Qt5.7 no longer provides any fonts. As a result of this change,
fontconfig and some ttf fonts are to be installed for AGL DEMO Apps.
Change-Id: I2cee35ccd909d08b47d4f2c6d68414f01fa82853
Signed-off-by: Tadao Tanikawa <tanikawa.tadao@jp.panasonic.com>
packagegroup-agl-demo-platform \
+# fonts
+ ttf-bitstream-vera \
+ ttf-dejavu-sans \
+ ttf-dejavu-sans-mono \
+ ttf-dejavu-serif \
+ "
# add packages for CES2016 demo
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
als2016-demo \
dhcp-client \
climatecontrolplugin \
Navigation \
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
qtbase \
qtbase-dev \
- qtbase-fonts \
- qtbase-fonts-pfa \
- qtbase-fonts-pfb \
- qtbase-fonts-qpf \
- qtbase-fonts-ttf-dejavu \
- qtbase-fonts-ttf-vera \
qtbase-plugins \
qtbase-staticdev \
qtbase-tools \
PACKAGECONFIG_WAYLAND = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wayland', 'wayland', '', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG_GL = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', 'gles2', '', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG_append = " ${PACKAGECONFIG_WAYLAND} icu accessibility"
-PACKAGECONFIG_append_rpi = " fontconfig"
+PACKAGECONFIG_append = " fontconfig"
EXTRA_OECONF_append = ""