AGL_FEATURES += "agl-flutter"
-FLUTTER_SDK_TAG = "3.24.2"
+FLUTTER_SDK_TAG = "3.27.1"
+++ /dev/null
-From 372b9c4edd42b67827b75863b978091ba5cff5cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marius Vlad <>
-Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 17:25:41 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] backend/wayland_egl: Add a fallback eglConfig
-This seems to aid flutter-auto at displaying an image on agl-rdp
-with software rendering, and on agl-kvm with virgl. Makes uses of a fallback
-eGLConfig (< 24 bit) and tries to use that one rather than the default one (24-bit).
-Bug-AGL: SPEC-5260
-Signed-off-by: Marius Vlad <>
- cmake/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
- shell/backend/wayland_egl/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++---
- 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cmake/ b/cmake/
-index 07ce9b7..2c54c67 100644
---- a/cmake/
-+++ b/cmake/
-@@ -155,6 +155,21 @@ static constexpr std::array<EGLint, 27> kEglConfigAttribs = {{
- // clang-format on
- }};
-+static constexpr std::array<EGLint, 27> kEglConfigAttribsFallBack = {{
-+ // clang-format off
-+ EGL_NONE // termination sentinel
-+ // clang-format on
- // All vkCreate* functions take an optional allocator. For now, we select the
- // default allocator by passing in a null pointer, and we highlight the argument
- // by using the VKALLOC constant.
-@@ -181,4 +196,4 @@ constexpr struct VkAllocationCallbacks* VKALLOC = nullptr;
- #cmakedefine01 ENV32BIT
- #cmakedefine01 ENV64BIT
--#endif //CONFIG_COMMON_H_
-\ No newline at end of file
-+#endif //CONFIG_COMMON_H_
-diff --git a/shell/backend/wayland_egl/ b/shell/backend/wayland_egl/
-index 99555d6..70164ba 100644
---- a/shell/backend/wayland_egl/
-+++ b/shell/backend/wayland_egl/
-@@ -62,11 +62,28 @@ Egl::Egl(void* native_display, int buffer_size, bool debug)
- break;
- }
- }
-- free(configs);
- if (m_config == nullptr) {
-- spdlog::critical("did not find config with buffer size {}", m_buffer_size);
-- assert(false);
-+ // try with the fallback one
-+ spdlog::critical("Could not use default EGLConfig trying with fallback.");
-+ ret = eglChooseConfig(m_dpy,, configs,
-+ count, &n);
-+ assert(ret && n >= 1);
-+ for (EGLint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-+ eglGetConfigAttrib(m_dpy, configs[i], EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, &size);
-+ SPDLOG_DEBUG("Buffer size for config {} is {}", i, size);
-+ if (m_buffer_size <= size) {
-+ memcpy(&m_config, &configs[i], sizeof(EGLConfig));
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (m_config == nullptr) {
-+ spdlog::critical("did not find config with buffer size {}",
-+ m_buffer_size);
-+ assert(false);
-+ }
- }
-+ free(configs);
- m_context = eglCreateContext(m_dpy, m_config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT,
+++ /dev/null
-From a69dfff93b41b30ae8e237817548baf50d0c1287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marius Vlad <>
-Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 14:45:35 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] flutter_desktop: Remove asio::post call
-Do not dispatch/post the key event keycode using asio::post as that
-seems to cause crashes as the messenger pointer seems to be go out of
-scope or seems to be invalid.
-Bug-AGL: SPEC-5272
-Signed-off-by: Marius Vlad <>
- shell/platform/homescreen/ | 65 ++++++++++----------
- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shell/platform/homescreen/ b/shell/platform/homescreen/
-index bb5be4b..5d26dd9 100644
---- a/shell/platform/homescreen/
-+++ b/shell/platform/homescreen/
-@@ -161,40 +161,37 @@ std::future<bool> PostMessengerSendWithReply(
- void* user_data) {
- const auto promise(std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>());
- auto promise_future(promise->get_future());
-- asio::post(*messenger->GetEngine()->platform_task_runner->GetStrandContext(),
-- [&, promise, channel, message, message_size, reply, user_data]() {
-- FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* response_handle = nullptr;
-- if (reply != nullptr && user_data != nullptr) {
-- const FlutterEngineResult result =
-- LibFlutterEngine->PlatformMessageCreateResponseHandle(
-- messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine, reply,
-- user_data, &response_handle);
-- if (result != kSuccess) {
-- spdlog::error("Failed to create response handle");
-- promise->set_value(false);
-- return;
-- }
-- }
-- auto platform_message = std::make_unique<FlutterPlatformMessage>();
-- platform_message->struct_size = sizeof(FlutterPlatformMessage);
-- platform_message->channel = channel;
-- platform_message->message = message;
-- platform_message->message_size = message_size;
-- platform_message->response_handle = response_handle;
-- const FlutterEngineResult message_result =
-- LibFlutterEngine->SendPlatformMessage(
-- messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine,
-- platform_message.release());
-- if (response_handle != nullptr) {
-- LibFlutterEngine->PlatformMessageReleaseResponseHandle(
-- messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine, response_handle);
-- }
-- promise->set_value(message_result == kSuccess);
-- });
-+ FlutterPlatformMessageResponseHandle* response_handle = nullptr;
-+ if (reply != nullptr && user_data != nullptr) {
-+ const FlutterEngineResult result =
-+ LibFlutterEngine->PlatformMessageCreateResponseHandle(
-+ messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine, reply, user_data,
-+ &response_handle);
-+ if (result != kSuccess) {
-+ spdlog::error("Failed to create response handle");
-+ promise->set_value(false);
-+ return promise_future;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ auto platform_message = std::make_unique<FlutterPlatformMessage>();
-+ platform_message->struct_size = sizeof(FlutterPlatformMessage);
-+ platform_message->channel = channel;
-+ platform_message->message = message;
-+ platform_message->message_size = message_size;
-+ platform_message->response_handle = response_handle;
-+ const FlutterEngineResult message_result =
-+ LibFlutterEngine->SendPlatformMessage(
-+ messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine, platform_message.release());
-+ if (response_handle != nullptr) {
-+ LibFlutterEngine->PlatformMessageReleaseResponseHandle(
-+ messenger->GetEngine()->flutter_engine, response_handle);
-+ }
-+ promise->set_value(message_result == kSuccess);
- return promise_future;
- }
FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-EGLCONFIG_FALLBACK = "${@bb.utils.contains_any('AGL_FEATURES', 'agl-rdp agl-kvm-guest', '', 'file://0001-backend-wayland_egl-Add-a-fallback-eglConfig.patch', d)}"
SRC_URI:append:use-nxp-bsp = " file://0001-Disable-on_frame_base_surface-wl_surface_commit.patch"
-# necessary to avoid crashing flutter-auto when a key keyboard event is emitted
-SRC_URI:append = " file://0001-flutter_desktop-Remove-asio-post-call.patch"
-# Disable WIP webview plugin on 32-bit ARM platforms for now, as build
-# failures have been seen on qemuarm and beaglebone.
-PACKAGECONFIG:remove:arm = "webview_flutter_view"
- "flutter-version": "3.24.1",
+ "flutter-version": "3.27.1",
"github_token": "",
"cookie_file": ""
"uri": "",
- "rev": "e87c1797f838e20f0a4c1af309541d63986058ca",
+ "rev": "2341312e5118a9b96a3f0e7c13a2813b4a7e779c",
"branch": "v2.0"
"uri": "",
- "rev": "41d00635f89c064aa32f2cef3147c59b8f61694f",
+ "rev": "f2a7336c34ed4720742a42245b84de56729d56e3",
"branch": "v2.0"