Afb-daemon's plugin register two classes of objects: names and functions.
Plugins declare categories of names:
- - A unique plugin name,
- - Multiple API verb's names.
+ - A unique plugin name to access all API expose by this plugin,
+ - One name for each methods/verbs provided by this plugin.
Plugins declare two categories of functions:
- - initialisation function
- - API functions implementing verbs
+ - function use for the initialisation
+ - functions implementing exposed API methods
-Afb-daemon parses URI requests to extract plugin name and API verb.
-As an example, URI **foo/bar** translates to API verb named **bar** within plugin named **foo**.
-To serve such a request, afb-daemon looks for an active plugin named **foo** and then within this plugin for an API verb named **bar**.
-When find afb-daemon calls corresponding function with attached parameter if any.
+Afb-daemon parses URI requests to extract the API(plugin name) and the VERB(method to activate).
+As an example, URI **foo/bar** translates to plugin named **foo** and method named **bar**.
+To serve such a request, afb-daemon looks for an active plugin named **foo** and then within this plugin for a method named **bar**.
+When find afb-daemon calls corresponding method with attached parameter if any.
- Afb-daemon ignores letter case when parsing URI. Thus **TicTacToe/Board** and **tictactoe/borad** are equivalent.
+ Afb-daemon ignores letter case when parsing URI. Thus **TicTacToe/Board** and **tictactoe/board** are equivalent.
#### The name of the plugin