Change-Id: I521ededa95c3b5f4507b86f162f04bf28474e440
Signed-off-by: Romain Forlot <>
pkg_check_modules(EXTRAS REQUIRED json-c afb-daemon)
-include_directories(${EXTRAS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/openxc-message-format/gen/cpp ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/nanopb/)
+include_directories(${EXTRAS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/openxc-message-format/gen/cpp ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/nanopb/ ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/uds-c/src ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/bitfield-c/src ${PROJECT_LIBDIR}/isotp-c/src)
* limitations under the License.
- * A representation of an OBD-II PID.
- *
- * pid - The 1 byte PID.
- * name - A human readable name to use for this PID when published.
- * frequency - The frequency to request this PID if supported by the vehicle
- * when automatic, recurring OBD-II requests are enabled.
- */
+#include "uds/uds.h"
enum UNIT {