {
++      /**
++       * the seat has pointer devices
++       */
++      /**
++       * the seat has one or more keyboards
++       */
++      /**
++       * the seat has touch devices
++       */
++/* epoll structure */
++struct watch {
++      struct waltham_display *display;
++      int fd;
++      void (*cb)(struct watch *w, uint32_t events);
++struct waltham_display {
++      struct wth_connection *connection;
++      struct watch conn_watch;
++      struct wth_display *display;
++      bool running;
++      struct wthp_registry *registry;
++      struct wthp_callback *bling;
++      struct wthp_compositor *compositor;
++      struct wthp_blob_factory *blob_factory;
++      struct wthp_seat *seat;
++      struct wthp_pointer *pointer;
++      struct wthp_keyboard *keyboard;
++      struct wthp_touch *touch;
++        struct wthp_ivi_application *application;
++      struct wtimer *fiddle_timer;
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      char *addr;
++      char *port;
++/* a timerfd based timer */
++struct wtimer {
++      struct watch watch;
++      void (*func)(struct wtimer *, void *);
++      void *data;
++struct weston_transmitter {
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
++      struct wl_listener compositor_destroy_listener;
++      struct wl_list remote_list; /* transmitter_remote::link */
++      struct wl_listener stream_listener;
++      struct wl_signal connected_signal;
++      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
++struct weston_transmitter_remote {
++      struct weston_transmitter *transmitter;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      char *model;
++      char *addr;
++      char *port;
++      int32_t width;
++      int32_t height;
++      enum weston_transmitter_connection_status status;
++      struct wl_signal connection_status_signal;
++        struct wl_signal conn_establish_signal;
++      struct wl_list output_list; /* weston_transmitter_output::link */
++      struct wl_list surface_list; /* weston_transmitter_surface::link */
++      struct wl_list seat_list; /* weston_transmitter_seat::link */
++        struct wl_listener establish_listener;
++        struct wl_event_source *establish_timer; /* for establish connection */
++      struct wl_event_source *retry_timer; /* for retry connection */
++      struct waltham_display *display; /* waltham */
++      struct wl_event_source *source;
++struct weston_transmitter_surface {
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::surface_list */
++      struct wl_signal destroy_signal; /* data: weston_transmitter_surface */
++      enum weston_transmitter_stream_status status;
++      struct wl_signal stream_status_signal;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
++      const struct ivi_layout_interface *lyt;
++      weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t resize_handler;
++      void *resize_handler_data;
++      struct weston_output *sync_output;
++      struct wl_listener sync_output_destroy_listener;
++      int32_t attach_dx; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
++      int32_t attach_dy; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
++      struct wl_list frame_callback_list; /* weston_frame_callback::link */
++      struct wl_list feedback_list; /* weston_presentation_feedback::link */
++      /* waltham */
++      struct wthp_surface *wthp_surf;
++      struct wthp_blob_factory *wthp_blob;
++      struct wthp_buffer *wthp_buf;
++        struct wthp_ivi_surface *wthp_ivi_surface;
++        struct wthp_ivi_application *wthp_ivi_application;
++struct weston_transmitter_output_info {
++      uint32_t subpixel; /* enum wl_output_subpixel */
++      uint32_t transform; /* enum wl_output_transform */
++      int32_t scale;
++      int32_t x;
++      int32_t y;
++      int32_t width_mm;
++      int32_t height_mm;
++      /* char *make; is WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE */
++      char *model;
++      struct weston_mode mode;
++struct weston_transmitter_output {
++      struct weston_output base;
++      struct {
++              bool draw_initial_frame;
++              struct wl_surface *surface;
++              struct wl_output *output;
++              struct wl_display *display;
++              int configure_width, configure_height;
++              bool wait_for_configure;
++      } parent;
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
++      struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::output_list */
++      struct frame *frame;
++      struct wl_callback *frame_cb;
++      struct renderer *renderer;
++struct weston_transmitter_seat {
++      struct weston_seat *base;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      /* pointer */
++      wl_fixed_t pointer_surface_x;
++      wl_fixed_t pointer_surface_y;
++      struct wl_listener get_pointer_listener;
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *pointer_focus;
++      struct wl_listener pointer_focus_destroy_listener;
++      struct wl_event_source *pointer_timer; /* fake */
++      double pointer_phase; /* fake */
++      /* keyboard */
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *keyboard_focus;
++      /* touch */
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *touch_focus;
++struct ivi_layout_surface {
++      struct wl_list link;    /* ivi_layout::surface_list */
++      struct wl_signal property_changed;
++      int32_t update_count;
++      uint32_t id_surface;
++      struct ivi_layout *layout;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
++      struct {
++              struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
++      } pending;
++      struct wl_list view_list;       /* ivi_layout_view::surf_link */
++transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                             int32_t width, int32_t height);
++transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
++                      const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info);
++transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output);
++transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
++transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat);
++/* The below are the functions to be called from the network protocol
++ * input event handlers.
++ */
++transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                             uint32_t serial,
++                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                             wl_fixed_t surface_x,
++                             wl_fixed_t surface_y);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                             uint32_t serial,
++                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t time,
++                              wl_fixed_t surface_x,
++                              wl_fixed_t surface_y);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_button(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                              uint32_t serial,
++                              uint32_t time,
++                              uint32_t button,
++                              uint32_t state);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                            uint32_t time,
++                            uint32_t axis,
++                            wl_fixed_t value);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_source(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                   uint32_t axis_source);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_stop(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                 uint32_t time,
++                                 uint32_t axis);
++transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_discrete(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                     uint32_t axis,
++                                     int32_t discrete);
++/* Fake functions for mockup testing: */
++transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
++                                  struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++seat_capabilities(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat,
++                  enum wthp_seat_capability caps);
++static const struct wthp_seat_listener seat_listener = {
++      seat_capabilities,
++      NULL
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/transmitter_api.h b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/transmitter_api.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9b3e5fe
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/transmitter_api.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include "plugin-registry.h"
++#include <stdint.h>
++/** \file
++ *
++ * This is the Transmitter API published via weston_plugin_api_register().
++ */
++struct weston_transmitter;
++struct weston_transmitter_remote;
++struct weston_transmitter_surface;
++#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME "transmitter_v1"
++/** See weston_transmitter_api::remote_get_status */
++enum weston_transmitter_connection_status {
++      /** The connection hand-shake is not yet complete */
++      /** The connection is live and ready to be used. */
++      /** The connection is dead. */
++/** See weston_transmitter_api::surface_get_stream_status */
++enum weston_transmitter_stream_status {
++      /** The stream hand-shake is not yet complete. */
++      /** The stream is carrying surface content updates as needed. */
++      /** The stream has failed and disconnected permanently. */
++/** The Transmitter Base API
++ *
++ * Transmitter is a Weston plugin that provides remoting of weston_surfaces
++ * over the network. Shells use this API to create remote connections and
++ * push surfaces over the network. Shells are also responsible for relaying
++ * basic window state changes to Transmitter.
++ *
++ * In addition to the Transmitter Base API, shells also need to use a
++ * shell protocol specific Transmitter API to relay specific window state
++ * changes.
++ */
++struct weston_transmitter_api {
++      /** Fetch the Transmitter plugin context
++       *
++       * \param compositor The compositor instance.
++       * \return The weston_transmitter context, which is always the same
++       * for the given compositor instance.
++       */
++      struct weston_transmitter *
++      (*transmitter_get)(struct weston_compositor *compositor);
++      /**
++       * Connect to a remote server via Transmitter.
++       *
++       * \param txr The Transmitter context.
++       * \param status Listener to inform of connection status changes.
++       * \return A handle to the remote connection, or NULL on failure.
++       *
++       * This call attempts to open a connection asynchronously. The
++       * connection is not usable until the listener signals it is ready.
++       * The listener may also signal that the connection failed instead.
++       *
++       * The listener callback argument is the weston_transmitter_remote
++       * returned by this function. Use remote_get_status() to fetch the
++       * current status.
++       *
++       */
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote *
++      (*connect_to_remote)(struct weston_transmitter *txr);
++      /**
++       * Retrieve the connection status.
++       *
++       * you have to shut the remote down completely. There is no automatic
++       * reconnect.
++       */
++      enum weston_transmitter_connection_status
++      (*remote_get_status)(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
++      /**
++       * Destroy/disconnect a remote connection.
++       *
++       * Disconnects if connected, and destroys the connection.
++       * The connection status handler is not called.
++       *
++       * The caller is responsible for destroying all
++       * weston_transmitter_surfaces before calling this.
++       */
++      void
++      (*remote_destroy)(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
++      /** Push a weston_surface to be transmitted to a remote.
++       *
++       * \param ws The surface to push.
++       * \param remote The remote connection to use.
++       * \param stream_status Listener for stream status changes.
++       * \return The Transmitter surface handle.
++       *
++       * The surface cannot be visible on the remote until the stream
++       * status listener signals WESTON_TRANSMITTER_STREAM_LIVE. After that,
++       * surface updates made by the application will be automatically
++       * streamed to the remote, and input events from the remote will be
++       * delivered to the application.
++       *
++       * The listener callback argument is the weston_transmitter_surface
++       * returned by this function. Use surface_get_stream_status() to
++       * fetch the current status.
++       */
++      struct weston_transmitter_surface *
++      (*surface_push_to_remote)(struct weston_surface *ws,
++                                struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
++                                struct wl_listener *stream_status);
++      /**
++       * Retrieve the surface content stream status.
++       *
++       * If the status is WESTON_TRANSMITTER_STREAM_FAILED, remoting the
++       * surface has stopped. There is no automatic retry.
++       */
++      enum weston_transmitter_stream_status
++      (*surface_get_stream_status)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++      /** Stop remoting a weston_surface
++       *
++       * \param txs Transmitter surface handle to be stopped and freed.
++       *
++       * The surface stream status handler is not called.
++       */
++      void
++      (*surface_destroy)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++      /** Notify of weston_surface being configured
++       *
++       * \param txs The Transmitter surface handle.
++       * \param dx The x delta given in wl_surface.attach request.
++       * \param dy The y delta given in wl_surface.attach request.
++       *
++       * Notifies Transmitter of new surface confguration. Transmitter will
++       * forward the arguments, window state, and reference the buffer for
++       * image transmission.
++       *
++       * Shells are meant to call this function for remoted surfaces in
++       * the weston_surface::configure handler.
++       *
++       * XXX: Is this necessary if we have weston_surface::apply_state_signal?
++       *
++       * Essentially this is just an elaborate way to forward dx,dy.
++       */
++      void
++      (*surface_configure)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                           int32_t dx, int32_t dy);
++      void
++      (*surface_gather_state)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++      /** Notify that surface is connected to receiver
++       *
++       * \param txr The Transmitter context.
++       * \param connected_listener Listener for connected_signal.
++       */
++      void
++      (*register_connection_status)(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
++                                    struct wl_listener *connected_listener);
++      /** get weston_surface from weston_transmitter_surface
++       *
++       * \param txs The Transmitter surface.
++       */
++      struct weston_surface *
++      (*get_weston_surface)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
++static inline const struct weston_transmitter_api *
++weston_get_transmitter_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
++      return weston_plugin_api_get(compositor, WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME,
++                                   sizeof(struct weston_transmitter_api));
++#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME "transmitter_ivi_v1"
++/** For relaying configure events from Transmitter to shell. */
++typedef void (*weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t)(void *data,
++                                                      int32_t width,
++                                                      int32_t height);
++/** The Transmitter IVI-shell API
++ *
++ * Contains the IVI-shell specifics required to remote an ivi-surface.
++ */
++struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api {
++      /** Set IVI-id for a transmitter surface
++       *
++       * \param txs The transmitted surface.
++       * \param ivi_id The IVI-surface id as specified by the
++       * ivi_application.surface_create request.
++       */
++      void
++      (*set_ivi_id)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs, uint32_t ivi_id);
++      /** Set callback to relay configure events.
++       *
++       * \param txs The transmitted surface.
++       * \param cb The callback function pointer.
++       * \param data User data to be passed to the callback.
++       *
++       * The arguments to the callback function are user data, and width and
++       * height from the configure event from the remote compositor. The
++       * shell must relay this event to the application.
++       */
++      void
++      (*set_resize_callback)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
++                             weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb,
++                             void *data);
++static inline const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api *
++weston_get_transmitter_ivi_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
++      return weston_plugin_api_get(compositor,
++                                   WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME,
++                                   sizeof(struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api));
++/** Identifies outputs created by the Transmitter by make */
++#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE "Weston-Transmitter"
++/* Remote compositor/output are identified by model */
++struct renderer {
++      void (*repaint_output)(struct weston_output *base);
++      struct GstAppContext *ctx;
++      int32_t dmafd;    /* dmafd received from compositor-drm */
++      int surface_width;
++      int surface_height;
++      bool recorder_enabled;
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/weston.ini.transmitter b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/weston.ini.transmitter
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1aff0b2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin/weston.ini.transmitter
+@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/CMakeLists.txt b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/CMakeLists.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..abf1a4c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++project (waltham-renderer)
++find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WAYLAND_SERVER wayland-server>=1.13.0 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WESTON weston>=2.0.0 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(PIXMAN pixman-1 REQUIRED)
++pkg_check_modules(WALTHAM waltham REQUIRED)
++pkg_search_module(GSTREAMER gstreamer-1.0 required)
++pkg_search_module(GSTREAMERAPP gstreamer-app-1.0 required)
++    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/waltham-transmitter/transmitter-plugin
++add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} MODULE
++        waltham-renderer.c
++        waltham-renderer.h
++set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
++    m
++    weston-2
++    gstallocators-1.0
++    gstvideo-1.0
++add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIBS})
++target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIBS})
++install (
++    TARGETS             ${PROJECT_NAME}
++    LIBRARY DESTINATION lib64/libweston-2
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.c b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..16ad3f8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <gst/gst.h>
++#include <gst/video/gstvideometa.h>
++#include <gst/allocators/gstdmabuf.h>
++#include <gst/app/gstappsrc.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "transmitter_api.h"
++#include "waltham-renderer.h"
++#include "plugin.h"
++struct waltham_renderer {
++      struct renderer base;
++struct GstAppContext
++      GMainLoop *loop;
++      GstBus *bus;
++      GstElement *pipeline;
++      GstElement *appsrc;
++      GstBuffer *gstbuffer;
++gboolean bus_message(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer p)
++      struct GstAppContext *gstctx = p;
++      switch( GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(message)) {
++        case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR:
++      {
++              GError *err;
++              gchar *debug;
++              gst_message_parse_error(message, &err, &debug);
++              g_print("ERROR: %s\n", err->message);
++              g_error_free(err);
++              g_free(debug);
++              g_main_loop_quit(gstctx->loop);
++              break;
++      }
++      {
++              GstState oldstate, newstate;
++              gst_message_parse_state_changed(message, &oldstate, &newstate, NULL);
++              switch (newstate){
++              case GST_STATE_NULL:
++                      fprintf(stderr, "%s: state is NULL\n", GST_MESSAGE_SRC_NAME(message));
++              }
++              break;
++      }
++        default:
++              fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled message\n");
++              break;
++      }
++static int
++gst_pipe_init(struct weston_transmitter_output *output, struct gst_settings *settings)
++      struct GstAppContext *gstctx;
++      gstctx=zalloc(sizeof (*gstctx));
++      if(!gstctx){
++              weston_log("Enable to allocate memory\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      GstCaps *caps;
++      int ret = 0;
++      GError *gerror = NULL;
++      FILE * pFile;
++      long lSize;
++      char * pipe = NULL;
++      size_t res;
++      /* create gstreamer pipeline */
++      gst_init(NULL, NULL);
++      gstctx->loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
++      /* read pipeline from file */
++      pFile = fopen ( "/etc/xdg/weston/pipeline.cfg" , "rb" );
++      if (pFile==NULL)
++      {
++              weston_log("File open error\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      /* obtain file size */
++      fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
++      lSize = ftell (pFile);
++      rewind (pFile);
++      /* allocate memory to contain the whole file: */
++      pipe = (char*) zalloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);
++      if (pipe == NULL)
++      {
++              weston_log("Cannot allocate memory\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      /* copy the file into the buffer: */
++      res = fread (pipe,1,lSize,pFile);
++      if (res != lSize)
++      {
++              weston_log("File read error\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      /* close file */
++      fclose (pFile);
++      weston_log("Parsing GST pipeline:%s",pipe);
++      gstctx->pipeline = gst_parse_launch(pipe, &gerror);
++      free(pipe);
++      if(!gstctx->pipeline)
++              weston_log("Could not create gstreamer pipeline.\n");
++      gstctx->bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus((GstPipeline*)((void*)gstctx->pipeline));
++      gst_bus_add_watch(gstctx->bus, bus_message, &gstctx);
++      gstctx->appsrc = (GstAppSrc*)
++              gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(gstctx->pipeline), "src");
++      if (!gstctx->appsrc)
++              return -1;
++      caps = gst_caps_new_simple("video/x-raw",
++                                 "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "BGRx",
++                                 "width", G_TYPE_INT, settings->width,
++                                 "height", G_TYPE_INT, settings->height,
++                                 NULL);
++      if (!caps)
++              return -1;
++      g_object_set(G_OBJECT(gstctx->appsrc),
++                   "caps", caps,
++                   "stream-type", 0,
++                   "format", GST_FORMAT_TIME,
++                   "is-live", TRUE,
++                   NULL);
++      gst_caps_unref(caps);
++      gst_element_set_state((GstElement*)((void*)gstctx->pipeline), GST_STATE_PLAYING);
++      output->renderer->ctx = gstctx;
++      return 0;
++static int
++recorder_enable(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
++      struct gst_settings *settings;
++      struct weston_output* base = &output->base;
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
++      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
++      /*
++       * Limitation:
++       * Hard coding bitrate and crop params.
++       * In case of gst-recorder case these were taken from weston.ini
++       */
++      int32_t bitrate = 3000000;
++      settings = malloc(sizeof(* settings));
++      settings->ip = remote->addr;
++      settings->port = atoi(remote->port);
++      settings->bitrate = bitrate;
++      settings->width = output->renderer->surface_width;
++      settings->height = output->renderer->surface_height;
++      weston_log("gst-setting are :-->\n");
++      weston_log("ip = %s \n",settings->ip);
++      weston_log("port = %d \n",settings->port);
++      weston_log("bitrate = %d \n",settings->bitrate);
++      weston_log("width = %d \n",settings->width);
++      weston_log("width = %d \n",settings->height);
++      gst_pipe_init(output, settings);
++      return 0;
++      weston_log("[gst recorder] %s:"
++              " invalid settings\n",
++              output->;
++      free(settings);
++      return -1;
++static void waltham_renderer_repaint_output(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
++      GstBuffer *gstbuffer;
++      GstMemory *mem;
++      GstAllocator *allocator;
++      int stride = output->renderer->surface_width * 4;
++      gsize offset = 0;
++      if(!output->renderer->recorder_enabled)
++      {
++              recorder_enable(&output->base);
++              output->renderer->recorder_enabled = 1;
++      }
++      gstbuffer = gst_buffer_new();
++      allocator = gst_dmabuf_allocator_new();
++      mem = gst_dmabuf_allocator_alloc(allocator, output->renderer->dmafd,
++                                       stride * output->renderer->surface_height);
++      gst_buffer_append_memory(gstbuffer, mem);
++      gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full(gstbuffer,
++                                     GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
++                                     GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRx,
++                                     output->renderer->surface_width,
++                                     output->renderer->surface_height,
++                                     1,
++                                     &offset,
++                                     &stride);
++      gst_app_src_push_buffer(output->renderer->ctx->appsrc, gstbuffer);
++      gst_object_unref(allocator);
++static int
++waltham_renderer_display_create(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
++      struct waltham_renderer *wth_renderer;
++      wth_renderer = zalloc(sizeof *wth_renderer);
++      if (wth_renderer == NULL)
++              return -1;
++      wth_renderer->base.repaint_output = waltham_renderer_repaint_output;
++      output->renderer = &wth_renderer->base;
++      return 0;
++WL_EXPORT struct waltham_renderer_interface waltham_renderer_interface = {
++              .display_create = waltham_renderer_display_create
+diff --git a/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.h b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a9ac513
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/waltham-transmitter/waltham-renderer/waltham-renderer.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++struct waltham_renderer_interface {
++      int (*display_create)(struct weston_transmitter_output *output);
++struct gst_settings {
++      int width;
++      int height;
++      int bitrate;
++      char *ip;
++      int port;
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/ b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..55d3aee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Waltham is a network IPC library designed to resemble Wayland both protocol and protocol-API wise"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://waltham-transmitter/COPYING;md5=d79ee9e66bb0f95d3386a7acae780b70"
+SRC_URI = " \
+          file://0001-waltham-transmitter-initial-commit-of-waltham-transm.patch \
+          "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "1819db75d41e607beb5520fafc3f542a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "364f377f065d89ba44fd7efa10eec5cdb5108b892aaee5271c145ba10101b4c0"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+inherit cmake
+DEPENDS += "libdrm virtual/kernel wayland waltham weston gstreamer1.0 gstreamer"
+FILES_${PN} += "*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/weston/.dbg/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "{libdir}/libweston-2/.dbg/*"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-ivi-shell-register-ivi_layout_interface.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-ivi-shell-register-ivi_layout_interface.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..87d883c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+From 5b1d282c7a7d2badf74bb19f9ddc0d49d3d4562b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Emre Ucan <>
+Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 14:36:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ivi-shell: register ivi_layout_interface
+Signed-off-by: Emre Ucan <>
+Reviewed-by: Pekka Paalanen <>
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h | 13 +++++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c        |  6 ++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c         |  2 --
+ 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+index 2317d6e..9452691 100644
+--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ extern "C" {
+ #include "stdbool.h"
+ #include "compositor.h"
++#include "plugin-registry.h"
+ #define IVI_SUCCEEDED (0)
+ #define IVI_FAILED (-1)
+@@ -140,6 +141,8 @@ enum ivi_layout_transition_type{
+ };
++#define IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME "ivi_layout_api_v1"
+ struct ivi_layout_interface {
+       /**
+@@ -580,6 +583,16 @@ struct ivi_layout_interface {
+               (*get_surface)(struct weston_surface *surface);
+ };
++static inline const struct ivi_layout_interface *
++ivi_layout_get_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
++      const void *api;
++      api = weston_plugin_api_get(compositor, IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME,
++                                  sizeof(struct ivi_layout_interface));
++      return (const struct ivi_layout_interface *)api;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif /* __cplusplus */
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+index 64e4ead..c2c1a35 100644
+--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+@@ -2000,6 +2000,8 @@ ivi_layout_surface_create(struct weston_surface *wl_surface,
+       return ivisurf;
+ }
++static struct ivi_layout_interface ivi_layout_interface;
+ void
+ ivi_layout_init_with_compositor(struct weston_compositor *ec)
+ {
+@@ -2028,6 +2030,10 @@ ivi_layout_init_with_compositor(struct weston_compositor *ec)
+       layout->transitions = ivi_layout_transition_set_create(ec);
+       wl_list_init(&layout->pending_transition_list);
++      weston_plugin_api_register(ec, IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME,
++                                 &ivi_layout_interface,
++                                 sizeof(struct ivi_layout_interface));
+ }
+ static struct ivi_layout_interface ivi_layout_interface = {
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+index 67619b8..2dabdf9 100644
+--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+@@ -425,8 +425,6 @@ ivi_shell_setting_create(struct ivi_shell_setting *dest,
+       if (!dest->ivi_module &&
+           weston_config_section_get_string(section, "ivi-module",
+                                            &dest->ivi_module, NULL) < 0) {
+-              weston_log("Error: ivi-shell: No ivi-module set\n");
+-              result = -1;
+       }
+       weston_config_section_get_bool(section, "developermode",
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-transmitter-add-an-incomplete-plugin-output-and-poin.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0017-transmitter-add-an-incomplete-plugin-output-and-poin.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bf2f05e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2154 +0,0 @@
-From aa3ea1af1dfa0e0ef5b452d8a5c53cd3eb508f52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pekka Paalanen <>
-Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 16:57:45 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] transmitter: add an incomplete plugin (output and
- pointer)
-Enabled with ./configure --enable-surface-remoting
-Draft the public API for binding and unbinding a surface for remoting,
-and another for ivi-shell specifics.
-Add the plumbing needed to relay a configure event from the network to
-the shell, to be forwarded to the application.
-Implement support for (fake) connection object tracking.
-Create a weston_output for a (fake) remote output. Force the
-sync-to-output on remoted surfaces. Use timers to fake wl_surface.enter
-and frame callback events. Also Presentation feedback is poorly faked.
-Hooking to weston_surface happens in two ways: surface_configure in
-Transmitter plugin API is used to relay the dx,dy from
-wl_surface.attach, and weston_surface::apply_state_signal relays state
-Create a fake seat with pointer:
-- Add an internal pointer API that will be called by the networking code
-  for incoming input events. The API should match 1:1 to the events.
-  These functions will reimplement the parts of src/input.c to send out
-  the events to Wayland clients.
-- Implement pointer enter/leave of the internal pointer API. Code is
-  mimicked from weston_pointer_set_focus(), but without all the logic
-  needed to determine the right actions.
-- Implement pointer frame of the internal pointer API.
-- Add a fake pointer input generator. It only make the pointer enter the
-  surface remoted the most recently, and moves the pointer in a circle.
-All ways of getting pointer focus should be covered. Serial tracking is
-the same as in Weston core. Seat maintains the pointer focus surface.
-Focus_client is managed while Weston core never sees any focus.
-Transmitter surface gained a destroy signal.
-Surface destruction relies on forwarding the destroy to the remote,
-which will then reply with appropriate pointer.leave events. This is not
-implemented by the input faking code.
-Transmitter is expected to open all inputs available on the remote and
-multiplex those to local clients as clients subscribe.
-Notes about the design and guidelines for finishing the implementation
-are included, and all the mockup code is annotated as "fake" so it is
-easy to spot and replace with a proper network implementation.
-There are listener-based APIs for getting both remote connection status
-changes, and per-surface stream status changes.
-Signed-off-by: Pekka Paalanen <>
-                   |  19 ++
-                  |   9 +
- transmitter/README            |  53 ++++
- transmitter/input.c           | 597 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- transmitter/output.c          | 234 ++++++++++++++++
- transmitter/plugin.c          | 638 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- transmitter/plugin.h          | 207 ++++++++++++++
- transmitter/transmitter_api.h | 253 +++++++++++++++++
- 8 files changed, 2010 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 transmitter/README
- create mode 100644 transmitter/input.c
- create mode 100644 transmitter/output.c
- create mode 100644 transmitter/plugin.c
- create mode 100644 transmitter/plugin.h
- create mode 100644 transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-diff --git a/ b/
-index cdf82ab..6cca875 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -502,6 +502,25 @@ cms_colord_la_SOURCES =                           \
- endif
- endif
-+module_LTLIBRARIES +=
-+transmitter_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
-+transmitter_la_CFLAGS =                               \
-+      $(COMPOSITOR_CFLAGS)                    \
-+      $(AM_CFLAGS)
-+transmitter_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS)
-+transmitter_la_SOURCES =                      \
-+      transmitter/plugin.c                    \
-+      transmitter/plugin.h                    \
-+      transmitter/output.c                    \
-+      transmitter/input.c                     \
-+      transmitter/transmitter_api.h           \
-+      shared/helpers.h                        \
-+      shared/timespec-util.h                  \
-+      shared/zalloc.h                         \
-+      src/compositor.h
- noinst_PROGRAMS += spring-tool
- spring_tool_LDADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS) -lm
-diff --git a/ b/
-index d0dee1b..06cda73 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -562,6 +562,14 @@ AS_IF([test "x$have_systemd_login_209" = "xyes"],
-       [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SYSTEMD_LOGIN_209], [1], [Have systemd-login >= 209])])
-+# surface remoting
-+              AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-surface-remoting],
-+                             [support for surface remoting over network]),,
-+            enable_surface_remoting=no)
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_SURFACE_REMOTING, test "x$enable_surface_remoting" = "xyes")
- # Note that other features might want libxml2, or this feature might use
- # alternative xml libraries at some point. Therefore the feature and
- # pre-requisite concepts are split.
-@@ -750,4 +758,5 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([
-       libunwind Support               ${have_libunwind}
-       VA H.264 encoding Support       ${have_libva}
-       GStreamer H.264 enc. Support    ${enable_gst_recorder}
-+      Surface remoting support        ${enable_surface_remoting}
- ])
-diff --git a/transmitter/README b/transmitter/README
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..a7977ba
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/README
-@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
-+Testing Transmitter with ivi-shell
-+The current implementation of Transmitter is a stub which interfaces to
-+other Weston parts appropriately, but all networking is just a mockup.
-+Configure Weston with --enable-surface-remoting to build the Transmitter
-+In weston.ini, add '' to the 'modules' key under '[core]', and
-+make sure the 'shell' is ''. Follow the ivi-shell example
-+weston.ini for everything else.
-+When you start weston, the log should contain something like this:
-+[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
-+[13:13:54.799] launching '/home/pq/local/libexec/weston-keyboard'
-+[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
-+[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
-+[13:13:54.799] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 48
-+[13:13:54.799] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
-+[13:13:54.799] Transmitter initialized.
-+[13:13:54.799] ivi-layout: Transmitter enabled.
-+[13:13:54.799] launching '/home/pq/build/weston/weston-ivi-shell-user-interface'
-+[13:13:54.799] hmi-controller: Transmitter enabled.
-+[13:13:54.799] Transmitter connecting to
-+[13:13:55.800] Transmitter connected to
-+[13:13:55.800] hmi-controller: connection status 0
-+[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created output 'transmitter-': Weston-Transmitter, transmitter-, 0
-+[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created seat=0x1c37bd0 'transmitter-'
-+[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created pointer=0x1c38430 for seat 0x1c37bd0
-+[13:13:55.800] transmitter_start_repaint_loop(transmitter-
-+If you have edited a client to have ivi-id >= 0xfaa01000, when you start that
-+client it should be "remoted" automatically and not appear on screen.
-+You can also manually start remoting:
-+- Start an IVI application.
-+- Move pointer onto the application window.
-+- Press Mod+Shift+space, and then 'k'.
-+- The window should disappear.
-+Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
-+[13:18:24.572] HMI transmitting surface 0x1c3dad0, ivi-id 0x9ff6
-+[13:18:24.572] Transmitter: update surface 0x1c3dad0 (0, 0), 0 cb
-+[13:18:24.572] transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(0x1c3dad0, 0x9ff6)
-+[13:18:24.972] Transmitter: surface 0x1c3dad0 entered output transmitter-
-+Once remoting has started, the mockup code will generate fake pointer input for
-+the window. This can be seen with e.g. weston-eventdemo, or running an
-+application with WAYLAND_DEBUG=client.
-diff --git a/transmitter/input.c b/transmitter/input.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..0ba04d4
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/input.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+/* for fake stuff */
-+#include <math.h>
-+#include "compositor.h"
-+#include "helpers.h"
-+#include "plugin.h"
-+#include "transmitter_api.h"
-+/** @file
-+ *
-+ * This is an implementation of a remote input.
-+ *
-+ * Request wl_data_device_manager.get_data_device would need to be blocked,
-+ * except maybe it's not necessary, we just "forget" to forward data to/from
-+ * the remote wl_seat. It might still work inside the local compositor.
-+ *
-+ * weston_compositor_set_default_pointer_grab() will break our pointer
-+ * implementation, but no in-tree code is calling it.
-+ */
-+/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
-+ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
-+ * removed from the final implementation.
-+ */
-+static void
-+pointer_focus_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
-+      /* No-op:
-+       *
-+       * Weston internal events do not change the focus.
-+       */
-+static void
-+pointer_motion_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
-+                          uint32_t time,
-+                          struct weston_pointer_motion_event *event)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+static void
-+pointer_button_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
-+                          uint32_t time,
-+                          uint32_t button,
-+                          uint32_t state)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+static void
-+pointer_axis_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
-+                        uint32_t time,
-+                        struct weston_pointer_axis_event *event)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+static void
-+pointer_axis_source_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
-+                               uint32_t source)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+static void
-+pointer_frame_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+static void
-+pointer_cancel_grab_handler(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
-+      weston_log("Unexpected! %s(pointer=%p, ...)\n",
-+                 __func__, grab->pointer);
-+/* These handlers would be called from the notify_*() functions in src/input.c.
-+ * However, as we do not use the low level input notify_*() functions that
-+ * backends drive, these are mostly uncalled, except the focus handler which
-+ * weston core generates internally.
-+ */
-+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface pointer_grab_impl = {
-+      pointer_focus_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_motion_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_button_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_axis_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_axis_source_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_frame_grab_handler,
-+      pointer_cancel_grab_handler,
-+/* The different ways to get pointer focus on a remoted surface:
-+ *
-+ * 1. Transmitter seat has pointer. The client has wl_pointer. Transmitter
-+ *    receives pointer.enter. (transmitter_seat_pointer_enter())
-+ *
-+ * 2. Transmitter seat has pointer. Transmitter has received pointer.enter.
-+ *    The client calls wl_seat.get_pointer. => send enter only on the new
-+ *    wl_pointer. (seat_get_pointer_handler())
-+ *
-+ * 3. Client has wl_pointer. Transmitter seat adds pointer capability.
-+ *    Transmitter receives pointer.enter. wl_pointer MUST NOT enter,
-+ *    specified by wl_seat.capabilities.
-+ *
-+ * By definition, Transmitter cannot receive pointer.enter without having
-+ * pointer capability in the seat, so no other combinations are possible.
-+ *
-+ * The same applies to wl_keyboard and wl_touch.
-+ */
-+/* Implementor notes:
-+ *
-+ * The handling of all of wl_pointer, wl_keyboard and wl_touch should be
-+ * similar. To make it work, we need to add a signal to each of the
-+ * wl_seat.get_pointer, wl_seat.get_keyboard, and wl_seat.get_touch request
-+ * handlers in Weston core. Otherwise we cannot implement the case 2 of gaining
-+ * input device focus.
-+ *
-+ * However, weston_keyboard::focus is a weston_surface, not a weston_view, so
-+ * we may be able to leverage more of the core implementation and maybe do
-+ * without the wl_seat.get_keyboard signal. Weston_touch uses a weston_view, so
-+ * that is similar to weston_pointer.
-+ *
-+ * It might be useful to convert weston_keyboard and weston_touch to use a
-+ * similar thing as weston_pointer_client, in case it makes things more
-+ * consistent. It might also fix issues when a client has multiple copies of a
-+ * wl_keyboard or a wl_touch, but that is getting off-topic.
-+ *
-+ * This file shows which part of the Weston input path we skip and where we
-+ * hook in. We skip everything starting from the notify_*() API used by
-+ * backends, and stub out the grab handlers. Instead of actual grab handlers,
-+ * we have our own network protocol events handlers. They do much of the same
-+ * as normal grab handlers would do, except focus is pre-given, and we do not
-+ * have weston_view for the focus surfaces, so we need to bypass core code
-+ * dealing with those.
-+ *
-+ * Our remote seat implementation will leave many struct members unused and
-+ * replicate some from weston_pointer, weston_keyboard, and weston_touch.
-+ * Weston core must be kept out from the focus handling business, because we
-+ * will send enter/leave events ourselves, and focus assignments are given
-+ * to us from the remote, they cannot be changed at will by the local Weston.
-+ */
-+/** Callback from the protocol request handler for wl_seat.get_pointer
-+ *
-+ * The Weston core handler never sees focus set on the weston_pointer,
-+ * so it won't send wl_pointer.enter nor set focus_client. It does call
-+ * weston_pointer_ensure_pointer_client() though.
-+ */
-+static void
-+seat_get_pointer_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct wl_resource *new_pointer = data;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct wl_resource *surface;
-+      struct weston_pointer_client *pointer_client;
-+      struct wl_client *client;
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, get_pointer_listener);
-+      if (!seat->pointer_focus)
-+              return;
-+      client = wl_resource_get_client(new_pointer);
-+      surface = seat->pointer_focus->surface->resource;
-+      if (wl_resource_get_client(surface) != client)
-+              return;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer); /* guaranteed by having pointer_focus */
-+      pointer_client = weston_pointer_get_pointer_client(pointer, client);
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              pointer->focus_client = pointer_client;
-+      else
-+              assert(pointer->focus_client == pointer_client);
-+      wl_pointer_send_enter(new_pointer, pointer->focus_serial, surface,
-+                            seat->pointer_surface_x, seat->pointer_surface_y);
-+      if (wl_resource_get_version(new_pointer) >=
-+              wl_pointer_send_frame(new_pointer);
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_create_pointer(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      seat->pointer_phase = 0.0;
-+      seat->pointer_surface_x = wl_fixed_from_int(-1000000);
-+      seat->pointer_surface_y = wl_fixed_from_int(-1000000);
-+      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
-+      wl_list_init(&seat->;
-+      weston_seat_init_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      seat->get_pointer_listener.notify = seat_get_pointer_handler;
-+      wl_signal_add(&seat->base.get_pointer_signal,
-+                    &seat->get_pointer_listener);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      /* not exported:
-+       * weston_pointer_set_default_grab(pointer, &pointer_grab_impl); */
-+      pointer->default_grab.interface = &pointer_grab_impl;
-+      /* Changes to local outputs are irrelevant. */
-+      wl_list_remove(&pointer->;
-+      wl_list_init(&pointer->;
-+      weston_log("Transmitter created pointer=%p for seat %p\n",
-+                 pointer, &seat->base);
-+static void
-+seat_pointer_focus_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, pointer_focus_destroy_listener);
-+      assert(seat->pointer_focus == txs);
-+      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                             uint32_t serial,
-+                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             wl_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                             wl_fixed_t surface_y)
-+      struct wl_client *client;
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer);
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      client = wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource);
-+      seat->pointer_focus = txs;
-+      seat->pointer_focus_destroy_listener.notify =
-+              seat_pointer_focus_destroy_handler;
-+      wl_signal_add(&txs->destroy_signal,
-+                    &seat->pointer_focus_destroy_listener);
-+      /* If pointer-focus gets destroyed, txs will get destroyed, the
-+       * remote surface object is destroyed, and the remote will send a
-+       * leave and a frame.
-+       */
-+      seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
-+      seat->pointer_surface_y = surface_y;
-+      pointer->focus_client = weston_pointer_get_pointer_client(pointer,
-+                                                                client);
-+      pointer->focus_serial = serial;
-+      /* pointer->focus is not used, because it is a weston_view, while
-+       * remoted surfaces have no views.
-+       *
-+       * pointer->x,y are not used because they are in global coordinates.
-+       * Remoted surfaces are not in the global space at all, so there are
-+       * no such coordinates.
-+       */
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              return;
-+      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
-+              wl_pointer_send_enter(resource,
-+                                    serial,
-+                                    txs->surface->resource,
-+                                    surface_x, surface_y);
-+      }
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                             uint32_t serial,
-+                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-+      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource;
-+      if (txs != seat->pointer_focus) {
-+              weston_log("Transmitter Warning: pointer leave for %p, expected %p\n",
-+                         txs, seat->pointer_focus);
-+      }
-+      seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
-+      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-+      wl_list_init(&seat->;
-+      if (!txs)
-+              return;
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer);
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              return;
-+      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list)
-+              wl_pointer_send_leave(resource, serial, surface_resource);
-+      /* Do not reset pointer->focus_client, because we need to be able
-+       * to send a following 'frame' event in
-+       * transmitter_seat_pointer_frame().
-+       */
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t time,
-+                              wl_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                              wl_fixed_t surface_y)
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer);
-+      seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
-+      seat->pointer_surface_y = surface_y;
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              return;
-+      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
-+      if (txs)
-+              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
-+                     pointer->focus_client->client);
-+      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
-+              wl_pointer_send_motion(resource, time,
-+                                     surface_x, surface_y);
-+      }
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_button(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t serial,
-+                              uint32_t time,
-+                              uint32_t button,
-+                              uint32_t state)
-+      assert(!"TODO");
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                            uint32_t time,
-+                            uint32_t axis,
-+                            wl_fixed_t value)
-+      assert(!"TODO");
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      if (pointer)
-+              weston_pointer_send_frame(pointer);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_source(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                   uint32_t axis_source)
-+      assert(!"TODO");
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_stop(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                 uint32_t time,
-+                                 uint32_t axis)
-+      assert(!"TODO");
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_discrete(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                     uint32_t axis,
-+                                     int32_t discrete)
-+      assert(!"TODO");
-+static char *
-+make_seat_name(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, const char *name)
-+      char *str;
-+      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s-%s", remote->addr, name) < 0)
-+              return NULL;
-+      return str;
-+transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      wl_list_remove(&seat->link);
-+      weston_log("Transmitter destroy seat=%p\n", &seat->base);
-+      weston_seat_release(&seat->base);
-+      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-+      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-+      if (seat->pointer_timer)
-+              wl_event_source_remove(seat->pointer_timer);
-+      free(seat);
-+transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat = NULL;
-+      char *name = NULL;
-+      seat = zalloc(sizeof *seat);
-+      if (!seat)
-+              goto fail;
-+      wl_list_init(&seat->;
-+      wl_list_init(&seat->;
-+      /* XXX: get the name from remote */
-+      name = make_seat_name(remote, "default");
-+      if (!name)
-+              goto fail;
-+      weston_seat_init(&seat->base, remote->transmitter->compositor, name);
-+      free(name);
-+      /* Hide the weston_seat from the rest of Weston, there are too many
-+       * things making assumptions:
-+       * - backends assume they control all seats
-+       * - shells assume they control all input foci
-+       * We do not want either to mess with our seat.
-+       */
-+      wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-+      wl_list_init(&seat->;
-+      /* The weston_compositor::seat_created_signal has already been
-+       * emitted. Shells use it to subscribe to focus changes, but we should
-+       * never handle focus with weston core... except maybe with keyboard.
-+       * text-backend.c will also act on the new seat.
-+       * It is possible weston_seat_init() needs to be split to fix this
-+       * properly.
-+       */
-+      weston_log("Transmitter created seat=%p '%s'\n",
-+                 &seat->base, seat->base.seat_name);
-+      /* XXX: mirror remote capabilities */
-+      transmitter_seat_create_pointer(seat);
-+      wl_list_insert(&remote->seat_list, &seat->link);
-+      return 0;
-+      free(seat);
-+      free(name);
-+      return -1;
-+static void
-+fake_pointer_get_position(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat, double step,
-+                        wl_fixed_t *x, wl_fixed_t *y)
-+      double s, c;
-+      seat->pointer_phase += step;
-+      while (seat->pointer_phase > 2.0 * M_PI)
-+              seat->pointer_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI;
-+      sincos(seat->pointer_phase, &s, &c);
-+      *x = wl_fixed_from_double(100.0 + 50.0 * c);
-+      *y = wl_fixed_from_double(100.0 + 50.0 * s);
-+static int
-+fake_pointer_timer_handler(void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat = data;
-+      wl_fixed_t x, y;
-+      uint32_t time;
-+      time = weston_compositor_get_time();
-+      fake_pointer_get_position(seat, 18.0 / 180.0 * M_PI, &x, &y);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(seat, time, x, y);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
-+      wl_event_source_timer_update(seat->pointer_timer, 100);
-+      return 0;
-+transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                  struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      wl_fixed_t x, y;
-+      uint32_t serial = 5;
-+      /* remove focus from earlier surface */
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial++, seat->pointer_focus);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
-+      /* set pointer focus to surface */
-+      fake_pointer_get_position(seat, 0.0, &x, &y);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(seat, serial++, txs, x, y);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(seat);
-+      if (!seat->pointer_timer) {
-+              /* schedule timer for motion */
-+              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(seat->base.compositor->wl_display);
-+              seat->pointer_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop,
-+                                              fake_pointer_timer_handler, seat);
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(seat->pointer_timer, 100);
-+      }
-+      /* XXX: if the now focused surface disappears, we should call
-+       * transmitter_seat_pointer_leave() as part of the mockup. Otherwise
-+       * you get a "Transmitter Warning: no pointer->focus_client?".
-+       */
-+      return 0;
-diff --git a/transmitter/output.c b/transmitter/output.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..6a78721
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/output.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include "compositor.h"
-+#include "helpers.h"
-+#include "plugin.h"
-+#include "transmitter_api.h"
-+/** @file
-+ *
-+ * This is an implementation of a remote output.
-+ *
-+ * A remote output must not be accepted as an argument to:
-+ * - wl_shell_surface.set_fullscreen
-+ * - wl_shell_surface.set_maximized
-+ * - zwp_fullscreen_shell_v1.present_surface
-+ * - zwp_fullscreen_shell_v1.present_surface_for_mode
-+ * - zwp_input_panel_surface_v1.set_toplevel
-+ * - xdg_surface.set_fullscreen
-+ *
-+ * If a remote output is an argument to the above or similar requests,
-+ * it should have the same effect as NULL if possible.
-+ *
-+ * @todo Should we instead accept the argument and have it start remoting
-+ * automatically? That would be shell-specific.
-+ *
-+ * In ivi-shell's case, only zwp_input_panel_surface_v1.set_toplevel is
-+ * reachable from keyboard.c. That just blindly uses whatever the first
-+ * output happens to be, so there is no need to check for now.
-+ *
-+ * @todo Add weston_output_set_remote() which sets weston_output::is_remote
-+ * to true and inits weston_output::link. This should be made mutually
-+ * exclusive with weston_compositor_add_output().
-+ */
-+static inline struct weston_transmitter_output *
-+to_transmitter_output(struct weston_output *base)
-+      return container_of(base, struct weston_transmitter_output, base);
-+static char *
-+make_model(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, int name)
-+      char *str;
-+      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s-%d", remote->addr, name) < 0)
-+              return NULL;
-+      return str;
-+static int
-+make_mode_list(struct wl_list *list,
-+             const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
-+      struct weston_mode *mode;
-+      mode = zalloc(sizeof *mode);
-+      if (!mode)
-+              return -1;
-+      *mode = info->mode;
-+      wl_list_insert(list->prev, &mode->link);
-+      return 0;
-+static struct weston_mode *
-+get_current_mode(struct wl_list *mode_list)
-+      struct weston_mode *mode;
-+      wl_list_for_each(mode, mode_list, link)
-+              if (mode->flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT)
-+                      return mode;
-+      assert(0);
-+      return NULL;
-+static void
-+free_mode_list(struct wl_list *mode_list)
-+      struct weston_mode *mode;
-+      while (!wl_list_empty(mode_list)) {
-+              mode = container_of(mode_list->next, struct weston_mode, link);
-+              wl_list_remove(&mode->link);
-+              free(mode);
-+      }
-+transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
-+      weston_log("Transmitter destroying output '%s'\n", output->;
-+      wl_list_remove(&output->link);
-+      free_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list);
-+      free(output->base.serial_number);
-+      free(output->base.model);
-+      free(output->base.make);
-+      weston_output_destroy(&output->base);
-+      free(output);
-+static void
-+transmitter_output_destroy_(struct weston_output *base)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      transmitter_output_destroy(output);
-+static void
-+transmitter_start_repaint_loop(struct weston_output *base)
-+      weston_log("%s(%s)\n", __func__, base->name);
-+static int
-+transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-+                         pixman_region32_t *damage)
-+      weston_log("%s(%s)\n", __func__, base->name);
-+      return -1;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-+      const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
-+      output = zalloc(sizeof *output);
-+      if (!output)
-+              return -1;
-+      output->base.subpixel = info->subpixel;
-+      output-> = make_model(remote, 1);
-+      output->base.make = strdup(WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE);
-+      output->base.model = make_model(remote, 1);
-+      output->base.serial_number = strdup("0");
-+      wl_list_init(&output->base.mode_list);
-+      if (make_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list, info) < 0)
-+              goto fail;
-+      output->base.current_mode = get_current_mode(&output->base.mode_list);
-+      /* WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT already set */
-+      weston_output_init(&output->base, remote->transmitter->compositor);
-+      /*
-+       * renderer_output_create skipped:
-+       * no renderer awareness is needed for this output
-+       */
-+      /*
-+       * weston_compositor_add_output() skipped:
-+       * Most other code uses weston_compositor::output_list when traversing
-+       * all outputs, we do not want any of that.
-+       * Also weston_compositor::output_created_signal must not trigger
-+       * for this output, since we must not involve input device management
-+       * or color management or any kind of local management.
-+       */
-+      output->base.start_repaint_loop = transmitter_start_repaint_loop;
-+      output->base.repaint = transmitter_output_repaint;
-+      output->base.destroy = transmitter_output_destroy_;
-+      output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
-+      output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
-+      output->base.switch_mode = NULL;
-+      output->base.gamma_size = 0;
-+      output->base.set_gamma = NULL;
-+      output->base.native_mode = output->base.current_mode;
-+      output->base.native_scale = output->base.current_scale;
-+      output->remote = remote;
-+      wl_list_insert(&remote->output_list, &output->link);
-+      weston_log("Transmitter created output '%s': %s, %s, %s\n",
-+                 output->, output->base.make, output->base.model,
-+                 output->base.serial_number);
-+      return 0;
-+      free_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list);
-+      free(output->base.serial_number);
-+      free(output->base.model);
-+      free(output->base.make);
-+      free(output->;
-+      free(output);
-+      return -1;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.c b/transmitter/plugin.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..c5e56d3
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <linux/input.h>
-+#include "compositor.h"
-+#include "helpers.h"
-+#include "timespec-util.h"
-+#include "plugin.h"
-+#include "transmitter_api.h"
-+/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
-+ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
-+ * removed from the final implementation.
-+ */
-+/** Send configure event through ivi-shell.
-+ *
-+ * \param txs The Transmitter surface.
-+ * \param width Suggestion for surface width.
-+ * \param height Suggestion for surface height.
-+ *
-+ * When the networking code receives a ivi_surface.configure event, it calls
-+ * this function to relay it to the application.
-+ *
-+ * \c txs cannot be a zombie, because transmitter_surface_zombify() must
-+ * tear down the network link, so a zombie cannot receive events.
-+ */
-+transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             int32_t width, int32_t height)
-+      assert(txs->resize_handler);
-+      if (!txs->resize_handler)
-+              return;
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      if (!txs->surface)
-+              return;
-+      txs->resize_handler(txs->resize_handler_data, width, height);
-+static int
-+frame_callback_handler(void *data) /* fake */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
-+      struct weston_frame_callback *cb, *cnext;
-+      struct weston_output *output;
-+      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
-+      uint32_t frame_time;
-+      uint32_t presented_flags;
-+      int32_t refresh_nsec;
-+      struct timespec stamp;
-+      compositor = txs->remote->transmitter->compositor;
-+      output = txs->sync_output;
-+      /* wl_surface.enter should arrive before any frame callbacks,
-+       * but remote might send frame callbacks for non-visible too.
-+       */
-+      if (!output)
-+              return 0;
-+      /* XXX: eeeew */
-+      frame_time = weston_compositor_get_time();
-+      wl_list_for_each_safe(cb, cnext, &txs->frame_callback_list, link) {
-+              wl_callback_send_done(cb->resource, frame_time);
-+              wl_resource_destroy(cb->resource);
-+      }
-+      presented_flags = 0;
-+      refresh_nsec = millihz_to_nsec(output->current_mode->refresh);
-+      /* XXX: waaahhhahaa */
-+      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(compositor, &stamp);
-+      weston_presentation_feedback_present_list(&txs->feedback_list,
-+                                                output, refresh_nsec, &stamp,
-+                                                output->msc,
-+                                                presented_flags);
-+      return 0;
-+static void
-+fake_frame_callback(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      if (!txs->frame_timer) {
-+              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+              txs->frame_timer =
-+                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop,
-+                                              frame_callback_handler, txs);
-+      }
-+      wl_event_source_timer_update(txs->frame_timer, 85);
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_configure(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                            int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      if (!txs->surface)
-+              return;
-+      txs->attach_dx += dx;
-+      txs->attach_dy += dy;
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      weston_log("Transmitter: update surface %p (%d, %d), %d cb\n",
-+                 txs->surface, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy,
-+                 wl_list_length(&txs->surface->frame_callback_list));
-+      wl_list_insert_list(&txs->frame_callback_list,
-+                          &txs->surface->frame_callback_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->surface->frame_callback_list);
-+      wl_list_insert_list(&txs->feedback_list, &txs->surface->feedback_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->surface->feedback_list);
-+      /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */
-+      txs->attach_dx = 0;
-+      txs->attach_dy = 0;
-+/** weston_surface apply state signal handler */
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_apply_state(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs =
-+              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
-+                           apply_state_listener);
-+      assert(data == NULL);
-+      transmitter_surface_gather_state(txs);
-+      fake_frame_callback(txs);
-+/** Mark the weston_transmitter_surface dead.
-+ *
-+ * Stop all remoting actions on this surface.
-+ *
-+ * Still keeps the pointer stored by a shell valid, so it can be freed later.
-+ */
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_zombify(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_frame_callback *framecb, *cnext;
-+      /* may be called multiple times */
-+      if (!txs->surface)
-+              return;
-+      wl_signal_emit(&txs->destroy_signal, txs);
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-+      weston_log("Transmitter unbound surface %p.\n", txs->surface);
-+      txs->surface = NULL;
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-+      if (txs->map_timer)
-+              wl_event_source_remove(txs->map_timer);
-+      if (txs->frame_timer)
-+              wl_event_source_remove(txs->frame_timer);
-+      weston_presentation_feedback_discard_list(&txs->feedback_list);
-+      wl_list_for_each_safe(framecb, cnext, &txs->frame_callback_list, link)
-+              wl_resource_destroy(framecb->resource);
-+      /* In case called from destroy_transmitter() */
-+      txs->remote = NULL;
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->link);
-+      free(txs);
-+/** weston_surface destroy signal handler */
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs =
-+              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
-+                           surface_destroy_listener);
-+      assert(data == txs->surface);
-+      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
-+static struct weston_transmitter_surface *
-+transmitter_surface_get(struct weston_surface *ws)
-+      struct wl_listener *listener;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      listener = wl_signal_get(&ws->destroy_signal,
-+                               transmitter_surface_destroyed);
-+      if (!listener)
-+              return NULL;
-+      txs = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
-+                         surface_destroy_listener);
-+      assert(ws == txs->surface);
-+      return txs;
-+static void
-+sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      txs = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
-+                         sync_output_destroy_listener);
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->;
-+      weston_surface_force_output(txs->surface, NULL);
-+static void
-+fake_input(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &txs->remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      assert(wl_list_length(seat_list) == 1);
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(seat, txs);
-+/* fake receiving wl_surface.enter(output) */
-+static int
-+map_timer_handler(void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
-+      assert(!wl_list_empty(&txs->remote->output_list));
-+      output = container_of(txs->remote->,
-+                            struct weston_transmitter_output, link);
-+      txs->sync_output = &output->base;
-+      txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.notify = sync_output_destroy_handler;
-+      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-+      wl_signal_add(&txs->sync_output->destroy_signal,
-+                    &txs->sync_output_destroy_listener);
-+      weston_surface_force_output(txs->surface, txs->sync_output);
-+      weston_log("Transmitter: surface %p entered output %s\n",
-+                 txs->surface, txs->sync_output->name);
-+      fake_frame_callback(txs);
-+      fake_input(txs);
-+      return 0;
-+/* Fake a delay for the remote end to map the surface to an output */
-+static void
-+fake_output_mapping(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+      txs->map_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, map_timer_handler, txs);
-+      wl_event_source_timer_update(txs->map_timer, 400);
-+/* Fake getting "connection established" from the content streamer. */
-+static void
-+fake_stream_opening_handler(void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
-+      /* ...once the connection is up: */
-+      wl_signal_emit(&txs->stream_status_signal, txs);
-+      /* need to create the surface on the remote and set all state */
-+      transmitter_surface_gather_state(txs);
-+      fake_output_mapping(txs);
-+/* Fake a callback from content streamer. */
-+static void
-+fake_stream_opening(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+      wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, fake_stream_opening_handler, txs);
-+static struct weston_transmitter_surface *
-+transmitter_surface_push_to_remote(struct weston_surface *ws,
-+                                 struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-+                                 struct wl_listener *stream_status)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      if (transmitter_surface_get(ws)) {
-+              weston_log("Transmitter: surface %p already bound.\n", ws);
-+              return NULL;
-+      }
-+      txs = zalloc(sizeof (*txs));
-+      if (!txs)
-+              return NULL;
-+      txs->remote = remote;
-+      wl_signal_init(&txs->destroy_signal);
-+      wl_list_insert(&remote->surface_list, &txs->link);
-+      wl_signal_init(&txs->stream_status_signal);
-+      wl_signal_add(&txs->stream_status_signal, stream_status);
-+      txs->surface = ws;
-+      txs->surface_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_destroyed;
-+      wl_signal_add(&ws->destroy_signal, &txs->surface_destroy_listener);
-+      txs->apply_state_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_apply_state;
-+      wl_signal_add(&ws->apply_state_signal, &txs->apply_state_listener);
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->;
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list);
-+      /* TODO: create the content stream connection... */
-+      fake_stream_opening(txs);
-+      return txs;
-+static enum weston_transmitter_stream_status
-+transmitter_surface_get_stream_status(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      return txs->status;
-+static int
-+conn_timer_handler(void *data) /* fake */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output_info info = {
-+              WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE,
-+              1,
-+              0, 0,
-+              300, 200,
-+              "fake",
-+              {
-+                      800, 600,
-+                      51519,
-+                      { NULL, NULL }
-+              }
-+      };
-+      weston_log("Transmitter connected to %s.\n", remote->addr);
-+      wl_signal_emit(&remote->connection_status_signal, remote);
-+      wl_event_source_remove(remote->conn_timer);
-+      remote->conn_timer = NULL;
-+      /* Outputs and seats are dynamic, do not guarantee they are all
-+       * present when signalling connection status.
-+       */
-+      transmitter_remote_create_output(remote, &info);
-+      transmitter_remote_create_seat(remote);
-+      return 0;
-+static struct weston_transmitter_remote *
-+transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-+                            const char *addr,
-+                            struct wl_listener *status)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      remote = zalloc(sizeof (*remote));
-+      if (!remote)
-+              return NULL;
-+      remote->transmitter = txr;
-+      wl_list_insert(&txr->remote_list, &remote->link);
-+      remote->addr = strdup(addr);
-+      wl_signal_init(&remote->connection_status_signal);
-+      wl_signal_add(&remote->connection_status_signal, status);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->output_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->surface_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->seat_list);
-+      /* XXX: actually start connecting */
-+      weston_log("Transmitter connecting to %s...\n", addr);
-+      /* fake it with a one second timer */
-+      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+      remote->conn_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, conn_timer_handler,
-+                                                   remote);
-+      wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->conn_timer, 1000);
-+      return remote;
-+static enum weston_transmitter_connection_status
-+transmitter_remote_get_status(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-+      return remote->status;
-+static void
-+transmitter_remote_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output, *otmp;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat, *stmp;
-+      /* Do not emit connection_status_signal. */
-+      /*
-+       *  Must not touch remote->transmitter as it may be stale:
-+       * the desctruction order between the shell and Transmitter is
-+       * undefined.
-+       */
-+      weston_log("Transmitter disconnecting from %s.\n", remote->addr);
-+      if (remote->conn_timer)
-+              wl_event_source_remove(remote->conn_timer);
-+      if (!wl_list_empty(&remote->surface_list))
-+              weston_log("Transmitter warning: surfaces remain in %s.\n",
-+                         __func__);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+              txs->remote = NULL;
-+      wl_list_remove(&remote->surface_list);
-+      wl_list_for_each_safe(seat, stmp, &remote->seat_list, link)
-+              transmitter_seat_destroy(seat);
-+      wl_list_for_each_safe(output, otmp, &remote->output_list, link)
-+              transmitter_output_destroy(output);
-+      free(remote->addr);
-+      wl_list_remove(&remote->link);
-+      free(remote);
-+/** Transmitter is destroyed on compositor shutdown. */
-+static void
-+transmitter_compositor_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr =
-+              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter,
-+                           compositor_destroy_listener);
-+      assert(data == txr->compositor);
-+      /* may be called before or after shell cleans up */
-+      wl_list_for_each(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
-+              wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
-+                      transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
-+              }
-+      }
-+      /*
-+       * Remove the head in case the list is not empty, to avoid
-+       * transmitter_remote_destroy() accessing freed memory if the shell
-+       * cleans up after Transmitter.
-+       */
-+      wl_list_remove(&txr->remote_list);
-+      weston_log("Transmitter terminating.\n");
-+      free(txr);
-+static struct weston_transmitter *
-+transmitter_get(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-+      struct wl_listener *listener;
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr;
-+      listener = wl_signal_get(&compositor->destroy_signal,
-+                               transmitter_compositor_destroyed);
-+      if (!listener)
-+              return NULL;
-+      txr = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter,
-+                         compositor_destroy_listener);
-+      assert(compositor == txr->compositor);
-+      return txr;
-+static const struct weston_transmitter_api transmitter_api_impl = {
-+      transmitter_get,
-+      transmitter_connect_to_remote,
-+      transmitter_remote_get_status,
-+      transmitter_remote_destroy,
-+      transmitter_surface_push_to_remote,
-+      transmitter_surface_get_stream_status,
-+      transmitter_surface_destroy,
-+      transmitter_surface_configure,
-+static void
-+transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             uint32_t ivi_id)
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      if (!txs->surface)
-+              return;
-+      weston_log("%s(%p, %#x)\n", __func__, txs->surface, ivi_id);
-+static void
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+      weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb,
-+      void *data)
-+      txs->resize_handler = cb;
-+      txs->resize_handler_data = data;
-+static const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api transmitter_ivi_api_impl = {
-+      transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id,
-+      transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback,
-+wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr;
-+      int ret;
-+      txr = zalloc(sizeof *txr);
-+      if (!txr)
-+              return -1;
-+      wl_list_init(&txr->remote_list);
-+      txr->compositor = compositor;
-+      txr->compositor_destroy_listener.notify =
-+              transmitter_compositor_destroyed;
-+      wl_signal_add(&compositor->destroy_signal,
-+                    &txr->compositor_destroy_listener);
-+      ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor,
-+                                       WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME,
-+                                       &transmitter_api_impl,
-+                                       sizeof(transmitter_api_impl));
-+      if (ret < 0) {
-+              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter API registration failed.\n");
-+              goto fail;
-+      }
-+      ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor,
-+                                       WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME,
-+                                       &transmitter_ivi_api_impl,
-+                                       sizeof(transmitter_ivi_api_impl));
-+      if (ret < 0) {
-+              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter IVI API registration failed.\n");
-+              goto fail;
-+      }
-+      weston_log("Transmitter initialized.\n");
-+      return 0;
-+      wl_list_remove(&txr->;
-+      free(txr);
-+      return -1;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.h b/transmitter/plugin.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..710b543
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+/* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
-+ * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
-+ * removed from the final implementation.
-+ */
-+#include <stdint.h>
-+#include "compositor.h"
-+#include "transmitter_api.h"
-+struct weston_transmitter {
-+      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
-+      struct wl_listener compositor_destroy_listener;
-+      struct wl_list remote_list; /* transmitter_remote::link */
-+struct weston_transmitter_remote {
-+      struct weston_transmitter *transmitter;
-+      struct wl_list link;
-+      char *addr;
-+      enum weston_transmitter_connection_status status;
-+      struct wl_signal connection_status_signal;
-+      struct wl_list output_list; /* weston_transmitter_output::link */
-+      struct wl_list surface_list; /* weston_transmitter_surface::link */
-+      struct wl_list seat_list; /* weston_transmitter_seat::link */
-+      struct wl_event_source *conn_timer; /* fake */
-+struct weston_transmitter_surface {
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::surface_list */
-+      struct wl_signal destroy_signal; /* data: weston_transmitter_surface */
-+      enum weston_transmitter_stream_status status;
-+      struct wl_signal stream_status_signal;
-+      struct weston_surface *surface;
-+      struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
-+      struct wl_listener apply_state_listener;
-+      weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t resize_handler;
-+      void *resize_handler_data;
-+      struct weston_output *sync_output;
-+      struct wl_listener sync_output_destroy_listener;
-+      struct wl_event_source *map_timer; /* fake */
-+      struct wl_event_source *frame_timer; /* fake */
-+      int32_t attach_dx; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
-+      int32_t attach_dy; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
-+      struct wl_list frame_callback_list; /* weston_frame_callback::link */
-+      struct wl_list feedback_list; /* weston_presentation_feedback::link */
-+struct weston_transmitter_output_info {
-+      uint32_t subpixel; /* enum wl_output_subpixel */
-+      uint32_t transform; /* enum wl_output_transform */
-+      int32_t scale;
-+      int32_t x;
-+      int32_t y;
-+      int32_t width_mm;
-+      int32_t height_mm;
-+      /* char *make; is WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE */
-+      char *model;
-+      struct weston_mode mode;
-+struct weston_transmitter_output {
-+      struct weston_output base;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::output_list */
-+struct weston_transmitter_seat {
-+      struct weston_seat base;
-+      struct wl_list link;
-+      /* pointer */
-+      wl_fixed_t pointer_surface_x;
-+      wl_fixed_t pointer_surface_y;
-+      struct wl_listener get_pointer_listener;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *pointer_focus;
-+      struct wl_listener pointer_focus_destroy_listener;
-+      struct wl_event_source *pointer_timer; /* fake */
-+      double pointer_phase; /* fake */
-+      /* keyboard */
-+      /* touch */
-+transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             int32_t width, int32_t height);
-+transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-+                      const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info);
-+transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output);
-+transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
-+transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat);
-+/* The below are the functions to be called from the network protocol
-+ * input event handlers.
-+ */
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                             uint32_t serial,
-+                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             wl_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                             wl_fixed_t surface_y);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                             uint32_t serial,
-+                             struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t time,
-+                              wl_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                              wl_fixed_t surface_y);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_button(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t serial,
-+                              uint32_t time,
-+                              uint32_t button,
-+                              uint32_t state);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                            uint32_t time,
-+                            uint32_t axis,
-+                            wl_fixed_t value);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_source(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                   uint32_t axis_source);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_stop(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                 uint32_t time,
-+                                 uint32_t axis);
-+transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_discrete(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                     uint32_t axis,
-+                                     int32_t discrete);
-+/* Fake functions for mockup testing: */
-+transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                                  struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-diff --git a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..95d82ec
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include "plugin-registry.h"
-+#include <stdint.h>
-+/** \file
-+ *
-+ * This is the Transmitter API published via weston_plugin_api_register().
-+ */
-+struct weston_transmitter;
-+struct weston_transmitter_remote;
-+struct weston_transmitter_surface;
-+#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME "transmitter_v1"
-+/** See weston_transmitter_api::remote_get_status */
-+enum weston_transmitter_connection_status {
-+      /** The connection hand-shake is not yet complete */
-+      /** The connection is live and ready to be used. */
-+      /** The connection is dead. */
-+/** See weston_transmitter_api::surface_get_stream_status */
-+enum weston_transmitter_stream_status {
-+      /** The stream hand-shake is not yet complete. */
-+      /** The stream is carrying surface content updates as needed. */
-+      /** The stream has failed and disconnected permanently. */
-+/** The Transmitter Base API
-+ *
-+ * Transmitter is a Weston plugin that provides remoting of weston_surfaces
-+ * over the network. Shells use this API to create remote connections and
-+ * push surfaces over the network. Shells are also responsible for relaying
-+ * basic window state changes to Transmitter.
-+ *
-+ * In addition to the Transmitter Base API, shells also need to use a
-+ * shell protocol specific Transmitter API to relay specific window state
-+ * changes.
-+ */
-+struct weston_transmitter_api {
-+      /** Fetch the Transmitter plugin context
-+       *
-+       * \param compositor The compositor instance.
-+       * \return The weston_transmitter context, which is always the same
-+       * for the given compositor instance.
-+       */
-+      struct weston_transmitter *
-+      (*transmitter_get)(struct weston_compositor *compositor);
-+      /**
-+       * Connect to a remote server via Transmitter.
-+       *
-+       * \param txr The Transmitter context.
-+       * \param addr Address of the remote server.
-+       * \param status Listener to inform of connection status changes.
-+       * \return A handle to the remote connection, or NULL on failure.
-+       *
-+       * This call attempts to open a connection asynchronously. The
-+       * connection is not usable until the listener signals it is ready.
-+       * The listener may also signal that the connection failed instead.
-+       *
-+       * The listener callback argument is the weston_transmitter_remote
-+       * returned by this function. Use remote_get_status() to fetch the
-+       * current status.
-+       *
-+       * The address argument is a string in the form "host:port".
-+       */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *
-+      (*connect_to_remote)(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-+                           const char *addr,
-+                           struct wl_listener *status);
-+      /**
-+       * Retrieve the connection status.
-+       *
-+       * you have to shut the remote down completely. There is no automatic
-+       * reconnect.
-+       */
-+      enum weston_transmitter_connection_status
-+      (*remote_get_status)(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
-+      /**
-+       * Destroy/disconnect a remote connection.
-+       *
-+       * Disconnects if connected, and destroys the connection.
-+       * The connection status handler is not called.
-+       *
-+       * The caller is responsible for destroying all
-+       * weston_transmitter_surfaces before calling this.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*remote_destroy)(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote);
-+      /** Push a weston_surface to be transmitted to a remote.
-+       *
-+       * \param ws The surface to push.
-+       * \param remote The remote connection to use.
-+       * \param stream_status Listener for stream status changes.
-+       * \return The Transmitter surface handle.
-+       *
-+       * The surface cannot be visible on the remote until the stream
-+       * status listener signals WESTON_TRANSMITTER_STREAM_LIVE. After that,
-+       * surface updates made by the application will be automatically
-+       * streamed to the remote, and input events from the remote will be
-+       * delivered to the application.
-+       *
-+       * The listener callback argument is the weston_transmitter_surface
-+       * returned by this function. Use surface_get_stream_status() to
-+       * fetch the current status.
-+       */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *
-+      (*surface_push_to_remote)(struct weston_surface *ws,
-+                                struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-+                                struct wl_listener *stream_status);
-+      /**
-+       * Retrieve the surface content stream status.
-+       *
-+       * If the status is WESTON_TRANSMITTER_STREAM_FAILED, remoting the
-+       * surface has stopped. There is no automatic retry.
-+       */
-+      enum weston_transmitter_stream_status
-+      (*surface_get_stream_status)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-+      /** Stop remoting a weston_surface
-+       *
-+       * \param txs Transmitter surface handle to be stopped and freed.
-+       *
-+       * The surface stream status handler is not called.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*surface_destroy)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-+      /** Notify of weston_surface being configured
-+       *
-+       * \param txs The Transmitter surface handle.
-+       * \param dx The x delta given in wl_surface.attach request.
-+       * \param dy The y delta given in wl_surface.attach request.
-+       *
-+       * Notifies Transmitter of new surface confguration. Transmitter will
-+       * forward the arguments, window state, and reference the buffer for
-+       * image transmission.
-+       *
-+       * Shells are meant to call this function for remoted surfaces in
-+       * the weston_surface::configure handler.
-+       *
-+       * XXX: Is this necessary if we have weston_surface::apply_state_signal?
-+       *
-+       * Essentially this is just an elaborate way to forward dx,dy.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*surface_configure)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                           int32_t dx, int32_t dy);
-+static inline const struct weston_transmitter_api *
-+weston_get_transmitter_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-+      return weston_plugin_api_get(compositor, WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME,
-+                                   sizeof(struct weston_transmitter_api));
-+#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME "transmitter_ivi_v1"
-+/** For relaying configure events from Transmitter to shell. */
-+typedef void (*weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t)(void *data,
-+                                                      int32_t width,
-+                                                      int32_t height);
-+/** The Transmitter IVI-shell API
-+ *
-+ * Contains the IVI-shell specifics required to remote an ivi-surface.
-+ */
-+struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api {
-+      /** Set IVI-id for a transmitter surface
-+       *
-+       * \param txs The transmitted surface.
-+       * \param ivi_id The IVI-surface id as specified by the
-+       * ivi_application.surface_create request.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*set_ivi_id)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs, uint32_t ivi_id);
-+      /** Set callback to relay configure events.
-+       *
-+       * \param txs The transmitted surface.
-+       * \param cb The callback function pointer.
-+       * \param data User data to be passed to the callback.
-+       *
-+       * The arguments to the callback function are user data, and width and
-+       * height from the configure event from the remote compositor. The
-+       * shell must relay this event to the application.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*set_resize_callback)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                             weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb,
-+                             void *data);
-+static inline const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api *
-+weston_get_transmitter_ivi_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-+      return weston_plugin_api_get(compositor,
-+                                   WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME,
-+                                   sizeof(struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api));
-+/** Identifies outputs created by the Transmitter by make */
-+#define WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE "Weston-Transmitter"
-+/* Remote compositor/output are identified by model */
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0018-ivi-layout-Register-ivi-layout-interface-It-enables-.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0018-ivi-layout-Register-ivi-layout-interface-It-enables-.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b8f9357..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From 8e586a78c7e74f0faaddd02abbdfcf6879d0f096 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wataru Mizuno <>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 09:09:17 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] ivi-layout :Register ivi-layout-interface It enables to
- use ivi-layout-interface without load module
-Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
- ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h | 2 ++
- ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c        | 4 ++++
- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
-index 2317d6e..11ea874 100644
---- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
-+++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
-@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ extern "C" {
- #define IVI_SUCCEEDED (0)
- #define IVI_FAILED (-1)
-+#define IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME "ivi_layout_api_v1"
- struct ivi_layout_layer;
- struct ivi_layout_screen;
- struct ivi_layout_surface;
-diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
-index 64e4ead..602a42f 100644
---- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
-+++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
-@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
- #include "ivi-layout-export.h"
- #include "ivi-layout-private.h"
- #include "ivi-layout-shell.h"
-+#include "plugin-registry.h"
- #include "shared/helpers.h"
- #include "shared/os-compatibility.h"
-@@ -2139,5 +2140,8 @@ load_controller_modules(struct weston_compositor *compositor, const char *module
-                       p++;
-       }
-+      weston_plugin_api_register(compositor, IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME,
-+                                 &ivi_layout_interface,  sizeof(struct ivi_layout_interface));
-       return 0;
- }
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0019-transmitter-transmitter-plugin-for-waltham-protocol.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0019-transmitter-transmitter-plugin-for-waltham-protocol.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6b4f276..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2732 +0,0 @@
-From 0d114839f299b6a9e3f504e75c22d636222c3b20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wataru Mizuno <>
-Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:23:02 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] transmitter: transmitter plugin for waltham protocol
-The transmitter plugin enables weston to communicate with
-remote site compositor over the ethernet.
-Communication is done with waltham protocol which is the
-wayland like IPC protocol.
-Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
-                        |  11 +-
-                       |  12 +
- transmitter/README                 | 108 +++--
- transmitter/input.c                | 783 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- transmitter/output.c               | 139 +++++-
- transmitter/plugin.c               | 875 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
- transmitter/plugin.h               | 140 +++++-
- transmitter/transmitter_api.h      |  26 +-
- transmitter/weston.ini.transmitter |  21 +
- 9 files changed, 1763 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 transmitter/weston.ini.transmitter
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 6cca875..2cb1920 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -306,6 +306,11 @@ westoninclude_HEADERS +=                          \
-       ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
- endif
-+westoninclude_HEADERS +=                              \
-+      transmitter/transmitter_api.h
- libweston_module_LTLIBRARIES +=
- gl_renderer_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
-@@ -507,8 +512,10 @@ module_LTLIBRARIES +=
- transmitter_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
- transmitter_la_CFLAGS =                               \
-       $(COMPOSITOR_CFLAGS)                    \
--      $(AM_CFLAGS)
--transmitter_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS)
-+      $(AM_CFLAGS)                            \
-+transmitter_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS) \
-+                      -lwaltham
- transmitter_la_SOURCES =                      \
-       transmitter/plugin.c                    \
-       transmitter/plugin.h                    \
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 6cf2883..4819e08 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -543,6 +543,18 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(surface-remoting,
-               AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-surface-remoting],
-                              [support for surface remoting over network]),,
-             enable_surface_remoting=no)
-+if test "x$enable_surface_remoting" != "xno"; then
-+                        waltham >= 0.1.0,
-+                        have_waltham=yes,
-+                        have_waltham=no)
-+      if test "x$have_waltham" = "xno" -a "x$enable_surface_remoting" = "xyes"; then
-+        AC_MSG_ERROR([surface_remoting support explicitly requested, but waltham couldn't be found])
-+      fi
-+      if test "x$have_waltham" = "xyes"; then
-+           enable_surface_remoting=yes
-+      fi
- AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_SURFACE_REMOTING, test "x$enable_surface_remoting" = "xyes")
-diff --git a/transmitter/README b/transmitter/README
-index a7977ba..af80574 100644
---- a/transmitter/README
-+++ b/transmitter/README
-@@ -1,45 +1,84 @@
--Testing Transmitter with ivi-shell
-+Transmitter plugin 
- The current implementation of Transmitter is a stub which interfaces to
- other Weston parts appropriately, but all networking is just a mockup.
-+Sections in this file describe:
-+- How to build
-+- How to write weston.ini
-+- How to test
-+How to build
- Configure Weston with --enable-surface-remoting to build the Transmitter
- plugin.
--In weston.ini, add '' to the 'modules' key under '[core]', and
--make sure the 'shell' is ''. Follow the ivi-shell example
--weston.ini for everything else.
--When you start weston, the log should contain something like this:
--[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
--[13:13:54.799] launching '/home/pq/local/libexec/weston-keyboard'
--[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
--[13:13:54.799] Loading module '/home/pq/local/lib/weston/'
--[13:13:54.799] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 48
--[13:13:54.799] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
--[13:13:54.799] Transmitter initialized.
--[13:13:54.799] ivi-layout: Transmitter enabled.
--[13:13:54.799] launching '/home/pq/build/weston/weston-ivi-shell-user-interface'
--[13:13:54.799] hmi-controller: Transmitter enabled.
--[13:13:54.799] Transmitter connecting to
--[13:13:55.800] Transmitter connected to
--[13:13:55.800] hmi-controller: connection status 0
--[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created output 'transmitter-': Weston-Transmitter, transmitter-, 0
--[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created seat=0x1c37bd0 'transmitter-'
--[13:13:55.800] Transmitter created pointer=0x1c38430 for seat 0x1c37bd0
--[13:13:55.800] transmitter_start_repaint_loop(transmitter-
--If you have edited a client to have ivi-id >= 0xfaa01000, when you start that
--client it should be "remoted" automatically and not appear on screen.
--You can also manually start remoting:
-+How to write weston.ini
-+To load transmitter plugin to weston, add '' to the 'modules' 
-+key under '[core]', and make sure the 'shell' is ''. 
-+The destination of remoting is configured in weston.ini.
-+Add output name, server address, port number, output's width and height key
-+under '[remote-output]'.
-+You can speficy multiple [remote-output].
-+In details, see 'weston.ini.transmitter'.
-+How to test
-+You can use server side test application in waltham repository.
-+If you set 'WALTHAM_DEBUG=1' to your environment valuable, you can
-+see the log like this:
-+ [06:12:41.238] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-+ [06:12:41.245] launching '/usr/libexec/weston-keyboard'
-+ [06:12:41.247] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-+ [06:12:41.252] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-+ [06:12:41.253] ivi-input-controller module loaded successfully!
-+ [06:12:41.255] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-+ [06:12:41.260] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 88
-+ [06:12:41.260] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
-+ [06:12:41.260] Transmitter initialized.
-+ [06:12:41.260] ivi-layout: Transmitter enabled.
-+ [06:12:41.260] Transmitter weston_seat 0x14f8010
-+ [06:12:41.260] Transmitter created pointer=0x139a440 for seat 0x14f8010
-+ [06:12:41.261] Transmitter created keyboard=0x14f8160 for seat 0x14f8010
-+ [06:12:41.261] Transmitter created touch=0x1508750 for seat 0x14f8010
-+The connection is established, you can see following debug messages:
-+ root@gr-mrb-64:~# debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 1
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 2
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000030000000100000002000000 wth_display_get_registry
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 3
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000020000000100000003000000 wth_display_sync
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 40 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 4
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00002c000800000002000000010000000400000010000000777468705f636f6d706f7369746f720001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 44 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 5
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 000030000800000002000000010000000500000012000000777468705f626c6f625f666163746f72790001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 48 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 1) (opcode 9) called.
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 6
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 000034000800000002000000010000000600000015000000777468705f6976695f6170706c69636174696f6e0001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (11) 16 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_callback_send_done(3, 0) (opcode 11) called.
-+ sending wth_display.sync...
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 7
-+ 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000020000000100000007000000 wth_display_sync
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (11) 16 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_callback_send_done(7, 0) (opcode 11) called.
-+ ...sync done.
-+Start remoting :
- - Start an IVI application.
--- Move pointer onto the application window.
--- Press Mod+Shift+space, and then 'k'.
--- The window should disappear.
-+- Put surface on backend output
-+- Put surface on transmitter output
- Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
-@@ -48,6 +87,3 @@ Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
- [13:18:24.572] transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(0x1c3dad0, 0x9ff6)
- [13:18:24.972] Transmitter: surface 0x1c3dad0 entered output transmitter-
--Once remoting has started, the mockup code will generate fake pointer input for
--the window. This can be seen with e.g. weston-eventdemo, or running an
--application with WAYLAND_DEBUG=client.
-diff --git a/transmitter/input.c b/transmitter/input.c
-index 0ba04d4..eeb7452 100644
---- a/transmitter/input.c
-+++ b/transmitter/input.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -129,6 +130,79 @@ static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface pointer_grab_impl = {
-       pointer_cancel_grab_handler,
- };
-+static void
-+keyboard_grab_key(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
-+                uint32_t time,
-+                uint32_t key,
-+                uint32_t state)
-+static void
-+keyboard_grab_modifiers(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
-+                      uint32_t serial,
-+                      uint32_t mods_depressed,
-+                      uint32_t mods_latched,
-+                      uint32_t mods_locked,
-+                      uint32_t group)
-+static void
-+keyboard_grab_cancel(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab)
-+static const struct weston_keyboard_grab_interface keyborad_grab_impl = {
-+      keyboard_grab_key,
-+      keyboard_grab_modifiers,
-+      keyboard_grab_cancel
-+static void
-+touch_grab_down_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
-+                      uint32_t time,
-+                      int touch_id,
-+                      wl_fixed_t x,
-+                      wl_fixed_t y)
-+static void
-+touch_grab_up_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
-+                    uint32_t time,
-+                    int touch_id)
-+static void
-+touch_grab_motion_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab,
-+                        uint32_t time,
-+                        int touch_id,
-+                        wl_fixed_t x,
-+                        wl_fixed_t y)
-+static void
-+touch_grab_frame_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
-+static void
-+touch_grab_cancel_handler(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
-+static const struct weston_touch_grab_interface touch_grab_impl = {
-+      touch_grab_down_handler,
-+      touch_grab_up_handler,
-+      touch_grab_motion_handler,
-+      touch_grab_frame_handler,
-+      touch_grab_cancel_handler,
- /* The different ways to get pointer focus on a remoted surface:
-  *
-  * 1. Transmitter seat has pointer. The client has wl_pointer. Transmitter
-@@ -207,7 +281,7 @@ seat_get_pointer_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-       if (wl_resource_get_client(surface) != client)
-               return;
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       assert(pointer); /* guaranteed by having pointer_focus */
-       pointer_client = weston_pointer_get_pointer_client(pointer, client);
-@@ -235,13 +309,9 @@ transmitter_seat_create_pointer(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-       seat->pointer_focus = NULL;
-       wl_list_init(&seat->;
--      weston_seat_init_pointer(&seat->base);
--      seat->get_pointer_listener.notify = seat_get_pointer_handler;
--      wl_signal_add(&seat->base.get_pointer_signal,
--                    &seat->get_pointer_listener);
-+      weston_seat_init_pointer(seat->base);
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       /* not exported:
-        * weston_pointer_set_default_grab(pointer, &pointer_grab_impl); */
-@@ -252,7 +322,7 @@ transmitter_seat_create_pointer(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-       wl_list_init(&pointer->;
-       weston_log("Transmitter created pointer=%p for seat %p\n",
--                 pointer, &seat->base);
-+                 pointer, seat->base);
- }
- static void
-@@ -279,7 +349,7 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-       struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-       struct wl_resource *resource;
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       assert(pointer);
-       assert(txs->surface);
-@@ -299,8 +369,6 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-       seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
-       seat->pointer_surface_y = surface_y;
--      pointer->focus_client = weston_pointer_get_pointer_client(pointer,
--                                                                client);
-       pointer->focus_serial = serial;
-       /* pointer->focus is not used, because it is a weston_view, while
-@@ -347,7 +415,7 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-       assert(txs->surface);
-       surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       assert(pointer);
-       if (!pointer->focus_client)
-               return;
-@@ -373,7 +441,7 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-       struct wl_resource *resource;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       assert(pointer);
-       seat->pointer_surface_x = surface_x;
-@@ -401,7 +469,27 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_button(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                               uint32_t button,
-                               uint32_t state)
- {
--      assert(!"TODO");
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer);
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              return;
-+      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
-+      if (txs)
-+              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
-+                     pointer->focus_client->client);
-+      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
-+              wl_pointer_send_button(resource, serial, time,
-+                                     button, state);
-+        }
- }
- void
-@@ -410,7 +498,27 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                             uint32_t axis,
-                             wl_fixed_t value)
- {
--      assert(!"TODO");
-+      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wl_list *focus_resource_list;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-+      assert(pointer);
-+      if (!pointer->focus_client)
-+              return;
-+      txs = seat->pointer_focus;
-+      if (txs)
-+              assert(wl_resource_get_client(txs->surface->resource) ==
-+                     pointer->focus_client->client);
-+      focus_resource_list = &pointer->focus_client->pointer_resources;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, focus_resource_list) {
-+              wl_pointer_send_axis(resource, time,
-+                                   axis, value);
-+      }
- }
- void
-@@ -418,7 +526,7 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_frame(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
- {
-       struct weston_pointer *pointer;
--      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(&seat->base);
-+      pointer = weston_seat_get_pointer(seat->base);
-       if (pointer)
-               weston_pointer_send_frame(pointer);
- }
-@@ -427,7 +535,7 @@ void
- transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_source(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                                    uint32_t axis_source)
- {
--      assert(!"TODO");
-+      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
- }
- void
-@@ -435,7 +543,7 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_stop(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                                  uint32_t time,
-                                  uint32_t axis)
- {
--      assert(!"TODO");
-+      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
- }
- void
-@@ -443,7 +551,222 @@ transmitter_seat_pointer_axis_discrete(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                                      uint32_t axis,
-                                      int32_t discrete)
- {
--      assert(!"TODO");
-+      /* ToDo : implement axis event handling */
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_create_keyboard(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
-+      seat->keyboard_focus = NULL;
-+      weston_seat_init_keyboard(seat->base, NULL);
-+      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
-+      keyboard->default_grab.interface = &keyborad_grab_impl;
-+      weston_log("Transmitter created keyboard=%p for seat %p\n",
-+                 keyboard, seat->base);
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t serial,
-+                              struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                              struct wl_array *keys)
-+      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
-+      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
-+      assert(keyboard);
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
-+      seat->keyboard_focus = txs;
-+      wl_array_copy(&keyboard->keys, keys);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
-+                      wl_keyboard_send_enter(resource,
-+                                             serial,
-+                                             surface_resource,
-+                                             &keyboard->keys);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_keyboard_leave(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                              uint32_t serial,
-+                              struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
-+      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
-+      assert(keyboard);
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
-+                      wl_keyboard_send_leave(resource,
-+                                             serial,
-+                                             surface_resource);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_keyboard_key(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+      uint32_t serial,
-+      uint32_t time,
-+      uint32_t key,
-+      uint32_t state)
-+      struct weston_keyboard *keyboard;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      keyboard = weston_seat_get_keyboard(seat->base);
-+      assert(keyboard);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &keyboard->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
-+                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->keyboard_focus->surface->resource)) {
-+                      wl_keyboard_send_key(resource,
-+                                           serial,
-+                                           time,
-+                                           key,
-+                                           state);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_create_touch(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      seat->touch_focus = NULL;
-+      weston_seat_init_touch(seat->base);
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      touch->default_grab.interface = &touch_grab_impl;
-+      weston_log("Transmitter created touch=%p for seat %p\n",
-+                 touch, seat->base);
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_touch_down (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                           uint32_t serial,
-+                           uint32_t time,
-+                           struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                           int32_t touch_id,
-+                           wl_fixed_t x,
-+                           wl_fixed_t y)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      struct wl_resource *surface_resource;
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      assert(touch);
-+      assert(txs->surface);
-+      surface_resource = txs->surface->resource;
-+      seat->touch_focus = txs;
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) == wl_resource_get_client(surface_resource)) {
-+                      wl_touch_send_down(resource, serial, time,
-+                                         surface_resource,
-+                                         touch_id, x, y);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_touch_up (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                         uint32_t serial,
-+                         uint32_t time,
-+                         int32_t touch_id)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      assert(touch);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
-+                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
-+                      wl_touch_send_up(resource, serial, time, touch_id);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_touch_motion (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-+                             uint32_t time,
-+                             int32_t touch_id,
-+                             wl_fixed_t x,
-+                             wl_fixed_t y)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      assert(touch);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
-+                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
-+                      wl_touch_send_motion(resource, time, touch_id, x, y);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_touch_frame (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      assert(touch);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
-+                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
-+                      wl_touch_send_frame(resource);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_seat_touch_cancel (struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-+      struct weston_touch *touch;
-+      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
-+      touch = weston_seat_get_touch(seat->base);
-+      assert(touch);
-+      wl_resource_for_each(resource, &touch->resource_list) {
-+              if (wl_resource_get_client(resource) ==
-+                  wl_resource_get_client(seat->touch_focus->surface->resource)) {
-+                      wl_touch_send_cancel(resource);
-+              }
-+      }
- }
- static char *
-@@ -462,9 +785,7 @@ transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
- {
-       wl_list_remove(&seat->link);
--      weston_log("Transmitter destroy seat=%p\n", &seat->base);
--      weston_seat_release(&seat->base);
-+      weston_log("Transmitter destroy seat=%p\n", seat->base);
-       wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-       wl_list_remove(&seat->;
-@@ -475,11 +796,406 @@ transmitter_seat_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat)
-       free(seat);
- }
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_enter(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                   uint32_t serial,
-+                   struct wthp_surface *surface,
-+                   wth_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                   wth_fixed_t surface_y)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
-+                      if (txs != seat->pointer_focus)
-+                              transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial, seat->pointer_focus);
-+                      transmitter_seat_pointer_enter(seat, serial, txs,
-+                                                     surface_x, surface_y);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_leave(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                   uint32_t serial,
-+                   struct wthp_surface *surface)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
-+                      transmitter_seat_pointer_leave(seat, serial, txs);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_motion(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                    uint32_t time,
-+                    wth_fixed_t surface_x,
-+                    wth_fixed_t surface_y)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(seat, time,
-+                                      surface_x,
-+                                      surface_y);
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_button(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                    uint32_t serial,
-+                    uint32_t time,
-+                    uint32_t button,
-+                    uint32_t state)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_button(seat, serial,
-+                                      time, button,
-+                                      state);
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_axis(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                  uint32_t time,
-+                  uint32_t axis, wth_fixed_t value)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(seat, time,
-+                                    axis, value);
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_frame(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer)
-+      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle frame */
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_axis_source(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                         uint32_t axis_source)
-+      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis source */
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_axis_stop(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                       uint32_t time,
-+                       uint32_t axis)
-+      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis stop */
-+static void
-+pointer_handle_axis_discrete(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-+                           uint32_t axis,
-+                           int32_t discrete)
-+      /* ToDo : implement pointer handle axis discrete */
-+static const struct wthp_pointer_listener pointer_listener = {
-+      pointer_handle_enter,
-+      pointer_handle_leave,
-+      pointer_handle_motion,
-+      pointer_handle_button,
-+      pointer_handle_axis,
-+      pointer_handle_frame,
-+      pointer_handle_axis_source,
-+      pointer_handle_axis_stop,
-+      pointer_handle_axis_discrete
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_keymap(struct wthp_keyboard * wthp_keyboard,
-+      uint32_t format,
-+      uint32_t keymap_sz,
-+      void * keymap)
-+      /* ToDo : implement keyboard handle keymap */
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_enter(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-+      uint32_t serial,
-+      struct wthp_surface *surface,
-+      struct wth_array *keys)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      struct wl_array *wl_key = (struct wl_array *)malloc(sizeof(struct wl_array));
-+      wl_key->size = keys->size;
-+      wl_key->alloc = keys->alloc;
-+      wl_key->data = keys->data;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
-+                      //transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(seat, serial, txs, keys);
-+                      transmitter_seat_keyboard_enter(seat, serial, txs, wl_key);
-+              }
-+      }
-+      free(wl_key);
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_leave(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-+      uint32_t serial,
-+      struct wthp_surface *surface)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
-+                      transmitter_seat_keyboard_leave(seat, serial, txs);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_key(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-+      uint32_t serial,
-+      uint32_t time,
-+      uint32_t key,
-+      uint32_t state)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_keyboard);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_keyboard_key(seat, serial, time, key, state);
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_modifiers(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-+      uint32_t serial,
-+      uint32_t mods_depressed,
-+      uint32_t mods_latched,
-+      uint32_t mods_locked,
-+      uint32_t group)
-+      weston_log("keyboard_handle_modifiers\n");
-+static void
-+keyboard_handle_repeat_info(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-+      int32_t rate,
-+      int32_t delay)
-+      weston_log("keyboard_handle_repeat_info\n");
-+static const struct wthp_keyboard_listener keyboard_listener = {
-+      keyboard_handle_keymap,
-+      keyboard_handle_enter,
-+      keyboard_handle_leave,
-+      keyboard_handle_key,
-+      keyboard_handle_modifiers,
-+      keyboard_handle_repeat_info
-+static void
-+touch_handle_down (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-+                 uint32_t serial,
-+                 uint32_t time,
-+                 struct wthp_surface * surface,
-+                 int32_t id,
-+                 wth_fixed_t x,
-+                 wth_fixed_t y)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              if (txs->wthp_surf == surface) {
-+                      transmitter_seat_touch_down(seat, serial, time,
-+                                                  txs, id, x, y);
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+touch_handle_up (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-+               uint32_t serial,
-+               uint32_t time,
-+               int32_t id)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_touch_up(seat, serial, time, id);
-+static void
-+touch_handle_motion (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-+                   uint32_t time,
-+                   int32_t id,
-+                   wth_fixed_t x,
-+                   wth_fixed_t y)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_touch_motion(seat, time, id, x, y);
-+static void
-+touch_handle_frame (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_touch_frame(seat);
-+static void
-+touch_handle_cancel (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy =
-+              wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-+      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
-+                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      transmitter_seat_touch_cancel(seat);
-+static const struct wthp_touch_listener touch_listener = {
-+      touch_handle_down,
-+      touch_handle_up,
-+      touch_handle_motion,
-+      touch_handle_frame,
-+      touch_handle_cancel
-+seat_capabilities(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat,
-+                enum wthp_seat_capability caps)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_seat);
-+      weston_log("seat_capabilities\n");
-+      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) && !dpy->pointer)
-+      {
-+              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER\n");
-+              dpy->pointer = wthp_seat_get_pointer(dpy->seat);
-+              wthp_pointer_set_listener(dpy->pointer, &pointer_listener, dpy);
-+      }
-+      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD) && !dpy->keyboard)
-+      {
-+              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD\n");
-+              dpy->keyboard = wthp_seat_get_keyboard(dpy->seat);
-+              wthp_keyboard_set_listener(dpy->keyboard, &keyboard_listener, dpy);
-+      }
-+      if ((caps & WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH) && !dpy->touch)
-+      {
-+              weston_log("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH\n");
-+              dpy->touch = wthp_seat_get_touch(dpy->seat);
-+              wthp_touch_set_listener(dpy->touch, &touch_listener, dpy);
-+      }
- int
- transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat = NULL;
-       char *name = NULL;
-+      struct weston_seat *weston_seat = NULL;
-       seat = zalloc(sizeof *seat);
-       if (!seat)
-@@ -493,6 +1209,24 @@ transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-       if (!name)
-               goto fail;
-+      if (wl_list_empty(&remote->transmitter->compositor->seat_list)) {
-+              weston_seat = zalloc(sizeof *weston_seat);
-+              if (!weston_seat)
-+                      goto fail;
-+              weston_seat_init(weston_seat, remote->transmitter->compositor, name);
-+              seat->base = weston_seat;
-+              weston_log("Transmitter created seat=%p \n", &seat->base);
-+      } else {
-+              wl_list_for_each(weston_seat, &remote->transmitter->compositor->seat_list, link) {
-+                      weston_log("Transmitter weston_seat %p\n", weston_seat);
-+                      seat->base = weston_seat;
-+              }
-+      }
-+      free(name);
-+#if DEBUG
-       weston_seat_init(&seat->base, remote->transmitter->compositor, name);
-       free(name);
-@@ -515,9 +1249,12 @@ transmitter_remote_create_seat(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-       weston_log("Transmitter created seat=%p '%s'\n",
-                  &seat->base, seat->base.seat_name);
-       /* XXX: mirror remote capabilities */
-       transmitter_seat_create_pointer(seat);
-+      transmitter_seat_create_keyboard(seat);
-+      transmitter_seat_create_touch(seat);
-       wl_list_insert(&remote->seat_list, &seat->link);
-@@ -582,7 +1319,7 @@ transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-       if (!seat->pointer_timer) {
-               /* schedule timer for motion */
--              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(seat->base.compositor->wl_display);
-+              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(seat->base->compositor->wl_display);
-               seat->pointer_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop,
-                                               fake_pointer_timer_handler, seat);
-               wl_event_source_timer_update(seat->pointer_timer, 100);
-diff --git a/transmitter/output.c b/transmitter/output.c
-index 6a78721..a3f8ed1 100644
---- a/transmitter/output.c
-+++ b/transmitter/output.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ make_model(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, int name)
- {
-       char *str;
--      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s-%d", remote->addr, name) < 0)
-+      if (asprintf(&str, "transmitter-%s:%s-%d", remote->addr, remote->port, name) < 0)
-               return NULL;
-       return str;
-@@ -124,8 +125,6 @@ free_mode_list(struct wl_list *mode_list)
- void
- transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
- {
--      weston_log("Transmitter destroying output '%s'\n", output->;
-       wl_list_remove(&output->link);
-       free_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list);
-@@ -145,46 +144,150 @@ transmitter_output_destroy_(struct weston_output *base)
-       transmitter_output_destroy(output);
- }
- static void
- transmitter_start_repaint_loop(struct weston_output *base)
- {
--      weston_log("%s(%s)\n", __func__, base->name);
-+      struct timespec ts;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(output->base.compositor, &ts);
-+      weston_output_finish_frame(&output->base, &ts, 0);
-+static int
-+transmitter_check_output(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-+                       struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-+      struct weston_output *def_output = container_of(compositor->,
-+                                                      struct weston_output, link);
-+      struct weston_view *view;
-+      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
-+              if (view->output == def_output) {
-+                      if (view->surface == txs->surface)
-+                              return 1;
-+              }
-+      }
-+      return 0;
- }
- static int
- transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-                          pixman_region32_t *damage)
- {
--      weston_log("%s(%s)\n", __func__, base->name);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
-+      struct weston_transmitter* txr = remote->transmitter;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_api* transmitter_api = 
-+              weston_get_transmitter_api(txr->compositor);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface* txs;
-+      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
-+      struct weston_view *view;
-+      bool found_output = false;
-+      if (!output->from_frame_signal)
-+              return 0;
-+      output->from_frame_signal = false;
-+      /* 
-+       * Pick up weston_view in transmitter_output and check weston_view's surface
-+       * If the surface hasn't been conbined to weston_transmitter_surface, 
-+       * then call push_to_remote.
-+       * If the surface has already been combined, call gather_state.
-+       */
-+      if (wl_list_empty(&compositor->view_list))
-+              goto out;
-+      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
-+              bool found_surface = false;
-+              if (view->output == &output->base) {
-+                      found_output = true;
-+                      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
-+                              if (txs->surface == view->surface) {
-+                                      found_surface = true;
-+                                      if (!transmitter_check_output(txs, compositor))
-+                                              break;
-+                                      if (!txs->wthp_surf)
-+                                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote
-+                                                      (view->surface, remote, NULL);
-+                                      transmitter_api->surface_gather_state(txs);
-+                                      break;
-+                              }
-+                      }
-+                      if (!found_surface)
-+                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote(view->surface, 
-+                                                                      remote, NULL);
-+              }
-+      }
-+      if (!found_output)
-+              goto out;
--      return -1;
-+      return 0;
-+      transmitter_start_repaint_loop(base);
-+      return 0;
-+static void
-+transmitter_output_enable(struct weston_output *base)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
-+      output->base.set_backlight = NULL;
-+      output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
-+      output->base.switch_mode = NULL;
-+static void
-+transmitter_output_frame_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
-+      int ret;
-+      output = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_output,
-+                            frame_listener);
-+      output->from_frame_signal = true;
-+      ret = transmitter_output_repaint(&output->base, NULL);
- }
- int
--      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
--      const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
-+transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-+                               const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = remote->transmitter;
-+      struct weston_output *def_output;
-       output = zalloc(sizeof *output);
-       if (!output)
-               return -1;
-+      output->parent.draw_initial_frame = true;
-       output->base.subpixel = info->subpixel;
-       output-> = make_model(remote, 1);
-       output->base.make = strdup(WESTON_TRANSMITTER_OUTPUT_MAKE);
-       output->base.model = make_model(remote, 1);
-       output->base.serial_number = strdup("0");
-+      /* x and y is fake value */
-       wl_list_init(&output->base.mode_list);
-       if (make_mode_list(&output->base.mode_list, info) < 0)
-               goto fail;
-       output->base.current_mode = get_current_mode(&output->base.mode_list);
-+      output->base.height = output->base.current_mode->height;
-+      output->base.width = output->base.current_mode->width;
-       /* WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT already set */
-       weston_output_init(&output->base, remote->transmitter->compositor);
-       /*
-@@ -200,7 +303,7 @@ transmitter_remote_create_output(
-        * for this output, since we must not involve input device management
-        * or color management or any kind of local management.
-        */
-+      output->base.enable = transmitter_output_enable;
-       output->base.start_repaint_loop = transmitter_start_repaint_loop;
-       output->base.repaint = transmitter_output_repaint;
-       output->base.destroy = transmitter_output_destroy_;
-@@ -212,13 +315,19 @@ transmitter_remote_create_output(
-       output->base.native_mode = output->base.current_mode;
-       output->base.native_scale = output->base.current_scale;
-+      output->base.scale = 1;
-+      output->base.transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL;
-       output->remote = remote;
-       wl_list_insert(&remote->output_list, &output->link);
--      weston_log("Transmitter created output '%s': %s, %s, %s\n",
--                 output->, output->base.make, output->base.model,
--                 output->base.serial_number);
-+      weston_output_enable(&output->base);
-+      output->frame_listener.notify = transmitter_output_frame_handler;
-+      def_output = container_of(txr->compositor->,
-+                                struct weston_output, link);
-+      wl_signal_add(&def_output->frame_signal, &output->frame_listener);
-+      output->from_frame_signal = false;
-       return 0;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.c b/transmitter/plugin.c
-index c5e56d3..1ebd1ef 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.c
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -34,8 +35,23 @@
- #include "helpers.h"
- #include "timespec-util.h"
-+#include "compositor/weston.h"
- #include "plugin.h"
- #include "transmitter_api.h"
-+#include "plugin-registry.h"
-+#include "ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h"
-+/* waltham */
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <sys/epoll.h>
-+#include <sys/timerfd.h>
-+#include <waltham-object.h>
-+#include <waltham-client.h>
-+#include <waltham-connection.h>
- /* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a
-  * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be
-@@ -69,63 +85,6 @@ transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-       txs->resize_handler(txs->resize_handler_data, width, height);
- }
--static int
--frame_callback_handler(void *data) /* fake */
--      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
--      struct weston_frame_callback *cb, *cnext;
--      struct weston_output *output;
--      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
--      uint32_t frame_time;
--      uint32_t presented_flags;
--      int32_t refresh_nsec;
--      struct timespec stamp;
--      compositor = txs->remote->transmitter->compositor;
--      output = txs->sync_output;
--      /* wl_surface.enter should arrive before any frame callbacks,
--       * but remote might send frame callbacks for non-visible too.
--       */
--      if (!output)
--              return 0;
--      /* XXX: eeeew */
--      frame_time = weston_compositor_get_time();
--      wl_list_for_each_safe(cb, cnext, &txs->frame_callback_list, link) {
--              wl_callback_send_done(cb->resource, frame_time);
--              wl_resource_destroy(cb->resource);
--      }
--      presented_flags = 0;
--      refresh_nsec = millihz_to_nsec(output->current_mode->refresh);
--      /* XXX: waaahhhahaa */
--      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(compositor, &stamp);
--      weston_presentation_feedback_present_list(&txs->feedback_list,
--                                                output, refresh_nsec, &stamp,
--                                                output->msc,
--                                                presented_flags);
--      return 0;
--static void
--fake_frame_callback(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
--      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
--      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
--      if (!txs->frame_timer) {
--              loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--              txs->frame_timer =
--                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop,
--                                              frame_callback_handler, txs);
--      }
--      wl_event_source_timer_update(txs->frame_timer, 85);
- static void
- transmitter_surface_configure(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-                             int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
-@@ -139,37 +98,75 @@ transmitter_surface_configure(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
- }
- static void
--transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+buffer_send_complete(struct wthp_buffer *b, uint32_t serial)
- {
--      weston_log("Transmitter: update surface %p (%d, %d), %d cb\n",
--                 txs->surface, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy,
--                 wl_list_length(&txs->surface->frame_callback_list));
--      wl_list_insert_list(&txs->frame_callback_list,
--                          &txs->surface->frame_callback_list);
--      wl_list_init(&txs->surface->frame_callback_list);
--      wl_list_insert_list(&txs->feedback_list, &txs->surface->feedback_list);
--      wl_list_init(&txs->surface->feedback_list);
--      /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */
--      txs->attach_dx = 0;
--      txs->attach_dy = 0;
-+      if (b)
-+              wthp_buffer_destroy(b);
- }
--/** weston_surface apply state signal handler */
-+static const struct wthp_buffer_listener buffer_listener = {
-+      buffer_send_complete
- static void
--transmitter_surface_apply_state(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-+transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs =
--              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
--                           apply_state_listener);
--      assert(data == NULL);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote;
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
--      transmitter_surface_gather_state(txs);
--      fake_frame_callback(txs);
-+      if(!dpy->running) {
-+              if(remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED) {
-+                      remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;
-+                      wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 1);
-+              }
-+      }
-+      else {
-+              /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */
-+              /* The buffer must be transmitted to remote side */
-+              /* waltham */
-+              struct weston_surface *surf = txs->surface;
-+              struct weston_compositor *comp = surf->compositor;
-+              int32_t width = 100;
-+              int32_t height = 100;
-+              int32_t stride;
-+              int ret = 0;
-+              void *pixels;
-+//            stride = surf->width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
-+              stride = width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
-+//            weston_log("width  %d\n", surf->width);
-+//            weston_log("height %d\n", surf->height);
-+//            weston_log("stride %d\n", stride);
-+              pixels = malloc(stride * height);
-+              ret = weston_surface_copy_content(surf, pixels,
-+                                                (stride * height), 0, 0,
-+                                                width, height);
-+              if(ret < 0)
-+                      fprintf(stderr, "failed to get surface content\n");
-+              /* fake sending buffer */
-+              txs->wthp_buf = wthp_blob_factory_create_buffer(remote->display->blob_factory,
-+                                                              (stride * height),
-+                                                              pixels,
-+                                                              width,
-+                                                              height,
-+                                                              stride,
-+                                                              PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format));
-+              wthp_buffer_set_listener(txs->wthp_buf, &buffer_listener, txs);
-+              wthp_surface_attach(txs->wthp_surf, txs->wthp_buf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy);
-+              //wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height);
-+              wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, width, height);
-+              wthp_surface_commit(txs->wthp_surf);
-+              wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection);
-+              txs->attach_dx = 0;
-+              txs->attach_dy = 0;
-+      }
- }
- /** Mark the weston_transmitter_surface dead.
-@@ -181,8 +178,7 @@ transmitter_surface_apply_state(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
- static void
- transmitter_surface_zombify(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
- {
--      struct weston_frame_callback *framecb, *cnext;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-       /* may be called multiple times */
-       if (!txs->surface)
-               return;
-@@ -190,20 +186,17 @@ transmitter_surface_zombify(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-       wl_signal_emit(&txs->destroy_signal, txs);
-       wl_list_remove(&txs->;
--      weston_log("Transmitter unbound surface %p.\n", txs->surface);
-       txs->surface = NULL;
-       wl_list_remove(&txs->;
--      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
--      if (txs->map_timer)
--              wl_event_source_remove(txs->map_timer);
--      if (txs->frame_timer)
--              wl_event_source_remove(txs->frame_timer);
--      weston_presentation_feedback_discard_list(&txs->feedback_list);
--      wl_list_for_each_safe(framecb, cnext, &txs->frame_callback_list, link)
--              wl_resource_destroy(framecb->resource);
-+      remote = txs->remote;
-+      if (!remote->display->compositor)
-+              weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n");
-+      if (txs->wthp_surf)
-+              wthp_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_surf);
-+      if (txs->wthp_ivi_surface)
-+              wthp_ivi_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_ivi_surface);
-       /* In case called from destroy_transmitter() */
-       txs->remote = NULL;
-@@ -231,25 +224,6 @@ transmitter_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-       transmitter_surface_zombify(txs);
- }
--static struct weston_transmitter_surface *
--transmitter_surface_get(struct weston_surface *ws)
--      struct wl_listener *listener;
--      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      listener = wl_signal_get(&ws->destroy_signal,
--                               transmitter_surface_destroyed);
--      if (!listener)
--              return NULL;
--      txs = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
--                         surface_destroy_listener);
--      assert(ws == txs->surface);
--      return txs;
- static void
- sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
- {
-@@ -265,84 +239,48 @@ sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
- }
- static void
--fake_input(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
--      struct wl_list *seat_list = &txs->remote->seat_list;
--      struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      assert(wl_list_length(seat_list) == 1);
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
--      transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(seat, txs);
--/* fake receiving wl_surface.enter(output) */
--static int
--map_timer_handler(void *data)
--      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
--      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
--      assert(!wl_list_empty(&txs->remote->output_list));
--      output = container_of(txs->remote->,
--                            struct weston_transmitter_output, link);
--      txs->sync_output = &output->base;
--      txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.notify = sync_output_destroy_handler;
--      wl_list_remove(&txs->;
--      wl_signal_add(&txs->sync_output->destroy_signal,
--                    &txs->sync_output_destroy_listener);
--      weston_surface_force_output(txs->surface, txs->sync_output);
--      weston_log("Transmitter: surface %p entered output %s\n",
--                 txs->surface, txs->sync_output->name);
--      fake_frame_callback(txs);
--      fake_input(txs);
--      return 0;
--/* Fake a delay for the remote end to map the surface to an output */
--static void
--fake_output_mapping(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
--      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
--      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
--      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--      txs->map_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, map_timer_handler, txs);
--      wl_event_source_timer_update(txs->map_timer, 400);
--/* Fake getting "connection established" from the content streamer. */
--static void
--fake_stream_opening_handler(void *data)
--      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = data;
--      /* ...once the connection is up: */
--      wl_signal_emit(&txs->stream_status_signal, txs);
--      /* need to create the surface on the remote and set all state */
--      transmitter_surface_gather_state(txs);
--      fake_output_mapping(txs);
--/* Fake a callback from content streamer. */
--static void
--fake_stream_opening(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter *txr = txs->remote->transmitter;
--      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
--      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--      wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, fake_stream_opening_handler, txs);
-+        struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote;
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
-+      struct weston_surface *ws;
-+      struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface = NULL;
-+      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivi_surf = NULL;
-+      int32_t surface_length = 0;
-+      int32_t ret = 0;
-+      int32_t i = 0;
-+      ret = txs->lyt->get_surfaces(&surface_length, &pp_surface);
-+      if(!ret)
-+              weston_log("No ivi_surface\n");
-+      ws = txs->surface;
-+      for(i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
-+              ivi_surf = pp_surface[i];
-+              if (ivi_surf->surface == ws) {
-+                      assert(txs->surface);
-+                      if (!txs->surface)
-+                              return;
-+                      if(!dpy)
-+                              weston_log("no content in waltham_display\n");
-+                      if(!dpy->compositor)
-+                              weston_log("no content in compositor object\n");
-+                      if(!dpy->seat)
-+                              weston_log("no content in seat object\n");
-+                      if(!dpy->application)
-+                              weston_log("no content in ivi-application object\n");
-+                      txs->wthp_ivi_surface = wthp_ivi_application_surface_create
-+                              (dpy->application, ivi_surf->id_surface,  txs->wthp_surf);
-+                      weston_log("surface ID %d\n", ivi_surf->id_surface);
-+                      if(!txs->wthp_ivi_surface){
-+                              weston_log("Failed to create txs->ivi_surf\n");
-+                      }
-+              }
-+      }
-+      free(pp_surface);
-+      pp_surface = NULL;
- }
- static struct weston_transmitter_surface *
-@@ -350,39 +288,58 @@ transmitter_surface_push_to_remote(struct weston_surface *ws,
-                                  struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-                                  struct wl_listener *stream_status)
- {
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = remote->transmitter;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      bool found = false;
--      if (transmitter_surface_get(ws)) {
--              weston_log("Transmitter: surface %p already bound.\n", ws);
-+      if (remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY)
-+      {
-               return NULL;
-       }
--      txs = zalloc(sizeof (*txs));
--      if (!txs)
--              return NULL;
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
-+              if (txs->surface == ws) {
-+                      found = true;
-+                      break;
-+              }
-+      }
--      txs->remote = remote;
--      wl_signal_init(&txs->destroy_signal);
--      wl_list_insert(&remote->surface_list, &txs->link);
-+      if (!found) {
-+              txs = NULL;
-+              txs = zalloc(sizeof (*txs));
-+              if (!txs)
-+                      return NULL;
--      wl_signal_init(&txs->stream_status_signal);
--      wl_signal_add(&txs->stream_status_signal, stream_status);
-+              txs->remote = remote;
-+              wl_signal_init(&txs->destroy_signal);
-+              wl_list_insert(&remote->surface_list, &txs->link);
--      txs->surface = ws;
--      txs->surface_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_destroyed;
--      wl_signal_add(&ws->destroy_signal, &txs->surface_destroy_listener);
-+              wl_signal_init(&txs->stream_status_signal);
-+              if (stream_status)
-+                      wl_signal_add(&txs->stream_status_signal, stream_status);
--      txs->apply_state_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_apply_state;
--      wl_signal_add(&ws->apply_state_signal, &txs->apply_state_listener);
-+              txs->surface = ws;
-+              txs->surface_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_destroyed;
-+              wl_signal_add(&ws->destroy_signal, &txs->surface_destroy_listener);
--      wl_list_init(&txs->;
-+              wl_list_init(&txs->;
--      wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list);
--      wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list);
-+              wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list);
-+              wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list);
-+              txs->lyt = weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor, 
-+                                               IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME, sizeof(txs->lyt));
-+      }
-       /* TODO: create the content stream connection... */
--      fake_stream_opening(txs);
-+      if (!remote->display->compositor)
-+              weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n");
-+      if (!txs->wthp_surf) {
-+              weston_log("txs->wthp_surf is NULL\n");
-+              txs->wthp_surf = wthp_compositor_create_surface(remote->display->compositor);
-+              transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(txs);
-+      }
-       return txs;
- }
-@@ -393,17 +350,53 @@ transmitter_surface_get_stream_status(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-       return txs->status;
- }
--static int
--conn_timer_handler(void *data) /* fake */
-+/* waltham */
-+/* The server advertises a global interface.
-+ * We can store the ad for later and/or bind to it immediately
-+ * if we want to.
-+ * We also need to keep track of the globals we bind to, so that
-+ * global_remove can be handled properly (not implemented).
-+ */
-+static void
-+registry_handle_global(struct wthp_registry *registry,
-+                     uint32_t name,
-+                     const char *interface,
-+                     uint32_t version)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry);
-+      if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) {
-+              assert(!dpy->compositor); 
-+              dpy->compositor = (struct wthp_compositor *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-+              /* has no events to handle */
-+      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_blob_factory") == 0) {
-+              assert(!dpy->blob_factory); 
-+              dpy->blob_factory = (struct wthp_blob_factory *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-+              /* has no events to handle */
-+      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_seat") == 0) {
-+              assert(!dpy->seat); 
-+              dpy->seat = (struct wthp_seat *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-+              wthp_seat_set_listener(dpy->seat, &seat_listener, dpy);
-+      } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_ivi_application") == 0) {
-+              assert(!dpy->application);
-+              dpy->application = (struct wthp_ivi_application *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-+      }
-+/* notify connection ready */
-+static void
-+conn_ready_notify(struct wl_listener *l, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote =
-+        container_of(l, struct weston_transmitter_remote, 
-+                     establish_listener);
-       struct weston_transmitter_output_info info = {
-               WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE,
-               1,
-               0, 0,
-               300, 200,
--              "fake",
-+              strdup(remote->model),
-               {
-                       800, 600,
-@@ -411,52 +404,303 @@ conn_timer_handler(void *data) /* fake */
-                       { NULL, NULL }
-               }
-       };
--      weston_log("Transmitter connected to %s.\n", remote->addr);
--      wl_signal_emit(&remote->connection_status_signal, remote);
--      wl_event_source_remove(remote->conn_timer);
--      remote->conn_timer = NULL;
-+      if(remote->width != 0) {
-+              if(remote->height != 0) {
-+                      info.mode.width = remote->width;
-+                      info.mode.height = remote->height;
-+              }
-+      }
-       /* Outputs and seats are dynamic, do not guarantee they are all
-        * present when signalling connection status.
-        */
-       transmitter_remote_create_output(remote, &info);
-       transmitter_remote_create_seat(remote);
-+/* waltham */
-+/* The server removed a global.
-+ * We should destroy everything we created through that global,
-+ * and destroy the objects we created by binding to it.
-+ * The identification happens by global's name, so we need to keep
-+ * track what names we bound.
-+ * (not implemented)
-+ */
-+static void
-+registry_handle_global_remove(struct wthp_registry *wthp_registry,
-+                            uint32_t name)
-+      if (wthp_registry)
-+              wthp_registry_free(wthp_registry);
-+static const struct wthp_registry_listener registry_listener = {
-+      registry_handle_global,
-+      registry_handle_global_remove
-+static void
-+connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = container_of(w, struct waltham_display, conn_watch);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-+      int ret;
-+      if (!dpy->running) {
-+              weston_log("This server is not running yet. %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port);
-+              return;
-+      }
-+      if (events & EPOLLERR) {
-+              weston_log("Connection errored out.\n");
-+              dpy->running = false;
-+              return;
-+      }
-+      if (events & EPOLLOUT) {
-+              /* Flush out again. If the flush completes, stop
-+               * polling for writable as everything has been written.
-+               */
-+              ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection);
-+      }
-+      if (events & EPOLLIN) {
-+              /* Do not ignore EPROTO */
-+              ret = wth_connection_read(dpy->connection);
-+              if (ret < 0) {
-+                      weston_log("Connection read error %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port);
-+                      perror("Connection read error\n");
-+                      dpy->running = false;
-+                      perror("EPOLL_CTL_DEL\n");
-+                      return;
-+              }
-+      }
-+      if (events & EPOLLHUP) {
-+              fprintf(stderr, "Connection hung up.\n");
-+              dpy->running = false;
-+              return;
-+      }
-+static void
-+waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-+      struct watch *w;
-+      int count;
-+      int i;
-+      int ret;
-+      int running_display;
-+      running_display = 0;
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
-+      w = &dpy->conn_watch;
-+      if (!dpy)
-+              goto not_running;
-+      if (!dpy->connection)
-+              goto not_running;
-+      if (!dpy->running)
-+              goto not_running;
-+      running_display++;
-+      /* Dispatch queued events. */
-+      ret = wth_connection_dispatch(dpy->connection);
-+      if (ret < 0)
-+              dpy->running = false;
-+      if (!dpy->running)
-+              goto not_running;
-+      /* Run any application idle tasks at this point. */
-+      /* (nothing to run so far) */
-+      /* Flush out buffered requests. If the Waltham socket is
-+       * full, poll it for writable too, and continue flushing then.
-+       */
-+      ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection);
-+      if (0 < running_display) {
-+              /* Waltham events only read in the callback, not dispatched,
-+               * if the Waltham socket signalled readable. If it signalled
-+               * writable, flush more. See connection_handle_data().
-+               */
-+              w->cb(w, mask);
-+      }
-+      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
-+      remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(remote->transmitter->loop,
-+                                            remote->display->conn_watch.fd,
-+                                            WL_EVENT_READABLE, 
-+                                            waltham_mainloop, remote);
-+      ;
-+/* A one-off asynchronous open-coded roundtrip handler. */
-+static void
-+bling_done(struct wthp_callback *cb, uint32_t arg)
-+      fprintf(stderr, "...sync done.\n");
-+      wthp_callback_free(cb);
-+static const struct wthp_callback_listener bling_listener = {
-+      bling_done
-+static int
-+waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
-+      if (!dpy)
-+              return -1;
-+      /*
-+       * get server_address from controller (adrress is set to weston.ini)
-+       */
-+      dpy->connection = wth_connect_to_server(dpy->remote->addr, dpy->remote->port);
-+      if(!dpy->connection) {
-+              return -2;
-+      }
-+      else {
-+              dpy->remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY;
-+              wl_signal_emit(&dpy->remote->connection_status_signal, dpy->remote);
-+      }
-+      dpy->conn_watch.display = dpy;
-+      dpy->conn_watch.cb = connection_handle_data;
-+      dpy->conn_watch.fd = wth_connection_get_fd(dpy->connection);
-+      dpy->display = wth_connection_get_display(dpy->connection);
-+      /* wth_display_set_listener() is already done by waltham, as
-+       * all the events are just control messaging.
-+       */
-+      /* Create a registry so that we will get advertisements of the
-+       * interfaces implemented by the server.
-+       */
-+      dpy->registry = wth_display_get_registry(dpy->display);
-+      wthp_registry_set_listener(dpy->registry, &registry_listener, dpy);
-+      /* Roundtrip ensures all globals' ads have been received. */
-+      if (wth_connection_roundtrip(dpy->connection) < 0) {
-+              fprintf(stderr, "Roundtrip failed.\n");
-+              return -1;
-+      }
-+      if (!dpy->compositor) {
-+              fprintf(stderr, "Did not find wthp_compositor, quitting.\n");
-+              return -1;
-+      }
-+      /* A one-off asynchronous roundtrip, just for fun. */
-+      fprintf(stderr, "sending wth_display.sync...\n");
-+      dpy->bling = wth_display_sync(dpy->display);
-+      wthp_callback_set_listener(dpy->bling, &bling_listener, dpy);
-+      dpy->running = true;
-       return 0;
- }
--static struct weston_transmitter_remote *
--transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
--                            const char *addr,
--                            struct wl_listener *status)
-+static int
-+establish_timer_handler(void *data)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
--      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-+      int ret;
--      remote = zalloc(sizeof (*remote));
--      if (!remote)
--              return NULL;
-+      ret = waltham_client_init(remote->display);
-+      if(ret == -2) {
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 
-+                                           ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-+              return 0;
-+      }
-+      wl_signal_emit(&remote->connection_status_signal, remote);
-+      return 0;
--      remote->transmitter = txr;
--      wl_list_insert(&txr->remote_list, &remote->link);
--      remote->addr = strdup(addr);
--      wl_signal_init(&remote->connection_status_signal);
--      wl_signal_add(&remote->connection_status_signal, status);
--      wl_list_init(&remote->output_list);
--      wl_list_init(&remote->surface_list);
--      wl_list_init(&remote->seat_list);
-+static void
-+init_globals(struct waltham_display *dpy)
-+      dpy->compositor = NULL;
-+      dpy->blob_factory = NULL;
-+      dpy->seat = NULL;
-+      dpy->application = NULL;
-+      dpy->pointer = NULL;
-+      dpy->keyboard = NULL;
-+      dpy->touch = NULL;
-+static void
-+disconnect_surface(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-+      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-+      {
-+              free(txs->wthp_ivi_surface);
-+              free(txs->wthp_surf);
-+              txs->wthp_ivi_surface = NULL;
-+              txs->wthp_surf = NULL;
-+      }
--      /* XXX: actually start connecting */
--      weston_log("Transmitter connecting to %s...\n", addr);
--      /* fake it with a one second timer */
--      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--      remote->conn_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, conn_timer_handler,
--                                                   remote);
--      wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->conn_timer, 1000);
-+static int
-+retry_timer_handler(void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
-+      if(!dpy->running)
-+      {
-+              registry_handle_global_remove(dpy->registry, 1);
-+              init_globals(dpy);
-+              disconnect_surface(remote);
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 
-+                                           ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-+              return 0;
-+      }
-+      else
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 
-+                                           RETRY_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-+      return 0;
-+static struct weston_transmitter_remote *
-+transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop_est, *loop_retry;
-+      int ret;
-+      wl_list_for_each_reverse(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
-+              /* XXX: actually start connecting */
-+              /* waltham */
-+              remote->display = zalloc(sizeof *remote->display);
-+              if (!remote->display)
-+                      return NULL;
-+              remote->display->remote = remote;
-+              /* set connection establish timer */
-+              loop_est = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+              remote->establish_timer = 
-+                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_est, establish_timer_handler, remote);
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 1);
-+              /* set connection retry timer */
-+              loop_retry = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
-+              remote->retry_timer = 
-+                      wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_retry, retry_timer_handler, remote);
-+              if (ret < 0) {
-+                      weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter waltham connecting failed.\n");
-+                      return NULL;
-+              }
-+              wl_signal_emit(&remote->conn_establish_signal, NULL);
-+      }
-       return remote;
- }
-@@ -481,10 +725,6 @@ transmitter_remote_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-        * the desctruction order between the shell and Transmitter is
-        * undefined.
-        */
--      weston_log("Transmitter disconnecting from %s.\n", remote->addr);
--      if (remote->conn_timer)
--              wl_event_source_remove(remote->conn_timer);
-       if (!wl_list_empty(&remote->surface_list))
-               weston_log("Transmitter warning: surfaces remain in %s.\n",
-@@ -502,6 +742,8 @@ transmitter_remote_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-       free(remote->addr);
-       wl_list_remove(&remote->link);
-+      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
-       free(remote);
- }
-@@ -531,7 +773,6 @@ transmitter_compositor_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-        */
-       wl_list_remove(&txr->remote_list);
--      weston_log("Transmitter terminating.\n");
-       free(txr);
- }
-@@ -553,6 +794,19 @@ transmitter_get(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-       return txr;
- }
-+static void
-+transmitter_register_connection_status(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-+                                     struct wl_listener *connected_listener)
-+      wl_signal_add(&txr->connected_signal, connected_listener);
-+static struct weston_surface *
-+transmitter_get_weston_surface(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-+      return txs->surface;
- static const struct weston_transmitter_api transmitter_api_impl = {
-       transmitter_get,
-       transmitter_connect_to_remote,
-@@ -562,20 +816,12 @@ static const struct weston_transmitter_api transmitter_api_impl = {
-       transmitter_surface_get_stream_status,
-       transmitter_surface_destroy,
-       transmitter_surface_configure,
-+      transmitter_surface_gather_state,
-+      transmitter_register_connection_status,
-+      transmitter_get_weston_surface,
- };
- static void
--transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
--                             uint32_t ivi_id)
--      assert(txs->surface);
--      if (!txs->surface)
--              return;
--      weston_log("%s(%p, %#x)\n", __func__, txs->surface, ivi_id);
--static void
- transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback(
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-       weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb,
-@@ -586,10 +832,108 @@ transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback(
- }
- static const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api transmitter_ivi_api_impl = {
--      transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id,
-       transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback,
- };
-+static int
-+transmitter_create_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-+                        const char *model,
-+                        const char *addr,
-+                        const char *port,
-+                        const char *width,
-+                        const char *height)
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      remote = zalloc(sizeof (*remote));
-+      if (!remote)
-+              return -1;
-+      remote->transmitter = txr;
-+      wl_list_insert(&txr->remote_list, &remote->link);
-+      remote->model = strdup(model);
-+      remote->addr = strdup(addr);
-+      remote->port = strdup(port);
-+      remote->width = atoi(width);
-+      remote->height = atoi(height);
-+      wl_signal_init(&remote->connection_status_signal);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->output_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->surface_list);
-+      wl_list_init(&remote->seat_list);
-+      wl_signal_init(&remote->conn_establish_signal);
-+      remote->establish_listener.notify = conn_ready_notify;
-+      wl_signal_add(&remote->conn_establish_signal, &remote->establish_listener);
-+      return 0;
-+static void
-+transmitter_get_server_config(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
-+      struct weston_config *config = wet_get_config(txr->compositor);
-+      struct weston_config_section *section;
-+      const char *name = NULL;
-+      char *model = NULL;
-+      char *addr = NULL;
-+      char *port = NULL;
-+      char *width = '0';
-+      char *height = '0';
-+      int ret;
-+      section = weston_config_get_section(config, "remote", NULL, NULL);
-+      while (weston_config_next_section(config, &section, &name)) {
-+              if (0 == strcmp(name, "remote-output")) {
-+                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "output-name",
-+                                                                &model, 0))
-+                              continue;
-+                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "server-address",
-+                                                                &addr, 0))
-+                              continue;
-+                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "port",
-+                                                                &port, 0))
-+                              continue;
-+                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "width",
-+                                                                &width, 0))
-+                              continue;
-+                      if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "height",
-+                                                                &height, 0))
-+                              continue;
-+                      ret = transmitter_create_remote(txr, model, addr,
-+                                                      port, width, height);
-+                      if (ret < 0) {
-+                              weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter create_remote failed.\n");
-+                      }
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
-+transmitter_post_init(void *data)
-+      struct weston_transmitter *txr = data;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      if (!txr) {
-+              weston_log("Transmitter disabled\n");
-+      } else {
-+              transmitter_get_server_config(txr);
-+              transmitter_connect_to_remote(txr);
-+              wl_list_for_each(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
-+                      remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(txr->loop,
-+                                                         remote->display->conn_watch.fd,
-+                                                         WL_EVENT_READABLE, 
-+                                                         waltham_mainloop, remote);
-+              }
-+      }
- wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
- {
-@@ -628,6 +972,9 @@ wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
-       weston_log("Transmitter initialized.\n");
-+      txr->loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(compositor->wl_display);
-+      wl_event_loop_add_idle(txr->loop, transmitter_post_init, txr);
-       return 0;
- fail:
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.h b/transmitter/plugin.h
-index 710b543..48f49b8 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.h
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.h
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -32,33 +33,109 @@
-  */
- #include <stdint.h>
-+#include <wayland-client.h>
- #include "compositor.h"
- #include "transmitter_api.h"
-+#include "ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h"
-+#include <waltham-client.h>
-+struct waltham_display;
-+enum wthp_seat_capability {
-+      /**
-+       * the seat has pointer devices
-+       */
-+      /**
-+       * the seat has one or more keyboards
-+       */
-+      /**
-+       * the seat has touch devices
-+       */
-+/* epoll structure */
-+struct watch { 
-+      struct waltham_display *display;
-+      int fd;
-+      void (*cb)(struct watch *w, uint32_t events);
-+struct waltham_display {
-+      struct wth_connection *connection;
-+      struct watch conn_watch;
-+      struct wth_display *display;
-+      bool running;
-+      struct wthp_registry *registry;
-+      struct wthp_callback *bling;
-+      struct wthp_compositor *compositor;
-+      struct wthp_blob_factory *blob_factory;
-+      struct wthp_seat *seat;
-+      struct wthp_pointer *pointer;
-+      struct wthp_keyboard *keyboard;
-+      struct wthp_touch *touch;
-+        struct wthp_ivi_application *application;
-+      struct wtimer *fiddle_timer;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-+      char *addr;
-+      char *port;
-+/* a timerfd based timer */
-+struct wtimer {
-+      struct watch watch;
-+      void (*func)(struct wtimer *, void *);
-+      void *data;
- struct weston_transmitter {
-       struct weston_compositor *compositor;
-       struct wl_listener compositor_destroy_listener;
-       struct wl_list remote_list; /* transmitter_remote::link */
-+      struct wl_listener stream_listener;
-+      struct wl_signal connected_signal;
-+      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
- };
- struct weston_transmitter_remote {
-       struct weston_transmitter *transmitter;
-       struct wl_list link;
-+      char *model;
-       char *addr;
-+      char *port;
-+      int32_t width;
-+      int32_t height;
-       enum weston_transmitter_connection_status status;
-       struct wl_signal connection_status_signal;
-+        struct wl_signal conn_establish_signal;
-       struct wl_list output_list; /* weston_transmitter_output::link */
-       struct wl_list surface_list; /* weston_transmitter_surface::link */
-       struct wl_list seat_list; /* weston_transmitter_seat::link */
--      struct wl_event_source *conn_timer; /* fake */
-+        struct wl_listener establish_listener;
-+        struct wl_event_source *establish_timer; /* for establish connection */
-+      struct wl_event_source *retry_timer; /* for retry connection */
-+      struct waltham_display *display; /* waltham */
-+      struct wl_event_source *source;
- };
- struct weston_transmitter_surface {
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-       struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::surface_list */
-@@ -69,7 +146,7 @@ struct weston_transmitter_surface {
-       struct weston_surface *surface;
-       struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
--      struct wl_listener apply_state_listener;
-+      const struct ivi_layout_interface *lyt;
-       weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t resize_handler;
-       void *resize_handler_data;
-@@ -77,13 +154,17 @@ struct weston_transmitter_surface {
-       struct weston_output *sync_output;
-       struct wl_listener sync_output_destroy_listener;
--      struct wl_event_source *map_timer; /* fake */
--      struct wl_event_source *frame_timer; /* fake */
-       int32_t attach_dx; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
-       int32_t attach_dy; /**< wl_surface.attach(buffer, dx, dy) */
-       struct wl_list frame_callback_list; /* weston_frame_callback::link */
-       struct wl_list feedback_list; /* weston_presentation_feedback::link */
-+      /* waltham */
-+      struct wthp_surface *wthp_surf;
-+      struct wthp_blob_factory *wthp_blob;
-+      struct wthp_buffer *wthp_buf;
-+        struct wthp_ivi_surface *wthp_ivi_surface;
-+        struct wthp_ivi_application *wthp_ivi_application;
- };
- struct weston_transmitter_output_info {
-@@ -103,12 +184,28 @@ struct weston_transmitter_output_info {
- struct weston_transmitter_output {
-       struct weston_output base;
-+      struct {
-+              bool draw_initial_frame;
-+              struct wl_surface *surface;
-+              struct wl_output *output;
-+              struct wl_display *display;
-+              int configure_width, configure_height;
-+              bool wait_for_configure;
-+      } parent;
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-       struct wl_list link; /* weston_transmitter_remote::output_list */
-+      struct frame *frame;
-+      struct wl_callback *frame_cb;
-+      struct wl_listener frame_listener;
-+      bool from_frame_signal;
- };
- struct weston_transmitter_seat {
--      struct weston_seat base;
-+      struct weston_seat *base;
-       struct wl_list link;
-       /* pointer */
-@@ -124,8 +221,28 @@ struct weston_transmitter_seat {
-       double pointer_phase; /* fake */
-       /* keyboard */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *keyboard_focus;
-       /* touch */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface *touch_focus;
-+struct ivi_layout_surface {
-+      struct wl_list link;    /* ivi_layout::surface_list */
-+      struct wl_signal property_changed;
-+      int32_t update_count;
-+      uint32_t id_surface;
-+      struct ivi_layout *layout;
-+      struct weston_surface *surface;
-+      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
-+      struct {
-+              struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
-+      } pending;
-+      struct wl_list view_list;       /* ivi_layout_view::surf_link */
- };
- void
-@@ -203,5 +320,14 @@ int
- transmitter_seat_fake_pointer_input(struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat,
-                                   struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-+seat_capabilities(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat,
-+                  enum wthp_seat_capability caps);
-+static const struct wthp_seat_listener seat_listener = {
-+      seat_capabilities,
-+      NULL
-diff --git a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-index 95d82ec..b28f946 100644
---- a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-+++ b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /*
-  * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -90,7 +91,6 @@ struct weston_transmitter_api {
-        * Connect to a remote server via Transmitter.
-        *
-        * \param txr The Transmitter context.
--       * \param addr Address of the remote server.
-        * \param status Listener to inform of connection status changes.
-        * \return A handle to the remote connection, or NULL on failure.
-        *
-@@ -102,12 +102,9 @@ struct weston_transmitter_api {
-        * returned by this function. Use remote_get_status() to fetch the
-        * current status.
-        *
--       * The address argument is a string in the form "host:port".
-        */
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *
--      (*connect_to_remote)(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
--                           const char *addr,
--                           struct wl_listener *status);
-+      (*connect_to_remote)(struct weston_transmitter *txr);
-       /**
-        * Retrieve the connection status.
-@@ -191,6 +188,25 @@ struct weston_transmitter_api {
-       void
-       (*surface_configure)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-                            int32_t dx, int32_t dy);
-+      void
-+      (*surface_gather_state)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
-+      /** Notify that surface is connected to receiver
-+       *
-+       * \param txr The Transmitter context.
-+       * \param connected_listener Listener for connected_signal.
-+       */
-+      void
-+      (*register_connection_status)(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-+                                    struct wl_listener *connected_listener);
-+      /** get weston_surface from weston_transmitter_surface
-+       *
-+       * \param txs The Transmitter surface.
-+       */
-+      struct weston_surface *
-+      (*get_weston_surface)(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs);
- };
- static inline const struct weston_transmitter_api *
-diff --git a/transmitter/weston.ini.transmitter b/transmitter/weston.ini.transmitter
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..1aff0b2
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/weston.ini.transmitter
-@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0021-transmitter-add-output-type-for-waltham-output.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0021-transmitter-add-output-type-for-waltham-output.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6318258..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 329b7a0a897af8142871e5c44e0f9bc4b55f2bc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wataru Mizuno <>
-Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 16:13:58 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH 2/5] transmitter: add output type for waltham output
-Transmitter creates waltham output
-This makes weston has several outputs
-Since each backends have each output several outputs
-makes invalid member access
-To avoid it output type should be identified
-Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
- transmitter/output.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/transmitter/output.c b/transmitter/output.c
-index a3f8ed1..19a3273 100644
---- a/transmitter/output.c
-+++ b/transmitter/output.c
-@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ transmitter_output_enable(struct weston_output *base)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      output->base.output_type = OUTPUT_WALTHAM;
-       output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
-       output->base.set_backlight = NULL;
-       output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0022-transmitter-did-code-cleaning.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0022-transmitter-did-code-cleaning.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bcdd6cb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-From b93057e8f4f05b33c5eb2c6f06dae3228dbb409e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wataru Mizuno <>
-Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 19:36:02 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] transmitter: did code clean -Remove unused variables and
- functions -Replace container_of to wl_container_of
-Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
- transmitter/input.c           |  45 ++++--------
- transmitter/output.c          |  37 ++++------
- transmitter/plugin.c          | 156 +++++++++++++++---------------------------
- transmitter/plugin.h          |   3 +-
- transmitter/transmitter_api.h |   3 +-
- 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/transmitter/input.c b/transmitter/input.c
-index eeb7452..6797b6e 100644
---- a/transmitter/input.c
-+++ b/transmitter/input.c
-@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-- * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -24,8 +23,6 @@
-  */
--#include "config.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
-@@ -34,7 +31,6 @@
- #include <math.h>
- #include "compositor.h"
--#include "helpers.h"
- #include "plugin.h"
- #include "transmitter_api.h"
-@@ -810,8 +806,7 @@ pointer_handle_enter(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-@@ -836,8 +831,7 @@ pointer_handle_leave(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-@@ -859,8 +853,7 @@ pointer_handle_motion(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_pointer_motion(seat, time,
-                                       surface_x,
-@@ -880,8 +873,7 @@ pointer_handle_button(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_pointer_button(seat, serial,
-                                       time, button,
-@@ -899,8 +891,7 @@ pointer_handle_axis(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_pointer_axis(seat, time,
-                                     axis, value);
-@@ -974,8 +965,7 @@ keyboard_handle_enter(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-       wl_key->alloc = keys->alloc;
-       wl_key->data = keys->data;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-@@ -999,8 +989,7 @@ keyboard_handle_leave(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-@@ -1023,8 +1012,7 @@ keyboard_handle_key(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--      struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_keyboard_key(seat, serial, time, key, state);
- }
-@@ -1073,8 +1061,7 @@ touch_handle_down (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-@@ -1097,8 +1084,7 @@ touch_handle_up (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_touch_up(seat, serial, time, id);
- }
-@@ -1116,8 +1102,7 @@ touch_handle_motion (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch,
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_touch_motion(seat, time, id, x, y);
- }
-@@ -1132,8 +1117,7 @@ touch_handle_frame (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_touch_frame(seat);
- }
-@@ -1147,8 +1131,7 @@ touch_handle_cancel (struct wthp_touch * wthp_touch)
-       struct wl_list *seat_list = &remote->seat_list;
-       struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat;
--      seat = container_of(seat_list->next,
--                          struct weston_transmitter_seat, link);
-+      seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       transmitter_seat_touch_cancel(seat);
- }
-diff --git a/transmitter/output.c b/transmitter/output.c
-index 19a3273..003056f 100644
---- a/transmitter/output.c
-+++ b/transmitter/output.c
-@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-- * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -24,14 +23,11 @@
-  */
--#include "config.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "compositor.h"
--#include "helpers.h"
- #include "plugin.h"
- #include "transmitter_api.h"
-@@ -63,12 +59,6 @@
-  * exclusive with weston_compositor_add_output().
-  */
--static inline struct weston_transmitter_output *
--to_transmitter_output(struct weston_output *base)
--      return container_of(base, struct weston_transmitter_output, base);
- static char *
- make_model(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, int name)
- {
-@@ -115,7 +105,7 @@ free_mode_list(struct wl_list *mode_list)
-       struct weston_mode *mode;
-       while (!wl_list_empty(mode_list)) {
--              mode = container_of(mode_list->next, struct weston_mode, link);
-+              mode = wl_container_of(mode_list->next, mode, link);
-               wl_list_remove(&mode->link);
-               free(mode);
-@@ -139,7 +129,7 @@ transmitter_output_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
- static void
- transmitter_output_destroy_(struct weston_output *base)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
-       transmitter_output_destroy(output);
- }
-@@ -149,7 +139,7 @@ static void
- transmitter_start_repaint_loop(struct weston_output *base)
- {
-       struct timespec ts;
--      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
-       weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(output->base.compositor, &ts);
-       weston_output_finish_frame(&output->base, &ts, 0);
-@@ -159,8 +149,8 @@ static int
- transmitter_check_output(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
-                        struct weston_compositor *compositor)
- {
--      struct weston_output *def_output = container_of(compositor->,
--                                                      struct weston_output, link);
-+      struct weston_output *def_output = wl_container_of(compositor->,
-+                                                      def_output, link);
-       struct weston_view *view;
-       wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
-@@ -177,7 +167,7 @@ static int
- transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-                          pixman_region32_t *damage)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
-       struct weston_transmitter* txr = remote->transmitter;
-       struct weston_transmitter_api* transmitter_api = 
-@@ -201,6 +191,9 @@ transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-       if (wl_list_empty(&compositor->view_list))
-               goto out;
-+              goto out;
-       wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
-               bool found_surface = false;
-               if (view->output == &output->base) {
-@@ -237,9 +230,8 @@ out:
- static void
- transmitter_output_enable(struct weston_output *base)
- {
--      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = to_transmitter_output(base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
--      output->base.output_type = OUTPUT_WALTHAM;
-       output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
-       output->base.set_backlight = NULL;
-       output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
-@@ -252,8 +244,7 @@ transmitter_output_frame_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-       struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
-       int ret;
--      output = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_output,
--                            frame_listener);
-+      output = wl_container_of(listener, output, frame_listener);
-       output->from_frame_signal = true;
-       ret = transmitter_output_repaint(&output->base, NULL);
-@@ -324,8 +315,8 @@ transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-       weston_output_enable(&output->base);
-       output->frame_listener.notify = transmitter_output_frame_handler;
--      def_output = container_of(txr->compositor->,
--                                struct weston_output, link);
-+      def_output = wl_container_of(txr->compositor->,
-+                                def_output, link);
-       wl_signal_add(&def_output->frame_signal, &output->frame_listener);
-       output->from_frame_signal = false;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.c b/transmitter/plugin.c
-index 1ebd1ef..1f00f33 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.c
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.c
-@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-- * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-@@ -24,16 +23,12 @@
-  */
--#include "config.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <linux/input.h>
- #include "compositor.h"
--#include "helpers.h"
--#include "timespec-util.h"
- #include "compositor/weston.h"
- #include "plugin.h"
-@@ -113,10 +108,13 @@ transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote;
-       struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display;
-+      int ret;
-       if(!dpy->running) {
-               if(remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED) {
-                       remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;
-+                      wth_connection_destroy(remote->display->connection);
-+                      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
-                       wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 1);
-               }
-       }
-@@ -127,43 +125,32 @@ transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-               /* waltham */
-               struct weston_surface *surf = txs->surface;
-               struct weston_compositor *comp = surf->compositor;
--              int32_t width = 100;
--              int32_t height = 100;
--              int32_t stride;
--              int ret = 0;
--              void *pixels;
--//            stride = surf->width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
-+              int32_t stride, data_sz, width, height;
-+              void *data;
-+              width = 1;
-+              height = 1;
-               stride = width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
--//            weston_log("width  %d\n", surf->width);
--//            weston_log("height %d\n", surf->height);
--//            weston_log("stride %d\n", stride);
--              pixels = malloc(stride * height);
--              ret = weston_surface_copy_content(surf, pixels,
--                                                (stride * height), 0, 0,
--                                                width, height);
--              if(ret < 0)
--                      fprintf(stderr, "failed to get surface content\n");
-+              data = malloc(stride * height);
-+              data_sz = stride * height;
-               /* fake sending buffer */
-               txs->wthp_buf = wthp_blob_factory_create_buffer(remote->display->blob_factory,
--                                                              (stride * height),
--                                                              pixels,
--                                                              width,
--                                                              height,
-+                                                              data_sz,
-+                                                              data,
-+                                                              surf->width,
-+                                                              surf->height,
-                                                               stride,
-                                                               PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format));
-               wthp_buffer_set_listener(txs->wthp_buf, &buffer_listener, txs);
-               wthp_surface_attach(txs->wthp_surf, txs->wthp_buf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy);
--              //wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height);
--              wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, width, height);
-+              wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height);
-               wthp_surface_commit(txs->wthp_surf);
--              wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection);
-+              wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection);
-               txs->attach_dx = 0;
-               txs->attach_dy = 0;
-       }
-@@ -216,8 +203,7 @@ static void
- transmitter_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs =
--              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
--                           surface_destroy_listener);
-+              wl_container_of(listener, txs, surface_destroy_listener);
-       assert(data == txs->surface);
-@@ -229,8 +215,7 @@ sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
--      txs = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter_surface,
--                         sync_output_destroy_listener);
-+      txs = wl_container_of(listener, txs, sync_output_destroy_listener);
-       wl_list_remove(&txs->;
-       wl_list_init(&txs->;
-@@ -364,7 +349,7 @@ registry_handle_global(struct wthp_registry *registry,
-                      uint32_t version)
- {
-       struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry);
-       if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) {
-               assert(!dpy->compositor); 
-               dpy->compositor = (struct wthp_compositor *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-@@ -388,8 +373,7 @@ static void
- conn_ready_notify(struct wl_listener *l, void *data)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote =
--        container_of(l, struct weston_transmitter_remote, 
--                     establish_listener);
-+        wl_container_of(l, remote, establish_listener);
-       struct weston_transmitter_output_info info = {
-               WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE,
-@@ -441,7 +425,7 @@ static const struct wthp_registry_listener registry_listener = {
- static void
- connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
- {
--      struct waltham_display *dpy = container_of(w, struct waltham_display, conn_watch);
-+      struct waltham_display *dpy = wl_container_of(w, dpy, conn_watch);
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote;
-       int ret;
-@@ -454,7 +438,7 @@ connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
-       if (events & EPOLLERR) {
-               weston_log("Connection errored out.\n");
-               dpy->running = false;
-               return;
-       }
-@@ -468,10 +452,12 @@ connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
-       if (events & EPOLLIN) {
-               /* Do not ignore EPROTO */
-               ret = wth_connection_read(dpy->connection);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       weston_log("Connection read error %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port);
-                       perror("Connection read error\n");
-                       dpy->running = false;
-+                      remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING;
-                       perror("EPOLL_CTL_DEL\n");
-                       return;
-@@ -479,8 +465,9 @@ connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events)
-       }
-       if (events & EPOLLHUP) {
--              fprintf(stderr, "Connection hung up.\n");
-+              weston_log("Connection hung up.\n");
-               dpy->running = false;
-               return;
-       }
-@@ -491,8 +478,6 @@ waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data;
-       struct watch *w;
--      int count;
--      int i;
-       int ret;
-       int running_display;
-       running_display = 0;
-@@ -503,17 +488,18 @@ waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
-               goto not_running;
-       if (!dpy->connection)
--              goto not_running;
-+              dpy->running = false;
-       if (!dpy->running)
-               goto not_running;
-       running_display++;
-       /* Dispatch queued events. */
-       ret = wth_connection_dispatch(dpy->connection);
--      if (ret < 0)
-+      if (ret < 0) {
-               dpy->running = false;
-+      }
-       if (!dpy->running)
-               goto not_running;
-@@ -532,29 +518,11 @@ waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
-                */
-               w->cb(w, mask);
-       }
--      wl_event_source_remove(remote->source);
--      remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(remote->transmitter->loop,
--                                            remote->display->conn_watch.fd,
--                                            WL_EVENT_READABLE, 
--                                            waltham_mainloop, remote);
- not_running:
-       ;
- }
--/* A one-off asynchronous open-coded roundtrip handler. */
--static void
--bling_done(struct wthp_callback *cb, uint32_t arg)
--      fprintf(stderr, "...sync done.\n");
--      wthp_callback_free(cb);
--static const struct wthp_callback_listener bling_listener = {
--      bling_done
- static int
- waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
- {
-@@ -575,6 +543,10 @@ waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
-       dpy->conn_watch.display = dpy;
-       dpy->conn_watch.cb = connection_handle_data;
-       dpy->conn_watch.fd = wth_connection_get_fd(dpy->connection);
-+      dpy->remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(dpy->remote->transmitter->loop,
-+                                                 dpy->conn_watch.fd,
-+                                                 WL_EVENT_READABLE,
-+                                                 waltham_mainloop, dpy->remote);
-       dpy->display = wth_connection_get_display(dpy->connection);
-       /* wth_display_set_listener() is already done by waltham, as
-@@ -589,19 +561,17 @@ waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
-       /* Roundtrip ensures all globals' ads have been received. */
-       if (wth_connection_roundtrip(dpy->connection) < 0) {
--              fprintf(stderr, "Roundtrip failed.\n");
-+              weston_log("Roundtrip failed.\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (!dpy->compositor) {
--              fprintf(stderr, "Did not find wthp_compositor, quitting.\n");
-+              weston_log("Did not find wthp_compositor, quitting.\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       /* A one-off asynchronous roundtrip, just for fun. */
--      fprintf(stderr, "sending wth_display.sync...\n");
--      dpy->bling = wth_display_sync(dpy->display);
--      wthp_callback_set_listener(dpy->bling, &bling_listener, dpy);
-+      weston_log("sending wth_display.sync...\n");
-       dpy->running = true;
-@@ -644,8 +614,8 @@ disconnect_surface(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote)
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-       {
-               free(txs->wthp_ivi_surface);
--              free(txs->wthp_surf);
-               txs->wthp_ivi_surface = NULL;
-+              free(txs->wthp_surf);
-               txs->wthp_surf = NULL;
-       }
- }
-@@ -754,8 +724,7 @@ transmitter_compositor_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs;
-       struct weston_transmitter *txr =
--              container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter,
--                           compositor_destroy_listener);
-+              wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener);
-       assert(data == txr->compositor);
-@@ -787,8 +756,7 @@ transmitter_get(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
-       if (!listener)
-               return NULL;
--      txr = container_of(listener, struct weston_transmitter,
--                         compositor_destroy_listener);
-+      txr = wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener);
-       assert(compositor == txr->compositor);
-       return txr;
-@@ -868,9 +836,18 @@ transmitter_create_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr,
-       return 0;
- }
-+struct wet_compositor {
-+      struct weston_config *config;
-+      struct wet_output_config *parsed_options;
-+      struct wl_listener pending_output_listener;
-+      bool drm_use_current_mode;
- static void
- transmitter_get_server_config(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
- {
-+      struct wet_compositor *compositor =
-+              (struct wet_compositor *)weston_compositor_get_user_data(txr->compositor);
-       struct weston_config *config = wet_get_config(txr->compositor);
-       struct weston_config_section *section;
-       const char *name = NULL;
-@@ -913,27 +890,6 @@ transmitter_get_server_config(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
-       }
- }
--static void
--transmitter_post_init(void *data)
--      struct weston_transmitter *txr = data;
--      struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
--      if (!txr) {
--              weston_log("Transmitter disabled\n");
--      } else {
--              transmitter_get_server_config(txr);
--              transmitter_connect_to_remote(txr);
--              wl_list_for_each(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
--                      remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(txr->loop,
--                                                         remote->display->conn_watch.fd,
--                                                         WL_EVENT_READABLE, 
--                                                         waltham_mainloop, remote);
--              }
--      }
- wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
- {
-@@ -941,9 +897,10 @@ wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
-       int ret;
-       txr = zalloc(sizeof *txr);
--      if (!txr)
-+      if (!txr){
-+              weston_log("Transmitter disabled\n");
-               return -1;
-+      }
-       wl_list_init(&txr->remote_list);
-       txr->compositor = compositor;
-@@ -973,7 +930,8 @@ wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[])
-       weston_log("Transmitter initialized.\n");
-       txr->loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(compositor->wl_display);
--      wl_event_loop_add_idle(txr->loop, transmitter_post_init, txr);
-+      transmitter_get_server_config(txr);
-+      transmitter_connect_to_remote(txr);
-       return 0;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.h b/transmitter/plugin.h
-index 48f49b8..116c1f6 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.h
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.h
-@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-- * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-diff --git a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-index b28f946..4a660a0 100644
---- a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-+++ b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 2016 DENSO CORPORATION
-- * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
diff --git a/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0024-transmitter-introduce-waltham-renderer.patch b/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston/0024-transmitter-introduce-waltham-renderer.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a328bde..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
-From 0db59bf629def81fe9925fa435ec845e2069dd4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Wataru Mizuno <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 12:19:58 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH] transmitter: introduce waltham-renderer
-The waltham-renderer creates and sends buffer for remote site.
-This is using gst-recorder APIs.
-Signed-off-by: Wataru Mizuno <>
-                    |  12 +++
- transmitter/README             |  86 +++++++++++----------
- transmitter/input.c            |   2 +-
- transmitter/output.c           | 104 ++++++++++++++------------
- transmitter/plugin.c           |  45 ++++++-----
- transmitter/plugin.h           |   6 +-
- transmitter/transmitter_api.h  |   9 +++
- transmitter/waltham-renderer.c | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- transmitter/waltham-renderer.h |  33 ++++++++
- 9 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 transmitter/waltham-renderer.c
- create mode 100644 transmitter/waltham-renderer.h
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 2cb1920..0af66d6 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -526,6 +526,18 @@ transmitter_la_SOURCES =                  \
-       shared/timespec-util.h                  \
-       shared/zalloc.h                         \
-       src/compositor.h
-+module_LTLIBRARIES +=
-+waltham_renderer_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
-+waltham_renderer_la_CFLAGS =                          \
-+      $(COMPOSITOR_CFLAGS)                    \
-+      $(AM_CFLAGS)                            \
-+waltham_renderer_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS) \
-+                           -lwaltham
-+waltham_renderer_la_SOURCES =                 \
-+      transmitter/waltham-renderer.c          \
-+      transmitter/waltham-renderer.h
- endif
- noinst_PROGRAMS += spring-tool
-diff --git a/transmitter/README b/transmitter/README
-index af80574..345142d 100644
---- a/transmitter/README
-+++ b/transmitter/README
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--Transmitter plugin 
-+Transmitter plugin
- The current implementation of Transmitter is a stub which interfaces to
- other Weston parts appropriately, but all networking is just a mockup.
-@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ plugin.
- How to write weston.ini
- =======================
--To load transmitter plugin to weston, add '' to the 'modules' 
--key under '[core]', and make sure the 'shell' is ''. 
-+To load transmitter plugin to weston, add '' to the 'modules'
-+key under '[core]', and make sure the 'shell' is ''.
- The destination of remoting is configured in weston.ini.
- Add output name, server address, port number, output's width and height key
-@@ -27,57 +27,66 @@ In details, see 'weston.ini.transmitter'.
- How to test
- ===========
--You can use server side test application in waltham repository.
-+You can use server side test application in waltham-server directory.
- If you set 'WALTHAM_DEBUG=1' to your environment valuable, you can
- see the log like this:
-- [06:12:41.238] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-- [06:12:41.245] launching '/usr/libexec/weston-keyboard'
-- [06:12:41.247] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-- [06:12:41.252] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-- [06:12:41.253] ivi-input-controller module loaded successfully!
-- [06:12:41.255] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-- [06:12:41.260] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 88
-- [06:12:41.260] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
-- [06:12:41.260] Transmitter initialized.
-- [06:12:41.260] ivi-layout: Transmitter enabled.
-- [06:12:41.260] Transmitter weston_seat 0x14f8010
-- [06:12:41.260] Transmitter created pointer=0x139a440 for seat 0x14f8010
-- [06:12:41.261] Transmitter created keyboard=0x14f8160 for seat 0x14f8010
-- [06:12:41.261] Transmitter created touch=0x1508750 for seat 0x14f8010
-+ [13:24:08.345] Loading module '/usr/lib64/weston/'
-+ [13:24:08.345] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_v1' of size 88
-+ [13:24:08.345] Registered plugin API 'transmitter_ivi_v1' of size 16
-+ [13:24:08.345] Transmitter initialized.
-+ [13:24:08.345] Loading module '/usr/lib64/libweston-2/'
-+ [13:24:08.352] gst-setting are :-->
-+ [13:24:08.352] ip =
-+ [13:24:08.352] port = 34400
-+ [13:24:08.352] bitrate = 3000000
-+ [13:24:08.352] crop = 384 x 368
-+ [13:24:08.352] width = 1920
-+ [13:24:08.352] width = 1080
-+ [13:24:08.531] open media device: platform:fe960000.vsp (fe960000.vsp)
-+ [13:24:08.532] input pad setup ('fe960000.vsp rpf.0 input':'/dev/video0')
-+ [13:24:08.533] output pad setup (fe960000.vsp wpf.0 output:/dev/video5)
-+ [13:24:08.533] vsp-device '/dev/media0' created
-+ [13:24:08.533] gst_recorder_create (1920x1080) crop 384x368 at 0,0
-+ [13:24:08.533] gst_pipeline: starting: appsrc name=src ! omxh264enc target-bitrate=3000000 control-rate=2 no-copy=k
-+ [13:24:08.582] goot 1 pools
-+ [13:24:08.583]  pool settings size 211968, min 5, max 5
-+ [13:24:08.583] gst_recorder_create done
-+ [13:24:08.583] [gst recorder] transmitter- recorder initialized
-+ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter weston_seat 0x15424630
-+ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created pointer=0x15625df0 for seat 0x15424630
-+ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created keyboard=0x154247c0 for seat 0x15424630
-+ [13:24:08.583] Transmitter created touch=0x15625f10 for seat 0x15424630
- The connection is established, you can see following debug messages:
-- root@gr-mrb-64:~# debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 1
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 1
-  debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 2
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000030000000100000002000000 wth_display_get_registry
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00001000030000000100000002000000 wth_display_get_registry
-  debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 3
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000020000000100000003000000 wth_display_sync
-- debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 40 bytes
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00001000020000000100000003000000 wth_display_sync
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 40 bytes
-  debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-  debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 4
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00002c000800000002000000010000000400000010000000777468705f636f6d706f7369746f720001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-- debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 44 bytes
-- debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-- debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 5
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 000030000800000002000000010000000500000012000000777468705f626c6f625f666163746f72790001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-- debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (9) 48 bytes
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00002c000800000002000000010000000400000010000000777468705f636f6d706f7369746f720001000000 wthpd
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 48 bytes
-  debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 1) (opcode 9) called.
-+ debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 5
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 000034000800000002000000010000000500000015000000777468705f6976695f6170706c69636174696f6e00010d
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 44 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-  debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 6
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 000034000800000002000000010000000600000015000000777468705f6976695f6170706c69636174696f6e0001000000 wthp_registry_bind
-- debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (11) 16 bytes
-- debug: wthp_callback_send_done(3, 0) (opcode 11) called.
-- sending wth_display.sync...
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 000030000800000002000000010000000600000012000000777468705f626c6f625f666163746f72790001000000 d
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (9) 36 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_registry_send_global(2, 1, [variable type const char *], 4) (opcode 9) called.
-  debug: wth_connection_insert_new_object: new object id: 7
-- 2017-07-19T06:14:31Z 00001000020000000100000007000000 wth_display_sync
-- debug: Message received on conn 0x1560340: (11) 16 bytes
-- debug: wthp_callback_send_done(7, 0) (opcode 11) called.
-- ...sync done.
-+ 2018-01-09T13:24:22Z 00002800080000000200000001000000070000000a000000777468705f736561740001000000 wthp_registry_bid
-+ debug: Message received on conn 0x15572730: (11) 16 bytes
-+ debug: wthp_callback_send_done(3, 0) (opcode 11) called.
- Start remoting :
- - Start an IVI application.
--- Put surface on backend output
- - Put surface on transmitter output
- Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
-@@ -85,5 +94,4 @@ Weston log will indicate remoting has started:
- [13:18:24.572] HMI transmitting surface 0x1c3dad0, ivi-id 0x9ff6
- [13:18:24.572] Transmitter: update surface 0x1c3dad0 (0, 0), 0 cb
- [13:18:24.572] transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(0x1c3dad0, 0x9ff6)
--[13:18:24.972] Transmitter: surface 0x1c3dad0 entered output transmitter-
-+[13:18:24.972] Transmitter: surface 0x1c3dad0 entered output transmitter-
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/transmitter/input.c b/transmitter/input.c
-index 6797b6e..e00546b 100644
---- a/transmitter/input.c
-+++ b/transmitter/input.c
-@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ keyboard_handle_enter(struct wthp_keyboard *wthp_keyboard,
-       wl_key->size = keys->size;
-       wl_key->alloc = keys->alloc;
-       wl_key->data = keys->data;
-       seat = wl_container_of(seat_list->next, seat, link);
-       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link)
-diff --git a/transmitter/output.c b/transmitter/output.c
-index 003056f..2cca781 100644
---- a/transmitter/output.c
-+++ b/transmitter/output.c
-@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include "compositor.h"
-+#include "compositor-drm.h"
-+#include "plugin-registry.h"
- #include "plugin.h"
- #include "transmitter_api.h"
-+#include "waltham-renderer.h"
- /** @file
-  *
-@@ -59,6 +62,8 @@
-  * exclusive with weston_compositor_add_output().
-  */
-+static struct waltham_renderer_interface *waltham_renderer;
- static char *
- make_model(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, int name)
- {
-@@ -146,45 +151,26 @@ transmitter_start_repaint_loop(struct weston_output *base)
- }
- static int
--transmitter_check_output(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs,
--                       struct weston_compositor *compositor)
--      struct weston_output *def_output = wl_container_of(compositor->,
--                                                      def_output, link);
--      struct weston_view *view;
--      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
--              if (view->output == def_output) {
--                      if (view->surface == txs->surface)
--                              return 1;
--              }
--      }
--      return 0;
--static int
- transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-                          pixman_region32_t *damage)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_output* output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
-       struct weston_transmitter* txr = remote->transmitter;
--      struct weston_transmitter_api* transmitter_api = 
-+      struct weston_transmitter_api* transmitter_api =
-               weston_get_transmitter_api(txr->compositor);
-       struct weston_transmitter_surface* txs;
-       struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
-       struct weston_view *view;
-       bool found_output = false;
-+      struct timespec ts;
--      if (!output->from_frame_signal)
--              return 0;
--      output->from_frame_signal = false;
-+      struct weston_drm_output_api *api =
-+              weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor,  WESTON_DRM_OUTPUT_API_NAME, sizeof(api));
--      /* 
-+      /*
-        * Pick up weston_view in transmitter_output and check weston_view's surface
--       * If the surface hasn't been conbined to weston_transmitter_surface, 
-+       * If the surface hasn't been conbined to weston_transmitter_surface,
-        * then call push_to_remote.
-        * If the surface has already been combined, call gather_state.
-        */
-@@ -201,24 +187,34 @@ transmitter_output_repaint(struct weston_output *base,
-                       wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
-                               if (txs->surface == view->surface) {
-                                       found_surface = true;
--                                      if (!transmitter_check_output(txs, compositor))
--                                              break;
-                                       if (!txs->wthp_surf)
-                                               transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote
-                                                       (view->surface, remote, NULL);
-+                                      output->renderer->dmafd =
-+                                              api->get_dma_fd_from_view(&output->base, view);
-+                                      if(!output->renderer->dmafd) {
-+                                              weston_log("Failed to get dmafd\n");
-+                                              goto out;
-+                                      }
-+                                      output->renderer->repaint_output(output);
-+                                      output->renderer->dmafd = NULL;
-                                       transmitter_api->surface_gather_state(txs);
-+                                      weston_buffer_reference(&view->surface->buffer_ref, NULL);
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (!found_surface)
--                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote(view->surface, 
-+                              transmitter_api->surface_push_to_remote(view->surface,
-                                                                       remote, NULL);
-               }
-       }
-       if (!found_output)
-               goto out;
-+      weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(output->base.compositor, &ts);
-+      weston_output_finish_frame(&output->base, &ts, 0);
-       return 0;
- out:
-@@ -228,28 +224,38 @@ out:
- }
- static void
-+transmitter_assign_planes(struct weston_output *base) {
-+      /*
-+       * This function prevents compositor releasing buffer early.
-+       */
-+      struct weston_transmitter_output* output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_surface* txs;
-+      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
-+      struct weston_view *view;
-+      wl_list_for_each_reverse(view, &compositor->view_list, link) {
-+              if (view->output == &output->base) {
-+                      wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) {
-+                              if (txs->surface == view->surface)
-+                                      view->surface->keep_buffer = true;
-+                      }
-+              }
-+      }
-+static void
- transmitter_output_enable(struct weston_output *base)
- {
-       struct weston_transmitter_output *output = wl_container_of(base, output, base);
--      output->base.assign_planes = NULL;
-+      output->base.assign_planes = transmitter_assign_planes;
-       output->base.set_backlight = NULL;
-       output->base.set_dpms = NULL;
-       output->base.switch_mode = NULL;
- }
--static void
--transmitter_output_frame_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
--      struct weston_transmitter_output *output;
--      int ret;
--      output = wl_container_of(listener, output, frame_listener);
--      output->from_frame_signal = true;
--      ret = transmitter_output_repaint(&output->base, NULL);
- int
- transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-                                const struct weston_transmitter_output_info *info)
-@@ -312,13 +318,15 @@ transmitter_remote_create_output(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote,
-       output->remote = remote;
-       wl_list_insert(&remote->output_list, &output->link);
--      weston_output_enable(&output->base);
-+      /* Loading a waltham renderer library */
-+      waltham_renderer = weston_load_module("","waltham_renderer_interface");
-+      if (waltham_renderer->display_create(output) < 0) {
-+              weston_log("Failed to create waltham renderer display \n");
-+              return -1;
-+      }
--      output->frame_listener.notify = transmitter_output_frame_handler;
--      def_output = wl_container_of(txr->compositor->,
--                                def_output, link);
--      wl_signal_add(&def_output->frame_signal, &output->frame_listener);
--      output->from_frame_signal = false;
-+      weston_output_enable(&output->base);
-       return 0;
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.c b/transmitter/plugin.c
-index 1f00f33..faf28b5 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.c
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.c
-@@ -121,20 +121,20 @@ transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-       else {
-               /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */
-               /* The buffer must be transmitted to remote side */
-               /* waltham */
-               struct weston_surface *surf = txs->surface;
-               struct weston_compositor *comp = surf->compositor;
-               int32_t stride, data_sz, width, height;
-               void *data;
-               width = 1;
-               height = 1;
-               stride = width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8);
-               data = malloc(stride * height);
-               data_sz = stride * height;
-               /* fake sending buffer */
-               txs->wthp_buf = wthp_blob_factory_create_buffer(remote->display->blob_factory,
-                                                               data_sz,
-@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-                                                               surf->height,
-                                                               stride,
-                                                               PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format));
-               wthp_buffer_set_listener(txs->wthp_buf, &buffer_listener, txs);
-               wthp_surface_attach(txs->wthp_surf, txs->wthp_buf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy);
-               wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height);
-               wthp_surface_commit(txs->wthp_surf);
-               wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection);
-               txs->attach_dx = 0;
-               txs->attach_dy = 0;
-@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs)
-                               weston_log("no content in seat object\n");
-                       if(!dpy->application)
-                               weston_log("no content in ivi-application object\n");
-                       txs->wthp_ivi_surface = wthp_ivi_application_surface_create
-                               (dpy->application, ivi_surf->id_surface,  txs->wthp_surf);
-                       weston_log("surface ID %d\n", ivi_surf->id_surface);
-@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ transmitter_surface_push_to_remote(struct weston_surface *ws,
-               wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list);
-               wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list);
--              txs->lyt = weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor, 
-+              txs->lyt = weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor,
-                                                IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME, sizeof(txs->lyt));
-       }
-@@ -351,15 +351,15 @@ registry_handle_global(struct wthp_registry *registry,
-       struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry);
-       if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) {
--              assert(!dpy->compositor); 
-+              assert(!dpy->compositor);
-               dpy->compositor = (struct wthp_compositor *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-               /* has no events to handle */
-       } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_blob_factory") == 0) {
--              assert(!dpy->blob_factory); 
-+              assert(!dpy->blob_factory);
-               dpy->blob_factory = (struct wthp_blob_factory *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-               /* has no events to handle */
-       } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_seat") == 0) {
--              assert(!dpy->seat); 
-+              assert(!dpy->seat);
-               dpy->seat = (struct wthp_seat *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1);
-               wthp_seat_set_listener(dpy->seat, &seat_listener, dpy);
-       } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_ivi_application") == 0) {
-@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
-       w = &dpy->conn_watch;
-       if (!dpy)
-               goto not_running;
-       if (!dpy->connection)
-               dpy->running = false;
-       if (!dpy->running)
-               goto not_running;
-       running_display++;
-       /* Dispatch queued events. */
-       ret = wth_connection_dispatch(dpy->connection);
-@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
-       /* Run any application idle tasks at this point. */
-       /* (nothing to run so far) */
-       /* Flush out buffered requests. If the Waltham socket is
-        * full, poll it for writable too, and continue flushing then.
-        */
-@@ -570,9 +570,6 @@ waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy)
-               return -1;
-       }
--      /* A one-off asynchronous roundtrip, just for fun. */
--      weston_log("sending wth_display.sync...\n");
-       dpy->running = true;
-       return 0;
-@@ -586,7 +583,7 @@ establish_timer_handler(void *data)
-       ret = waltham_client_init(remote->display);
-       if(ret == -2) {
--              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer,
-                                            ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-               return 0;
-       }
-@@ -631,13 +628,13 @@ retry_timer_handler(void *data)
-               registry_handle_global_remove(dpy->registry, 1);
-               init_globals(dpy);
-               disconnect_surface(remote);
--              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer,
-                                            ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       else
--              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 
-+              wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer,
-                                            RETRY_CONNECTION_PERIOD);
-       return 0;
- }
-@@ -648,7 +645,7 @@ transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
-       struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote;
-       struct wl_event_loop *loop_est, *loop_retry;
-       int ret;
-       wl_list_for_each_reverse(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) {
-               /* XXX: actually start connecting */
-               /* waltham */
-@@ -658,12 +655,12 @@ transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr)
-               remote->display->remote = remote;
-               /* set connection establish timer */
-               loop_est = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--              remote->establish_timer = 
-+              remote->establish_timer =
-                       wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_est, establish_timer_handler, remote);
-               wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 1);
-               /* set connection retry timer */
-               loop_retry = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display);
--              remote->retry_timer = 
-+              remote->retry_timer =
-                       wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_retry, retry_timer_handler, remote);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter waltham connecting failed.\n");
-diff --git a/transmitter/plugin.h b/transmitter/plugin.h
-index 116c1f6..ec776fa 100644
---- a/transmitter/plugin.h
-+++ b/transmitter/plugin.h
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ enum wthp_seat_capability {
- };
- /* epoll structure */
--struct watch { 
-+struct watch {
-       struct waltham_display *display;
-       int fd;
-       void (*cb)(struct watch *w, uint32_t events);
-@@ -198,9 +198,7 @@ struct weston_transmitter_output {
-       struct frame *frame;
-       struct wl_callback *frame_cb;
--      struct wl_listener frame_listener;
--      bool from_frame_signal;
-+      struct renderer *renderer;
- };
- struct weston_transmitter_seat {
-diff --git a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-index 4a660a0..c473256 100644
---- a/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-+++ b/transmitter/transmitter_api.h
-@@ -265,4 +265,13 @@ weston_get_transmitter_ivi_api(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
- /* Remote compositor/output are identified by model */
-+struct renderer {
-+      void (*repaint_output)(struct weston_output *base);
-+      struct gst_recorder *recorder;  /* gst-recorder instance */
-+      int32_t dmafd;    /* dmafd received from compositor-drm */
-+      int surface_width;
-+      int surface_height;
-diff --git a/transmitter/waltham-renderer.c b/transmitter/waltham-renderer.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f9e4e21
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/waltham-renderer.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include "compositor.h"
-+#include "libweston/gst-recorder.h"
-+#include "transmitter_api.h"
-+#include "waltham-renderer.h"
-+#include "plugin.h"
-+struct waltham_renderer {
-+      struct renderer base;
-+static void
-+recorder_frame_notify(struct weston_transmitter_output* output)
-+      gst_recorder_frame_dmafd(output->renderer->recorder, output->renderer->dmafd,
-+                              output->renderer->surface_width*4);
-+static int parse_crop_rect(const char *s, struct v4l2_rect* crop)
-+      crop->left = 0;
-+      crop->top = 0;
-+      crop->width = 0;
-+      crop->height = 0;
-+      if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d@%dx%d",
-+                 &crop->width,
-+                 &crop->height,
-+                 &crop->top,
-+                 &crop->left) != 4)
-+              return -1;
-+      return 0;
-+static int
-+recorder_enable(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
-+      int enable_recorder = 0;
-+      struct gst_recorder_settings *settings;
-+      struct weston_config_section *section;
-+      struct weston_output* base = &output->base;
-+      struct weston_compositor *compositor = base->compositor;
-+      struct weston_transmitter_remote* remote = output->remote;
-+      /*
-+       * Limitation:
-+       * Hard coding bitrate and crop params.
-+       * In case of gst-recorder case these were taken from weston.ini
-+       */
-+      int32_t bitrate = 3000000;
-+      char *crop_params = "384x368@0x0";
-+      struct v4l2_rect crop = { .width = output->base.current_mode->width,
-+                                .height = output->base.current_mode->height,
-+                                .top = 0,
-+                                .left = 0 };
-+      if (output->renderer->recorder)
-+              return -1;
-+      settings = malloc(sizeof(* settings));
-+      settings->ip = remote->addr;
-+      settings->port = atoi(remote->port);
-+      settings->bitrate = bitrate;
-+      settings->width = output->base.current_mode->width;
-+      settings->height = output->base.current_mode->height;
-+      settings->crop = crop;
-+      if (parse_crop_rect(crop_params, &settings->crop)) {
-+                      weston_log("[gst recorder] %s:"
-+                                 " failed to parse crop parameter\n",
-+                                 output->;
-+                      goto err;
-+              }
-+      weston_log("gst-setting are :-->\n");
-+      weston_log("ip = %s \n",settings->ip);
-+      weston_log("port = %d \n",settings->port);
-+      weston_log("bitrate = %d \n",settings->bitrate);
-+      weston_log("crop = %d x %d \n",settings->crop.width,settings->crop.height);
-+      weston_log("width = %d \n",settings->width);
-+      weston_log("width = %d \n",settings->height);
-+      gst_recorder_init();
-+      output->renderer->recorder =
-+              gst_recorder_create(settings);
-+      if (!output->renderer->recorder) {
-+              weston_log("[gst recorder] %s:"
-+                      " failed to create gst recorder\n",
-+                      output->;
-+              goto err;
-+      }
-+      weston_log("[gst recorder] %s:"
-+              " recorder initialized\n",
-+              output->;
-+      return 0;
-+      weston_log("[gst recorder] %s:"
-+              " invalid settings\n",
-+              output->;
-+      free(settings);
-+      return -1;
-+static void waltham_renderer_repaint_output(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
-+      recorder_frame_notify(output);
-+static int
-+waltham_renderer_display_create(struct weston_transmitter_output *output)
-+      struct waltham_renderer *wth_renderer;
-+      wth_renderer = zalloc(sizeof *wth_renderer);
-+      if (wth_renderer == NULL)
-+              return -1;
-+      wth_renderer->base.repaint_output = waltham_renderer_repaint_output;
-+      output->renderer = &wth_renderer->base;
-+      recorder_enable(&output->base);
-+      return 0;
-+WL_EXPORT struct waltham_renderer_interface waltham_renderer_interface = {
-+              .display_create = waltham_renderer_display_create
-diff --git a/transmitter/waltham-renderer.h b/transmitter/waltham-renderer.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..458794e
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/transmitter/waltham-renderer.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology GmbH, Advanced Driver Information Technology Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, DENSO Corporation
-+ *
-+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+ * the following conditions:
-+ *
-+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
-+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
-+ * portions of the Software.
-+ *
-+ */
-+struct waltham_renderer_interface {
-+      int (*display_create)(struct weston_transmitter_output *output);
index f23f5e2..fe1e1a1 100644 (file)
@@ -18,19 +18,9 @@ SRC_URI_append = "\
     file://0014-simple-shm-remove-ivi-application-support.patch \
     file://0015-window-client-remove-ivi-application-support.patch \
     file://0016-ivi-shell_add_screen_remove_layer_api.patch \
-    file://0017-transmitter-add-an-incomplete-plugin-output-and-poin.patch \
-    file://0018-ivi-layout-Register-ivi-layout-interface-It-enables-.patch \
-    file://0019-transmitter-transmitter-plugin-for-waltham-protocol.patch \
-    file://0020-compositor-add-output-type-to-weston_output.patch \
-    file://0021-transmitter-add-output-type-for-waltham-output.patch \
-    file://0022-transmitter-did-code-cleaning.patch \
-    file://0023-compositor-drm-introduce-drm_get_dmafd_from_view.patch \
-    file://0024-transmitter-introduce-waltham-renderer.patch \
+    file://0017-ivi-shell-register-ivi_layout_interface.patch \
+    file://0018-compositor-add-output-type-to-weston_output.patch \
+    file://0019-compositor-drm-introduce-drm_get_dmafd_from_view.patch \
-DEPENDS += "waltham"
-EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --enable-sys-uid \
-                        --enable-surface-remoting \
-                     "
+EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --enable-sys-uid"