Provide Weston IVI-Shell, run it on demand 03/4103/2
authorManuel Bachmann <>
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 18:56:55 +0000 (18:56 +0000)
committerManuel Bachmann <>
Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:47:01 +0000 (03:47 +0000)
Weston IVI-Shell provides a shell plugin for Weston,
mapping the GENIVI API ( for
In-Vehicle Infotainment.

This is a code backport from Weston 1.9.0 "release".

This patch makes sure that Weston IVI-Shell always gets
built ; it will not be started, however, unless the builder
specifies the following in his "conf/local.conf" file :

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
    weston-ivi-shell-config \

or manually overwrites the "/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini"
file with a correct one.

Change-Id: I033094aaf8ac2c6299bd354b362b24ffc9ed8577
Signed-off-by: Manuel Bachmann <>
16 files changed:
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/ [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/Backport-IVI-Shell-from-Weston-1.9.0-to-1.5.0.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/background.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/fullscreen.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/home.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_flower.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_smoke.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/panel.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/random.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/sidebyside.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/tiling.png [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/weston.ini.ivi-shell [new file with mode: 0644]
meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.5.0.bbappend [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/ b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..08921ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+SUMMARY = "Configuration file for Weston IVI-Shell"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := ":${THISDIR}/weston-ivi-shell:"
+SRC_URI = "file://weston.ini.ivi-shell"
+do_install() {
+       install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/xdg/weston
+       install -m644 ${WORKDIR}/weston.ini.ivi-shell ${D}${sysconfdir}/xdg/weston/weston.ini
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "weston"
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/Backport-IVI-Shell-from-Weston-1.9.0-to-1.5.0.patch b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/Backport-IVI-Shell-from-Weston-1.9.0-to-1.5.0.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0e5a99f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10478 @@
+From 9e55f4f9c921782263b784e7f6e0e9b0fc9095ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Manuel Bachmann <>
+Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 04:45:19 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Backport IVI-Shell from Weston 1.9.0 to 1.5.0
+IVI-Shell is the alternative Weston shell implementing the
+eponymous protocol, and supported in client toolkits such
+as EFL, Qt...
+We backport only the necessary, without touching the core
+compositor if possible (was only necessary for surface
+copying logic which had a patch in Tizen IVI).
+Signed-off-by: Manuel Bachmann <>
+                        |  113 +-
+ clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c | 1312 ++++++++++++++++
+ clients/simple-egl.c               |   78 +-
+ clients/simple-shm.c               |   37 +
+ clients/window.c                   |   57 +-
+                       |    9 +
+ data/background.png                |  Bin 0 -> 245579 bytes
+ data/fullscreen.png                |  Bin 0 -> 3406 bytes
+ data/home.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 4629 bytes
+ data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png         |  Bin 0 -> 39523 bytes
+ data/icon_ivi_flower.png           |  Bin 0 -> 24475 bytes
+ data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png       |  Bin 0 -> 29316 bytes
+ data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png       |  Bin 0 -> 71120 bytes
+ data/icon_ivi_smoke.png            |  Bin 0 -> 46577 bytes
+ data/panel.png                     |  Bin 0 -> 41955 bytes
+ data/random.png                    |  Bin 0 -> 4891 bytes
+ data/sidebyside.png                |  Bin 0 -> 3929 bytes
+ data/tiling.png                    |  Bin 0 -> 5620 bytes
+ ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c         | 1814 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c        |  397 +++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h      |  813 ++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h     |  229 +++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c  |  871 +++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c             | 3011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c              |  469 ++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h              |   67 +
+ ivi-shell/            |   98 ++
+ protocol/ivi-application.xml       |  100 ++
+ protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml    |   98 ++
+ shared/helpers.h                   |   96 ++
+ src/compositor.c                   |   48 +
+ src/compositor.h                   |   20 +
+ src/gl-renderer.c                  |  150 ++
+ src/pixman-renderer.c              |   51 +
+ 34 files changed, 9915 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c
+ create mode 100644 data/background.png
+ create mode 100644 data/fullscreen.png
+ create mode 100644 data/home.png
+ create mode 100644 data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png
+ create mode 100644 data/icon_ivi_flower.png
+ create mode 100644 data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png
+ create mode 100644 data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png
+ create mode 100644 data/icon_ivi_smoke.png
+ create mode 100644 data/panel.png
+ create mode 100644 data/random.png
+ create mode 100644 data/sidebyside.png
+ create mode 100644 data/tiling.png
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h
+ create mode 100644 ivi-shell/
+ create mode 100644 protocol/ivi-application.xml
+ create mode 100644 protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml
+ create mode 100644 shared/helpers.h
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 343adc6..7649d7d 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BUILT_SOURCES =
+ DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-setuid-install
++EXTRA_DIST = ivi-shell/
+ weston.ini : $(srcdir)/
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
+@@ -17,7 +17,16 @@ weston.ini : $(srcdir)/
+               -e 's|@libexecdir[@]|$(libexecdir)|g' \
+               $< > $@
+-all-local : weston.ini
++ivi-shell/weston.ini : $(srcdir)/ivi-shell/
++      $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
++              -e 's|@bindir[@]|$(bindir)|g' \
++              -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|$(abs_top_builddir)|g' \
++              -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|$(abs_top_srcdir)|g' \
++              -e 's|@libexecdir[@]|$(libexecdir)|g' \
++              -e 's|@plugin_prefix[@]||g' \
++              $< > $@
++all-local : weston.ini ivi-shell/weston.ini
+@@ -33,7 +42,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS =                                        \
+       -DLIBEXECDIR='"$(libexecdir)"'          \
+       -DBINDIR='"$(bindir)"'
++CLEANFILES = weston.ini ivi-shell/weston.ini $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ bin_PROGRAMS += weston
+@@ -361,6 +370,11 @@ libexec_PROGRAMS +=                               \
+       weston-keyboard                         \
+       weston-simple-im
++libexec_PROGRAMS +=                           \
++      weston-ivi-shell-user-interface
+ demo_clients =                                        \
+       weston-flower                           \
+       weston-image                            \
+@@ -394,7 +408,9 @@ nodist_weston_simple_shm_SOURCES =         \
+       protocol/xdg-shell-protocol.c           \
+       protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h    \
+       protocol/fullscreen-shell-protocol.c    \
+-      protocol/fullscreen-shell-client-protocol.h
++      protocol/fullscreen-shell-client-protocol.h     \
++      protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c             \
++      protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h
+ weston_simple_shm_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(SIMPLE_CLIENT_CFLAGS)
+ weston_simple_shm_LDADD = $(SIMPLE_CLIENT_LIBS)
+@@ -412,7 +428,9 @@ demo_clients += weston-simple-egl
+ weston_simple_egl_SOURCES = clients/simple-egl.c
+ nodist_weston_simple_egl_SOURCES =            \
+       protocol/xdg-shell-protocol.c           \
+-      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h
++      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h    \
++      protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c             \
++      protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h
+ weston_simple_egl_LDADD = $(SIMPLE_EGL_CLIENT_LIBS) -lm
+ endif
+@@ -431,7 +449,9 @@ nodist_libtoytoolkit_la_SOURCES =                  \
+       protocol/workspaces-protocol.c                  \
+       protocol/workspaces-client-protocol.h           \
+       protocol/xdg-shell-protocol.c                   \
+-      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h
++      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h            \
++      protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c             \
++      protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h
+ BUILT_SOURCES += $(nodist_libtoytoolkit_la_SOURCES)
+@@ -570,6 +590,19 @@ nodist_weston_desktop_shell_SOURCES =                     \
+ weston_desktop_shell_LDADD =
+ weston_desktop_shell_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CLIENT_CFLAGS)
++weston_ivi_shell_user_interface_SOURCES =                             \
++      clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c                              \
++      shared/helpers.h
++nodist_weston_ivi_shell_user_interface_SOURCES =                      \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-client-protocol.h                   \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-protocol.c                          \
++      protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h                      \
++        protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c
++weston_ivi_shell_user_interface_LDADD =
++weston_ivi_shell_user_interface_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CLIENT_CFLAGS)
+ demo_clients += weston-gears
+ weston_gears_SOURCES = clients/gears.c
+@@ -616,8 +649,11 @@ BUILT_SOURCES +=                                  \
+       protocol/fullscreen-shell-protocol.c            \
+       protocol/fullscreen-shell-client-protocol.h     \
+       protocol/xdg-shell-protocol.c                   \
+-      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h
++      protocol/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h            \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-protocol.c          \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-client-protocol.h   \
++      protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c             \
++      protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h      
+ westondatadir = $(datadir)/weston
+ dist_westondata_DATA =                                \
+@@ -631,6 +667,21 @@ dist_westondata_DATA =                            \
+       data/sign_maximize.png                  \
+       data/sign_minimize.png
++dist_westondata_DATA +=                               \
++      data/background.png                     \
++      data/tiling.png                         \
++      data/fullscreen.png                     \
++      data/panel.png                          \
++      data/random.png                         \
++      data/sidebyside.png                     \
++      data/home.png                           \
++      data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png              \
++      data/icon_ivi_flower.png                \
++      data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png            \
++      data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png            \
++      data/icon_ivi_smoke.png
+ bin_PROGRAMS += wcap-decode
+@@ -700,6 +751,48 @@ nodist_fullscreen_shell_la_SOURCES =                      \
+ BUILT_SOURCES += $(nodist_fullscreen_shell_la_SOURCES)
+ endif
++module_LTLIBRARIES +=                         \
++      $(ivi_shell)                            \
++      $(hmi_controller)
++ivi_shell =
++ivi_shell_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
++ivi_shell_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS)
++ivi_shell_la_SOURCES =                                \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h           \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h          \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c                  \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c       \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h                   \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c                   \
++      ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c             \
++      shared/helpers.h
++nodist_ivi_shell_la_SOURCES =                 \
++      protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c             \
++      protocol/ivi-application-server-protocol.h
++BUILT_SOURCES += $(nodist_ivi_shell_la_SOURCES)
++hmi_controller =
++hmi_controller_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
++hmi_controller_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS)
++hmi_controller_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(COMPOSITOR_CFLAGS)
++hmi_controller_la_SOURCES =                           \
++      ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h                   \
++      ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c                      \
++      shared/helpers.h
++nodist_hmi_controller_la_SOURCES =                    \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-protocol.c          \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller-server-protocol.h
++BUILT_SOURCES += $(nodist_hmi_controller_la_SOURCES)
+ module_LTLIBRARIES +=
+@@ -969,7 +1062,9 @@ EXTRA_DIST +=                                     \
+       protocol/wayland-test.xml               \
+       protocol/xdg-shell.xml                  \
+       protocol/fullscreen-shell.xml           \
+-      protocol/scaler.xml
++      protocol/scaler.xml                     \
++      protocol/ivi-application.xml            \
++      protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml
+ man_MANS = weston.1 weston.ini.5
+diff --git a/clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c b/clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..dbe7a88
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/clients/ivi-shell-user-interface.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
++ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
++ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
++ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
++ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
++ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
++ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
++ * Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <sys/wait.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <linux/input.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#include <signal.h>
++#include <sys/mman.h>
++#include <getopt.h>
++#include <wayland-cursor.h>
++#include <wayland-client-protocol.h>
++#include "shared/cairo-util.h"
++#include "shared/config-parser.h"
++#include "shared/helpers.h"
++#include "shared/os-compatibility.h"
++#include "ivi-application-client-protocol.h"
++#include "ivi-hmi-controller-client-protocol.h"
++ * A reference implementation how to use ivi-hmi-controller interface to
++ * interact with hmi-controller. This is launched from hmi-controller by using
++ * hmi_client_start and create a pthread.
++ *
++ * The basic flow is as followed,
++ * 1/ read configuration from weston.ini.
++ * 2/ draw png file to surface according to configuration of weston.ini
++ * 3/ set up UI by using ivi-hmi-controller protocol
++ * 4/ Enter event loop
++ * 5/ If a surface receives touch/pointer event, followings are invoked
++ *    according to type of event and surface
++ * 5-1/ If a surface to launch ivi_application receive touch up, it execs
++ *      ivi-application configured in weston.ini.
++ * 5-2/ If a surface to switch layout mode receive touch up, it sends a request,
++ *      ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode, to hmi-controller.
++ * 5-3/ If a surface to show workspace having launchers, it sends a request,
++ *      ivi_hmi_controller_home, to hmi-controller.
++ * 5-4/ If touch down events happens in workspace,
++ *      ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control is sent to slide workspace.
++ *      When control finished, event: ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_end_control
++ *      is received.
++ */
++ *  structure, globals
++ ****************************************************************************/
++enum cursor_type {
++      CURSOR_LEFT,
++      CURSOR_TOP,
++      CURSOR_HAND1,
++struct wlContextCommon {
++      struct wl_display               *wlDisplay;
++      struct wl_registry              *wlRegistry;
++      struct wl_compositor            *wlCompositor;
++      struct wl_shm                   *wlShm;
++      uint32_t                        formats;
++      struct wl_seat                  *wlSeat;
++      struct wl_pointer               *wlPointer;
++      struct wl_touch                 *wlTouch;
++      struct ivi_application          *iviApplication;
++      struct ivi_hmi_controller       *hmiCtrl;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_setting   *hmi_setting;
++      struct wl_list                  list_wlContextStruct;
++      struct wl_surface               *enterSurface;
++      int32_t                         is_home_on;
++      struct wl_cursor_theme          *cursor_theme;
++      struct wl_cursor                **cursors;
++      struct wl_surface               *pointer_surface;
++      enum   cursor_type              current_cursor;
++      uint32_t                        enter_serial;
++struct wlContextStruct {
++      struct wlContextCommon  *cmm;
++      struct wl_surface       *wlSurface;
++      struct wl_buffer        *wlBuffer;
++      cairo_surface_t         *ctx_image;
++      void                    *data;
++      uint32_t                id_surface;
++      struct wl_list          link;
++hmi_homescreen_srf {
++      uint32_t        id;
++      char            *filePath;
++      uint32_t        color;
++hmi_homescreen_workspace {
++      struct wl_array launcher_id_array;
++      struct wl_list  link;
++hmi_homescreen_launcher {
++      uint32_t        icon_surface_id;
++      uint32_t        workspace_id;
++      char            *icon;
++      char            *path;
++      struct wl_list  link;
++hmi_homescreen_setting {
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf background;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf panel;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf tiling;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf sidebyside;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf fullscreen;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf random;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf home;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_srf workspace_background;
++      struct wl_list workspace_list;
++      struct wl_list launcher_list;
++      char            *cursor_theme;
++      int32_t         cursor_size;
++      uint32_t        transition_duration;
++static void *
++fail_on_null(void *p, size_t size, char *file, int32_t line)
++      if (size && !p) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) %zd: out of memory\n",
++                      file, line, size);
++              exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++      }
++      return p;
++static void *
++mem_alloc(size_t size, char *file, int32_t line)
++      return fail_on_null(calloc(1, size), size, file, line);
++#define MEM_ALLOC(s) mem_alloc((s),__FILE__,__LINE__)
++ *  Event Handler
++ ****************************************************************************/
++static void
++shm_format(void *data, struct wl_shm *pWlShm, uint32_t format)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      pCtx->formats |= (1 << format);
++static struct wl_shm_listener shm_listenter = {
++      shm_format
++static int32_t
++getIdOfWlSurface(struct wlContextCommon *pCtx, struct wl_surface *wlSurface)
++      struct wlContextStruct *pWlCtxSt = NULL;
++      if (NULL == pCtx || NULL == wlSurface )
++              return 0;
++      wl_list_for_each(pWlCtxSt, &pCtx->list_wlContextStruct, link) {
++              if (pWlCtxSt->wlSurface == wlSurface)
++                      return pWlCtxSt->id_surface;
++      }
++      return -1;
++static void
++set_pointer_image(struct wlContextCommon *pCtx, uint32_t index)
++      struct wl_cursor *cursor = NULL;
++      struct wl_cursor_image *image = NULL;
++      struct wl_buffer *buffer = NULL;
++      if (!pCtx->wlPointer || !pCtx->cursors)
++              return;
++      if (CURSOR_BLANK == pCtx->current_cursor) {
++              wl_pointer_set_cursor(pCtx->wlPointer, pCtx->enter_serial,
++                                                        NULL, 0, 0);
++              return;
++      }
++      cursor = pCtx->cursors[pCtx->current_cursor];
++      if (!cursor)
++              return;
++      if (cursor->image_count <= index) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cursor index out of range\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      image = cursor->images[index];
++      buffer = wl_cursor_image_get_buffer(image);
++      if (!buffer)
++              return;
++      wl_pointer_set_cursor(pCtx->wlPointer, pCtx->enter_serial,
++                            pCtx->pointer_surface,
++                            image->hotspot_x, image->hotspot_y);
++      wl_surface_attach(pCtx->pointer_surface, buffer, 0, 0);
++      wl_surface_damage(pCtx->pointer_surface, 0, 0,
++                                        image->width, image->height);
++      wl_surface_commit(pCtx->pointer_surface);
++static void
++PointerHandleEnter(void *data, struct wl_pointer *wlPointer, uint32_t serial,
++                 struct wl_surface *wlSurface, wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      pCtx->enter_serial = serial;
++      pCtx->enterSurface = wlSurface;
++      set_pointer_image(pCtx, 0);
++#ifdef _DEBUG
++      printf("ENTER PointerHandleEnter: x(%d), y(%d)\n", sx, sy);
++static void
++PointerHandleLeave(void *data, struct wl_pointer *wlPointer, uint32_t serial,
++                 struct wl_surface *wlSurface)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      pCtx->enterSurface = NULL;
++#ifdef _DEBUG
++      printf("ENTER PointerHandleLeave: serial(%d)\n", serial);
++static void
++PointerHandleMotion(void *data, struct wl_pointer *wlPointer, uint32_t time,
++                  wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy)
++#ifdef _DEBUG
++      printf("ENTER PointerHandleMotion: x(%d), y(%d)\n", sx, sy);
++ * if a surface assigned as launcher receives touch-off event, invoking
++ * ivi-application which configured in weston.ini with path to binary.
++ */
++extern char **environ; /*defied by libc */
++static pid_t
++execute_process(char *path, char *argv[])
++      pid_t pid = fork();
++      if (pid < 0)
++              fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fork\n");
++      if (pid)
++              return pid;
++      if (-1 == execve(path, argv, environ)) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execve %s\n", path);
++              exit(1);
++      }
++      return pid;
++static int32_t
++launcher_button(uint32_t surfaceId, struct wl_list *launcher_list)
++      struct hmi_homescreen_launcher *launcher = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(launcher, launcher_list, link) {
++              char *argv[] = { NULL };
++              if (surfaceId != launcher->icon_surface_id)
++                      continue;
++              execute_process(launcher->path, argv);
++              return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
++ * is-method to identify a surface set as launcher in workspace or workspace
++ * itself. This is-method is used to decide whether request;
++ * ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control is sent or not.
++ */
++static int32_t
++isWorkspaceSurface(uint32_t id, struct hmi_homescreen_setting *hmi_setting)
++      struct hmi_homescreen_launcher *launcher = NULL;
++      if (id == hmi_setting->
++              return 1;
++      wl_list_for_each(launcher, &hmi_setting->launcher_list, link) {
++              if (id == launcher->icon_surface_id)
++                      return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
++ * Decide which request is sent to hmi-controller
++ */
++static void
++touch_up(struct ivi_hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl, uint32_t id_surface,
++       int32_t *is_home_on, struct hmi_homescreen_setting *hmi_setting)
++      if (launcher_button(id_surface, &hmi_setting->launcher_list)) {
++              *is_home_on = 0;
++              ivi_hmi_controller_home(hmi_ctrl, IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_OFF);
++      } else if (id_surface == hmi_setting-> {
++              ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(hmi_ctrl,
++                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_TILING);
++      } else if (id_surface == hmi_setting-> {
++              ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(hmi_ctrl,
++                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_SIDE_BY_SIDE);
++      } else if (id_surface == hmi_setting-> {
++              ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(hmi_ctrl,
++                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_FULL_SCREEN);
++      } else if (id_surface == hmi_setting-> {
++              ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(hmi_ctrl,
++                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_RANDOM);
++      } else if (id_surface == hmi_setting-> {
++              *is_home_on = !(*is_home_on);
++              if (*is_home_on) {
++                      ivi_hmi_controller_home(hmi_ctrl,
++                                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_ON);
++              } else {
++                      ivi_hmi_controller_home(hmi_ctrl,
++                                              IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_OFF);
++              }
++      }
++ * Even handler of Pointer event. IVI system is usually manipulated by touch
++ * screen. However, some systems also have pointer device.
++ * Release is the same behavior as touch off
++ * Pressed is the same behavior as touch on
++ */
++static void
++PointerHandleButton(void *data, struct wl_pointer *wlPointer, uint32_t serial,
++                  uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      struct ivi_hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = pCtx->hmiCtrl;
++      const uint32_t id_surface = getIdOfWlSurface(pCtx, pCtx->enterSurface);
++      if (BTN_RIGHT == button)
++              return;
++      switch (state) {
++              touch_up(hmi_ctrl, id_surface, &pCtx->is_home_on,
++                       pCtx->hmi_setting);
++              break;
++              if (isWorkspaceSurface(id_surface, pCtx->hmi_setting)) {
++                      ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control(hmi_ctrl,
++                                                           pCtx->wlSeat,
++                                                           serial);
++              }
++              break;
++      }
++#ifdef _DEBUG
++      printf("ENTER PointerHandleButton: button(%d), state(%d)\n",
++             button, state);
++static void
++PointerHandleAxis(void *data, struct wl_pointer *wlPointer, uint32_t time,
++                uint32_t axis, wl_fixed_t value)
++#ifdef _DEBUG
++      printf("ENTER PointerHandleAxis: axis(%d), value(%d)\n", axis, value);
++static struct wl_pointer_listener pointer_listener = {
++      PointerHandleEnter,
++      PointerHandleLeave,
++      PointerHandleMotion,
++      PointerHandleButton,
++      PointerHandleAxis
++ * Even handler of touch event
++ */
++static void
++TouchHandleDown(void *data, struct wl_touch *wlTouch, uint32_t serial,
++              uint32_t time, struct wl_surface *surface, int32_t id,
++              wl_fixed_t x_w, wl_fixed_t y_w)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      struct ivi_hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = pCtx->hmiCtrl;
++      uint32_t id_surface = 0;
++      if (0 == id)
++              pCtx->enterSurface = surface;
++      id_surface = getIdOfWlSurface(pCtx, pCtx->enterSurface);
++      /**
++       * When touch down happens on surfaces of workspace, ask
++       * hmi-controller to start control workspace to select page of
++       * workspace. After sending seat to hmi-controller by
++       * ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control,
++       * hmi-controller-homescreen doesn't receive any event till
++       * hmi-controller sends back it.
++       */
++      if (isWorkspaceSurface(id_surface, pCtx->hmi_setting)) {
++              ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control(hmi_ctrl, pCtx->wlSeat,
++                                                   serial);
++      }
++static void
++TouchHandleUp(void *data, struct wl_touch *wlTouch, uint32_t serial,
++            uint32_t time, int32_t id)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      struct ivi_hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = pCtx->hmiCtrl;
++      const uint32_t id_surface = getIdOfWlSurface(pCtx, pCtx->enterSurface);
++      /**
++       * triggering event according to touch-up happening on which surface.
++       */
++      if (id == 0){
++              touch_up(hmi_ctrl, id_surface, &pCtx->is_home_on,
++                       pCtx->hmi_setting);
++      }
++static void
++TouchHandleMotion(void *data, struct wl_touch *wlTouch, uint32_t time,
++                int32_t id, wl_fixed_t x_w, wl_fixed_t y_w)
++static void
++TouchHandleFrame(void *data, struct wl_touch *wlTouch)
++static void
++TouchHandleCancel(void *data, struct wl_touch *wlTouch)
++static struct wl_touch_listener touch_listener = {
++      TouchHandleDown,
++      TouchHandleUp,
++      TouchHandleMotion,
++      TouchHandleFrame,
++      TouchHandleCancel,
++ * Handler of capabilities
++ */
++static void
++seat_handle_capabilities(void *data, struct wl_seat *seat, uint32_t caps)
++      struct wlContextCommon *p_wlCtx = (struct wlContextCommon*)data;
++      struct wl_seat *wlSeat = p_wlCtx->wlSeat;
++      struct wl_pointer *wlPointer = p_wlCtx->wlPointer;
++      struct wl_touch *wlTouch = p_wlCtx->wlTouch;
++      if (p_wlCtx->hmi_setting->cursor_theme) {
++              if ((caps & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) && !wlPointer){
++                      wlPointer = wl_seat_get_pointer(wlSeat);
++                      wl_pointer_add_listener(wlPointer,
++                                              &pointer_listener, data);
++              } else
++              if (!(caps & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) && wlPointer){
++                      wl_pointer_destroy(wlPointer);
++                      wlPointer = NULL;
++              }
++              p_wlCtx->wlPointer = wlPointer;
++      }
++      if ((caps & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH) && !wlTouch){
++              wlTouch = wl_seat_get_touch(wlSeat);
++              wl_touch_add_listener(wlTouch, &touch_listener, data);
++      } else
++      if (!(caps & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH) && wlTouch){
++              wl_touch_destroy(wlTouch);
++              wlTouch = NULL;
++      }
++      p_wlCtx->wlTouch = wlTouch;
++static struct wl_seat_listener seat_Listener = {
++      seat_handle_capabilities,
++ * Registration of event
++ * This event is received when hmi-controller server finished controlling
++ * workspace.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_end_control(void *data,
++                                       struct ivi_hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                                       int32_t is_controlled)
++      struct wlContextCommon *pCtx = data;
++      const uint32_t id_surface = getIdOfWlSurface(pCtx, pCtx->enterSurface);
++      if (is_controlled)
++              return;
++      /**
++       * During being controlled by hmi-controller, any input event is not
++       * notified. So when control ends with touch up, it invokes launcher
++       * if up event happens on a launcher surface.
++       *
++       */
++      if (launcher_button(id_surface, &pCtx->hmi_setting->launcher_list)) {
++              pCtx->is_home_on = 0;
++              ivi_hmi_controller_home(hmi_ctrl, IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_OFF);
++      }
++static const struct ivi_hmi_controller_listener hmi_controller_listener = {
++      ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_end_control
++ * Registration of interfaces
++ */
++static void
++registry_handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name,
++                     const char *interface, uint32_t version)
++      struct wlContextCommon *p_wlCtx = (struct wlContextCommon*)data;
++      if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_compositor")) {
++              p_wlCtx->wlCompositor =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
++                                       &wl_compositor_interface, 1);
++      } else if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_shm")) {
++              p_wlCtx->wlShm =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_shm_interface, 1);
++              wl_shm_add_listener(p_wlCtx->wlShm, &shm_listenter, p_wlCtx);
++      } else if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_seat")) {
++              p_wlCtx->wlSeat =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_seat_interface, 1);
++              wl_seat_add_listener(p_wlCtx->wlSeat, &seat_Listener, data);
++      } else if (!strcmp(interface, "ivi_application")) {
++              p_wlCtx->iviApplication =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
++                                       &ivi_application_interface, 1);
++      } else if (!strcmp(interface, "ivi_hmi_controller")) {
++              p_wlCtx->hmiCtrl =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
++                                       &ivi_hmi_controller_interface, 1);
++              ivi_hmi_controller_add_listener(p_wlCtx->hmiCtrl,
++                              &hmi_controller_listener, p_wlCtx);
++      }
++static void
++registry_handle_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
++                            uint32_t name)
++static const struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = {
++      registry_handle_global,
++      registry_handle_global_remove
++static void
++frame_listener_func(void *data, struct wl_callback *callback, uint32_t time)
++      if (callback)
++              wl_callback_destroy(callback);
++static const struct wl_callback_listener frame_listener = {
++      frame_listener_func
++ * The following correspondences between file names and cursors was copied
++ * from:
++ */
++static const char *bottom_left_corners[] = {
++      "bottom_left_corner",
++      "sw-resize",
++      "size_bdiag"
++static const char *bottom_right_corners[] = {
++      "bottom_right_corner",
++      "se-resize",
++      "size_fdiag"
++static const char *bottom_sides[] = {
++      "bottom_side",
++      "s-resize",
++      "size_ver"
++static const char *grabbings[] = {
++      "grabbing",
++      "closedhand",
++      "208530c400c041818281048008011002"
++static const char *left_ptrs[] = {
++      "left_ptr",
++      "default",
++      "top_left_arrow",
++      "left-arrow"
++static const char *left_sides[] = {
++      "left_side",
++      "w-resize",
++      "size_hor"
++static const char *right_sides[] = {
++      "right_side",
++      "e-resize",
++      "size_hor"
++static const char *top_left_corners[] = {
++      "top_left_corner",
++      "nw-resize",
++      "size_fdiag"
++static const char *top_right_corners[] = {
++      "top_right_corner",
++      "ne-resize",
++      "size_bdiag"
++static const char *top_sides[] = {
++      "top_side",
++      "n-resize",
++      "size_ver"
++static const char *xterms[] = {
++      "xterm",
++      "ibeam",
++      "text"
++static const char *hand1s[] = {
++      "hand1",
++      "pointer",
++      "pointing_hand",
++      "e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106"
++static const char *watches[] = {
++      "watch",
++      "wait",
++      "0426c94ea35c87780ff01dc239897213"
++struct cursor_alternatives {
++      const char **names;
++      size_t count;
++static const struct cursor_alternatives cursors[] = {
++      { bottom_left_corners, ARRAY_LENGTH(bottom_left_corners) },
++      { bottom_right_corners, ARRAY_LENGTH(bottom_right_corners) },
++      { bottom_sides, ARRAY_LENGTH(bottom_sides) },
++      { grabbings, ARRAY_LENGTH(grabbings) },
++      { left_ptrs, ARRAY_LENGTH(left_ptrs) },
++      { left_sides, ARRAY_LENGTH(left_sides) },
++      { right_sides, ARRAY_LENGTH(right_sides) },
++      { top_left_corners, ARRAY_LENGTH(top_left_corners) },
++      { top_right_corners, ARRAY_LENGTH(top_right_corners) },
++      { top_sides, ARRAY_LENGTH(top_sides) },
++      { xterms, ARRAY_LENGTH(xterms) },
++      { hand1s, ARRAY_LENGTH(hand1s) },
++      { watches, ARRAY_LENGTH(watches) },
++static void
++create_cursors(struct wlContextCommon *cmm)
++      uint32_t i = 0;
++      uint32_t j = 0;
++      struct wl_cursor *cursor = NULL;
++      char *cursor_theme = cmm->hmi_setting->cursor_theme;
++      int32_t cursor_size = cmm->hmi_setting->cursor_size;
++      cmm->cursor_theme = wl_cursor_theme_load(cursor_theme, cursor_size,
++                                               cmm->wlShm);
++      cmm->cursors =
++              MEM_ALLOC(ARRAY_LENGTH(cursors) * sizeof(cmm->cursors[0]));
++      for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(cursors); i++) {
++              cursor = NULL;
++              for (j = 0; !cursor && j < cursors[i].count; ++j) {
++                      cursor = wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor(
++                              cmm->cursor_theme, cursors[i].names[j]);
++              }
++              if (!cursor) {
++                      fprintf(stderr, "could not load cursor '%s'\n",
++                                      cursors[i].names[0]);
++              }
++              cmm->cursors[i] = cursor;
++      }
++static void
++destroy_cursors(struct wlContextCommon *cmm)
++      if (cmm->cursor_theme)
++              wl_cursor_theme_destroy(cmm->cursor_theme);
++      free(cmm->cursors);
++ * Internal method to prepare parts of UI
++ */
++static void
++createShmBuffer(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx)
++      struct wl_shm_pool *pool;
++      int fd = -1;
++      int size = 0;
++      int width = 0;
++      int height = 0;
++      int stride = 0;
++      width  = cairo_image_surface_get_width(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      size = stride * height;
++      fd = os_create_anonymous_file(size);
++      if (fd < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "creating a buffer file for %d B failed: %m\n",
++                      size);
++              return ;
++      }
++      p_wlCtx->data =
++              mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
++      if (MAP_FAILED == p_wlCtx->data) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed: %m\n");
++              close(fd);
++              return;
++      }
++      pool = wl_shm_create_pool(p_wlCtx->cmm->wlShm, fd, size);
++      p_wlCtx->wlBuffer = wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(pool, 0,
++                                                    width,
++                                                    height,
++                                                    stride,
++                                                    WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888);
++      if (NULL == p_wlCtx->wlBuffer) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "wl_shm_create_buffer failed: %m\n");
++              close(fd);
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_shm_pool_destroy(pool);
++      close(fd);
++static void
++destroyWLContextCommon(struct wlContextCommon *p_wlCtx)
++      destroy_cursors(p_wlCtx);
++      if (p_wlCtx->pointer_surface)
++              wl_surface_destroy(p_wlCtx->pointer_surface);
++      if (p_wlCtx->wlCompositor)
++              wl_compositor_destroy(p_wlCtx->wlCompositor);
++static void
++destroyWLContextStruct(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx)
++      if (p_wlCtx->wlSurface)
++              wl_surface_destroy(p_wlCtx->wlSurface);
++      if (p_wlCtx->ctx_image) {
++              cairo_surface_destroy(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++              p_wlCtx->ctx_image = NULL;
++      }
++static int
++createSurface(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx)
++      p_wlCtx->wlSurface =
++              wl_compositor_create_surface(p_wlCtx->cmm->wlCompositor);
++      if (NULL == p_wlCtx->wlSurface) {
++              printf("Error: wl_compositor_create_surface failed.\n");
++              destroyWLContextCommon(p_wlCtx->cmm);
++              abort();
++      }
++      return 0;
++static void
++drawImage(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx)
++      struct wl_callback *callback;
++      int width = 0;
++      int height = 0;
++      int stride = 0;
++      void *data = NULL;
++      width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(p_wlCtx->ctx_image);
++      memcpy(p_wlCtx->data, data, stride * height);
++      wl_surface_attach(p_wlCtx->wlSurface, p_wlCtx->wlBuffer, 0, 0);
++      wl_surface_damage(p_wlCtx->wlSurface, 0, 0, width, height);
++      callback = wl_surface_frame(p_wlCtx->wlSurface);
++      wl_callback_add_listener(callback, &frame_listener, NULL);
++      wl_surface_commit(p_wlCtx->wlSurface);
++static void
++create_ivisurface(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx,
++                                uint32_t id_surface,
++                                cairo_surface_t *surface)
++      struct ivi_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      p_wlCtx->ctx_image = surface;
++      p_wlCtx->id_surface = id_surface;
++      wl_list_init(&p_wlCtx->link);
++      wl_list_insert(&p_wlCtx->cmm->list_wlContextStruct, &p_wlCtx->link);
++      createSurface(p_wlCtx);
++      createShmBuffer(p_wlCtx);
++      ivisurf = ivi_application_surface_create(p_wlCtx->cmm->iviApplication,
++                                               id_surface,
++                                               p_wlCtx->wlSurface);
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ivi_client_surface\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      drawImage(p_wlCtx);
++static void
++create_ivisurfaceFromFile(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx,
++                        uint32_t id_surface,
++                        const char *imageFile)
++      cairo_surface_t *surface = load_cairo_surface(imageFile);
++      if (NULL == surface) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load_cairo_surface %s\n", imageFile);
++              return;
++      }
++      create_ivisurface(p_wlCtx, id_surface, surface);
++static void
++set_hex_color(cairo_t *cr, uint32_t color)
++      cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,
++              ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0,
++              ((color >>  8) & 0xff) / 255.0,
++              ((color >>  0) & 0xff) / 255.0,
++              ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0);
++static void
++create_ivisurfaceFromColor(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx,
++                         uint32_t id_surface,
++                         uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
++                         uint32_t color)
++      cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL;
++      cairo_t *cr = NULL;
++      surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
++                                           width, height);
++      cr = cairo_create(surface);
++      cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
++      cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, width, height);
++      set_hex_color(cr, color);
++      cairo_fill(cr);
++      cairo_destroy(cr);
++      create_ivisurface(p_wlCtx, id_surface, surface);
++static void
++UI_ready(struct ivi_hmi_controller *controller)
++      ivi_hmi_controller_UI_ready(controller);
++ * Internal method to set up UI by using ivi-hmi-controller
++ */
++static void
++create_background(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx, const uint32_t id_surface,
++                const char *imageFile)
++      create_ivisurfaceFromFile(p_wlCtx, id_surface, imageFile);
++static void
++create_panel(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx, const uint32_t id_surface,
++           const char *imageFile)
++      create_ivisurfaceFromFile(p_wlCtx, id_surface, imageFile);
++static void
++create_button(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx, const uint32_t id_surface,
++            const char *imageFile, uint32_t number)
++      create_ivisurfaceFromFile(p_wlCtx, id_surface, imageFile);
++static void
++create_home_button(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx, const uint32_t id_surface,
++                 const char *imageFile)
++      create_ivisurfaceFromFile(p_wlCtx, id_surface, imageFile);
++static void
++create_workspace_background(struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx,
++                          struct hmi_homescreen_srf *srf)
++      create_ivisurfaceFromColor(p_wlCtx, srf->id, 1, 1, srf->color);
++static void
++create_launchers(struct wlContextCommon *cmm, struct wl_list *launcher_list)
++      struct hmi_homescreen_launcher **launchers;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_launcher *launcher = NULL;
++      int launcher_count = wl_list_length(launcher_list);
++      int ii = 0;
++      int start = 0;
++      if (0 == launcher_count)
++              return;
++      launchers = MEM_ALLOC(launcher_count * sizeof(*launchers));
++      wl_list_for_each(launcher, launcher_list, link) {
++              launchers[ii] = launcher;
++              ii++;
++      }
++      for (ii = 0; ii < launcher_count; ii++) {
++              int jj = 0;
++              if (ii != launcher_count - 1 &&
++                  launchers[ii]->workspace_id ==
++                  launchers[ii + 1]->workspace_id)
++                      continue;
++              for (jj = start; jj <= ii; jj++) {
++                      struct wlContextStruct *p_wlCtx;
++                      p_wlCtx = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*p_wlCtx));
++                      p_wlCtx->cmm = cmm;
++                      create_ivisurfaceFromFile(p_wlCtx,
++                                                launchers[jj]->icon_surface_id,
++                                                launchers[jj]->icon);
++              }
++              start = ii + 1;
++      }
++      free(launchers);
++ * Internal method to read out weston.ini to get configuration
++ */
++static struct hmi_homescreen_setting *
++      struct weston_config *config = NULL;
++      struct weston_config_section *shellSection = NULL;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_setting *setting = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*setting));
++      struct weston_config_section *section = NULL;
++      const char *name = NULL;
++      uint32_t workspace_layer_id;
++      uint32_t icon_surface_id = 0;
++      wl_list_init(&setting->workspace_list);
++      wl_list_init(&setting->launcher_list);
++      config = weston_config_parse("weston.ini");
++      shellSection =
++              weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell", NULL, NULL);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "cursor-theme", &setting->cursor_theme, NULL);
++      weston_config_section_get_int(
++              shellSection, "cursor-size", &setting->cursor_size, 32);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "workspace-layer-id", &workspace_layer_id, 3000);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "background-image", &setting->background.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/background.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "background-id", &setting->, 1001);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "panel-image", &setting->panel.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/panel.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "panel-id", &setting->, 1002);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "tiling-image", &setting->tiling.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/tiling.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "tiling-id", &setting->, 1003);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "sidebyside-image", &setting->sidebyside.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/sidebyside.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "sidebyside-id", &setting->, 1004);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "fullscreen-image", &setting->fullscreen.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/fullscreen.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "fullscreen-id", &setting->, 1005);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "random-image", &setting->random.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/random.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "random-id", &setting->, 1006);
++      weston_config_section_get_string(
++              shellSection, "home-image", &setting->home.filePath,
++              DATADIR "/weston/home.png");
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "home-id", &setting->, 1007);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "workspace-background-color",
++              &setting->workspace_background.color, 0x99000000);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(
++              shellSection, "workspace-background-id",
++              &setting->, 2001);
++      icon_surface_id = workspace_layer_id + 1;
++      while (weston_config_next_section(config, &section, &name)) {
++              struct hmi_homescreen_launcher *launcher;
++              if (strcmp(name, "ivi-launcher") != 0)
++                      continue;
++              launcher = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*launcher));
++              wl_list_init(&launcher->link);
++              weston_config_section_get_string(section, "icon",
++                                               &launcher->icon, NULL);
++              weston_config_section_get_string(section, "path",
++                                               &launcher->path, NULL);
++              weston_config_section_get_uint(section, "workspace-id",
++                                             &launcher->workspace_id, 0);
++              weston_config_section_get_uint(section, "icon-id",
++                                             &launcher->icon_surface_id,
++                                             icon_surface_id);
++              icon_surface_id++;
++              wl_list_insert(setting->launcher_list.prev, &launcher->link);
++      }
++      weston_config_destroy(config);
++      return setting;
++ * Main thread
++ *
++ * The basic flow are as followed,
++ * 1/ read configuration from weston.ini by hmi_homescreen_setting_create
++ * 2/ draw png file to surface according to configuration of weston.ini and
++ *    set up UI by using ivi-hmi-controller protocol by each create_* method
++ */
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++      struct wlContextCommon wlCtxCommon;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_BackGround;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_Panel;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_Button_1;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_Button_2;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_Button_3;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_Button_4;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_HomeButton;
++      struct wlContextStruct wlCtx_WorkSpaceBackGround;
++      struct wl_list launcher_wlCtxList;
++      int ret = 0;
++      struct hmi_homescreen_setting *hmi_setting;
++      struct wlContextStruct *pWlCtxSt = NULL;
++      hmi_setting = hmi_homescreen_setting_create();
++      memset(&wlCtxCommon, 0x00, sizeof(wlCtxCommon));
++      memset(&wlCtx_BackGround, 0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_BackGround));
++      memset(&wlCtx_Panel,      0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_Panel));
++      memset(&wlCtx_Button_1,   0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_Button_1));
++      memset(&wlCtx_Button_2,   0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_Button_2));
++      memset(&wlCtx_Button_3,   0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_Button_3));
++      memset(&wlCtx_Button_4,   0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_Button_4));
++      memset(&wlCtx_HomeButton, 0x00, sizeof(wlCtx_HomeButton));
++      memset(&wlCtx_WorkSpaceBackGround, 0x00,
++             sizeof(wlCtx_WorkSpaceBackGround));
++      wl_list_init(&launcher_wlCtxList);
++      wl_list_init(&wlCtxCommon.list_wlContextStruct);
++      wlCtxCommon.hmi_setting = hmi_setting;
++      wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay = wl_display_connect(NULL);
++      if (NULL == wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay) {
++              printf("Error: wl_display_connect failed.\n");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      /* get wl_registry */
++      wlCtxCommon.formats = 0;
++      wlCtxCommon.wlRegistry = wl_display_get_registry(wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay);
++      wl_registry_add_listener(wlCtxCommon.wlRegistry,
++                               &registry_listener, &wlCtxCommon);
++      wl_display_roundtrip(wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay);
++      if (wlCtxCommon.wlShm == NULL) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "No wl_shm global\n");
++              exit(1);
++      }
++      wl_display_roundtrip(wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay);
++      if (!(wlCtxCommon.formats & (1 << WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB8888))) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB32 not available\n");
++              exit(1);
++      }
++      if (wlCtxCommon.hmi_setting->cursor_theme) {
++              create_cursors(&wlCtxCommon);
++              wlCtxCommon.pointer_surface =
++                      wl_compositor_create_surface(wlCtxCommon.wlCompositor);
++              wlCtxCommon.current_cursor = CURSOR_LEFT_PTR;
++      }
++      wlCtx_BackGround.cmm = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_Panel.cmm      = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_Button_1.cmm   = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_Button_2.cmm   = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_Button_3.cmm   = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_Button_4.cmm   = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_HomeButton.cmm = &wlCtxCommon;
++      wlCtx_WorkSpaceBackGround.cmm = &wlCtxCommon;
++      /* create desktop widgets */
++      create_background(&wlCtx_BackGround, hmi_setting->,
++                        hmi_setting->background.filePath);
++      create_panel(&wlCtx_Panel, hmi_setting->,
++                   hmi_setting->panel.filePath);
++      create_button(&wlCtx_Button_1, hmi_setting->,
++                    hmi_setting->tiling.filePath, 0);
++      create_button(&wlCtx_Button_2, hmi_setting->,
++                    hmi_setting->sidebyside.filePath, 1);
++      create_button(&wlCtx_Button_3, hmi_setting->,
++                    hmi_setting->fullscreen.filePath, 2);
++      create_button(&wlCtx_Button_4, hmi_setting->,
++                    hmi_setting->random.filePath, 3);
++      create_workspace_background(&wlCtx_WorkSpaceBackGround,
++                                  &hmi_setting->workspace_background);
++      create_launchers(&wlCtxCommon, &hmi_setting->launcher_list);
++      create_home_button(&wlCtx_HomeButton, hmi_setting->,
++                         hmi_setting->home.filePath);
++      UI_ready(wlCtxCommon.hmiCtrl);
++      while (ret != -1)
++              ret = wl_display_dispatch(wlCtxCommon.wlDisplay);
++      wl_list_for_each(pWlCtxSt, &wlCtxCommon.list_wlContextStruct, link) {
++              destroyWLContextStruct(pWlCtxSt);
++      }
++      destroyWLContextCommon(&wlCtxCommon);
++      return 0;
+diff --git a/clients/simple-egl.c b/clients/simple-egl.c
+index 0d4673b..8634075 100644
+--- a/clients/simple-egl.c
++++ b/clients/simple-egl.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <linux/input.h>
+@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@
+ #include <EGL/eglext.h>
+ #include "xdg-shell-client-protocol.h"
++#include "ivi-application-client-protocol.h"
++#define IVI_SURFACE_ID 9000
+ #ifndef EGL_EXT_swap_buffers_with_damage
+ #define EGL_EXT_swap_buffers_with_damage 1
+@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@ struct display {
+               EGLConfig conf;
+       } egl;
+       struct window *window;
++      struct ivi_application *ivi_application;
+       PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSWITHDAMAGEEXTPROC swap_buffers_with_damage;
+ };
+@@ -95,6 +99,7 @@ struct window {
+       struct wl_egl_window *native;
+       struct wl_surface *surface;
+       struct xdg_surface *xdg_surface;
++      struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface;
+       EGLSurface egl_surface;
+       struct wl_callback *callback;
+       int fullscreen, opaque, buffer_size, frame_sync;
+@@ -329,18 +334,61 @@ static const struct xdg_surface_listener xdg_surface_listener = {
+ };
+ static void
+-create_surface(struct window *window)
++handle_ivi_surface_configure(void *data, struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface,
++                           int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct window *window = data;
++      wl_egl_window_resize(window->native, width, height, 0, 0);
++      window->geometry.width = width;
++      window->geometry.height = height;
++      if (!window->fullscreen)
++              window->window_size = window->geometry;
++static const struct ivi_surface_listener ivi_surface_listener = {
++      handle_ivi_surface_configure,
++static void
++create_xdg_surface(struct window *window, struct display *display)
+ {
+-      struct display *display = window->display;
+-      EGLBoolean ret;
+-      window->surface = wl_compositor_create_surface(display->compositor);
+       window->xdg_surface = xdg_shell_get_xdg_surface(display->shell,
+                                                       window->surface);
+       xdg_surface_add_listener(window->xdg_surface,
+                                &xdg_surface_listener, window);
++      xdg_surface_set_title(window->xdg_surface, "simple-egl");
++static void
++create_ivi_surface(struct window *window, struct display *display)
++      uint32_t id_ivisurf = IVI_SURFACE_ID + (uint32_t)getpid();
++      window->ivi_surface =
++              ivi_application_surface_create(display->ivi_application,
++                                             id_ivisurf, window->surface);
++      if (window->ivi_surface == NULL) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ivi_client_surface\n");
++              abort();
++      }
++      ivi_surface_add_listener(window->ivi_surface,
++                               &ivi_surface_listener, window);
++static void
++create_surface(struct window *window)
++      struct display *display = window->display;
++      EGLBoolean ret;
++      window->surface = wl_compositor_create_surface(display->compositor);
+       window->native =
+               wl_egl_window_create(window->surface,
+                                    window->window_size.width,
+@@ -350,7 +398,13 @@ create_surface(struct window *window)
+                                      display->egl.conf,
+                                      window->native, NULL);
+-      xdg_surface_set_title(window->xdg_surface, "simple-egl");
++      if (display->shell) {
++              create_xdg_surface(window, display);
++      } else if (display->ivi_application) {
++              create_ivi_surface(window, display);
++      } else {
++              assert(0);
++      }
+       ret = eglMakeCurrent(window->display->egl.dpy, window->egl_surface,
+                            window->egl_surface, window->display->egl.ctx);
+@@ -375,7 +429,10 @@ destroy_surface(struct window *window)
+       eglDestroySurface(window->display->egl.dpy, window->egl_surface);
+       wl_egl_window_destroy(window->native);
+-      xdg_surface_destroy(window->xdg_surface);
++      if (window->xdg_surface)
++              xdg_surface_destroy(window->xdg_surface);
++      if (window->display->ivi_application)
++              ivi_surface_destroy(window->ivi_surface);
+       wl_surface_destroy(window->surface);
+       if (window->callback)
+@@ -729,6 +786,10 @@ registry_handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+                       fprintf(stderr, "unable to load default left pointer\n");
+                       // TODO: abort ?
+               }
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "ivi_application") == 0) {
++              d->ivi_application =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, name,
++                                       &ivi_application_interface, 1);
+       }
+ }
+@@ -834,6 +895,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+       if (
+               xdg_shell_destroy(;
++      if (display.ivi_application)
++              ivi_application_destroy(display.ivi_application);
+       if (display.compositor)
+               wl_compositor_destroy(display.compositor);
+diff --git a/clients/simple-shm.c b/clients/simple-shm.c
+index 2087a0e..97c2da5 100644
+--- a/clients/simple-shm.c
++++ b/clients/simple-shm.c
+@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
+ #include "../shared/os-compatibility.h"
+ #include "xdg-shell-client-protocol.h"
+ #include "fullscreen-shell-client-protocol.h"
++#include "ivi-application-client-protocol.h"
++#define IVI_SURFACE_ID 9000
+ struct display {
+       struct wl_display *display;
+@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ struct display {
+       struct _wl_fullscreen_shell *fshell;
+       struct wl_shm *shm;
+       uint32_t formats;
++      struct ivi_application *ivi_application;
+ };
+ struct buffer {
+@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ struct window {
+       int width, height;
+       struct wl_surface *surface;
+       struct xdg_surface *xdg_surface;
++      struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface;
+       struct buffer buffers[2];
+       struct buffer *prev_buffer;
+       struct wl_callback *callback;
+@@ -153,6 +157,17 @@ static const struct xdg_surface_listener xdg_surface_listener = {
+       handle_delete,
+ };
++static void
++handle_ivi_surface_configure(void *data, struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface,
++                           int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      /* Simple-shm is resizable */
++static const struct ivi_surface_listener ivi_surface_listener = {
++      handle_ivi_surface_configure,
+ static struct window *
+ create_window(struct display *display, int width, int height)
+ {
+@@ -184,6 +199,18 @@ create_window(struct display *display, int width, int height)
+                                                    window->surface,
+                                                    _WL_FULLSCREEN_SHELL_PRESENT_METHOD_DEFAULT,
+                                                    NULL);
++      } else if (display->ivi_application) {
++              uint32_t id_ivisurf = IVI_SURFACE_ID + (uint32_t)getpid();
++              window->ivi_surface =
++                      ivi_application_surface_create(display->ivi_application,
++                                                     id_ivisurf, window->surface);
++              if (window->ivi_surface == NULL) {
++                      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ivi_client_surface\n");
++                      abort();
++              }
++              ivi_surface_add_listener(window->ivi_surface,
++                                       &ivi_surface_listener, window);
+       } else {
+               assert(0);
+       }
+@@ -368,6 +395,10 @@ registry_handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry,
+               d->shm = wl_registry_bind(registry,
+                                         id, &wl_shm_interface, 1);
+               wl_shm_add_listener(d->shm, &shm_listener, d);
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "ivi_application") == 0) {
++              d->ivi_application =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, id,
++                                       &ivi_application_interface, 1);
+       }
+ }
+@@ -472,6 +503,12 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+               ret = wl_display_dispatch(display->display);
+       fprintf(stderr, "simple-shm exiting\n");
++      if (window->display->ivi_application) {
++              ivi_surface_destroy(window->ivi_surface);
++              ivi_application_destroy(window->display->ivi_application);
++      }
+       destroy_window(window);
+       destroy_display(display);
+diff --git a/clients/window.c b/clients/window.c
+index 4592ef9..049093d 100644
+--- a/clients/window.c
++++ b/clients/window.c
+@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ typedef void *EGLContext;
+ #include "window.h"
++#include "ivi-application-client-protocol.h"
++#define IVI_SURFACE_ID 9000
+ struct shm_pool;
+ struct global {
+@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ struct display {
+       struct text_cursor_position *text_cursor_position;
+       struct workspace_manager *workspace_manager;
+       struct xdg_shell *xdg_shell;
++      struct ivi_application *ivi_application; /* ivi style shell */
+       EGLDisplay dpy;
+       EGLConfig argb_config;
+       EGLContext argb_ctx;
+@@ -246,6 +250,8 @@ struct window {
+       struct window *transient_for;
++      struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface;
+       struct window_frame *frame;
+       /* struct surface::link, contains also main_surface */
+@@ -1368,6 +1374,19 @@ window_get_display(struct window *window)
+ }
+ static void
++handle_ivi_surface_configure(void *data, struct ivi_surface *ivi_surface,
++                           int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct window *window = data;
++      window_schedule_resize(window, width, height);
++static const struct ivi_surface_listener ivi_surface_listener = {
++      handle_ivi_surface_configure,
++static void
+ surface_create_surface(struct surface *surface, uint32_t flags)
+ {
+       struct display *display = surface->window->display;
+@@ -1515,6 +1534,9 @@ window_destroy(struct window *window)
+       if (window->xdg_popup)
+               xdg_popup_destroy(window->xdg_popup);
++      if (window->ivi_surface)
++              ivi_surface_destroy(window->ivi_surface);
+       surface_destroy(window->main_surface);
+       wl_list_remove(&window->link);
+@@ -4386,7 +4408,7 @@ window_create_internal(struct display *display, int custom)
+       surface = surface_create(window);
+       window->main_surface = surface;
+-      assert(custom || display->xdg_shell);
++      assert(custom || display->xdg_shell || display->ivi_application);
+       window->custom = custom;
+       window->preferred_format = WINDOW_PREFERRED_FORMAT_NONE;
+@@ -4406,17 +4428,31 @@ struct window *
+ window_create(struct display *display)
+ {
+       struct window *window;
++      uint32_t id_ivisurf;
+       window = window_create_internal(display, 0);
+-      window->xdg_surface =
+-              xdg_shell_get_xdg_surface(window->display->xdg_shell,
+-                                        window->main_surface->surface);
+-      fail_on_null(window->xdg_surface);
++      if (window->display->xdg_shell) {
++              window->xdg_surface =
++                      xdg_shell_get_xdg_surface(window->display->xdg_shell,
++                                                window->main_surface->surface);
++              fail_on_null(window->xdg_surface);
+-      xdg_surface_set_user_data(window->xdg_surface, window);
+-      xdg_surface_add_listener(window->xdg_surface,
++              xdg_surface_set_user_data(window->xdg_surface, window);
++              xdg_surface_add_listener(window->xdg_surface,
+                                &xdg_surface_listener, window);
++      } else if (display->ivi_application) {
++              /* auto generation of ivi_id based on process id + basement of id */
++              id_ivisurf = IVI_SURFACE_ID + (uint32_t)getpid();
++              window->ivi_surface =
++                      ivi_application_surface_create(display->ivi_application,
++                                                     id_ivisurf, window->main_surface->surface);
++              fail_on_null(window->ivi_surface);
++              ivi_surface_add_listener(window->ivi_surface,
++                                       &ivi_surface_listener, window);
++      }
+       return window;
+ }
+@@ -5090,6 +5126,10 @@ registry_handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t id,
+               d->subcompositor =
+                       wl_registry_bind(registry, id,
+                                        &wl_subcompositor_interface, 1);
++      } else if (strcmp(interface, "ivi_application") == 0) {
++              d->ivi_application =
++                      wl_registry_bind(registry, id,
++                                       &ivi_application_interface, 1);
+       }
+       if (d->global_handler)
+@@ -5389,6 +5429,9 @@ display_destroy(struct display *display)
+       if (display->xdg_shell)
+               xdg_shell_destroy(display->xdg_shell);
++      if (display->ivi_application)
++              ivi_application_destroy(display->ivi_application);
+       if (display->shm)
+               wl_shm_destroy(display->shm);
+diff --git a/ b/
+index f55cea8..edaba3c 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -433,6 +433,13 @@ if test "x$enable_dbus" != "xno"; then
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_DBUS, test "x$enable_dbus" = "xyes")
++# ivi-shell support
++              AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-ivi-shell],
++                             [do not build ivi-shell server plugin and client]),,
++            enable_ivi_shell=yes)
++AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_IVI_SHELL, test "x$enable_ivi_shell" = "xyes")
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(wcap-tools, [  --disable-wcap-tools],, enable_wcap_tools=yes)
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WCAP_TOOLS, test x$enable_wcap_tools = xyes)
+ if test x$enable_wcap_tools = xyes; then
+@@ -522,6 +529,8 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([
+       XWayland                        ${enable_xwayland}
+       dbus                            ${enable_dbus}
++      ivi-shell                       ${enable_ivi_shell}
+       Build wcap utility              ${enable_wcap_tools}
+       Build Fullscreen Shell          ${enable_fullscreen_shell}
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c b/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7f3d5bf
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,1814 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2014 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++ * A reference implementation how to use ivi-layout APIs in order to manage
++ * layout of ivi_surfaces/ivi_layers. Layout change is triggered by
++ * ivi-hmi-controller protocol, ivi-hmi-controller.xml. A reference how to
++ * use the protocol, see hmi-controller-homescreen.
++ *
++ * In-Vehicle Infotainment system usually manage properties of
++ * ivi_surfaces/ivi_layers by only a central component which decide where
++ * ivi_surfaces/ivi_layers shall be. This reference show examples to
++ * implement the central component as a module of weston.
++ *
++ * Default Scene graph of UI is defined in hmi_controller_create. It
++ * consists of
++ * - In the bottom, a base ivi_layer to group ivi_surfaces of background,
++ *   panel, and buttons
++ * - Next, a application ivi_layer to show application ivi_surfaces.
++ * - Workspace background ivi_layer to show a ivi_surface of background image.
++ * - Workspace ivi_layer to show launcher to launch application with icons.
++ *   Paths to binary and icon are defined in weston.ini. The width of this
++ *   ivi_layer is longer than the size of ivi_screen because a workspace has
++ *   several pages and is controlled by motion of input.
++ *
++ * TODO: animation method shall be refined
++ * TODO: support fade-in when UI is ready
++ */
++#include <sys/wait.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <linux/input.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <time.h>
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++#include "ivi-hmi-controller-server-protocol.h"
++#include "shared/helpers.h"
++ *  structure, globals
++ ****************************************************************************/
++struct hmi_controller_layer {
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer;
++      uint32_t id_layer;
++      int32_t x;
++      int32_t y;
++      int32_t width;
++      int32_t height;
++struct link_layer {
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layout_layer;
++      struct wl_list link;
++struct hmi_controller_fade {
++      uint32_t is_fade_in;
++      struct wl_list layer_list;
++struct hmi_server_setting {
++      uint32_t    base_layer_id;
++      uint32_t    application_layer_id;
++      uint32_t    workspace_background_layer_id;
++      uint32_t    workspace_layer_id;
++      int32_t     panel_height;
++      uint32_t    transition_duration;
++      char       *ivi_homescreen;
++struct ui_setting {
++      uint32_t background_id;
++      uint32_t panel_id;
++      uint32_t tiling_id;
++      uint32_t sidebyside_id;
++      uint32_t fullscreen_id;
++      uint32_t random_id;
++      uint32_t home_id;
++      uint32_t workspace_background_id;
++struct hmi_controller {
++      struct hmi_server_setting          *hmi_setting;
++      struct hmi_controller_layer         base_layer;
++      struct hmi_controller_layer         application_layer;
++      struct hmi_controller_layer         workspace_background_layer;
++      struct hmi_controller_layer         workspace_layer;
++      enum ivi_hmi_controller_layout_mode layout_mode;
++      struct hmi_controller_fade          workspace_fade;
++      int32_t                             workspace_count;
++      struct wl_array                     ui_widgets;
++      int32_t                             is_initialized;
++      struct weston_compositor           *compositor;
++      struct weston_process               process;
++      struct wl_listener                  destroy_listener;
++      struct wl_client                   *user_interface;
++      struct ui_setting                   ui_setting;
++struct launcher_info {
++      uint32_t surface_id;
++      uint32_t workspace_id;
++      int32_t index;
++const struct ivi_controller_interface *ivi_controller_interface;
++controller_module_init(struct weston_compositor *ec,
++                     int *argc, char *argv[],
++                     const struct ivi_controller_interface *interface,
++                     size_t interface_version);
++ *  local functions
++ ****************************************************************************/
++static void *
++fail_on_null(void *p, size_t size, char *file, int32_t line)
++      if (size && !p) {
++              weston_log("%s(%d) %zd: out of memory\n", file, line, size);
++              exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++      }
++      return p;
++static void *
++mem_alloc(size_t size, char *file, int32_t line)
++      return fail_on_null(calloc(1, size), size, file, line);
++#define MEM_ALLOC(s) mem_alloc((s),__FILE__,__LINE__)
++static int32_t
++is_surf_in_ui_widget(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                   struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      uint32_t id = ivi_controller_interface->get_id_of_surface(ivisurf);
++      uint32_t *ui_widget_id = NULL;
++      wl_array_for_each(ui_widget_id, &hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets) {
++              if (*ui_widget_id == id)
++                      return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
++static int
++compare_launcher_info(const void *lhs, const void *rhs)
++      const struct launcher_info *left = lhs;
++      const struct launcher_info *right = rhs;
++      if (left->workspace_id < right->workspace_id)
++              return -1;
++      if (left->workspace_id > right->workspace_id)
++              return 1;
++      if (left->index < right->index)
++              return -1;
++      if (left->index > right->index)
++              return 1;
++      return 0;
++ * Internal methods called by mainly ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode
++ * This reference shows 4 examples how to use ivi_layout APIs.
++ */
++static void
++mode_divided_into_tiling(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                       struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface,
++                       int32_t surface_length,
++                       struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
++      const float surface_width  = (float)layer->width * 0.25;
++      const float surface_height = (float)layer->height * 0.5;
++      int32_t surface_x = 0;
++      int32_t surface_y = 0;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface **surfaces;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface **new_order;
++      const uint32_t duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      int32_t surf_num = 0;
++      uint32_t num = 1;
++      surfaces = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*surfaces) * surface_length);
++      new_order = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*surfaces) * surface_length);
++      for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivisurf = pp_surface[i];
++              /* skip ui widgets */
++              if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++                      continue;
++              surfaces[surf_num++] = ivisurf;
++      }
++      for (i = 0; i < surf_num; i++) {
++              ivisurf = surfaces[i];
++              new_order[i] = ivisurf;
++              if (num <= 8) {
++                      if (num < 5) {
++                              surface_x = (int32_t)((num - 1) * (surface_width));
++                              surface_y = 0;
++                      } else {
++                              surface_x = (int32_t)((num - 5) * (surface_width));
++                              surface_y = (int32_t)surface_height;
++                      }
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT,
++                                      duration);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                      surface_x, surface_y,
++                                      (int32_t)surface_width,
++                                      (int32_t)surface_height);
++                      num++;
++                      continue;
++              }
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, false);
++      }
++      if (surf_num > 0) {
++              ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_transition(layer->ivilayer,
++                              IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_VIEW_ORDER,
++                              duration);
++      }
++      free(surfaces);
++      free(new_order);
++static void
++mode_divided_into_sidebyside(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                           struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface,
++                           int32_t surface_length,
++                           struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
++      int32_t surface_width  = layer->width / 2;
++      int32_t surface_height = layer->height;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      const uint32_t duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      int32_t num = 1;
++      for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivisurf = pp_surface[i];
++              /* skip ui widgets */
++              if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++                      continue;
++              if (num == 1) {
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT,
++                                      duration);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                                      0, 0,
++                                                      surface_width,
++                                                      surface_height);
++                      num++;
++                      continue;
++              } else if (num == 2) {
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT,
++                                      duration);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++                      ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                                      surface_width, 0,
++                                                      surface_width,
++                                                      surface_height);
++                      num++;
++                      continue;
++              }
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_FADE_ONLY,
++                                      duration);
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, false);
++      }
++static void
++mode_fullscreen_someone(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface,
++                      int32_t surface_length,
++                      struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
++      const int32_t  surface_width  = layer->width;
++      const int32_t  surface_height = layer->height;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      const uint32_t duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivisurf = pp_surface[i];
++              /* skip ui widgets */
++              if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++                      continue;
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT,
++                                      duration);
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf, 0, 0,
++                                                           surface_width,
++                                                           surface_height);
++      }
++static void
++mode_random_replace(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                  struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface,
++                  int32_t surface_length,
++                  struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
++      const int32_t surface_width  = (int32_t)(layer->width * 0.25f);
++      const int32_t surface_height = (int32_t)(layer->height * 0.25f);
++      int32_t surface_x = 0;
++      int32_t surface_y = 0;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      const uint32_t duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivisurf = pp_surface[i];
++              /* skip ui widgets */
++              if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++                      continue;
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_transition(ivisurf,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT,
++                                      duration);
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++              surface_x = rand() % (layer->width - surface_width);
++              surface_y = rand() % (layer->height - surface_height);
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                                           surface_x,
++                                                           surface_y,
++                                                           surface_width,
++                                                           surface_height);
++      }
++static int32_t
++has_application_surface(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface,
++                      int32_t surface_length)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
++              ivisurf = pp_surface[i];
++              /* skip ui widgets */
++              if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++                      continue;
++              return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
++ * Supports 4 example to layout of application ivi_surfaces;
++ * tiling, side by side, fullscreen, and random.
++ */
++static void
++switch_mode(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++          enum ivi_hmi_controller_layout_mode layout_mode)
++      struct hmi_controller_layer *layer = &hmi_ctrl->application_layer;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface = NULL;
++      int32_t surface_length = 0;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      if (!hmi_ctrl->is_initialized)
++              return;
++      hmi_ctrl->layout_mode = layout_mode;
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->get_surfaces(&surface_length, &pp_surface);
++      assert(!ret);
++      if (!has_application_surface(hmi_ctrl, pp_surface, surface_length)) {
++              free(pp_surface);
++              pp_surface = NULL;
++              return;
++      }
++      switch (layout_mode) {
++              mode_divided_into_tiling(hmi_ctrl, pp_surface, surface_length,
++                                       layer);
++              break;
++              mode_divided_into_sidebyside(hmi_ctrl, pp_surface,
++                                           surface_length, layer);
++              break;
++              mode_fullscreen_someone(hmi_ctrl, pp_surface, surface_length,
++                                      layer);
++              break;
++              mode_random_replace(hmi_ctrl, pp_surface, surface_length,
++                                  layer);
++              break;
++      }
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++      free(pp_surface);
++ * Internal method for transition
++ */
++static void
++hmi_controller_fade_run(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl, uint32_t is_fade_in,
++                      struct hmi_controller_fade *fade)
++      double tint = is_fade_in ? 1.0 : 0.0;
++      struct link_layer *linklayer = NULL;
++      const uint32_t duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      fade->is_fade_in = is_fade_in;
++      wl_list_for_each(linklayer, &fade->layer_list, link) {
++              ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_transition(linklayer->layout_layer,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_FADE,
++                                      duration);
++              ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_fade_info(linklayer->layout_layer,
++                                      is_fade_in, 1.0 - tint, tint);
++      }
++ * Internal method to create ivi_layer with hmi_controller_layer and
++ * add to a ivi_screen
++ */
++static void
++create_layer(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++           struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      layer->ivilayer =
++              ivi_controller_interface->layer_create_with_dimension(layer->id_layer,
++                                                     layer->width,
++                                                     layer->height);
++      assert(layer->ivilayer != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->screen_add_layer(iviscrn, layer->ivilayer);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_destination_rectangle(layer->ivilayer,
++                                                       layer->x, layer->y,
++                                                       layer->width,
++                                                       layer->height);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_visibility(layer->ivilayer, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * Internal set notification
++ */
++static void
++set_notification_create_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                              void *userdata)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = userdata;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *application_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->application_layer.ivilayer;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      /* skip ui widgets */
++      if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf))
++              return;
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(application_layer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++static void
++set_notification_remove_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                              void *userdata)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = userdata;
++      switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->layout_mode);
++static void
++set_notification_configure_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                 void *userdata)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = userdata;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *application_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->application_layer.ivilayer;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface **ivisurfs;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t i;
++      /* return if the surface is not application content */
++      if (is_surf_in_ui_widget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
++              return;
++      }
++      /*
++       * if application changes size of wl_buffer. The source rectangle shall be
++       * fit to the size.
++       */
++      surface = ivi_controller_interface->surface_get_weston_surface(ivisurf);
++      if (surface) {
++              ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_source_rectangle(
++                      ivisurf, 0, 0, surface->width,
++                      surface->height);
++      }
++      /*
++       *  search if the surface is already added to layer.
++       *  If not yet, it is newly invoded application to go to switch_mode.
++       */
++      ivi_controller_interface->get_surfaces_on_layer(application_layer,
++                                                      &length, &ivisurfs);
++      for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
++              if (ivisurf == ivisurfs[i]) {
++                      /*
++                       * if it is non new invoked application, just call
++                       * commit_changes to apply source_rectangle.
++                       */
++                      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++                      return;
++              }
++      }
++      switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->layout_mode);
++ * A hmi_controller used 4 ivi_layers to manage ivi_surfaces. The IDs of
++ * corresponding ivi_layer are defined in weston.ini. Default scene graph
++ * of ivi_layers are initialized in hmi_controller_create
++ */
++static struct hmi_server_setting *
++hmi_server_setting_create(struct weston_compositor *ec)
++      struct hmi_server_setting *setting = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*setting));
++      struct weston_config *config = ec->config;
++      struct weston_config_section *shell_section = NULL;
++      shell_section = weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell",
++                                                NULL, NULL);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(shell_section, "base-layer-id",
++                                     &setting->base_layer_id, 1000);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(shell_section,
++                                     "workspace-background-layer-id",
++                                     &setting->workspace_background_layer_id,
++                                     2000);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(shell_section, "workspace-layer-id",
++                                     &setting->workspace_layer_id, 3000);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(shell_section, "application-layer-id",
++                                     &setting->application_layer_id, 4000);
++      weston_config_section_get_uint(shell_section, "transition-duration",
++                                     &setting->transition_duration, 300);
++      setting->panel_height = 70;
++      weston_config_section_get_string(shell_section,
++                                       "ivi-shell-user-interface",
++                                       &setting->ivi_homescreen, NULL);
++      return setting;
++static void
++hmi_controller_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct link_layer *link = NULL;
++      struct link_layer *next = NULL;
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl =
++              container_of(listener, struct hmi_controller, destroy_listener);
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(link, next,
++                            &hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list, link) {
++              wl_list_remove(&link->link);
++              free(link);
++      }
++      wl_array_release(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets);
++      free(hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting);
++      free(hmi_ctrl);
++ * This is a starting method called from module_init.
++ * This sets up scene graph of ivi_layers; base, application, workspace
++ * background, and workspace. These ivi_layers are created/added to
++ * ivi_screen in create_layer
++ *
++ * base: to group ivi_surfaces of panel and background
++ * application: to group ivi_surfaces of ivi_applications
++ * workspace background: to group a ivi_surface of background in workspace
++ * workspace: to group ivi_surfaces for launching ivi_applications
++ *
++ * ivi_layers of workspace background and workspace is set to invisible at
++ * first. The properties of it is updated with animation when
++ * ivi_hmi_controller_home is requested.
++ */
++static struct hmi_controller *
++hmi_controller_create(struct weston_compositor *ec)
++      struct ivi_layout_screen **pp_screen = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn  = NULL;
++      int32_t screen_length  = 0;
++      int32_t screen_width   = 0;
++      int32_t screen_height  = 0;
++      struct link_layer *tmp_link_layer = NULL;
++      int32_t panel_height = 0;
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*hmi_ctrl));
++      wl_array_init(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets);
++      hmi_ctrl->layout_mode = IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_TILING;
++      hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting = hmi_server_setting_create(ec);
++      hmi_ctrl->compositor = ec;
++      ivi_controller_interface->get_screens(&screen_length, &pp_screen);
++      iviscrn = pp_screen[0];
++      ivi_controller_interface->get_screen_resolution(iviscrn, &screen_width,
++                                       &screen_height);
++      /* init base ivi_layer*/
++      hmi_ctrl->base_layer.x = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->base_layer.y = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width = screen_width;
++      hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height = screen_height;
++      hmi_ctrl->base_layer.id_layer = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->base_layer_id;
++      create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->base_layer);
++      panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
++      /* init application ivi_layer */
++      hmi_ctrl->application_layer.x = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->application_layer.y = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->application_layer.width = screen_width;
++      hmi_ctrl->application_layer.height = screen_height - panel_height;
++      hmi_ctrl->application_layer.id_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->application_layer_id;
++      create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->application_layer);
++      /* init workspace background ivi_layer */
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.x = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.y = 0;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width = screen_width;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height =
++              screen_height - panel_height;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.id_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->workspace_background_layer_id;
++      create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_opacity(
++              hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer, 0);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_visibility(
++              hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer, false);
++      wl_list_init(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list);
++      tmp_link_layer = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tmp_link_layer));
++      tmp_link_layer->layout_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer;
++      wl_list_insert(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list,
++                     &tmp_link_layer->link);
++      ivi_controller_interface->add_notification_create_surface(
++              set_notification_create_surface, hmi_ctrl);
++      ivi_controller_interface->add_notification_remove_surface(
++              set_notification_remove_surface, hmi_ctrl);
++      ivi_controller_interface->add_notification_configure_surface(
++              set_notification_configure_surface, hmi_ctrl);
++      hmi_ctrl->destroy_listener.notify = hmi_controller_destroy;
++      wl_signal_add(&hmi_ctrl->compositor->destroy_signal,
++                    &hmi_ctrl->destroy_listener);
++      free(pp_screen);
++      pp_screen = NULL;
++      return hmi_ctrl;
++ * Implementations of ivi-hmi-controller.xml
++ */
++ * A ivi_surface drawing background is identified by id_surface.
++ * Properties of the ivi_surface is set by using ivi_layout APIs according to
++ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
++ *
++ * UI ivi_layer is used to add this ivi_surface.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_set_background(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                                uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
++      const int32_t dstx = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.x;
++      const int32_t dsty = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.y;
++      const int32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.width;
++      const int32_t height = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.height;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                              sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++      *add_surface_id = id_surface;
++      ivisurf = ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(id_surface);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                      dstx, dsty, width, height);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * A ivi_surface drawing panel is identified by id_surface.
++ * Properties of the ivi_surface is set by using ivi_layout APIs according to
++ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
++ *
++ * UI ivi_layer is used to add this ivi_surface.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_set_panel(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                           uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
++      const int32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      int32_t panel_height = 0;
++      const int32_t dstx = 0;
++      int32_t dsty = 0;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                              sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++      *add_surface_id = id_surface;
++      ivisurf = ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(id_surface);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++      panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
++      dsty = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height;
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(
++              ivisurf, dstx, dsty, width, panel_height);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * A ivi_surface drawing buttons in panel is identified by id_surface.
++ * It can set several buttons. Properties of the ivi_surface is set by
++ * using ivi_layout APIs according to the scene graph of UI defined in
++ * hmi_controller_create. Additionally, the position of it is shifted to
++ * right when new one is requested.
++ *
++ * UI ivi_layer is used to add these ivi_surfaces.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                            uint32_t id_surface, int32_t number)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
++      const int32_t width  = 48;
++      const int32_t height = 48;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      int32_t panel_height = 0;
++      int32_t dstx = 0;
++      int32_t dsty = 0;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                              sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++      *add_surface_id = id_surface;
++      ivisurf = ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(id_surface);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++      panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
++      dstx = (60 * number) + 15;
++      dsty = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height) + 5;
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(
++              ivisurf,dstx, dsty, width, height);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * A ivi_surface drawing home button in panel is identified by id_surface.
++ * Properties of the ivi_surface is set by using ivi_layout APIs according to
++ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
++ *
++ * UI ivi_layer is used to add these ivi_surfaces.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_set_home_button(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                                 uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      int32_t size = 48;
++      int32_t panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
++      const int32_t dstx = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width - size) / 2;
++      const int32_t dsty = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height) + 5;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                              sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++      *add_surface_id = id_surface;
++      ivisurf = ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(id_surface);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(
++                      ivisurf, dstx, dsty, size, size);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * A ivi_surface drawing background of workspace is identified by id_surface.
++ * Properties of the ivi_surface is set by using ivi_layout APIs according to
++ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
++ *
++ * A ivi_layer of workspace_background is used to add this ivi_surface.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_set_workspacebackground(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                                         uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
++      const int32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
++      const int32_t height = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                              sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++      *add_surface_id = id_surface;
++      ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer;
++      ivisurf = ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(id_surface);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(ivisurf,
++                                                         0, 0, width, height);
++      assert(!ret);
++      ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(ivisurf, true);
++      assert(!ret);
++ * A list of ivi_surfaces drawing launchers in workspace is identified by
++ * id_surfaces. Properties of the ivi_surface is set by using ivi_layout
++ * APIs according to the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
++ *
++ * The workspace can have several pages to group ivi_surfaces of launcher.
++ * Each call of this interface increments a number of page to add a group
++ * of ivi_surfaces
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_add_launchers(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
++                               int32_t icon_size)
++      int32_t minspace_x = 10;
++      int32_t minspace_y = minspace_x;
++      int32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
++      int32_t height = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height;
++      int32_t x_count = (width - minspace_x) / (minspace_x + icon_size);
++      int32_t space_x = (int32_t)((width - x_count * icon_size) / (1.0 + x_count));
++      float fcell_size_x = icon_size + space_x;
++      int32_t y_count = (height - minspace_y) / (minspace_y + icon_size);
++      int32_t space_y = (int32_t)((height - y_count * icon_size) / (1.0 + y_count));
++      float fcell_size_y = icon_size + space_y;
++      struct weston_config *config = NULL;
++      struct weston_config_section *section = NULL;
++      const char *name = NULL;
++      int launcher_count = 0;
++      struct wl_array launchers;
++      int32_t nx = 0;
++      int32_t ny = 0;
++      int32_t prev = -1;
++      struct launcher_info *data = NULL;
++      uint32_t surfaceid = 0;
++      uint32_t workspaceid = 0;
++      struct launcher_info *info = NULL;
++      int32_t x = 0;
++      int32_t y = 0;
++      int32_t ret = 0;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface* layout_surface = NULL;
++      uint32_t *add_surface_id = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn = NULL;
++      struct link_layer *tmp_link_layer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_screen **pp_screen = NULL;
++      int32_t screen_length  = 0;
++      if (0 == x_count)
++              x_count = 1;
++      if (0 == y_count)
++              y_count  = 1;
++      config = hmi_ctrl->compositor->config;
++      if (!config)
++              return;
++      section = weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell", NULL, NULL);
++      if (!section)
++              return;
++      wl_array_init(&launchers);
++      while (weston_config_next_section(config, &section, &name)) {
++              surfaceid = 0;
++              workspaceid = 0;
++              info = NULL;
++              if (0 != strcmp(name, "ivi-launcher"))
++                      continue;
++              if (0 != weston_config_section_get_uint(section, "icon-id",
++                                                      &surfaceid, 0))
++                      continue;
++              if (0 != weston_config_section_get_uint(section,
++                                                      "workspace-id",
++                                                      &workspaceid, 0))
++                      continue;
++              info = wl_array_add(&launchers, sizeof(*info));
++              if (info) {
++                      info->surface_id = surfaceid;
++                      info->workspace_id = workspaceid;
++                      info->index = launcher_count;
++                      ++launcher_count;
++              }
++      }
++      qsort(, launcher_count, sizeof(struct launcher_info),
++            compare_launcher_info);
++      wl_array_for_each(data, &launchers) {
++              x = 0;
++              y = 0;
++              ret = 0;
++              layout_surface = NULL;
++              add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
++                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
++              *add_surface_id = data->surface_id;
++              if (0 > prev || (uint32_t)prev != data->workspace_id) {
++                      nx = 0;
++                      ny = 0;
++                      prev = data->workspace_id;
++                      if (0 <= prev)
++                              hmi_ctrl->workspace_count++;
++              }
++              if (y_count == ny) {
++                      ny = 0;
++                      hmi_ctrl->workspace_count++;
++              }
++              x = nx * fcell_size_x + (hmi_ctrl->workspace_count - 1) * width + space_x;
++              y = ny * fcell_size_y  + space_y;
++              layout_surface =
++                      ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(data->surface_id);
++              assert(layout_surface);
++              ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_destination_rectangle(
++                              layout_surface, x, y, icon_size, icon_size);
++              assert(!ret);
++              nx++;
++              if (x_count == nx) {
++                      ny++;
++                      nx = 0;
++              }
++      }
++      /* init workspace ivi_layer */
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.x = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.x;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.y = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.y;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.width =
++              hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width * hmi_ctrl->workspace_count;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.height =
++              hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height;
++      hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.id_layer =
++              hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->workspace_layer_id;
++      ivi_controller_interface->get_screens(&screen_length, &pp_screen);
++      iviscrn = pp_screen[0];
++      free(pp_screen);
++      create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_opacity(hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer, 0);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_visibility(hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer,
++                                      false);
++      tmp_link_layer = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tmp_link_layer));
++      tmp_link_layer->layout_layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
++      wl_list_insert(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list,
++                     &tmp_link_layer->link);
++      /* Add surface to layer */
++      wl_array_for_each(data, &launchers) {
++              layout_surface =
++                      ivi_controller_interface->get_surface_from_id(data->surface_id);
++              assert(layout_surface);
++              ret = ivi_controller_interface->layer_add_surface(hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer,
++                                                                layout_surface);
++              assert(!ret);
++              ret = ivi_controller_interface->surface_set_visibility(layout_surface, true);
++              assert(!ret);
++      }
++      wl_array_release(&launchers);
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_UI_ready(struct wl_client *client,
++                          struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_background(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.background_id);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_panel(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.panel_id);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.tiling_id, 0);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.sidebyside_id, 1);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.fullscreen_id, 2);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.random_id, 3);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_home_button(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.home_id);
++      ivi_hmi_controller_set_workspacebackground(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.workspace_background_id);
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++      ivi_hmi_controller_add_launchers(hmi_ctrl, 256);
++      hmi_ctrl->is_initialized = 1;
++ * Implementation of request and event of ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control
++ * and controlling workspace.
++ *
++ * When motion of input is detected in a ivi_surface of workspace background,
++ * ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control shall be invoked and to start
++ * controlling of workspace. The workspace has several pages to show several
++ * groups of applications.
++ * The workspace is slid by using ivi-layout to select a a page in layer_set_pos
++ * according to motion. When motion finished, e.g. touch up detected, control is
++ * terminated and event:ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control is notified.
++ */
++struct pointer_grab {
++      struct weston_pointer_grab grab;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++struct touch_grab {
++      struct weston_touch_grab grab;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++struct move_grab {
++      wl_fixed_t dst[2];
++      wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2];
++      double v[2];
++      struct timespec start_time;
++      struct timespec pre_time;
++      wl_fixed_t start_pos[2];
++      wl_fixed_t pos[2];
++      int32_t is_moved;
++struct pointer_move_grab {
++      struct pointer_grab base;
++      struct move_grab move;
++struct touch_move_grab {
++      struct touch_grab base;
++      struct move_grab move;
++      int32_t is_active;
++static void
++pointer_grab_start(struct pointer_grab *grab,
++                 struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++                 const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface *interface,
++                 struct weston_pointer *pointer)
++      grab->grab.interface = interface;
++      grab->layer = layer;
++      weston_pointer_start_grab(pointer, &grab->grab);
++static void
++touch_grab_start(struct touch_grab *grab,
++               struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++               const struct weston_touch_grab_interface *interface,
++               struct weston_touch* touch)
++      grab->grab.interface = interface;
++      grab->layer = layer;
++      weston_touch_start_grab(touch, &grab->grab);
++static int32_t
++clamp(int32_t val, int32_t min, int32_t max)
++      if (val < min)
++              return min;
++      if (max < val)
++              return max;
++      return val;
++static void
++move_workspace_grab_end(struct move_grab *move, struct wl_resource* resource,
++                      wl_fixed_t grab_x, struct ivi_layout_layer *layer)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      int32_t width = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
++      struct timespec time = {0};
++      double grab_time = 0.0;
++      double  from_motion_time = 0.0;
++      double pointer_v = 0.0;
++      int32_t is_flick = 0;
++      int32_t pos_x = 0;
++      int32_t pos_y = 0;
++      int page_no = 0;
++      double end_pos = 0.0;
++      uint32_t duration = 0;
++      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time);
++      grab_time = 1e+3 * (time.tv_sec  - move->start_time.tv_sec) +
++                  1e-6 * (time.tv_nsec - move->start_time.tv_nsec);
++      from_motion_time = 1e+3 * (time.tv_sec  - move->pre_time.tv_sec) +
++                         1e-6 * (time.tv_nsec - move->pre_time.tv_nsec);
++      pointer_v = move->v[0];
++      is_flick = grab_time < 400 && 0.4 < fabs(pointer_v);
++      if (200 < from_motion_time)
++              pointer_v = 0.0;
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_get_position(layer, &pos_x, &pos_y);
++      if (is_flick) {
++              int orgx = wl_fixed_to_int(move->dst[0] + grab_x);
++              page_no = (-orgx + width / 2) / width;
++              if (pointer_v < 0.0)
++                      page_no++;
++              else
++                      page_no--;
++      } else {
++              page_no = (-pos_x + width / 2) / width;
++      }
++      page_no = clamp(page_no, 0, hmi_ctrl->workspace_count - 1);
++      end_pos = -page_no * width;
++      duration = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->transition_duration;
++      ivi_hmi_controller_send_workspace_end_control(resource, move->is_moved);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_transition(layer,
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_MOVE,
++                                      duration);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_destination_rectangle(layer,
++                              end_pos, pos_y,
++                              hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.width,
++                              hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.height);
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++static void
++pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(struct pointer_grab *grab)
++      struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab =
++              (struct pointer_move_grab *)grab;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = pnt_move_grab->base.layer;
++      move_workspace_grab_end(&pnt_move_grab->move, grab->resource,
++                              grab->grab.pointer->grab_x, layer);
++      weston_pointer_end_grab(grab->grab.pointer);
++static void
++touch_move_workspace_grab_end(struct touch_grab *grab)
++      struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *)grab;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = tch_move_grab->base.layer;
++      move_workspace_grab_end(&tch_move_grab->move, grab->resource,
++                              grab->grab.touch->grab_x, layer);
++      weston_touch_end_grab(grab->grab.touch);
++static void
++pointer_noop_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
++static void
++move_grab_update(struct move_grab *move, wl_fixed_t pointer[2])
++      struct timespec timestamp = {0};
++      int32_t ii = 0;
++      double dt = 0.0;
++      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timestamp); //FIXME
++      dt = (1e+3 * (timestamp.tv_sec  - move->pre_time.tv_sec) +
++            1e-6 * (timestamp.tv_nsec - move->pre_time.tv_nsec));
++      if (dt < 1e-6)
++              dt = 1e-6;
++      move->pre_time = timestamp;
++      for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
++              wl_fixed_t prepos = move->pos[ii];
++              move->pos[ii] = pointer[ii] + move->dst[ii];
++              if (move->pos[ii] < move->rgn[0][ii]) {
++                      move->pos[ii] = move->rgn[0][ii];
++                      move->dst[ii] = move->pos[ii] - pointer[ii];
++              } else if (move->rgn[1][ii] < move->pos[ii]) {
++                      move->pos[ii] = move->rgn[1][ii];
++                      move->dst[ii] = move->pos[ii] - pointer[ii];
++              }
++              move->v[ii] = wl_fixed_to_double(move->pos[ii] - prepos) / dt;
++              if (!move->is_moved &&
++                  0 < wl_fixed_to_int(move->pos[ii] - move->start_pos[ii]))
++                      move->is_moved = 1;
++      }
++static void
++layer_set_pos(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer, wl_fixed_t pos_x,
++            wl_fixed_t pos_y)
++      int32_t layout_pos_x = 0;
++      int32_t layout_pos_y = 0;
++      layout_pos_x = wl_fixed_to_int(pos_x);
++      layout_pos_y = wl_fixed_to_int(pos_y);
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_set_position(layer, layout_pos_x, layout_pos_y);
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++static void
++pointer_move_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
++                       wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y)
++      struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab =
++              (struct pointer_move_grab *)grab;
++      wl_fixed_t pointer_pos[2] = {x, y};
++      move_grab_update(&pnt_move_grab->move, pointer_pos);
++      layer_set_pos(pnt_move_grab->base.layer,
++                    pnt_move_grab->move.pos[0], pnt_move_grab->move.pos[1]);
++      weston_pointer_move(pnt_move_grab->base.grab.pointer, x, y);
++static void
++touch_move_grab_motion(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
++                     int touch_id, wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y)
++      struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *)grab;
++      if (!tch_move_grab->is_active)
++              return;
++      wl_fixed_t pointer_pos[2] = {
++              grab->touch->grab_x,
++              grab->touch->grab_y
++      };
++      move_grab_update(&tch_move_grab->move, pointer_pos);
++      layer_set_pos(tch_move_grab->base.layer,
++                    tch_move_grab->move.pos[0], tch_move_grab->move.pos[1]);
++static void
++pointer_move_workspace_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
++                                 uint32_t time, uint32_t button,
++                                 uint32_t state_w)
++      if (BTN_LEFT == button &&
++          WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED == state_w) {
++              struct pointer_grab *pg = (struct pointer_grab *)grab;
++              pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(pg);
++              free(grab);
++      }
++static void
++touch_nope_grab_down(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
++                   int touch_id, wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy)
++static void
++touch_move_workspace_grab_up(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
++                           int touch_id)
++      struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *)grab;
++      if (0 == touch_id)
++              tch_move_grab->is_active = 0;
++      if (0 == grab->touch->num_tp) {
++              touch_move_workspace_grab_end(&tch_move_grab->base);
++              free(grab);
++      }
++static void
++pointer_move_workspace_grab_cancel(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
++      struct pointer_grab *pg = (struct pointer_grab *)grab;
++      pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(pg);
++      free(grab);
++static void
++touch_move_workspace_grab_frame(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
++static void
++touch_move_workspace_grab_cancel(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
++      struct touch_grab *tg = (struct touch_grab *)grab;
++      touch_move_workspace_grab_end(tg);
++      free(grab);
++static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface pointer_move_grab_workspace_interface = {
++      pointer_noop_grab_focus,
++      pointer_move_grab_motion,
++      pointer_move_workspace_grab_button,
++      pointer_move_workspace_grab_cancel
++static const struct weston_touch_grab_interface touch_move_grab_workspace_interface = {
++      touch_nope_grab_down,
++      touch_move_workspace_grab_up,
++      touch_move_grab_motion,
++      touch_move_workspace_grab_frame,
++      touch_move_workspace_grab_cancel
++static enum HMI_GRAB_DEVICE
++get_hmi_grab_device(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t serial)
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer = seat->pointer;
++      struct weston_touch *touch = seat->touch;
++      if (pointer &&
++          pointer->focus &&
++          pointer->button_count &&
++          pointer->grab_serial == serial)
++              return HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_POINTER;
++      if (touch &&
++          touch->focus &&
++          touch->grab_serial == serial)
++              return HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_TOUCH;
++      return HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_NONE;
++static void
++move_grab_init(struct move_grab* move, wl_fixed_t start_pos[2],
++             wl_fixed_t grab_pos[2], wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2],
++             struct wl_resource* resource)
++      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &move->start_time); //FIXME
++      move->pre_time = move->start_time;
++      move->pos[0] = start_pos[0];
++      move->pos[1] = start_pos[1];
++      move->start_pos[0] = start_pos[0];
++      move->start_pos[1] = start_pos[1];
++      move->dst[0] = start_pos[0] - grab_pos[0];
++      move->dst[1] = start_pos[1] - grab_pos[1];
++      memcpy(move->rgn, rgn, sizeof(move->rgn));
++static void
++move_grab_init_workspace(struct move_grab* move,
++                       wl_fixed_t grab_x, wl_fixed_t grab_y,
++                       struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
++      int32_t workspace_count = hmi_ctrl->workspace_count;
++      int32_t workspace_width = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
++      int32_t layer_pos_x = 0;
++      int32_t layer_pos_y = 0;
++      wl_fixed_t start_pos[2] = {0};
++      wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2] = {{0}};
++      wl_fixed_t grab_pos[2] = { grab_x, grab_y };
++      ivi_controller_interface->layer_get_position(layer, &layer_pos_x, &layer_pos_y);
++      start_pos[0] = wl_fixed_from_int(layer_pos_x);
++      start_pos[1] = wl_fixed_from_int(layer_pos_y);
++      rgn[0][0] = wl_fixed_from_int(-workspace_width * (workspace_count - 1));
++      rgn[0][1] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
++      rgn[1][0] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
++      rgn[1][1] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
++      move_grab_init(move, start_pos, grab_pos, rgn, resource);
++static struct pointer_move_grab *
++create_workspace_pointer_move(struct weston_pointer *pointer,
++                            struct wl_resource* resource)
++      struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab =
++              MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*pnt_move_grab));
++      pnt_move_grab->base.resource = resource;
++      move_grab_init_workspace(&pnt_move_grab->move, pointer->grab_x,
++                               pointer->grab_y, resource);
++      return pnt_move_grab;
++static struct touch_move_grab *
++create_workspace_touch_move(struct weston_touch *touch,
++                          struct wl_resource* resource)
++      struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab =
++              MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tch_move_grab));
++      tch_move_grab->base.resource = resource;
++      tch_move_grab->is_active = 1;
++      move_grab_init_workspace(&tch_move_grab->move, touch->grab_x,
++                               touch->grab_y, resource);
++      return tch_move_grab;
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control(struct wl_client *client,
++                                   struct wl_resource *resource,
++                                   struct wl_resource *seat_resource,
++                                   uint32_t serial)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = NULL;
++      struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab = NULL;
++      struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = NULL;
++      struct weston_seat *seat = NULL;
++      struct weston_pointer *pointer;
++      struct weston_touch *touch;
++      enum HMI_GRAB_DEVICE device;
++      if (hmi_ctrl->workspace_count < 2)
++              return;
++      seat = wl_resource_get_user_data(seat_resource);
++      device = get_hmi_grab_device(seat, serial);
++      if (HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_POINTER != device &&
++          HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_TOUCH != device)
++              return;
++      layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
++      ivi_controller_interface->transition_move_layer_cancel(layer);
++      switch (device) {
++              pointer = seat->pointer;
++              pnt_move_grab = create_workspace_pointer_move(pointer,
++                                                            resource);
++              pointer_grab_start(&pnt_move_grab->base, layer,
++                                 &pointer_move_grab_workspace_interface,
++                                 pointer);
++              break;
++              touch = seat->touch;
++              tch_move_grab = create_workspace_touch_move(touch,
++                                                          resource);
++              touch_grab_start(&tch_move_grab->base, layer,
++                               &touch_move_grab_workspace_interface,
++                               touch);
++              break;
++      default:
++              break;
++      }
++ * Implementation of switch_mode
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(struct wl_client *client,
++                             struct wl_resource *resource,
++                             uint32_t  layout_mode)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, layout_mode);
++ * Implementation of on/off displaying workspace and workspace background
++ * ivi_layers.
++ */
++static void
++ivi_hmi_controller_home(struct wl_client *client,
++                      struct wl_resource *resource,
++                      uint32_t home)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      uint32_t is_fade_in;
++      if ((IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_ON  == home &&
++           !hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.is_fade_in) ||
++          (IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_OFF == home &&
++           hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.is_fade_in)) {
++              is_fade_in = !hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.is_fade_in;
++              hmi_controller_fade_run(hmi_ctrl, is_fade_in,
++                                      &hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade);
++      }
++      ivi_controller_interface->commit_changes();
++ * binding ivi-hmi-controller implementation
++ */
++static const struct ivi_hmi_controller_interface ivi_hmi_controller_implementation = {
++      ivi_hmi_controller_UI_ready,
++      ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control,
++      ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode,
++      ivi_hmi_controller_home
++static void
++unbind_hmi_controller(struct wl_resource *resource)
++static void
++bind_hmi_controller(struct wl_client *client,
++                  void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
++      struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = data;
++      if (hmi_ctrl->user_interface != client) {
++              struct wl_resource *res = wl_client_get_object(client, 1);
++              wl_resource_post_error(res,
++                              WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
++                              "hmi-controller failed: permission denied");
++              return;
++      }
++      resource = wl_resource_create(
++              client, &ivi_hmi_controller_interface, 1, id);
++      wl_resource_set_implementation(
++              resource, &ivi_hmi_controller_implementation,
++              hmi_ctrl, unbind_hmi_controller);
++static void
++handle_hmi_client_process_sigchld(struct weston_process *proc, int status)
++      proc->pid = 0;
++static int32_t
++initialize(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl)
++      struct config_command {
++              char *key;
++              uint32_t *dest;
++      };
++      struct weston_config *config = hmi_ctrl->compositor->config;
++      struct weston_config_section *section = NULL;
++      int result = 0;
++      int i = 0;
++      const struct config_command uint_commands[] = {
++              { "background-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.background_id },
++              { "panel-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.panel_id },
++              { "tiling-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.tiling_id },
++              { "sidebyside-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.sidebyside_id },
++              { "fullscreen-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.fullscreen_id },
++              { "random-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.random_id },
++              { "home-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.home_id },
++              { "workspace-background-id", &hmi_ctrl->ui_setting.workspace_background_id },
++              { NULL, NULL }
++      };
++      section = weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell", NULL, NULL);
++      for (i = 0; -1 != result; ++i) {
++              const struct config_command *command = &uint_commands[i];
++              if (!command->key)
++                      break;
++              if (weston_config_section_get_uint(
++                                      section, command->key, command->dest, 0) != 0)
++                      result = -1;
++      }
++      if (-1 == result) {
++              weston_log("Failed to initialize hmi-controller\n");
++              return 0;
++      }
++      return 1;
++static void
++launch_hmi_client_process(void *data)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl =
++              (struct hmi_controller *)data;
++      hmi_ctrl->user_interface =
++              weston_client_launch(hmi_ctrl->compositor,
++                                   &hmi_ctrl->process,
++                                   hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->ivi_homescreen,
++                                   handle_hmi_client_process_sigchld);
++      free(hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->ivi_homescreen);
++ *  exported functions
++ ****************************************************************************/
++controller_module_init(struct weston_compositor *ec,
++                     int *argc, char *argv[],
++                     const struct ivi_controller_interface *interface,
++                     size_t interface_version)
++      struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = NULL;
++      struct wl_event_loop *loop = NULL;
++      if (interface_version < sizeof(struct ivi_controller_interface)) {
++              weston_log("ivi-shell: version mismatch of controller interface");
++              return -1;
++      }
++      ivi_controller_interface = interface;
++      hmi_ctrl = hmi_controller_create(ec);
++      if (!initialize(hmi_ctrl)) {
++              return -1;
++      }
++      if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display,
++                           &ivi_hmi_controller_interface, 1,
++                           hmi_ctrl, bind_hmi_controller) == NULL) {
++              return -1;
++      }
++      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(ec->wl_display);
++      wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, launch_hmi_client_process, hmi_ctrl);
++      return 0;
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c b/ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..51d2b8a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/input-panel-ivi.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
++ * Copyright © 2010-2012 Intel Corporation
++ * Copyright © 2011-2012 Collabora, Ltd.
++ * Copyright © 2013 Raspberry Pi Foundation
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include "ivi-shell.h"
++#include "input-method-server-protocol.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-private.h"
++#include "shared/helpers.h"
++struct input_panel_surface {
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
++      struct ivi_shell *shell;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct weston_view *view;
++      struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
++      struct weston_view_animation *anim;
++      struct weston_output *output;
++      uint32_t panel;
++static void
++input_panel_slide_done(struct weston_view_animation *animation, void *data)
++      struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf = data;
++      ipsurf->anim = NULL;
++static void
++show_input_panel_surface(struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = ipsurf->shell;
++      struct weston_seat *seat;
++      struct weston_surface *focus;
++      float x, y;
++      wl_list_for_each(seat, &shell->compositor->seat_list, link) {
++              struct weston_keyboard *keyboard = seat->keyboard;
++              if (!keyboard || !keyboard->focus)
++                      continue;
++              focus = weston_surface_get_main_surface(keyboard->focus);
++              ipsurf->output = focus->output;
++              x = ipsurf->output->x + (ipsurf->output->width - ipsurf->surface->width) / 2;
++              y = ipsurf->output->y + ipsurf->output->height - ipsurf->surface->height;
++              weston_view_set_position(ipsurf->view, x, y);
++      }
++      wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel_layer.view_list,
++                                &ipsurf->view->layer_link);
++      weston_view_geometry_dirty(ipsurf->view);
++      weston_view_update_transform(ipsurf->view);
++      weston_surface_damage(ipsurf->surface);
++      if (ipsurf->anim)
++              weston_view_animation_destroy(ipsurf->anim);
++      ipsurf->anim =
++              weston_slide_run(ipsurf->view,
++                               ipsurf->surface->height * 0.9, 0,
++                               input_panel_slide_done, ipsurf);
++static void
++show_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell =
++              container_of(listener, struct ivi_shell,
++                           show_input_panel_listener);
++      struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf, *next;
++      shell->text_input.surface = (struct weston_surface*)data;
++      if (shell->showing_input_panels)
++              return;
++      shell->showing_input_panels = true;
++      if (!shell->locked)
++              wl_list_insert(&shell->compositor->,
++                             &shell->;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ipsurf, next,
++                            &shell->input_panel.surfaces, link) {
++              if (ipsurf->surface->width == 0)
++                      continue;
++              show_input_panel_surface(ipsurf);
++      }
++static void
++hide_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell =
++              container_of(listener, struct ivi_shell,
++                           hide_input_panel_listener);
++      struct weston_view *view, *next;
++      if (!shell->showing_input_panels)
++              return;
++      shell->showing_input_panels = false;
++      if (!shell->locked)
++              wl_list_remove(&shell->;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(view, next,
++                            &shell->input_panel_layer.view_list,
++                            layer_link)
++              weston_view_unmap(view);
++static void
++update_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell =
++              container_of(listener, struct ivi_shell,
++                           update_input_panel_listener);
++      memcpy(&shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle, data, sizeof(pixman_box32_t));
++static void
++input_panel_configure(struct weston_surface *surface, int32_t sx, int32_t sy)
++      struct input_panel_surface *ip_surface = surface->configure_private;
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = ip_surface->shell;
++      struct weston_view *view;
++      float x, y;
++      if (surface->width == 0)
++              return;
++      if (ip_surface->panel) {
++              view = get_default_view(shell->text_input.surface);
++              if (view == NULL)
++                      return;
++              x = view->geometry.x + shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle.x2;
++              y = view->geometry.y + shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle.y2;
++      } else {
++              x = ip_surface->output->x + (ip_surface->output->width - surface->width) / 2;
++              y = ip_surface->output->y + ip_surface->output->height - surface->height;
++      }
++      weston_view_set_position(ip_surface->view, x, y);
++      if (!weston_surface_is_mapped(surface) && shell->showing_input_panels)
++              show_input_panel_surface(ip_surface);
++static void
++destroy_input_panel_surface(struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface)
++      wl_signal_emit(&input_panel_surface->destroy_signal, input_panel_surface);
++      wl_list_remove(&input_panel_surface->;
++      wl_list_remove(&input_panel_surface->link);
++      input_panel_surface->surface->configure = NULL;
++      weston_view_destroy(input_panel_surface->view);
++      free(input_panel_surface);
++static struct input_panel_surface *
++get_input_panel_surface(struct weston_surface *surface)
++      if (surface->configure == input_panel_configure) {
++              return surface->configure_private;
++      } else {
++              return NULL;
++      }
++static void
++input_panel_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct input_panel_surface *ipsurface = container_of(listener,
++                                                           struct input_panel_surface,
++                                                           surface_destroy_listener);
++      if (ipsurface->resource) {
++              wl_resource_destroy(ipsurface->resource);
++      } else {
++              destroy_input_panel_surface(ipsurface);
++      }
++static struct input_panel_surface *
++create_input_panel_surface(struct ivi_shell *shell,
++                         struct weston_surface *surface)
++      struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface;
++      input_panel_surface = calloc(1, sizeof *input_panel_surface);
++      if (!input_panel_surface)
++              return NULL;
++      surface->configure = input_panel_configure;
++      surface->configure_private = input_panel_surface;
++      input_panel_surface->shell = shell;
++      input_panel_surface->surface = surface;
++      input_panel_surface->view = weston_view_create(surface);
++      wl_signal_init(&input_panel_surface->destroy_signal);
++      input_panel_surface->surface_destroy_listener.notify = input_panel_handle_surface_destroy;
++      wl_signal_add(&surface->destroy_signal,
++                    &input_panel_surface->surface_destroy_listener);
++      wl_list_init(&input_panel_surface->link);
++      return input_panel_surface;
++static void
++input_panel_surface_set_toplevel(struct wl_client *client,
++                               struct wl_resource *resource,
++                               struct wl_resource *output_resource,
++                               uint32_t position)
++      struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface =
++              wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = input_panel_surface->shell;
++      wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel.surfaces,
++                     &input_panel_surface->link);
++      input_panel_surface->output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
++      input_panel_surface->panel = 0;
++static void
++input_panel_surface_set_overlay_panel(struct wl_client *client,
++                                    struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface =
++              wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = input_panel_surface->shell;
++      wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel.surfaces,
++                     &input_panel_surface->link);
++      input_panel_surface->panel = 1;
++static const struct wl_input_panel_surface_interface input_panel_surface_implementation = {
++      input_panel_surface_set_toplevel,
++      input_panel_surface_set_overlay_panel
++static void
++destroy_input_panel_surface_resource(struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf =
++              wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      destroy_input_panel_surface(ipsurf);
++static void
++input_panel_get_input_panel_surface(struct wl_client *client,
++                                  struct wl_resource *resource,
++                                  uint32_t id,
++                                  struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
++      struct weston_surface *surface =
++              wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf;
++      if (get_input_panel_surface(surface)) {
++              wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
++                                     WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
++                                     "wl_input_panel::get_input_panel_surface already requested");
++              return;
++      }
++      ipsurf = create_input_panel_surface(shell, surface);
++      if (!ipsurf) {
++              wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
++                                     WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
++                                     "surface->configure already set");
++              return;
++      }
++      ipsurf->resource =
++              wl_resource_create(client,
++                                 &wl_input_panel_surface_interface, 1, id);
++      wl_resource_set_implementation(ipsurf->resource,
++                                     &input_panel_surface_implementation,
++                                     ipsurf,
++                                     destroy_input_panel_surface_resource);
++static const struct wl_input_panel_interface input_panel_implementation = {
++      input_panel_get_input_panel_surface
++static void
++unbind_input_panel(struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      shell->input_panel.binding = NULL;
++static void
++bind_input_panel(struct wl_client *client,
++             void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = data;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      resource = wl_resource_create(client,
++                                    &wl_input_panel_interface, 1, id);
++      if (shell->input_panel.binding == NULL) {
++              wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
++                                             &input_panel_implementation,
++                                             shell, unbind_input_panel);
++              shell->input_panel.binding = resource;
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_resource_post_error(resource, WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
++                             "interface object already bound");
++input_panel_destroy(struct ivi_shell *shell)
++      wl_list_remove(&shell->;
++      wl_list_remove(&shell->;
++input_panel_setup(struct ivi_shell *shell)
++      struct weston_compositor *ec = shell->compositor;
++      shell->show_input_panel_listener.notify = show_input_panels;
++      wl_signal_add(&ec->show_input_panel_signal,
++                    &shell->show_input_panel_listener);
++      shell->hide_input_panel_listener.notify = hide_input_panels;
++      wl_signal_add(&ec->hide_input_panel_signal,
++                    &shell->hide_input_panel_listener);
++      shell->update_input_panel_listener.notify = update_input_panels;
++      wl_signal_add(&ec->update_input_panel_signal,
++                    &shell->update_input_panel_listener);
++      wl_list_init(&shell->input_panel.surfaces);
++      if (wl_global_create(shell->compositor->wl_display,
++                           &wl_input_panel_interface, 1,
++                           shell, bind_input_panel) == NULL)
++              return -1;
++      return 0;
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8a92009
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++ * The ivi-layout library supports API set of controlling properties of
++ * surface and layer which groups surfaces. An unique ID whose type is integer
++ * is required to create surface and layer. With the unique ID, surface and
++ * layer are identified to control them. The API set consists of APIs to control
++ * properties of surface and layers about followings,
++ * - visibility.
++ * - opacity.
++ * - clipping (x,y,width,height).
++ * - position and size of it to be displayed.
++ * - orientation per 90 degree.
++ * - add or remove surfaces to a layer.
++ * - order of surfaces/layers in layer/screen to be displayed.
++ * - commit to apply property changes.
++ * - notifications of property change.
++ *
++ * Management of surfaces and layers grouping these surfaces are common
++ * way in In-Vehicle Infotainment system, which integrate several domains
++ * in one system. A layer is allocated to a domain in order to control
++ * application surfaces grouped to the layer all together.
++ *
++ * This API and ABI follow following specifications.
++ *
++ */
++#ifdef __cplusplus
++extern "C" {
++#endif /* __cplusplus */
++#include "stdbool.h"
++#include "compositor.h"
++#define IVI_SUCCEEDED (0)
++#define IVI_FAILED (-1)
++struct ivi_layout_layer;
++struct ivi_layout_screen;
++struct ivi_layout_surface;
++struct ivi_layout_surface_properties
++      wl_fixed_t opacity;
++      int32_t source_x;
++      int32_t source_y;
++      int32_t source_width;
++      int32_t source_height;
++      int32_t start_x;
++      int32_t start_y;
++      int32_t start_width;
++      int32_t start_height;
++      int32_t dest_x;
++      int32_t dest_y;
++      int32_t dest_width;
++      int32_t dest_height;
++      enum wl_output_transform orientation;
++      bool visibility;
++      int32_t transition_type;
++      uint32_t transition_duration;
++struct ivi_layout_layer_properties
++      wl_fixed_t opacity;
++      int32_t source_x;
++      int32_t source_y;
++      int32_t source_width;
++      int32_t source_height;
++      int32_t dest_x;
++      int32_t dest_y;
++      int32_t dest_width;
++      int32_t dest_height;
++      enum wl_output_transform orientation;
++      uint32_t visibility;
++      int32_t transition_type;
++      uint32_t transition_duration;
++      double start_alpha;
++      double end_alpha;
++      uint32_t is_fade_in;
++enum ivi_layout_notification_mask {
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_NONE        = 0,
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY     = (1 << 1),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT   = (1 << 3),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_DIMENSION   = (1 << 4),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_POSITION    = (1 << 5),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_ADD         = (1 << 9),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_REMOVE      = (1 << 10),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_CONFIGURE   = (1 << 11),
++      IVI_NOTIFICATION_ALL         = 0xFFFF
++enum ivi_layout_transition_type{
++typedef void (*layer_property_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                      const struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *,
++                      enum ivi_layout_notification_mask mask,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*surface_property_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                      const struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *,
++                      enum ivi_layout_notification_mask mask,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*layer_create_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*layer_remove_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*surface_create_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*surface_remove_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*surface_configure_notification_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                      void *userdata);
++typedef void (*ivi_controller_surface_content_callback)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                      int32_t content,
++                      void *userdata);
++struct ivi_controller_interface {
++      /**
++       * \brief Commit all changes and execute all enqueued commands since
++       * last commit.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*commit_changes)(void);
++      /**
++       * surface controller interface
++       */
++      /**
++       * \brief register/unregister for notification when ivi_surface is created
++       */
++      int32_t (*add_notification_create_surface)(
++                              surface_create_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      void (*remove_notification_create_surface)(
++                              surface_create_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief register/unregister for notification when ivi_surface is removed
++       */
++      int32_t (*add_notification_remove_surface)(
++                              surface_remove_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      void (*remove_notification_remove_surface)(
++                              surface_remove_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief register/unregister for notification when ivi_surface is configured
++       */
++      int32_t (*add_notification_configure_surface)(
++                              surface_configure_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      void (*remove_notification_configure_surface)(
++                              surface_configure_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get all ivi_surfaces which are currently registered and managed
++       * by the services
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_surfaces)(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_surface ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief get id of ivi_surface from ivi_layout_surface
++       *
++       * \return id of ivi_surface
++       */
++      uint32_t (*get_id_of_surface)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief get ivi_layout_surface from id of ivi_surface
++       *
++       * \return (struct ivi_layout_surface *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *
++              (*get_surface_from_id)(uint32_t id_surface);
++      /**
++       * \brief get ivi_layout_surface_properties from ivisurf
++       *
++       * \return (struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      const struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *
++              (*get_properties_of_surface)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get all Surfaces which are currently registered to a given
++       * layer and are managed by the services
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_surfaces_on_layer)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                       int32_t *pLength,
++                                       struct ivi_layout_surface ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the visibility of a ivi_surface.
++       *
++       * If a surface is not visible it will not be rendered.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_visibility)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                        bool newVisibility);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the visibility of a surface.
++       *
++       * If a surface is not visible it will not be rendered.
++       *
++       * \return true if surface is visible
++       * \return false if surface is invisible or the method call was failed
++       */
++      bool (*surface_get_visibility)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the opacity of a surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_opacity)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                     wl_fixed_t opacity);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the opacity of a ivi_surface.
++       *
++       * \return opacity if the method call was successful
++       * \return wl_fixed_from_double(0.0) if the method call was failed
++       */
++      wl_fixed_t (*surface_get_opacity)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the area of a ivi_surface which should be used for the rendering.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_source_rectangle)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                              int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                              int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the destination area of a ivi_surface within a ivi_layer
++       * for rendering.
++       *
++       * The surface will be scaled to this rectangle for rendering.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_destination_rectangle)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                                   int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                                   int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets the horizontal and vertical position of the surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_position)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                      int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the horizontal and vertical position of the surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_get_position)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                      int32_t *dest_x, int32_t *dest_y);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the horizontal and vertical dimension of the surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_dimension)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                       int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the horizontal and vertical dimension of the surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_get_dimension)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                       int32_t *dest_width, int32_t *dest_height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets the orientation of a ivi_surface.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_orientation)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                         enum wl_output_transform orientation);
++      /**
++       * \brief Gets the orientation of a surface.
++       *
++       * \return (enum wl_output_transform)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      enum wl_output_transform
++              (*surface_get_orientation)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set an observer callback for ivi_surface content status change.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_content_observer)(
++                              struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                              ivi_controller_surface_content_callback callback,
++                              void* userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief register for notification on property changes of ivi_surface
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_add_notification)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                          surface_property_notification_func callback,
++                                          void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief remove notification on property changes of ivi_surface
++       */
++      void (*surface_remove_notification)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief get weston_surface of ivi_surface
++       */
++      struct weston_surface *
++              (*surface_get_weston_surface)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief set type of transition animation
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_transition)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                        enum ivi_layout_transition_type type,
++                                        uint32_t duration);
++      /**
++       * \brief set duration of transition animation
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_set_transition_duration)(
++                                      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                      uint32_t duration);
++      /**
++       * layer controller interface
++       */
++      /**
++       * \brief register/unregister for notification when ivi_layer is created
++       */
++      int32_t (*add_notification_create_layer)(
++                              layer_create_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      void (*remove_notification_create_layer)(
++                              layer_create_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief register/unregister for notification when ivi_layer is removed
++       */
++      int32_t (*add_notification_remove_layer)(
++                              layer_remove_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      void (*remove_notification_remove_layer)(
++                              layer_remove_notification_func callback,
++                              void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief Create a ivi_layer which should be managed by the service
++       *
++       * \return (struct ivi_layout_layer *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *
++              (*layer_create_with_dimension)(uint32_t id_layer,
++                                             int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Removes a ivi_layer which is currently managed by the service
++       */
++      void (*layer_destroy)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get all ivi_layers which are currently registered and managed
++       * by the services
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_layers)(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief get id of ivi_layer from ivi_layout_layer
++       *
++       *
++       * \return id of ivi_layer
++       */
++      uint32_t (*get_id_of_layer)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief get ivi_layout_layer from id of layer
++       *
++       * \return (struct ivi_layout_layer *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      struct ivi_layout_layer * (*get_layer_from_id)(uint32_t id_layer);
++      /**
++       * \brief  Get the ivi_layer properties
++       *
++       * \return (const struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      const struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *
++              (*get_properties_of_layer)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get all ivi_ayers under the given ivi_surface
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_layers_under_surface)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                          int32_t *pLength,
++                                          struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get all Layers of the given screen
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_layers_on_screen)(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                                      int32_t *pLength,
++                                      struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the visibility of a ivi_layer. If a ivi_layer is not visible,
++       * the ivi_layer and its ivi_surfaces will not be rendered.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_visibility)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                      bool newVisibility);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the visibility of a layer. If a layer is not visible,
++       * the layer and its surfaces will not be rendered.
++       *
++       * \return true if layer is visible
++       * \return false if layer is invisible or the method call was failed
++       */
++      bool (*layer_get_visibility)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the opacity of a ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_opacity)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                   wl_fixed_t opacity);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the opacity of a ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * \return opacity if the method call was successful
++       * \return wl_fixed_from_double(0.0) if the method call was failed
++       */
++      wl_fixed_t (*layer_get_opacity)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the area of a ivi_layer which should be used for the rendering.
++       *
++       * Only this part will be visible.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_source_rectangle)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                            int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                            int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the destination area on the display for a ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * The ivi_layer will be scaled and positioned to this rectangle
++       * for rendering
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_destination_rectangle)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                                 int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                                 int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets the horizontal and vertical position of the ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_position)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                    int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the horizontal and vertical position of the ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_get_position)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                    int32_t *dest_x, int32_t *dest_y);
++      /**
++       * \brief Set the horizontal and vertical dimension of the layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_dimension)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                     int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the horizontal and vertical dimension of the layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_get_dimension)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                     int32_t *dest_width, int32_t *dest_height);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets the orientation of a ivi_layer.
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_orientation)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                       enum wl_output_transform orientation);
++      /**
++       * \brief Gets the orientation of a layer.
++       *
++       * \return (enum wl_output_transform)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      enum wl_output_transform
++              (*layer_get_orientation)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Add a ivi_surface to a ivi_layer which is currently managed by the service
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_add_surface)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                   struct ivi_layout_surface *addsurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Removes a surface from a layer which is currently managed by the service
++       */
++      void (*layer_remove_surface)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                   struct ivi_layout_surface *remsurf);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets render order of ivi_surfaces within a ivi_layer
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_render_order)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                        struct ivi_layout_surface **pSurface,
++                                        int32_t number);
++      /**
++       * \brief register for notification on property changes of ivi_layer
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_add_notification)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                        layer_property_notification_func callback,
++                                        void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief remove notification on property changes of ivi_layer
++       */
++      void (*layer_remove_notification)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief set type of transition animation
++       */
++      int32_t (*layer_set_transition)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                      enum ivi_layout_transition_type type,
++                                      uint32_t duration);
++      /**
++       * screen controller interface
++       */
++      /**
++       * \brief get ivi_layout_screen from id of ivi_screen
++       *
++       * \return (struct ivi_layout_screen *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *
++              (*get_screen_from_id)(uint32_t id_screen);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the screen resolution of a specific ivi_screen
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_screen_resolution)(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                                       int32_t *pWidth,
++                                       int32_t *pHeight);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the ivi_screens
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_screens)(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_screen ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief Get the ivi_screens under the given ivi_layer
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*get_screens_under_layer)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                         int32_t *pLength,
++                                         struct ivi_layout_screen ***ppArray);
++      /**
++       * \brief Add a ivi_layer to a ivi_screen which is currently managed
++       * by the service
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*screen_add_layer)(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                                  struct ivi_layout_layer *addlayer);
++      /**
++       * \brief Sets render order of ivi_layers on a ivi_screen
++       *
++       * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++       * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++       */
++      int32_t (*screen_set_render_order)(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                                         struct ivi_layout_layer **pLayer,
++                                         const int32_t number);
++      /**
++       * \brief get weston_output from ivi_layout_screen.
++       *
++       * \return (struct weston_output *)
++       *              if the method call was successful
++       * \return NULL if the method call was failed
++       */
++      struct weston_output *(*screen_get_output)(struct ivi_layout_screen *);
++      /**
++       * transision animation for layer
++       */
++      void (*transition_move_layer_cancel)(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer);
++      int32_t (*layer_set_fade_info)(struct ivi_layout_layer* ivilayer,
++                                     uint32_t is_fade_in,
++                                     double start_alpha, double end_alpha);
++      /**
++       * surface content dumping for debugging
++       */
++      int32_t (*surface_get_size)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                  int32_t *width, int32_t *height,
++                                  int32_t *stride);
++      int32_t (*surface_dump)(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                              void *target, size_t size,
++                              int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                              int32_t width, int32_t height);
++      /**
++       * remove notification by callback on property changes of ivi_surface
++       */
++      void (*surface_remove_notification_by_callback)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                                      surface_property_notification_func callback,
++                                                      void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief remove notification by callback on property changes of ivi_layer
++       */
++      void (*layer_remove_notification_by_callback)(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                                    layer_property_notification_func callback,
++                                                    void *userdata);
++      /**
++       * \brief get id of ivi_screen from ivi_layout_screen
++       *
++       *
++       * \return id of ivi_screen
++       */
++      uint32_t (*get_id_of_screen)(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn);
++#ifdef __cplusplus
++#endif /* __cplusplus */
++#endif /* _IVI_LAYOUT_EXPORT_H_ */
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..074d598
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-private.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2014 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _ivi_layout_PRIVATE_H_
++#define _ivi_layout_PRIVATE_H_
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++struct ivi_layout_surface {
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_signal property_changed;
++      struct wl_list layer_list;
++      int32_t update_count;
++      uint32_t id_surface;
++      struct ivi_layout *layout;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct weston_transform transform;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
++      uint32_t event_mask;
++      struct {
++              struct ivi_layout_surface_properties prop;
++              struct wl_list link;
++      } pending;
++      struct {
++              struct wl_list link;
++              struct wl_list layer_list;
++      } order;
++      struct {
++              ivi_controller_surface_content_callback callback;
++              void *userdata;
++      } content_observer;
++      struct wl_signal configured;
++struct ivi_layout_layer {
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_signal property_changed;
++      struct wl_list screen_list;
++      struct wl_list link_to_surface;
++      uint32_t id_layer;
++      struct ivi_layout *layout;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties prop;
++      uint32_t event_mask;
++      struct {
++              struct ivi_layout_layer_properties prop;
++              struct wl_list surface_list;
++              struct wl_list link;
++      } pending;
++      struct {
++              int dirty;
++              struct wl_list surface_list;
++              struct wl_list link;
++      } order;
++      int32_t ref_count;
++struct ivi_layout {
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
++      struct wl_list surface_list;
++      struct wl_list layer_list;
++      struct wl_list screen_list;
++      struct {
++              struct wl_signal created;
++              struct wl_signal removed;
++      } layer_notification;
++      struct {
++              struct wl_signal created;
++              struct wl_signal removed;
++              struct wl_signal configure_changed;
++      } surface_notification;
++      struct weston_layer layout_layer;
++      struct wl_signal warning_signal;
++      struct ivi_layout_transition_set *transitions;
++      struct wl_list pending_transition_list;
++struct ivi_layout *get_instance(void);
++struct ivi_layout_transition;
++struct ivi_layout_transition_set {
++      struct wl_event_source  *event_source;
++      struct wl_list          transition_list;
++typedef void (*ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func)(void *user_data);
++struct ivi_layout_transition_set *
++ivi_layout_transition_set_create(struct weston_compositor *ec);
++ivi_layout_transition_move_resize_view(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                     int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y,
++                                     int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height,
++                                     uint32_t duration);
++ivi_layout_transition_visibility_on(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                  uint32_t duration);
++ivi_layout_transition_visibility_off(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                   uint32_t duration);
++ivi_layout_transition_move_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++                               int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y,
++                               uint32_t duration);
++ivi_layout_transition_fade_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++                               uint32_t is_fade_in,
++                               double start_alpha, double end_alpha,
++                               void *user_data,
++                               ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func destroy_func,
++                               uint32_t duration);
++is_surface_transition(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface);
++ * methods of interaction between ivi-shell with ivi-layout
++ */
++struct weston_view *
++ivi_layout_get_weston_view(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface);
++ivi_layout_surface_configure(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                           int32_t width, int32_t height);
++struct ivi_layout_surface*
++ivi_layout_surface_create(struct weston_surface *wl_surface,
++                        uint32_t id_surface);
++ivi_layout_init_with_compositor(struct weston_compositor *ec);
++ivi_layout_surface_get_dimension(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                               int32_t *dest_width, int32_t *dest_height);
++ivi_layout_surface_add_configured_listener(struct ivi_layout_surface* ivisurf,
++                                         struct wl_listener* listener);
++ * methods of interaction between transition animation with ivi-layout
++ */
++ivi_layout_get_id_of_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                           int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                           int32_t width, int32_t height);
++ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                             wl_fixed_t opacity);
++ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                bool newVisibility);
++ivi_layout_surface_get_visibility(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
++struct ivi_layout_surface *
++ivi_layout_get_surface_from_id(uint32_t id_surface);
++ivi_layout_layer_set_opacity(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                           wl_fixed_t opacity);
++ivi_layout_layer_get_opacity(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer);
++ivi_layout_layer_set_visibility(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                              bool newVisibility);
++ivi_layout_layer_set_position(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                            int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y);
++ivi_layout_layer_get_position(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                            int32_t *dest_x, int32_t *dest_y);
++ivi_layout_layer_set_render_order(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                struct ivi_layout_surface **pSurface,
++                                int32_t number);
++ivi_layout_transition_move_layer_cancel(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer);
++load_controller_modules(struct weston_compositor *compositor, const char *modules,
++                      int *argc, char *argv[]);
++ivi_layout_surface_destroy(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf);
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d12a8f4
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-transition.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2014 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <time.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-private.h"
++struct ivi_layout_transition;
++typedef void (*ivi_layout_transition_frame_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition);
++typedef void (*ivi_layout_transition_destroy_func)(
++                      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition);
++typedef int32_t (*ivi_layout_is_transition_func)(void *private_data, void *id);
++struct ivi_layout_transition {
++      enum ivi_layout_transition_type type;
++      void *private_data;
++      void *user_data;
++      uint32_t time_start;
++      uint32_t time_duration;
++      uint32_t time_elapsed;
++      uint32_t  is_done;
++      ivi_layout_is_transition_func is_transition_func;
++      ivi_layout_transition_frame_func frame_func;
++      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_func destroy_func;
++struct transition_node {
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      struct wl_list link;
++static void layout_transition_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition);
++static struct ivi_layout_transition *
++get_transition_from_type_and_id(enum ivi_layout_transition_type type,
++                              void *id_data)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct transition_node *node;
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *tran;
++      wl_list_for_each(node, &layout->transitions->transition_list, link) {
++              tran = node->transition;
++              if (tran->type == type &&
++                  tran->is_transition_func(tran->private_data, id_data))
++                      return tran;
++      }
++      return NULL;
++is_surface_transition(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct transition_node *node;
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *tran;
++      wl_list_for_each(node, &layout->transitions->transition_list, link) {
++              tran = node->transition;
++              if ((tran->type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_MOVE_RESIZE ||
++                   tran->type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_RESIZE) &&
++                  tran->is_transition_func(tran->private_data, surface))
++                      return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
++static void
++tick_transition(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition, uint32_t timestamp)
++      const double t = timestamp - transition->time_start;
++      if (transition->time_duration <= t) {
++              transition->time_elapsed = transition->time_duration;
++              transition->is_done = 1;
++      } else {
++              transition->time_elapsed = t;
++      }
++static float time_to_nowpos(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      return sin((float)transition->time_elapsed /
++                 (float)transition->time_duration * M_PI_2);
++static void
++do_transition_frame(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition,
++                  uint32_t timestamp)
++      if (0 == transition->time_start)
++              transition->time_start = timestamp;
++      tick_transition(transition, timestamp);
++      transition->frame_func(transition);
++      if (transition->is_done)
++              layout_transition_destroy(transition);
++static int32_t
++layout_transition_frame(void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition_set *transitions = data;
++      uint32_t fps = 30;
++      struct timespec timestamp = {};
++      uint32_t msec = 0;
++      struct transition_node *node = NULL;
++      struct transition_node *next = NULL;
++      if (wl_list_empty(&transitions->transition_list)) {
++              wl_event_source_timer_update(transitions->event_source, 0);
++              return 1;
++      }
++      wl_event_source_timer_update(transitions->event_source, 1000 / fps);
++      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timestamp);/* FIXME */
++      msec = (1e+3 * timestamp.tv_sec + 1e-6 * timestamp.tv_nsec);
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(node, next, &transitions->transition_list, link) {
++              do_transition_frame(node->transition, msec);
++      }
++      ivi_layout_commit_changes();
++      return 1;
++struct ivi_layout_transition_set *
++ivi_layout_transition_set_create(struct weston_compositor *ec)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition_set *transitions;
++      struct wl_event_loop *loop;
++      transitions = malloc(sizeof(*transitions));
++      if (transitions == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&transitions->transition_list);
++      loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(ec->wl_display);
++      transitions->event_source =
++              wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, layout_transition_frame,
++                                      transitions);
++      return transitions;
++static void
++layout_transition_register(struct ivi_layout_transition *trans)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct transition_node *node;
++      node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
++      if (node == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return;
++      }
++      node->transition = trans;
++      wl_list_insert(&layout->pending_transition_list, &node->link);
++static void
++remove_transition(struct ivi_layout *layout,
++                struct ivi_layout_transition *trans)
++      struct transition_node *node;
++      struct transition_node *next;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(node, next,
++                            &layout->transitions->transition_list, link) {
++              if (node->transition == trans) {
++                      wl_list_remove(&node->link);
++                      free(node);
++                      return;
++              }
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(node, next,
++                            &layout->pending_transition_list, link) {
++              if (node->transition == trans) {
++                      wl_list_remove(&node->link);
++                      free(node);
++                      return;
++              }
++      }
++static void
++layout_transition_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_transition(layout, transition);
++      if (transition->destroy_func)
++              transition->destroy_func(transition);
++      free(transition);
++static struct ivi_layout_transition *
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition = malloc(sizeof(*transition));
++      if (transition == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      transition->type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_MAX;
++      transition->time_start = 0;
++      transition->time_duration = 300; /* 300ms */
++      transition->time_elapsed = 0;
++      transition->is_done = 0;
++      transition->private_data = NULL;
++      transition->user_data = NULL;
++      transition->frame_func = NULL;
++      transition->destroy_func = NULL;
++      return transition;
++/* move and resize view transition */
++struct move_resize_view_data {
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface;
++      int32_t start_x;
++      int32_t start_y;
++      int32_t end_x;
++      int32_t end_y;
++      int32_t start_width;
++      int32_t start_height;
++      int32_t end_width;
++      int32_t end_height;
++static void
++transition_move_resize_view_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct move_resize_view_data *data =
++              (struct move_resize_view_data *)transition->private_data;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *layout_surface = data->surface;
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout_surface->configured, layout_surface);
++      if (transition->private_data) {
++              free(transition->private_data);
++              transition->private_data = NULL;
++      }
++static void
++transition_move_resize_view_user_frame(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct move_resize_view_data *mrv = transition->private_data;
++      const double current = time_to_nowpos(transition);
++      const int32_t destx = mrv->start_x +
++              (mrv->end_x - mrv->start_x) * current;
++      const int32_t desty = mrv->start_y +
++              (mrv->end_y - mrv->start_y) * current;
++      const int32_t dest_width = mrv->start_width  +
++              (mrv->end_width - mrv->start_width) * current;
++      const int32_t dest_height = mrv->start_height +
++              (mrv->end_height - mrv->start_height) * current;
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle(mrv->surface,
++                                                   destx, desty,
++                                                   dest_width, dest_height);
++static int32_t
++is_transition_move_resize_view_func(struct move_resize_view_data *data,
++                                  struct ivi_layout_surface *view)
++      return data->surface == view;
++static struct ivi_layout_transition *
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                      int32_t start_x, int32_t start_y,
++                      int32_t end_x, int32_t end_y,
++                      int32_t start_width, int32_t start_height,
++                      int32_t end_width, int32_t end_height,
++                      ivi_layout_transition_frame_func frame_func,
++                      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_func destroy_func,
++                      uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      struct move_resize_view_data *data;
++      transition = create_layout_transition();
++      if (transition == NULL)
++              return NULL;
++      data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
++      if (data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      transition->type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_MOVE_RESIZE;
++      transition->is_transition_func = (ivi_layout_is_transition_func)is_transition_move_resize_view_func;
++      transition->frame_func = frame_func;
++      transition->destroy_func = destroy_func;
++      transition->private_data = data;
++      if (duration != 0)
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++      data->surface = surface;
++      data->start_x = start_x;
++      data->start_y = start_y;
++      data->end_x   = end_x;
++      data->end_y   = end_y;
++      data->start_width  = start_width;
++      data->start_height = start_height;
++      data->end_width    = end_width;
++      data->end_height   = end_height;
++      return transition;
++ivi_layout_transition_move_resize_view(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                     int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y,
++                                     int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height,
++                                     uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      int32_t start_pos[2] = {
++              surface->pending.prop.start_x,
++              surface->pending.prop.start_y
++      };
++      int32_t start_size[2] = {
++              surface->pending.prop.start_width,
++              surface->pending.prop.start_height
++      };
++      transition = get_transition_from_type_and_id(
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_MOVE_RESIZE,
++                                      surface);
++      if (transition) {
++              struct move_resize_view_data *data = transition->private_data;
++              transition->time_start = 0;
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++              data->start_x = start_pos[0];
++              data->start_y = start_pos[1];
++              data->end_x   = dest_x;
++              data->end_y   = dest_y;
++              data->start_width  = start_size[0];
++              data->start_height = start_size[1];
++              data->end_width    = dest_width;
++              data->end_height   = dest_height;
++              return;
++      }
++      transition = create_move_resize_view_transition(
++              surface,
++              start_pos[0], start_pos[1],
++              dest_x, dest_y,
++              start_size[0], start_size[1],
++              dest_width, dest_height,
++              transition_move_resize_view_user_frame,
++              transition_move_resize_view_destroy,
++              duration);
++      layout_transition_register(transition);
++/* fade transition */
++struct fade_view_data {
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface;
++      double start_alpha;
++      double end_alpha;
++struct store_alpha{
++      double alpha;
++static void
++fade_view_user_frame(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct fade_view_data *fade = transition->private_data;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface = fade->surface;
++      const double current = time_to_nowpos(transition);
++      const double alpha = fade->start_alpha +
++              (fade->end_alpha - fade->start_alpha) * current;
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity(surface, wl_fixed_from_double(alpha));
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility(surface, true);
++static int32_t
++is_transition_fade_view_func(struct fade_view_data *data,
++                           struct ivi_layout_surface *view)
++      return data->surface == view;
++static struct ivi_layout_transition *
++                      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                      double start_alpha, double end_alpha,
++                      ivi_layout_transition_frame_func frame_func,
++                      void *user_data,
++                      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_func destroy_func,
++                      uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      struct fade_view_data *data;
++      transition = create_layout_transition();
++      if (transition == NULL)
++              return NULL;
++      data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
++      if (data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      transition->type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_FADE;
++      transition->is_transition_func = (ivi_layout_is_transition_func)is_transition_fade_view_func;
++      transition->user_data = user_data;
++      transition->private_data = data;
++      transition->frame_func = frame_func;
++      transition->destroy_func = destroy_func;
++      if (duration != 0)
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++      data->surface = surface;
++      data->start_alpha = start_alpha;
++      data->end_alpha   = end_alpha;
++      return transition;
++static void
++create_visibility_transition(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                           double start_alpha,
++                           double dest_alpha,
++                           void *user_data,
++                           ivi_layout_transition_destroy_func destroy_func,
++                           uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition = NULL;
++      transition = create_fade_view_transition(
++              surface,
++              start_alpha, dest_alpha,
++              fade_view_user_frame,
++              user_data,
++              destroy_func,
++              duration);
++      layout_transition_register(transition);
++static void
++visibility_on_transition_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct fade_view_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      struct store_alpha *user_data = transition->user_data;
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility(data->surface, true);
++      free(data);
++      transition->private_data = NULL;
++      free(user_data);
++      transition->user_data = NULL;
++ivi_layout_transition_visibility_on(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                  uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      bool is_visible = ivi_layout_surface_get_visibility(surface);
++      wl_fixed_t dest_alpha = ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity(surface);
++      struct store_alpha *user_data = NULL;
++      wl_fixed_t start_alpha = 0.0;
++      struct fade_view_data *data = NULL;
++      transition = get_transition_from_type_and_id(
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_FADE,
++                                      surface);
++      if (transition) {
++              start_alpha = ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity(surface);
++              user_data = transition->user_data;
++              data = transition->private_data;
++              transition->time_start = 0;
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++              transition->destroy_func = visibility_on_transition_destroy;
++              data->start_alpha = wl_fixed_to_double(start_alpha);
++              data->end_alpha = user_data->alpha;
++              return;
++      }
++      if (is_visible)
++              return;
++      user_data = malloc(sizeof(*user_data));
++      if (user_data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return;
++      }
++      user_data->alpha = wl_fixed_to_double(dest_alpha);
++      create_visibility_transition(surface,
++                                   0.0, // start_alpha
++                                   wl_fixed_to_double(dest_alpha),
++                                   user_data,
++                                   visibility_on_transition_destroy,
++                                   duration);
++static void
++visibility_off_transition_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct fade_view_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      struct store_alpha *user_data = transition->user_data;
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility(data->surface, false);
++      ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity(data->surface,
++                                     wl_fixed_from_double(user_data->alpha));
++      free(data);
++      transition->private_data = NULL;
++      free(user_data);
++      transition->user_data= NULL;
++ivi_layout_transition_visibility_off(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface,
++                                   uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      wl_fixed_t start_alpha = ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity(surface);
++      struct store_alpha* user_data = NULL;
++      struct fade_view_data* data = NULL;
++      transition =
++              get_transition_from_type_and_id(IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_FADE,
++                                              surface);
++      if (transition) {
++              data = transition->private_data;
++              transition->time_start = 0;
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++              transition->destroy_func = visibility_off_transition_destroy;
++              data->start_alpha = wl_fixed_to_double(start_alpha);
++              data->end_alpha = 0;
++              return;
++      }
++      user_data = malloc(sizeof(*user_data));
++      if (user_data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return;
++      }
++      user_data->alpha = wl_fixed_to_double(start_alpha);
++      create_visibility_transition(surface,
++                                   wl_fixed_to_double(start_alpha),
++                                   0.0, // dest_alpha
++                                   user_data,
++                                   visibility_off_transition_destroy,
++                                   duration);
++/* move layer transition */
++struct move_layer_data {
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer;
++      int32_t start_x;
++      int32_t start_y;
++      int32_t end_x;
++      int32_t end_y;
++      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func destroy_func;
++static void
++transition_move_layer_user_frame(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct move_layer_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = data->layer;
++      const float  current = time_to_nowpos(transition);
++      const int32_t dest_x = data->start_x +
++              (data->end_x - data->start_x) * current;
++      const int32_t dest_y = data->start_y +
++              (data->end_y - data->start_y) * current;
++      ivi_layout_layer_set_position(layer, dest_x, dest_y);
++static void
++transition_move_layer_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct move_layer_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      if (data->destroy_func)
++              data->destroy_func(transition->user_data);
++      free(data);
++      transition->private_data = NULL;
++static int32_t
++is_transition_move_layer_func(struct move_layer_data *data,
++                            struct ivi_layout_layer *layer)
++      return data->layer == layer;
++static struct ivi_layout_transition *
++              struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++              int32_t start_x, int32_t start_y,
++              int32_t end_x, int32_t end_y,
++              void *user_data,
++              ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func destroy_user_func,
++              uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      struct move_layer_data *data;
++      transition = create_layout_transition();
++      if (transition == NULL)
++              return NULL;
++      data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
++      if (data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      transition->type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_MOVE;
++      transition->is_transition_func = (ivi_layout_is_transition_func)is_transition_move_layer_func;
++      transition->frame_func = transition_move_layer_user_frame;
++      transition->destroy_func = transition_move_layer_destroy;
++      transition->private_data = data;
++      transition->user_data = user_data;
++      if (duration != 0)
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++      data->layer = layer;
++      data->start_x = start_x;
++      data->start_y = start_y;
++      data->end_x   = end_x;
++      data->end_y   = end_y;
++      data->destroy_func = destroy_user_func;
++      return transition;
++ivi_layout_transition_move_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++                               int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y,
++                               uint32_t duration)
++      int32_t start_pos_x = 0;
++      int32_t start_pos_y = 0;
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition = NULL;
++      ivi_layout_layer_get_position(layer, &start_pos_x, &start_pos_y);
++      transition = create_move_layer_transition(
++              layer,
++              start_pos_x, start_pos_y,
++              dest_x, dest_y,
++              NULL, NULL,
++              duration);
++      layout_transition_register(transition);
++      return;
++ivi_layout_transition_move_layer_cancel(struct ivi_layout_layer *layer)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition =
++              get_transition_from_type_and_id(
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_MOVE,
++                                      layer);
++      if (transition) {
++              layout_transition_destroy(transition);
++      }
++/* fade layer transition */
++struct fade_layer_data {
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer;
++      uint32_t is_fade_in;
++      double start_alpha;
++      double end_alpha;
++      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func destroy_func;
++static void
++transition_fade_layer_destroy(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      struct fade_layer_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      transition->private_data = NULL;
++      free(data);
++static void
++transition_fade_layer_user_frame(struct ivi_layout_transition *transition)
++      double current = time_to_nowpos(transition);
++      struct fade_layer_data *data = transition->private_data;
++      double alpha = data->start_alpha +
++              (data->end_alpha - data->start_alpha) * current;
++      wl_fixed_t fixed_alpha = wl_fixed_from_double(alpha);
++      int32_t is_done = transition->is_done;
++      bool is_visible = !is_done || data->is_fade_in;
++      ivi_layout_layer_set_opacity(data->layer, fixed_alpha);
++      ivi_layout_layer_set_visibility(data->layer, is_visible);
++static int32_t
++is_transition_fade_layer_func(struct fade_layer_data *data,
++                            struct ivi_layout_layer *layer)
++      return data->layer == layer;
++                      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer,
++                      uint32_t is_fade_in,
++                      double start_alpha, double end_alpha,
++                      void* user_data,
++                      ivi_layout_transition_destroy_user_func destroy_func,
++                      uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_transition *transition;
++      struct fade_layer_data *data = NULL;
++      wl_fixed_t fixed_opacity = 0.0;
++      double now_opacity = 0.0;
++      double remain = 0.0;
++      transition = get_transition_from_type_and_id(
++                                      IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_FADE,
++                                      layer);
++      if (transition) {
++              /* transition update */
++              data = transition->private_data;
++              /* FIXME */
++              fixed_opacity = ivi_layout_layer_get_opacity(layer);
++              now_opacity = wl_fixed_to_double(fixed_opacity);
++              remain = 0.0;
++              data->is_fade_in = is_fade_in;
++              data->start_alpha = now_opacity;
++              data->end_alpha = end_alpha;
++              remain = is_fade_in? 1.0 - now_opacity : now_opacity;
++              transition->time_start = 0;
++              transition->time_elapsed = 0;
++              transition->time_duration = duration * remain;
++              return;
++      }
++      transition = create_layout_transition();
++      if (transition == NULL)
++              return;
++      data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
++      if (data == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: memory allocation fails\n", __func__);
++              return;
++      }
++      transition->type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_FADE;
++      transition->is_transition_func = (ivi_layout_is_transition_func)is_transition_fade_layer_func;
++      transition->private_data = data;
++      transition->user_data = user_data;
++      transition->frame_func = transition_fade_layer_user_frame;
++      transition->destroy_func = transition_fade_layer_destroy;
++      if (duration != 0)
++              transition->time_duration = duration;
++      data->layer = layer;
++      data->is_fade_in = is_fade_in;
++      data->start_alpha = start_alpha;
++      data->end_alpha = end_alpha;
++      data->destroy_func = destroy_func;
++      layout_transition_register(transition);
++      return;
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..51d0a8d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,3011 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++ * Implementation of ivi-layout library. The actual view on ivi_screen is
++ * not updated till calling ivi_layout_commit_changes. A overview from
++ * calling API for updating properties of ivi_surface/ivi_layer to asking
++ * compositor to compose them by using weston_compositor_schedule_repaint,
++ * 0/ initialize this library by ivi_layout_init_with_compositor
++ *    with (struct weston_compositor *ec) from ivi-shell.
++ * 1/ When a API for updating properties of ivi_surface/ivi_layer, it updates
++ *    pending prop of ivi_surface/ivi_layer/ivi_screen which are structure to
++ *    store properties.
++ * 2/ Before calling commitChanges, in case of calling a API to get a property,
++ *    return current property, not pending property.
++ * 3/ At the timing of calling ivi_layout_commitChanges, pending properties
++ *    are applied to properties.
++ *
++ *    *) ivi_layout_commitChanges is also called by transition animation
++ *    per each frame. See ivi-layout-transition.c in details. Transition
++ *    animation interpolates frames between previous properties of ivi_surface
++ *    and new ones.
++ *    For example, when a property of ivi_surface is changed from invisibility
++ *    to visibility, it behaves like fade-in. When ivi_layout_commitChange is
++ *    called during transition animation, it cancels the transition and
++ *    re-start transition to new properties from current properties of final
++ *    frame just before the the cancellation.
++ *
++ * 4/ According properties, set transformation by using weston_matrix and
++ *    weston_view per ivi_surfaces and ivi_layers in while loop.
++ * 5/ Set damage and trigger transform by using weston_view_geometry_dirty.
++ * 6/ Notify update of properties.
++ * 7/ Trigger composition by weston_compositor_schedule_repaint.
++ *
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include <string.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-private.h"
++#include "shared/helpers.h"
++#include "shared/os-compatibility.h"
++#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
++struct link_layer {
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_list link_to_layer;
++struct link_screen {
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_list link_to_screen;
++struct listener_layout_notification {
++      void *userdata;
++      struct wl_listener listener;
++struct ivi_layout;
++struct ivi_layout_screen {
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_list link_to_layer;
++      uint32_t id_screen;
++      struct ivi_layout *layout;
++      struct weston_output *output;
++      struct {
++              struct wl_list layer_list;
++              struct wl_list link;
++      } pending;
++      struct {
++              int dirty;
++              struct wl_list layer_list;
++              struct wl_list link;
++      } order;
++struct ivi_layout_notification_callback {
++      void *callback;
++      void *data;
++struct ivi_rectangle
++      int32_t x;
++      int32_t y;
++      int32_t width;
++      int32_t height;
++static void
++remove_notification(struct wl_list *listener_list, void *callback, void *userdata);
++static struct ivi_layout ivilayout = {0};
++struct ivi_layout *
++      return &ivilayout;
++ * Internal API to add/remove a link to ivi_surface from ivi_layer.
++ */
++static void
++add_link_to_surface(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                  struct link_layer *link_layer)
++      struct link_layer *link = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(link, &ivilayer->link_to_surface, link_to_layer) {
++              if (link == link_layer)
++                      return;
++      }
++      wl_list_insert(&ivilayer->link_to_surface, &link_layer->link_to_layer);
++static void
++remove_link_to_surface(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct link_layer *link = NULL;
++      struct link_layer *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(link, next, &ivilayer->link_to_surface, link_to_layer) {
++              wl_list_remove(&link->link_to_layer);
++              wl_list_remove(&link->link);
++              free(link);
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->link_to_surface);
++ * Internal API to add a link to ivi_layer from ivi_screen.
++ */
++static void
++add_link_to_layer(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                struct link_screen *link_screen)
++      wl_list_insert(&iviscrn->link_to_layer, &link_screen->link_to_screen);
++ * Internal API to add/remove a ivi_surface from ivi_layer.
++ */
++static void
++add_ordersurface_to_layer(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                        struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct link_layer *link_layer = NULL;
++      link_layer = malloc(sizeof *link_layer);
++      if (link_layer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      link_layer->ivilayer = ivilayer;
++      wl_list_insert(&ivisurf->layer_list, &link_layer->link);
++      add_link_to_surface(ivilayer, link_layer);
++static void
++remove_ordersurface_from_layer(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      struct link_layer *link_layer = NULL;
++      struct link_layer *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(link_layer, next, &ivisurf->layer_list, link) {
++              wl_list_remove(&link_layer->link);
++              wl_list_remove(&link_layer->link_to_layer);
++              free(link_layer);
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->layer_list);
++ * Internal API to add/remove a ivi_layer to/from ivi_screen.
++ */
++static void
++add_orderlayer_to_screen(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                       struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn)
++      struct link_screen *link_scrn = NULL;
++      link_scrn = malloc(sizeof *link_scrn);
++      if (link_scrn == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      link_scrn->iviscrn = iviscrn;
++      wl_list_insert(&ivilayer->screen_list, &link_scrn->link);
++      add_link_to_layer(iviscrn, link_scrn);
++static void
++remove_orderlayer_from_screen(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct link_screen *link_scrn = NULL;
++      struct link_screen *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(link_scrn, next, &ivilayer->screen_list, link) {
++              wl_list_remove(&link_scrn->link);
++              wl_list_remove(&link_scrn->link_to_screen);
++              free(link_scrn);
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->screen_list);
++ * Internal API to add/remove a ivi_layer to/from ivi_screen.
++ */
++static struct ivi_layout_surface *
++get_surface(struct wl_list *surf_list, uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, surf_list, link) {
++              if (ivisurf->id_surface == id_surface) {
++                      return ivisurf;
++              }
++      }
++      return NULL;
++static struct ivi_layout_layer *
++get_layer(struct wl_list *layer_list, uint32_t id_layer)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, layer_list, link) {
++              if (ivilayer->id_layer == id_layer) {
++                      return ivilayer;
++              }
++      }
++      return NULL;
++static void
++remove_configured_listener(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      struct wl_listener *link = NULL;
++      struct wl_listener *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(link, next, &ivisurf->configured.listener_list, link) {
++              wl_list_remove(&link->link);
++      }
++static void
++remove_all_notification(struct wl_list *listener_list)
++      struct wl_listener *listener = NULL;
++      struct wl_listener *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(listener, next, listener_list, link) {
++              struct listener_layout_notification *notification = NULL;
++              wl_list_remove(&listener->link);
++              notification =
++                      container_of(listener,
++                                   struct listener_layout_notification,
++                                   listener);
++              free(notification->userdata);
++              free(notification);
++      }
++static void
++ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      remove_all_notification(&ivisurf->property_changed.listener_list);
++static void
++ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification_by_callback(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                                 surface_property_notification_func callback,
++                                                 void *userdata)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification_by_callback: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      remove_notification(&ivisurf->property_changed.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++ * Called at destruction of wl_surface/ivi_surface
++ */
++ivi_layout_surface_destroy(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->link);
++      remove_ordersurface_from_layer(ivisurf);
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout->surface_notification.removed, ivisurf);
++      remove_configured_listener(ivisurf);
++      ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification(ivisurf);
++      free(ivisurf);
++ * Internal API to check ivi_layer/ivi_surface already added in ivi_layer/ivi_screen.
++ * Called by ivi_layout_layer_add_surface/ivi_layout_screenAddLayer
++ */
++static int
++is_surface_in_layer(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                  struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surf = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(surf, &ivilayer->pending.surface_list, {
++              if (surf->id_surface == ivisurf->id_surface) {
++                      return 1;
++              }
++      }
++      return 0;
++static int
++is_layer_in_screen(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                 struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *layer = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(layer, &iviscrn->pending.layer_list, {
++              if (layer->id_layer == ivilayer->id_layer) {
++                      return 1;
++              }
++      }
++      return 0;
++ * Internal API to initialize ivi_screens found from output_list of weston_compositor.
++ * Called by ivi_layout_init_with_compositor.
++ */
++static void
++create_screen(struct weston_compositor *ec)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn = NULL;
++      struct weston_output *output = NULL;
++      int32_t count = 0;
++      wl_list_for_each(output, &ec->output_list, link) {
++              iviscrn = calloc(1, sizeof *iviscrn);
++              if (iviscrn == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      continue;
++              }
++              iviscrn->layout = layout;
++              iviscrn->id_screen = count;
++              count++;
++              iviscrn->output = output;
++              wl_list_init(&iviscrn->pending.layer_list);
++              wl_list_init(&iviscrn->;
++              wl_list_init(&iviscrn->order.layer_list);
++              wl_list_init(&iviscrn->;
++              wl_list_init(&iviscrn->link_to_layer);
++              wl_list_insert(&layout->screen_list, &iviscrn->link);
++      }
++ * Internal APIs to initialize properties of ivi_surface/ivi_layer when they are created.
++ */
++static void
++init_layer_properties(struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop,
++                    int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      memset(prop, 0, sizeof *prop);
++      prop->opacity = wl_fixed_from_double(1.0);
++      prop->source_width = width;
++      prop->source_height = height;
++      prop->dest_width = width;
++      prop->dest_height = height;
++static void
++init_surface_properties(struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop)
++      memset(prop, 0, sizeof *prop);
++      prop->opacity = wl_fixed_from_double(1.0);
++      /*
++       * FIXME: this shall be finxed by ivi-layout-transition.
++       */
++      prop->dest_width = 1;
++      prop->dest_height = 1;
++ * Internal APIs to be called from ivi_layout_commit_changes.
++ */
++static void
++update_opacity(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++             struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      double layer_alpha = wl_fixed_to_double(ivilayer->prop.opacity);
++      double surf_alpha  = wl_fixed_to_double(ivisurf->prop.opacity);
++      if ((ivilayer->event_mask & IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY) ||
++          (ivisurf->event_mask  & IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY)) {
++              struct weston_view *tmpview = NULL;
++              wl_list_for_each(tmpview, &ivisurf->surface->views, surface_link) {
++                      if (tmpview == NULL) {
++                              continue;
++                      }
++                      tmpview->alpha = layer_alpha * surf_alpha;
++              }
++      }
++static void
++get_rotate_values(enum wl_output_transform orientation,
++                float *v_sin,
++                float *v_cos)
++      switch (orientation) {
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90:
++              *v_sin = 1.0f;
++              *v_cos = 0.0f;
++              break;
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180:
++              *v_sin = 0.0f;
++              *v_cos = -1.0f;
++              break;
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270:
++              *v_sin = -1.0f;
++              *v_cos = 0.0f;
++              break;
++      default:
++              *v_sin = 0.0f;
++              *v_cos = 1.0f;
++              break;
++      }
++static void
++get_scale(enum wl_output_transform orientation,
++        float dest_width,
++        float dest_height,
++        float source_width,
++        float source_height,
++        float *scale_x,
++        float *scale_y)
++      switch (orientation) {
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90:
++              *scale_x = dest_width / source_height;
++              *scale_y = dest_height / source_width;
++              break;
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180:
++              *scale_x = dest_width / source_width;
++              *scale_y = dest_height / source_height;
++              break;
++      case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270:
++              *scale_x = dest_width / source_height;
++              *scale_y = dest_height / source_width;
++              break;
++      default:
++              *scale_x = dest_width / source_width;
++              *scale_y = dest_height / source_height;
++              break;
++      }
++static void
++calc_transformation_matrix(struct ivi_rectangle *source_rect,
++                         struct ivi_rectangle *dest_rect,
++                         enum wl_output_transform orientation,
++                         struct weston_matrix *m)
++      float source_center_x;
++      float source_center_y;
++      float vsin;
++      float vcos;
++      float scale_x;
++      float scale_y;
++      float translate_x;
++      float translate_y;
++      source_center_x = source_rect->x + source_rect->width * 0.5f;
++      source_center_y = source_rect->y + source_rect->height * 0.5f;
++      weston_matrix_translate(m, -source_center_x, -source_center_y, 0.0f);
++      get_rotate_values(orientation, &vsin, &vcos);
++      weston_matrix_rotate_xy(m, vcos, vsin);
++      get_scale(orientation,
++                dest_rect->width,
++                dest_rect->height,
++                source_rect->width,
++                source_rect->height,
++                &scale_x,
++                &scale_y);
++      weston_matrix_scale(m, scale_x, scale_y, 1.0f);
++      translate_x = dest_rect->width * 0.5f + dest_rect->x;
++      translate_y = dest_rect->height * 0.5f + dest_rect->y;
++      weston_matrix_translate(m, translate_x, translate_y, 0.0f);
++ * This computes intersected rect_output from two ivi_rectangles
++ */
++static void
++ivi_rectangle_intersect(const struct ivi_rectangle *rect1,
++                      const struct ivi_rectangle *rect2,
++                      struct ivi_rectangle *rect_output)
++      int32_t rect1_right = rect1->x + rect1->width;
++      int32_t rect1_bottom = rect1->y + rect1->height;
++      int32_t rect2_right = rect2->x + rect2->width;
++      int32_t rect2_bottom = rect2->y + rect2->height;
++      rect_output->x = max(rect1->x, rect2->x);
++      rect_output->y = max(rect1->y, rect2->y);
++      rect_output->width = rect1_right < rect2_right ?
++                           rect1_right - rect_output->x :
++                           rect2_right - rect_output->x;
++      rect_output->height = rect1_bottom < rect2_bottom ?
++                            rect1_bottom - rect_output->y :
++                            rect2_bottom - rect_output->y;
++      if (rect_output->width < 0 || rect_output->height < 0) {
++              rect_output->width = 0;
++              rect_output->height = 0;
++      }
++ * Transform rect_input by the inverse of matrix, intersect with boundingbox,
++ * and store the result in rect_output.
++ * The boundingbox must be given in the same coordinate space as rect_output.
++ * Additionally, there are the following restrictions on the matrix:
++ * - no projective transformations
++ * - no skew
++ * - only multiples of 90-degree rotations supported
++ *
++ * In failure case of weston_matrix_invert, rect_output is set to boundingbox
++ * as a fail-safe with log.
++ */
++static void
++calc_inverse_matrix_transform(const struct weston_matrix *matrix,
++                            const struct ivi_rectangle *rect_input,
++                            const struct ivi_rectangle *boundingbox,
++                            struct ivi_rectangle *rect_output)
++      struct weston_matrix m;
++      struct weston_vector top_left;
++      struct weston_vector bottom_right;
++      assert(boundingbox != rect_output);
++      if (weston_matrix_invert(&m, matrix) < 0) {
++              weston_log("ivi-shell: calc_inverse_matrix_transform fails to invert a matrix.\n");
++              weston_log("ivi-shell: boundingbox is set to the rect_output.\n");
++              rect_output->x = boundingbox->x;
++              rect_output->y = boundingbox->y;
++              rect_output->width = boundingbox->width;
++              rect_output->height = boundingbox->height;
++      }
++      /* The vectors and matrices involved will always produce f[3] == 1.0. */
++      top_left.f[0] = rect_input->x;
++      top_left.f[1] = rect_input->y;
++      top_left.f[2] = 0.0f;
++      top_left.f[3] = 1.0f;
++      bottom_right.f[0] = rect_input->x + rect_input->width;
++      bottom_right.f[1] = rect_input->y + rect_input->height;
++      bottom_right.f[2] = 0.0f;
++      bottom_right.f[3] = 1.0f;
++      weston_matrix_transform(&m, &top_left);
++      weston_matrix_transform(&m, &bottom_right);
++      if (top_left.f[0] < bottom_right.f[0]) {
++              rect_output->x = top_left.f[0];
++              rect_output->width = bottom_right.f[0] - rect_output->x;
++      } else {
++              rect_output->x = bottom_right.f[0];
++              rect_output->width = top_left.f[0] - rect_output->x;
++      }
++      if (top_left.f[1] < bottom_right.f[1]) {
++              rect_output->y = top_left.f[1];
++              rect_output->height = bottom_right.f[1] - rect_output->y;
++      } else {
++              rect_output->y = bottom_right.f[1];
++              rect_output->height = top_left.f[1] - rect_output->y;
++      }
++      ivi_rectangle_intersect(rect_output, boundingbox, rect_output);
++ * This computes the whole transformation matrix:m from surface-local
++ * coordinates to global coordinates. It is assumed that
++ * weston_view::geometry.{x,y} are zero.
++ *
++ * Additionally, this computes the mask on surface-local coordinates as a
++ * ivi_rectangle. This can be set to weston_view_set_mask.
++ *
++ * The mask is computed by following steps
++ * - destination rectangle of layer is inversed to surface-local cooodinates
++ *   by inversed matrix:m.
++ * - the area is intersected by intersected area between weston_surface and
++ *   source rectangle of ivi_surface.
++ */
++static void
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++      struct weston_matrix *m,
++      struct ivi_rectangle *result)
++      const struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *sp = &ivisurf->prop;
++      const struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *lp = &ivilayer->prop;
++      struct ivi_rectangle weston_surface_rect = { 0,
++                                                   0,
++                                                   ivisurf->surface->width,
++                                                   ivisurf->surface->height };
++      struct ivi_rectangle surface_source_rect = { sp->source_x,
++                                                   sp->source_y,
++                                                   sp->source_width,
++                                                   sp->source_height };
++      struct ivi_rectangle surface_dest_rect =   { sp->dest_x,
++                                                   sp->dest_y,
++                                                   sp->dest_width,
++                                                   sp->dest_height };
++      struct ivi_rectangle layer_source_rect =   { lp->source_x,
++                                                   lp->source_y,
++                                                   lp->source_width,
++                                                   lp->source_height };
++      struct ivi_rectangle layer_dest_rect =     { lp->dest_x,
++                                                   lp->dest_y,
++                                                   lp->dest_width,
++                                                   lp->dest_height };
++      struct ivi_rectangle surface_result;
++      /*
++       * the whole transformation matrix:m from surface-local
++       * coordinates to global coordinates, which is computed by
++       * two steps,
++       * - surface-local coordinates to layer-local coordinates
++       * - layer-local coordinates to global coordinates
++       */
++      calc_transformation_matrix(&surface_source_rect,
++                                 &surface_dest_rect,
++                                 sp->orientation, m);
++      calc_transformation_matrix(&layer_source_rect,
++                                 &layer_dest_rect,
++                                 lp->orientation, m);
++      /* this intersected ivi_rectangle would be used for masking
++       * weston_surface
++       */
++      ivi_rectangle_intersect(&surface_source_rect, &weston_surface_rect,
++                              &surface_result);
++      /* calc masking area of weston_surface from m */
++      calc_inverse_matrix_transform(m,
++                                    &layer_dest_rect,
++                                    &surface_result,
++                                    result);
++static void
++update_prop(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++          struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      struct weston_view *tmpview;
++      struct ivi_rectangle r;
++      bool can_calc = true;
++      if (!ivilayer->event_mask && !ivisurf->event_mask) {
++              return;
++      }
++      update_opacity(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++      wl_list_for_each(tmpview, &ivisurf->surface->views, surface_link) {
++              if (tmpview != NULL) {
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      if (ivisurf->prop.source_width == 0 || ivisurf->prop.source_height == 0) {
++              weston_log("ivi-shell: source rectangle is not yet set by ivi_layout_surface_set_source_rectangle\n");
++              can_calc = false;
++      }
++      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_width == 0 || ivisurf->prop.dest_height == 0) {
++              weston_log("ivi-shell: destination rectangle is not yet set by ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle\n");
++              can_calc = false;
++      }
++      if (can_calc) {
++              wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++              weston_matrix_init(&ivisurf->transform.matrix);
++              calc_surface_to_global_matrix_and_mask_to_weston_surface(
++                      ivilayer, ivisurf, &ivisurf->transform.matrix, &r);
++              if (tmpview != NULL) {
++                      wl_list_insert(&tmpview->geometry.transformation_list,
++                                     &ivisurf->;
++                      weston_view_set_transform_parent(tmpview, NULL);
++              }
++      }
++      ivisurf->update_count++;
++      if (tmpview != NULL) {
++              weston_view_geometry_dirty(tmpview);
++      }
++      if (ivisurf->surface != NULL) {
++              weston_surface_damage(ivisurf->surface);
++      }
++static void
++commit_changes(struct ivi_layout *layout)
++      struct ivi_layout_screen  *iviscrn  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(iviscrn, &layout->screen_list, link) {
++              wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &iviscrn->order.layer_list, {
++                      wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &ivilayer->order.surface_list, {
++                              update_prop(ivilayer, ivisurf);
++                      }
++              }
++      }
++static void
++commit_surface_list(struct ivi_layout *layout)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      int32_t dest_x = 0;
++      int32_t dest_y = 0;
++      int32_t dest_width = 0;
++      int32_t dest_height = 0;
++      int32_t configured = 0;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++              if (ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEFAULT) {
++                      dest_x = ivisurf->prop.dest_x;
++                      dest_y = ivisurf->prop.dest_y;
++                      dest_width = ivisurf->prop.dest_width;
++                      dest_height = ivisurf->prop.dest_height;
++                      ivi_layout_transition_move_resize_view(ivisurf,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_x,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_y,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_width,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_height,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      if (ivisurf->pending.prop.visibility) {
++                              ivi_layout_transition_visibility_on(ivisurf, ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      } else {
++                              ivi_layout_transition_visibility_off(ivisurf, ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      }
++                      ivisurf->prop = ivisurf->pending.prop;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_x = dest_x;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_y = dest_y;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_width = dest_width;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_height = dest_height;
++                      ivisurf->prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++              } else if (ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_DEST_RECT_ONLY) {
++                      dest_x = ivisurf->prop.dest_x;
++                      dest_y = ivisurf->prop.dest_y;
++                      dest_width = ivisurf->prop.dest_width;
++                      dest_height = ivisurf->prop.dest_height;
++                      ivi_layout_transition_move_resize_view(ivisurf,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_x,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_y,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_width,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_height,
++                                                             ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      ivisurf->prop = ivisurf->pending.prop;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_x = dest_x;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_y = dest_y;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_width = dest_width;
++                      ivisurf->prop.dest_height = dest_height;
++                      ivisurf->prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++              } else if (ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_VIEW_FADE_ONLY) {
++                      configured = 0;
++                      if (ivisurf->pending.prop.visibility) {
++                              ivi_layout_transition_visibility_on(ivisurf, ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      } else {
++                              ivi_layout_transition_visibility_off(ivisurf, ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++                      }
++                      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_width  != ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_width ||
++                          ivisurf->prop.dest_height != ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_height) {
++                              configured = 1;
++                      }
++                      ivisurf->prop = ivisurf->pending.prop;
++                      ivisurf->prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      if (configured && !is_surface_transition(ivisurf))
++                              wl_signal_emit(&ivisurf->configured, ivisurf);
++              } else {
++                      configured = 0;
++                      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_width  != ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_width ||
++                          ivisurf->prop.dest_height != ivisurf->pending.prop.dest_height) {
++                              configured = 1;
++                      }
++                      ivisurf->prop = ivisurf->pending.prop;
++                      ivisurf->prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      ivisurf->pending.prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++                      if (configured && !is_surface_transition(ivisurf))
++                              wl_signal_emit(&ivisurf->configured, ivisurf);
++              }
++      }
++static void
++commit_layer_list(struct ivi_layout *layout)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *next     = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++              if (ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_MOVE) {
++                      ivi_layout_transition_move_layer(ivilayer, ivilayer->pending.prop.dest_x, ivilayer->pending.prop.dest_y, ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++              } else if (ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_type == IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_LAYER_FADE) {
++                      ivi_layout_transition_fade_layer(ivilayer,ivilayer->pending.prop.is_fade_in,
++                                                       ivilayer->pending.prop.start_alpha,ivilayer->pending.prop.end_alpha,
++                                                       NULL, NULL,
++                                                       ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_duration);
++              }
++              ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_type = IVI_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_NONE;
++              ivilayer->prop = ivilayer->pending.prop;
++              if (!ivilayer->order.dirty) {
++                      continue;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each_safe(ivisurf, next, &ivilayer->order.surface_list,
++                              {
++                      remove_ordersurface_from_layer(ivisurf);
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++                      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->;
++                      ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_REMOVE;
++              }
++              assert(wl_list_empty(&ivilayer->order.surface_list));
++              wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &ivilayer->pending.surface_list,
++                              {
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++                      wl_list_insert(&ivilayer->order.surface_list,
++                                     &ivisurf->;
++                      add_ordersurface_to_layer(ivisurf, ivilayer);
++                      ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_ADD;
++              }
++              ivilayer->order.dirty = 0;
++      }
++static void
++commit_screen_list(struct ivi_layout *layout)
++      struct ivi_layout_screen  *iviscrn  = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *next     = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(iviscrn, &layout->screen_list, link) {
++              if (iviscrn->order.dirty) {
++                      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivilayer, next,
++                                            &iviscrn->order.layer_list, {
++                              remove_orderlayer_from_screen(ivilayer);
++                              wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++                              wl_list_init(&ivilayer->;
++                              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_REMOVE;
++                      }
++                      assert(wl_list_empty(&iviscrn->order.layer_list));
++                      wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &iviscrn->pending.layer_list,
++                              {
++                              wl_list_insert(&iviscrn->order.layer_list,
++                                             &ivilayer->;
++                              add_orderlayer_to_screen(ivilayer, iviscrn);
++                              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_ADD;
++                      }
++                      iviscrn->order.dirty = 0;
++              }
++              /* Clear view list of layout ivi_layer */
++              wl_list_init(&layout->layout_layer.view_list);
++              wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &iviscrn->order.layer_list, {
++                      if (ivilayer->prop.visibility == false)
++                              continue;
++                      wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &ivilayer->order.surface_list, {
++                              struct weston_view *tmpview = NULL;
++                              wl_list_for_each(tmpview, &ivisurf->surface->views, surface_link) {
++                                      if (tmpview != NULL) {
++                                              break;
++                                      }
++                              }
++                              if (ivisurf->prop.visibility == false)
++                                      continue;
++                              if (ivisurf->surface == NULL || tmpview == NULL)
++                                      continue;
++                              wl_list_insert(&layout->layout_layer.view_list,
++                                             &tmpview->layer_link);
++                              ivisurf->surface->output = iviscrn->output;
++                      }
++              }
++              break;
++      }
++static void
++commit_transition(struct ivi_layout* layout)
++      if (wl_list_empty(&layout->pending_transition_list)) {
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_list_insert_list(&layout->transitions->transition_list,
++                          &layout->pending_transition_list);
++      wl_list_init(&layout->pending_transition_list);
++      wl_event_source_timer_update(layout->transitions->event_source, 1);
++static void
++send_surface_prop(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      wl_signal_emit(&ivisurf->property_changed, ivisurf);
++      ivisurf->event_mask = 0;
++static void
++send_layer_prop(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      wl_signal_emit(&ivilayer->property_changed, ivilayer);
++      ivilayer->event_mask = 0;
++static void
++send_prop(struct ivi_layout *layout)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_reverse(ivilayer, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++              if (ivilayer->event_mask)
++                      send_layer_prop(ivilayer);
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_reverse(ivisurf, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++              if (ivisurf->event_mask)
++                      send_surface_prop(ivisurf);
++      }
++static void
++clear_surface_pending_list(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface_link = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface_next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(surface_link, surface_next,
++                            &ivilayer->pending.surface_list, {
++              wl_list_remove(&surface_link->;
++              wl_list_init(&surface_link->;
++      }
++static void
++clear_surface_order_list(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface_link = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *surface_next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(surface_link, surface_next,
++                            &ivilayer->order.surface_list, {
++              wl_list_remove(&surface_link->;
++              wl_list_init(&surface_link->;
++      }
++static void
++layer_created(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *created_callback =
++              notification->userdata;
++      ((layer_create_notification_func)created_callback->callback)
++              (ivilayer, created_callback->data);
++static void
++layer_removed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *removed_callback =
++              notification->userdata;
++      ((layer_remove_notification_func)removed_callback->callback)
++              (ivilayer, removed_callback->data);
++static void
++layer_prop_changed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *layout_listener =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *prop_callback =
++              layout_listener->userdata;
++      ((layer_property_notification_func)prop_callback->callback)
++              (ivilayer, &ivilayer->prop, ivilayer->event_mask, prop_callback->data);
++static void
++surface_created(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurface = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *created_callback =
++              notification->userdata;
++      ((surface_create_notification_func)created_callback->callback)
++              (ivisurface, created_callback->data);
++static void
++surface_removed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurface = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *removed_callback =
++              notification->userdata;
++      ((surface_remove_notification_func)removed_callback->callback)
++              (ivisurface, removed_callback->data);
++static void
++surface_prop_changed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *layout_listener =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *prop_callback =
++              layout_listener->userdata;
++      ((surface_property_notification_func)prop_callback->callback)
++              (ivisurf, &ivisurf->prop, ivisurf->event_mask, prop_callback->data);
++      ivisurf->event_mask = 0;
++static void
++surface_configure_changed(struct wl_listener *listener,
++                        void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurface = data;
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct listener_layout_notification,
++                           listener);
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *configure_changed_callback =
++              notification->userdata;
++      ((surface_configure_notification_func)configure_changed_callback->callback)
++              (ivisurface, configure_changed_callback->data);
++static int32_t
++add_notification(struct wl_signal *signal,
++               wl_notify_func_t callback,
++               void *userdata)
++      struct listener_layout_notification *notification = NULL;
++      notification = malloc(sizeof *notification);
++      if (notification == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              free(userdata);
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      notification->listener.notify = callback;
++      notification->userdata = userdata;
++      wl_signal_add(signal, &notification->listener);
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static void
++remove_notification(struct wl_list *listener_list, void *callback, void *userdata)
++      struct wl_listener *listener = NULL;
++      struct wl_listener *next = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(listener, next, listener_list, link) {
++              struct listener_layout_notification *notification =
++                      container_of(listener,
++                                   struct listener_layout_notification,
++                                   listener);
++              struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *notification_callback =
++                      notification->userdata;
++              if ((notification_callback->callback != callback) ||
++                  (notification_callback->data != userdata)) {
++                      continue;
++              }
++              wl_list_remove(&listener->link);
++              free(notification->userdata);
++              free(notification);
++      }
++ * Exported APIs of ivi-layout library are implemented from here.
++ * Brief of APIs is described in ivi-layout-export.h.
++ */
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_add_notification_create_layer(layer_create_notification_func callback,
++                                       void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *created_callback = NULL;
++      if (callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_add_notification_create_layer: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      created_callback = malloc(sizeof *created_callback);
++      if (created_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      created_callback->callback = callback;
++      created_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&layout->layer_notification.created,
++                              layer_created,
++                              created_callback);
++static void
++ivi_layout_remove_notification_create_layer(layer_create_notification_func callback,
++                                          void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_notification(&layout->layer_notification.created.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_layer(layer_remove_notification_func callback,
++                                       void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *removed_callback = NULL;
++      if (callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_layer: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      removed_callback = malloc(sizeof *removed_callback);
++      if (removed_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      removed_callback->callback = callback;
++      removed_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&layout->layer_notification.removed,
++                              layer_removed,
++                              removed_callback);
++static void
++ivi_layout_remove_notification_remove_layer(layer_remove_notification_func callback,
++                                          void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_notification(&layout->layer_notification.removed.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_add_notification_create_surface(surface_create_notification_func callback,
++                                         void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *created_callback = NULL;
++      if (callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_add_notification_create_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      created_callback = malloc(sizeof *created_callback);
++      if (created_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      created_callback->callback = callback;
++      created_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&layout->surface_notification.created,
++                              surface_created,
++                              created_callback);
++static void
++ivi_layout_remove_notification_create_surface(surface_create_notification_func callback,
++                                            void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_notification(&layout->surface_notification.created.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_surface(surface_remove_notification_func callback,
++                                         void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *removed_callback = NULL;
++      if (callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      removed_callback = malloc(sizeof *removed_callback);
++      if (removed_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      removed_callback->callback = callback;
++      removed_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&layout->surface_notification.removed,
++                              surface_removed,
++                              removed_callback);
++static void
++ivi_layout_remove_notification_remove_surface(surface_remove_notification_func callback,
++                                            void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_notification(&layout->surface_notification.removed.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_add_notification_configure_surface(surface_configure_notification_func callback,
++                                            void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *configure_changed_callback = NULL;
++      if (callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_add_notification_configure_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      configure_changed_callback = malloc(sizeof *configure_changed_callback);
++      if (configure_changed_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      configure_changed_callback->callback = callback;
++      configure_changed_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&layout->surface_notification.configure_changed,
++                              surface_configure_changed,
++                              configure_changed_callback);
++static void
++ivi_layout_remove_notification_configure_surface(surface_configure_notification_func callback,
++                                               void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      remove_notification(&layout->surface_notification.configure_changed.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++ivi_layout_get_id_of_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      return ivisurf->id_surface;
++static uint32_t
++ivi_layout_get_id_of_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      return ivilayer->id_layer;
++static uint32_t
++ivi_layout_get_id_of_screen(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn)
++      return iviscrn->id_screen;
++static struct ivi_layout_layer *
++ivi_layout_get_layer_from_id(uint32_t id_layer)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++              if (ivilayer->id_layer == id_layer) {
++                      return ivilayer;
++              }
++      }
++      return NULL;
++struct ivi_layout_surface *
++ivi_layout_get_surface_from_id(uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++              if (ivisurf->id_surface == id_surface) {
++                      return ivisurf;
++              }
++      }
++      return NULL;
++static struct ivi_layout_screen *
++ivi_layout_get_screen_from_id(uint32_t id_screen)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn = NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(iviscrn, &layout->screen_list, link) {
++/* FIXME : select iviscrn from screen_list by id_screen */
++              return iviscrn;
++              break;
++      }
++      return NULL;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_screen_resolution(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                               int32_t *pWidth, int32_t *pHeight)
++      struct weston_output *output = NULL;
++      if (iviscrn == NULL || pWidth == NULL || pHeight == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_screen_resolution: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      output   = iviscrn->output;
++      *pWidth  = output->current_mode->width;
++      *pHeight = output->current_mode->height;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_add_notification(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                  surface_property_notification_func callback,
++                                  void *userdata)
++      struct listener_layout_notification* notification = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *prop_callback = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL || callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_add_notification: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      notification = malloc(sizeof *notification);
++      if (notification == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop_callback = malloc(sizeof *prop_callback);
++      if (prop_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop_callback->callback = callback;
++      prop_callback->data = userdata;
++      notification->listener.notify = surface_prop_changed;
++      notification->userdata = prop_callback;
++      wl_signal_add(&ivisurf->property_changed, &notification->listener);
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static const struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *
++ivi_layout_get_properties_of_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_properties_of_layer: invalid argument\n");
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      return &ivilayer->prop;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_screens(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_screen ***ppArray)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_screens: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&layout->screen_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_screen *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(iviscrn, &layout->screen_list, link) {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = iviscrn;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_screens_under_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                 int32_t *pLength,
++                                 struct ivi_layout_screen ***ppArray)
++      struct link_screen *link_scrn = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_screens_under_layer: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&ivilayer->screen_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_screen *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(link_scrn, &ivilayer->screen_list, link) {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = link_scrn->iviscrn;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_layers(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_layers: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&layout->layer_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_layer *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = ivilayer;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_layers_on_screen(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                              int32_t *pLength,
++                              struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (iviscrn == NULL || pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_layers_on_screen: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&iviscrn->order.layer_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_layer *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &iviscrn->order.layer_list, {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = ivilayer;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_layers_under_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                  int32_t *pLength,
++                                  struct ivi_layout_layer ***ppArray)
++      struct link_layer *link_layer = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL || pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_getLayers: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&ivisurf->layer_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_layer *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(link_layer, &ivisurf->layer_list, link) {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = link_layer->ivilayer;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_get_surfaces(int32_t *pLength, struct ivi_layout_surface ***ppArray)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_surfaces: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&layout->surface_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_surface *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = ivisurf;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_get_surfaces_on_layer(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                               int32_t *pLength,
++                               struct ivi_layout_surface ***ppArray)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      int32_t length = 0;
++      int32_t n = 0;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || pLength == NULL || ppArray == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_getSurfaceIDsOnLayer: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      length = wl_list_length(&ivilayer->order.surface_list);
++      if (length != 0) {
++              /* the Array must be free by module which called this function */
++              *ppArray = calloc(length, sizeof(struct ivi_layout_surface *));
++              if (*ppArray == NULL) {
++                      weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++                      return IVI_FAILED;
++              }
++              wl_list_for_each(ivisurf, &ivilayer->order.surface_list, {
++                      (*ppArray)[n++] = ivisurf;
++              }
++      }
++      *pLength = length;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static struct ivi_layout_layer *
++ivi_layout_layer_create_with_dimension(uint32_t id_layer,
++                                     int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      ivilayer = get_layer(&layout->layer_list, id_layer);
++      if (ivilayer != NULL) {
++              weston_log("id_layer is already created\n");
++              ++ivilayer->ref_count;
++              return ivilayer;
++      }
++      ivilayer = calloc(1, sizeof *ivilayer);
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      ivilayer->ref_count = 1;
++      wl_signal_init(&ivilayer->property_changed);
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->screen_list);
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->link_to_surface);
++      ivilayer->layout = layout;
++      ivilayer->id_layer = id_layer;
++      init_layer_properties(&ivilayer->prop, width, height);
++      ivilayer->event_mask = 0;
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->pending.surface_list);
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->;
++      ivilayer->pending.prop = ivilayer->prop;
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->order.surface_list);
++      wl_list_init(&ivilayer->;
++      wl_list_insert(&layout->layer_list, &ivilayer->link);
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout->layer_notification.created, ivilayer);
++      return ivilayer;
++static void
++ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      remove_all_notification(&ivilayer->property_changed.listener_list);
++static void
++ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification_by_callback(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                               layer_property_notification_func callback,
++                                               void *userdata)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification_by_callback: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      remove_notification(&ivilayer->property_changed.listener_list, callback, userdata);
++static void
++ivi_layout_layer_destroy(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_remove: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      if (--ivilayer->ref_count > 0)
++              return;
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout->layer_notification.removed, ivilayer);
++      clear_surface_pending_list(ivilayer);
++      clear_surface_order_list(ivilayer);
++      wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++      wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++      wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->link);
++      remove_orderlayer_from_screen(ivilayer);
++      remove_link_to_surface(ivilayer);
++      ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification(ivilayer);
++      free(ivilayer);
++ivi_layout_layer_set_visibility(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                              bool newVisibility)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_visibility: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->visibility = newVisibility;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.visibility != newVisibility)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static bool
++ivi_layout_layer_get_visibility(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_get_visibility: invalid argument\n");
++              return false;
++      }
++      return ivilayer->prop.visibility;
++ivi_layout_layer_set_opacity(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                           wl_fixed_t opacity)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL ||
++          opacity < wl_fixed_from_double(0.0) ||
++          wl_fixed_from_double(1.0) < opacity) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_opacity: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->opacity = opacity;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.opacity != opacity)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_layer_get_opacity(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_get_opacity: invalid argument\n");
++              return wl_fixed_from_double(0.0);
++      }
++      return ivilayer->prop.opacity;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_source_rectangle(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                    int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                    int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_source_rectangle: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->source_x = x;
++      prop->source_y = y;
++      prop->source_width = width;
++      prop->source_height = height;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.source_x != x || ivilayer->prop.source_y != y ||
++          ivilayer->prop.source_width != width ||
++          ivilayer->prop.source_height != height)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_destination_rectangle(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                         int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                         int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_destination_rectangle: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->dest_x = x;
++      prop->dest_y = y;
++      prop->dest_width = width;
++      prop->dest_height = height;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.dest_x != x || ivilayer->prop.dest_y != y ||
++          ivilayer->prop.dest_width != width ||
++          ivilayer->prop.dest_height != height)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_get_dimension(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                             int32_t *dest_width, int32_t *dest_height)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || dest_width == NULL || dest_height == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_get_dimension: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      *dest_width = ivilayer->prop.dest_width;
++      *dest_height = ivilayer->prop.dest_height;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_dimension(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                             int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_dimension: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->dest_width  = dest_width;
++      prop->dest_height = dest_height;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.dest_width != dest_width ||
++          ivilayer->prop.dest_height != dest_height)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_DIMENSION;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_DIMENSION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_layer_get_position(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                            int32_t *dest_x, int32_t *dest_y)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || dest_x == NULL || dest_y == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_get_position: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      *dest_x = ivilayer->prop.dest_x;
++      *dest_y = ivilayer->prop.dest_y;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_layer_set_position(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                            int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_position: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->dest_x = dest_x;
++      prop->dest_y = dest_y;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.dest_x != dest_x || ivilayer->prop.dest_y != dest_y)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_POSITION;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_POSITION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_orientation(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                               enum wl_output_transform orientation)
++      struct ivi_layout_layer_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_orientation: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivilayer->pending.prop;
++      prop->orientation = orientation;
++      if (ivilayer->prop.orientation != orientation)
++              ivilayer->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_ORIENTATION;
++      else
++              ivilayer->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_ORIENTATION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static enum wl_output_transform
++ivi_layout_layer_get_orientation(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_get_orientation: invalid argument\n");
++              return 0;
++      }
++      return ivilayer->prop.orientation;
++ivi_layout_layer_set_render_order(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                struct ivi_layout_surface **pSurface,
++                                int32_t number)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *next = NULL;
++      uint32_t *id_surface = NULL;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_set_render_order: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      clear_surface_pending_list(ivilayer);
++      for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
++              id_surface = &pSurface[i]->id_surface;
++              wl_list_for_each_safe(ivisurf, next, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++                      if (*id_surface != ivisurf->id_surface) {
++                              continue;
++                      }
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++                      wl_list_insert(&ivilayer->pending.surface_list,
++                                     &ivisurf->;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      ivilayer->order.dirty = 1;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                bool newVisibility)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->visibility = newVisibility;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.visibility != newVisibility)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_surface_get_visibility(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_get_visibility: invalid argument\n");
++              return false;
++      }
++      return ivisurf->prop.visibility;
++ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                             wl_fixed_t opacity)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL ||
++          opacity < wl_fixed_from_double(0.0) ||
++          wl_fixed_from_double(1.0) < opacity) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->opacity = opacity;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.opacity != opacity)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_OPACITY;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity: invalid argument\n");
++              return wl_fixed_from_double(0.0);
++      }
++      return ivisurf->prop.opacity;
++ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                           int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                           int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->start_x = prop->dest_x;
++      prop->start_y = prop->dest_y;
++      prop->dest_x = x;
++      prop->dest_y = y;
++      prop->start_width = prop->dest_width;
++      prop->start_height = prop->dest_height;
++      prop->dest_width = width;
++      prop->dest_height = height;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_x != x || ivisurf->prop.dest_y != y ||
++          ivisurf->prop.dest_width != width ||
++          ivisurf->prop.dest_height != height)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_DEST_RECT;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_dimension(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                               int32_t dest_width, int32_t dest_height)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_dimension: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->dest_width  = dest_width;
++      prop->dest_height = dest_height;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_width != dest_width ||
++          ivisurf->prop.dest_height != dest_height)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_DIMENSION;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_DIMENSION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++ivi_layout_surface_get_dimension(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                               int32_t *dest_width, int32_t *dest_height)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL || dest_width == NULL ||  dest_height == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_get_dimension: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      *dest_width = ivisurf->prop.dest_width;
++      *dest_height = ivisurf->prop.dest_height;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_position(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                              int32_t dest_x, int32_t dest_y)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_position: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->dest_x = dest_x;
++      prop->dest_y = dest_y;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.dest_x != dest_x || ivisurf->prop.dest_y != dest_y)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_POSITION;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_POSITION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_get_position(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                              int32_t *dest_x, int32_t *dest_y)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL || dest_x == NULL || dest_y == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_get_position: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      *dest_x = ivisurf->prop.dest_x;
++      *dest_y = ivisurf->prop.dest_y;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_orientation(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                 enum wl_output_transform orientation)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_orientation: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->orientation = orientation;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.orientation != orientation)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_ORIENTATION;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_ORIENTATION;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static enum wl_output_transform
++ivi_layout_surface_get_orientation(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_get_orientation: invalid argument\n");
++              return 0;
++      }
++      return ivisurf->prop.orientation;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_screen_add_layer(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                          struct ivi_layout_layer *addlayer)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *next = NULL;
++      int is_layer_in_scrn = 0;
++      if (iviscrn == NULL || addlayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_screen_add_layer: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      is_layer_in_scrn = is_layer_in_screen(addlayer, iviscrn);
++      if (is_layer_in_scrn == 1) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_screen_add_layer: addlayer is already available\n");
++              return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivilayer, next, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++              if (ivilayer->id_layer == addlayer->id_layer) {
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++                      wl_list_insert(&iviscrn->pending.layer_list,
++                                     &ivilayer->;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      iviscrn->order.dirty = 1;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_screen_set_render_order(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn,
++                                 struct ivi_layout_layer **pLayer,
++                                 const int32_t number)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_layer *next = NULL;
++      uint32_t *id_layer = NULL;
++      int32_t i = 0;
++      if (iviscrn == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_screen_set_render_order: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivilayer, next,
++                            &iviscrn->pending.layer_list, {
++              wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++              wl_list_init(&ivilayer->;
++      }
++      assert(wl_list_empty(&iviscrn->pending.layer_list));
++      for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
++              id_layer = &pLayer[i]->id_layer;
++              wl_list_for_each(ivilayer, &layout->layer_list, link) {
++                      if (*id_layer != ivilayer->id_layer) {
++                              continue;
++                      }
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivilayer->;
++                      wl_list_insert(&iviscrn->pending.layer_list,
++                                     &ivilayer->;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      iviscrn->order.dirty = 1;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static struct weston_output *
++ivi_layout_screen_get_output(struct ivi_layout_screen *iviscrn)
++      return iviscrn->output;
++ * This function is used by the additional ivi-module because of dumping ivi_surface sceenshot.
++ * The ivi-module, e.g., is in wayland-ivi-extension of Genivi's Layer Management.
++ * This function is used to get the result of drawing by clients.
++ */
++static struct weston_surface *
++ivi_layout_surface_get_weston_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      return ivisurf != NULL ? ivisurf->surface : NULL;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_get_size(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                          int32_t *width, int32_t *height,
++                          int32_t *stride)
++      int32_t w;
++      int32_t h;
++      const size_t bytespp = 4; /* PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 */
++      if (ivisurf == NULL || ivisurf->surface == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      weston_surface_get_content_size(ivisurf->surface, &w, &h);
++      if (width != NULL)
++              *width = w;
++      if (height != NULL)
++              *height = h;
++      if (stride != NULL)
++              *stride = w * bytespp;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_add_notification(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                                layer_property_notification_func callback,
++                                void *userdata)
++      struct ivi_layout_notification_callback *prop_callback = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_add_notification: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop_callback = malloc(sizeof *prop_callback);
++      if (prop_callback == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop_callback->callback = callback;
++      prop_callback->data = userdata;
++      return add_notification(&ivilayer->property_changed,
++                              layer_prop_changed,
++                              prop_callback);
++static const struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *
++ivi_layout_get_properties_of_surface(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf)
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_get_properties_of_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      return &ivisurf->prop;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_add_surface(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                           struct ivi_layout_surface *addsurf)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *next = NULL;
++      int is_surf_in_layer = 0;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || addsurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_add_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      is_surf_in_layer = is_surface_in_layer(addsurf, ivilayer);
++      if (is_surf_in_layer == 1) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_add_surface: addsurf is already available\n");
++              return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivisurf, next, &layout->surface_list, link) {
++              if (ivisurf->id_surface == addsurf->id_surface) {
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++                      wl_list_insert(&ivilayer->pending.surface_list,
++                                     &ivisurf->;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      ivilayer->order.dirty = 1;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static void
++ivi_layout_layer_remove_surface(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                              struct ivi_layout_surface *remsurf)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *next = NULL;
++      if (ivilayer == NULL || remsurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_layer_remove_surface: invalid argument\n");
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivisurf, next,
++                            &ivilayer->pending.surface_list, {
++              if (ivisurf->id_surface == remsurf->id_surface) {
++                      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++                      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->;
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      ivilayer->order.dirty = 1;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_source_rectangle(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                      int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                                      int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop = NULL;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_set_source_rectangle: invalid argument\n");
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->source_x = x;
++      prop->source_y = y;
++      prop->source_width = width;
++      prop->source_height = height;
++      if (ivisurf->prop.source_x != x || ivisurf->prop.source_y != y ||
++          ivisurf->prop.source_width != width ||
++          ivisurf->prop.source_height != height)
++              ivisurf->event_mask |= IVI_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT;
++      else
++              ivisurf->event_mask &= ~IVI_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_RECT;
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      commit_surface_list(layout);
++      commit_layer_list(layout);
++      commit_screen_list(layout);
++      commit_transition(layout);
++      commit_changes(layout);
++      send_prop(layout);
++      weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(layout->compositor);
++      return IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_transition(struct ivi_layout_layer *ivilayer,
++                              enum ivi_layout_transition_type type,
++                              uint32_t duration)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return -1;
++      }
++      ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_type = type;
++      ivilayer->pending.prop.transition_duration = duration;
++      return 0;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_layer_set_fade_info(struct ivi_layout_layer* ivilayer,
++                             uint32_t is_fade_in,
++                             double start_alpha, double end_alpha)
++      if (ivilayer == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return -1;
++      }
++      ivilayer->pending.prop.is_fade_in = is_fade_in;
++      ivilayer->pending.prop.start_alpha = start_alpha;
++      ivilayer->pending.prop.end_alpha = end_alpha;
++      return 0;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_transition_duration(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                         uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return -1;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->transition_duration = duration*10;
++      return 0;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_transition(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                enum ivi_layout_transition_type type,
++                                uint32_t duration)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface_properties *prop;
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return -1;
++      }
++      prop = &ivisurf->pending.prop;
++      prop->transition_type = type;
++      prop->transition_duration = duration;
++      return 0;
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_dump(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                      void *target, size_t size,int32_t x, int32_t y,
++                      int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      int result = 0;
++      if (surface == NULL) {
++              weston_log("%s: invalid argument\n", __func__);
++              return IVI_FAILED;
++      }
++      result = weston_surface_copy_content(
++              surface, target, size,
++              x, y, width, height);
++      return result == 0 ? IVI_SUCCEEDED : IVI_FAILED;
++ * methods of interaction between ivi-shell with ivi-layout
++ */
++struct weston_view *
++ivi_layout_get_weston_view(struct ivi_layout_surface *surface)
++      struct weston_view *tmpview = NULL;
++      if (surface == NULL)
++              return NULL;
++      wl_list_for_each(tmpview, &surface->surface->views, surface_link)
++      {
++              if (tmpview != NULL) {
++                      break;
++              }
++      }
++      return tmpview;
++ivi_layout_surface_configure(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                           int32_t width, int32_t height)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      /* emit callback which is set by ivi-layout api user */
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout->surface_notification.configure_changed,
++                     ivisurf);
++static int32_t
++ivi_layout_surface_set_content_observer(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++                                      ivi_controller_surface_content_callback callback,
++                                      void* userdata)
++      int32_t ret = IVI_FAILED;
++      if (ivisurf != NULL) {
++              ivisurf->content_observer.callback = callback;
++              ivisurf->content_observer.userdata = userdata;
++              ret = IVI_SUCCEEDED;
++      }
++      return ret;
++struct ivi_layout_surface*
++ivi_layout_surface_create(struct weston_surface *wl_surface,
++                        uint32_t id_surface)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
++      struct weston_view *tmpview = NULL;
++      if (wl_surface == NULL) {
++              weston_log("ivi_layout_surface_create: invalid argument\n");
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      ivisurf = get_surface(&layout->surface_list, id_surface);
++      if (ivisurf != NULL) {
++              if (ivisurf->surface != NULL) {
++                      weston_log("id_surface(%d) is already created\n", id_surface);
++                      return NULL;
++              }
++      }
++      ivisurf = calloc(1, sizeof *ivisurf);
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++              return NULL;
++      }
++      wl_signal_init(&ivisurf->property_changed);
++      wl_signal_init(&ivisurf->configured);
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->layer_list);
++      ivisurf->id_surface = id_surface;
++      ivisurf->layout = layout;
++      ivisurf->surface = wl_surface;
++      tmpview = weston_view_create(wl_surface);
++      if (tmpview == NULL) {
++              weston_log("fails to allocate memory\n");
++      }
++      ivisurf->surface->width_from_buffer  = 0;
++      ivisurf->surface->height_from_buffer = 0;
++      weston_matrix_init(&ivisurf->transform.matrix);
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->;
++      init_surface_properties(&ivisurf->prop);
++      ivisurf->event_mask = 0;
++      ivisurf->pending.prop = ivisurf->prop;
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->;
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->;
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->order.layer_list);
++      wl_list_insert(&layout->surface_list, &ivisurf->link);
++      wl_signal_emit(&layout->surface_notification.created, ivisurf);
++      return ivisurf;
++ivi_layout_init_with_compositor(struct weston_compositor *ec)
++      struct ivi_layout *layout = get_instance();
++      layout->compositor = ec;
++      wl_list_init(&layout->surface_list);
++      wl_list_init(&layout->layer_list);
++      wl_list_init(&layout->screen_list);
++      wl_signal_init(&layout->layer_notification.created);
++      wl_signal_init(&layout->layer_notification.removed);
++      wl_signal_init(&layout->surface_notification.created);
++      wl_signal_init(&layout->surface_notification.removed);
++      wl_signal_init(&layout->surface_notification.configure_changed);
++      /* Add layout_layer at the last of weston_compositor.layer_list */
++      weston_layer_init(&layout->layout_layer, ec->layer_list.prev);
++      create_screen(ec);
++      layout->transitions = ivi_layout_transition_set_create(ec);
++      wl_list_init(&layout->pending_transition_list);
++ivi_layout_surface_add_configured_listener(struct ivi_layout_surface* ivisurf,
++                                         struct wl_listener* listener)
++      wl_signal_add(&ivisurf->configured, listener);
++static struct ivi_controller_interface ivi_controller_interface = {
++      /**
++       * commit all changes
++       */
++      .commit_changes = ivi_layout_commit_changes,
++      /**
++       * surface controller interfaces
++       */
++      .add_notification_create_surface        = ivi_layout_add_notification_create_surface,
++      .remove_notification_create_surface     = ivi_layout_remove_notification_create_surface,
++      .add_notification_remove_surface        = ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_surface,
++      .remove_notification_remove_surface     = ivi_layout_remove_notification_remove_surface,
++      .add_notification_configure_surface     = ivi_layout_add_notification_configure_surface,
++      .remove_notification_configure_surface  = ivi_layout_remove_notification_configure_surface,
++      .get_surfaces                           = ivi_layout_get_surfaces,
++      .get_id_of_surface                      = ivi_layout_get_id_of_surface,
++      .get_surface_from_id                    = ivi_layout_get_surface_from_id,
++      .get_properties_of_surface              = ivi_layout_get_properties_of_surface,
++      .get_surfaces_on_layer                  = ivi_layout_get_surfaces_on_layer,
++      .surface_set_visibility                 = ivi_layout_surface_set_visibility,
++      .surface_get_visibility                 = ivi_layout_surface_get_visibility,
++      .surface_set_opacity                    = ivi_layout_surface_set_opacity,
++      .surface_get_opacity                    = ivi_layout_surface_get_opacity,
++      .surface_set_source_rectangle           = ivi_layout_surface_set_source_rectangle,
++      .surface_set_destination_rectangle      = ivi_layout_surface_set_destination_rectangle,
++      .surface_set_position                   = ivi_layout_surface_set_position,
++      .surface_get_position                   = ivi_layout_surface_get_position,
++      .surface_set_dimension                  = ivi_layout_surface_set_dimension,
++      .surface_get_dimension                  = ivi_layout_surface_get_dimension,
++      .surface_set_orientation                = ivi_layout_surface_set_orientation,
++      .surface_get_orientation                = ivi_layout_surface_get_orientation,
++      .surface_set_content_observer           = ivi_layout_surface_set_content_observer,
++      .surface_add_notification               = ivi_layout_surface_add_notification,
++      .surface_remove_notification            = ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification,
++      .surface_get_weston_surface             = ivi_layout_surface_get_weston_surface,
++      .surface_set_transition                 = ivi_layout_surface_set_transition,
++      .surface_set_transition_duration        = ivi_layout_surface_set_transition_duration,
++      /**
++       * layer controller interfaces
++       */
++      .add_notification_create_layer          = ivi_layout_add_notification_create_layer,
++      .remove_notification_create_layer       = ivi_layout_remove_notification_create_layer,
++      .add_notification_remove_layer          = ivi_layout_add_notification_remove_layer,
++      .remove_notification_remove_layer       = ivi_layout_remove_notification_remove_layer,
++      .layer_create_with_dimension            = ivi_layout_layer_create_with_dimension,
++      .layer_destroy                          = ivi_layout_layer_destroy,
++      .get_layers                             = ivi_layout_get_layers,
++      .get_id_of_layer                        = ivi_layout_get_id_of_layer,
++      .get_layer_from_id                      = ivi_layout_get_layer_from_id,
++      .get_properties_of_layer                = ivi_layout_get_properties_of_layer,
++      .get_layers_under_surface               = ivi_layout_get_layers_under_surface,
++      .get_layers_on_screen                   = ivi_layout_get_layers_on_screen,
++      .layer_set_visibility                   = ivi_layout_layer_set_visibility,
++      .layer_get_visibility                   = ivi_layout_layer_get_visibility,
++      .layer_set_opacity                      = ivi_layout_layer_set_opacity,
++      .layer_get_opacity                      = ivi_layout_layer_get_opacity,
++      .layer_set_source_rectangle             = ivi_layout_layer_set_source_rectangle,
++      .layer_set_destination_rectangle        = ivi_layout_layer_set_destination_rectangle,
++      .layer_set_position                     = ivi_layout_layer_set_position,
++      .layer_get_position                     = ivi_layout_layer_get_position,
++      .layer_set_dimension                    = ivi_layout_layer_set_dimension,
++      .layer_get_dimension                    = ivi_layout_layer_get_dimension,
++      .layer_set_orientation                  = ivi_layout_layer_set_orientation,
++      .layer_get_orientation                  = ivi_layout_layer_get_orientation,
++      .layer_add_surface                      = ivi_layout_layer_add_surface,
++      .layer_remove_surface                   = ivi_layout_layer_remove_surface,
++      .layer_set_render_order                 = ivi_layout_layer_set_render_order,
++      .layer_add_notification                 = ivi_layout_layer_add_notification,
++      .layer_remove_notification              = ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification,
++      .layer_set_transition                   = ivi_layout_layer_set_transition,
++      /**
++       * screen controller interfaces part1
++       */
++      .get_screen_from_id             = ivi_layout_get_screen_from_id,
++      .get_screen_resolution          = ivi_layout_get_screen_resolution,
++      .get_screens                    = ivi_layout_get_screens,
++      .get_screens_under_layer        = ivi_layout_get_screens_under_layer,
++      .screen_add_layer               = ivi_layout_screen_add_layer,
++      .screen_set_render_order        = ivi_layout_screen_set_render_order,
++      .screen_get_output              = ivi_layout_screen_get_output,
++      /**
++       * animation
++       */
++      .transition_move_layer_cancel   = ivi_layout_transition_move_layer_cancel,
++      .layer_set_fade_info            = ivi_layout_layer_set_fade_info,
++      /**
++       * surface content dumping for debugging
++       */
++      .surface_get_size               = ivi_layout_surface_get_size,
++      .surface_dump                   = ivi_layout_surface_dump,
++      /**
++       * remove notification by callback on property changes of ivi_surface/layer
++       */
++      .surface_remove_notification_by_callback        = ivi_layout_surface_remove_notification_by_callback,
++      .layer_remove_notification_by_callback          = ivi_layout_layer_remove_notification_by_callback,
++      /**
++       * screen controller interfaces part2
++       */
++      .get_id_of_screen       = ivi_layout_get_id_of_screen
++load_controller_modules(struct weston_compositor *compositor, const char *modules,
++                      int *argc, char *argv[])
++      const char *p, *end;
++      char buffer[256];
++      int (*controller_module_init)(struct weston_compositor *compositor,
++                                    int *argc, char *argv[],
++                                    const struct ivi_controller_interface *interface,
++                                    size_t interface_version);
++      if (modules == NULL)
++              return 0;
++      p = modules;
++      while (*p) {
++              end = strchrnul(p, ',');
++              snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%.*s", (int)(end - p), p);
++              controller_module_init = weston_load_module(buffer, "controller_module_init");
++              if (!controller_module_init)
++                      return -1;
++              if (controller_module_init(compositor, argc, argv,
++                                         &ivi_controller_interface,
++                              sizeof(struct ivi_controller_interface)) != 0) {
++                      weston_log("ivi-shell: Initialization of controller module fails");
++                      return -1;
++              }
++              p = end;
++              while (*p == ',')
++                      p++;
++      }
++      return 0;
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..220a508
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++ * ivi-shell supports a type of shell for In-Vehicle Infotainment system.
++ * In-Vehicle Infotainment system traditionally manages surfaces with global
++ * identification. A protocol, ivi_application, supports such a feature
++ * by implementing a request, ivi_application::surface_creation defined in
++ * ivi_application.xml.
++ *
++ *  The ivi-shell explicitly loads a module to add business logic like how to
++ *  layout surfaces by using internal ivi-layout APIs.
++ */
++#include "config.h"
++#include <string.h>
++#include <dlfcn.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <linux/input.h>
++#include "ivi-shell.h"
++#include "ivi-application-server-protocol.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-export.h"
++#include "ivi-layout-private.h"
++#include "shared/helpers.h"
++/* Representation of ivi_surface protocol object. */
++struct ivi_shell_surface
++      struct wl_resource* resource;
++      struct ivi_shell *shell;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *layout_surface;
++      struct weston_surface *surface;
++      struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
++      uint32_t id_surface;
++      int32_t width;
++      int32_t height;
++      struct wl_list link;
++      struct wl_listener configured_listener;
++struct ivi_shell_setting
++      char *ivi_module;
++      int developermode;
++ * Implementation of ivi_surface
++ */
++static void
++surface_configure_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *layout_surf =
++              (struct ivi_layout_surface *)data;
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *shell_surf =
++              container_of(listener,
++                           struct ivi_shell_surface,
++                           configured_listener);
++      int32_t dest_width = 0;
++      int32_t dest_height = 0;
++      ivi_layout_surface_get_dimension(layout_surf,
++                                       &dest_width, &dest_height);
++      if (shell_surf->resource)
++              ivi_surface_send_configure(shell_surf->resource,
++                                         dest_width, dest_height);
++static void
++ivi_shell_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *, int32_t, int32_t);
++static struct ivi_shell_surface *
++get_ivi_shell_surface(struct weston_surface *surface)
++      if (surface->configure == ivi_shell_surface_configure)
++              return surface->configure_private;
++      return NULL;
++static void
++ivi_shell_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                          int32_t sx, int32_t sy)
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf = get_ivi_shell_surface(surface);
++      if (surface->width == 0 || surface->height == 0 || ivisurf == NULL)
++              return;
++      if (ivisurf->width != surface->width ||
++          ivisurf->height != surface->height) {
++              ivisurf->width  = surface->width;
++              ivisurf->height = surface->height;
++              ivi_layout_surface_configure(ivisurf->layout_surface,
++                                           surface->width, surface->height);
++      }
++static void
++layout_surface_cleanup(struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf)
++      assert(ivisurf->layout_surface != NULL);
++      ivi_layout_surface_destroy(ivisurf->layout_surface);
++      ivisurf->layout_surface = NULL;
++      ivisurf->surface->configure = NULL;
++      ivisurf->surface->configure_private = NULL;
++      ivisurf->surface = NULL;
++      // destroy weston_surface destroy signal.
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->;
++ * The ivi_surface wl_resource destructor.
++ *
++ * Gets called via ivi_surface.destroy request or automatic wl_client clean-up.
++ */
++static void
++shell_destroy_shell_surface(struct wl_resource *resource)
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      if (ivisurf == NULL)
++              return;
++      assert(ivisurf->resource == resource);
++      if (ivisurf->layout_surface != NULL)
++              layout_surface_cleanup(ivisurf);
++      wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->link);
++      free(ivisurf);
++/* Gets called through the weston_surface destroy signal. */
++static void
++shell_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf =
++                      container_of(listener, struct ivi_shell_surface,
++                                   surface_destroy_listener);
++      assert(ivisurf != NULL);
++      if (ivisurf->layout_surface != NULL)
++              layout_surface_cleanup(ivisurf);
++/* Gets called, when a client sends ivi_surface.destroy request. */
++static void
++surface_destroy(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource)
++      /*
++       * Fires the wl_resource destroy signal, and then calls
++       * ivi_surface wl_resource destructor: shell_destroy_shell_surface()
++       */
++      wl_resource_destroy(resource);
++static const struct ivi_surface_interface surface_implementation = {
++      surface_destroy,
++ * Request handler for ivi_application.surface_create.
++ *
++ * Creates an ivi_surface protocol object associated with the given wl_surface.
++ * ivi_surface protocol object is represented by struct ivi_shell_surface.
++ *
++ * \param client The client.
++ * \param resource The ivi_application protocol object.
++ * \param id_surface The IVI surface ID.
++ * \param surface_resource The wl_surface protocol object.
++ * \param id The protocol object id for the new ivi_surface protocol object.
++ *
++ * The wl_surface is given the ivi_surface role and associated with a unique
++ * IVI ID which is used to identify the surface in a controller
++ * (window manager).
++ */
++static void
++application_surface_create(struct wl_client *client,
++                         struct wl_resource *resource,
++                         uint32_t id_surface,
++                         struct wl_resource *surface_resource,
++                         uint32_t id)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf;
++      struct ivi_layout_surface *layout_surface;
++      struct weston_surface *weston_surface =
++              wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
++      struct wl_resource *res;
++      /* check if a surface already has another role */
++      if (weston_surface->configure) {
++              wl_resource_post_error(weston_surface->resource,
++                                     WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
++                                     "surface->configure already "
++                                     "set");
++              return;
++      }
++      layout_surface = ivi_layout_surface_create(weston_surface, id_surface);
++      /* check if id_ivi is already used for wl_surface*/
++      if (layout_surface == NULL) {
++              wl_resource_post_error(resource,
++                                     IVI_APPLICATION_ERROR_IVI_ID,
++                                     "surface_id is already assigned "
++                                     "by another app");
++              return;
++      }
++      ivisurf = zalloc(sizeof *ivisurf);
++      if (ivisurf == NULL) {
++              wl_resource_post_no_memory(resource);
++              return;
++      }
++      wl_list_init(&ivisurf->link);
++      wl_list_insert(&shell->ivi_surface_list, &ivisurf->link);
++      ivisurf->shell = shell;
++      ivisurf->id_surface = id_surface;
++      ivisurf->width = 0;
++      ivisurf->height = 0;
++      ivisurf->layout_surface = layout_surface;
++      ivisurf->configured_listener.notify = surface_configure_notify;
++      ivi_layout_surface_add_configured_listener(layout_surface,
++                                   &ivisurf->configured_listener);
++      /*
++       * The following code relies on wl_surface destruction triggering
++       * immediateweston_surface destruction
++       */
++      ivisurf->surface_destroy_listener.notify = shell_handle_surface_destroy;
++      wl_signal_add(&weston_surface->destroy_signal,
++                    &ivisurf->surface_destroy_listener);
++      ivisurf->surface = weston_surface;
++      weston_surface->configure = ivi_shell_surface_configure;
++      weston_surface->configure_private = ivisurf;
++      res = wl_resource_create(client, &ivi_surface_interface, 1, id);
++      if (res == NULL) {
++              wl_client_post_no_memory(client);
++              return;
++      }
++      ivisurf->resource = res;
++      wl_resource_set_implementation(res, &surface_implementation,
++                                     ivisurf, shell_destroy_shell_surface);
++static const struct ivi_application_interface application_implementation = {
++      application_surface_create
++ * Handle wl_registry.bind of ivi_application global singleton.
++ */
++static void
++bind_ivi_application(struct wl_client *client,
++                   void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell = data;
++      struct wl_resource *resource;
++      resource = wl_resource_create(client, &ivi_application_interface,
++                                    1, id);
++      wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
++                                     &application_implementation,
++                                     shell, NULL);
++struct weston_view *
++get_default_view(struct weston_surface *surface)
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *shsurf;
++      struct weston_view *view;
++      if (!surface || wl_list_empty(&surface->views))
++              return NULL;
++      shsurf = get_ivi_shell_surface(surface);
++      if (shsurf && shsurf->layout_surface) {
++              view = ivi_layout_get_weston_view(shsurf->layout_surface);
++              if (view)
++                      return view;
++      }
++      wl_list_for_each(view, &surface->views, surface_link) {
++              if (weston_view_is_mapped(view))
++                      return view;
++      }
++      return container_of(surface->,
++                          struct weston_view, surface_link);
++ * Called through the compositor's destroy signal.
++ */
++static void
++shell_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++      struct ivi_shell *shell =
++              container_of(listener, struct ivi_shell, destroy_listener);
++      struct ivi_shell_surface *ivisurf, *next;
++      input_panel_destroy(shell);
++      wl_list_for_each_safe(ivisurf, next, &shell->ivi_surface_list, link) {
++              wl_list_remove(&ivisurf->link);
++              free(ivisurf);
++      }
++      free(shell);
++static void
++terminate_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
++                uint32_t key, void *data)
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor = data;
++      wl_display_terminate(compositor->wl_display);
++static void
++init_ivi_shell(struct weston_compositor *compositor, struct ivi_shell *shell,
++             const struct ivi_shell_setting *setting)
++      shell->compositor = compositor;
++      wl_list_init(&shell->ivi_surface_list);
++      weston_layer_init(&shell->input_panel_layer, NULL);
++      if (setting->developermode) {
++#if 0
++              weston_install_debug_key_binding(compositor, MODIFIER_SUPER);
++              weston_compositor_add_key_binding(compositor, KEY_BACKSPACE,
++                                                MODIFIER_CTRL | MODIFIER_ALT,
++                                                terminate_binding,
++                                                compositor);
++      }
++static int
++ivi_shell_setting_create(struct ivi_shell_setting *dest,
++                       struct weston_compositor *compositor,
++                       int *argc, char *argv[])
++      int result = 0;
++      struct weston_config *config = compositor->config;
++      struct weston_config_section *section;
++      const struct weston_option ivi_shell_options[] = {
++              { WESTON_OPTION_STRING, "ivi-module", 0, &dest->ivi_module },
++      };
++      parse_options(ivi_shell_options, ARRAY_LENGTH(ivi_shell_options),
++                    argc, argv);
++      section = weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell", NULL, NULL);
++      if (!dest->ivi_module &&
++          weston_config_section_get_string(section, "ivi-module",
++                                           &dest->ivi_module, NULL) < 0) {
++              weston_log("Error: ivi-shell: No ivi-module set\n");
++              result = -1;
++      }
++      weston_config_section_get_bool(section, "developermode",
++                                     &dest->developermode, 0);
++      return result;
++ * Initialization of ivi-shell.
++ */
++module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor,
++          int *argc, char *argv[])
++      struct ivi_shell *shell;
++      struct ivi_shell_setting setting = { };
++      int retval = -1;
++      shell = zalloc(sizeof *shell);
++      if (shell == NULL)
++              return -1;
++      if (ivi_shell_setting_create(&setting, compositor, argc, argv) != 0)
++              return -1;
++      init_ivi_shell(compositor, shell, &setting);
++      shell->destroy_listener.notify = shell_destroy;
++      wl_signal_add(&compositor->destroy_signal, &shell->destroy_listener);
++      if (input_panel_setup(shell) < 0)
++              goto out_settings;
++      text_backend_init(compositor);
++      if (wl_global_create(compositor->wl_display,
++                           &ivi_application_interface, 1,
++                           shell, bind_ivi_application) == NULL)
++              goto out_settings;
++      ivi_layout_init_with_compositor(compositor);
++      /* Call module_init of ivi-modules which are defined in weston.ini */
++      if (load_controller_modules(compositor, setting.ivi_module,
++                                  argc, argv) < 0)
++              goto out_settings;
++      retval = 0;
++      free(setting.ivi_module);
++      return retval;
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9a05eb2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
++ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
++ * portions of the Software.
++ *
++ */
++#include <stdbool.h>
++#include "compositor.h"
++struct ivi_shell
++      struct wl_listener destroy_listener;
++      struct weston_compositor *compositor;
++      struct wl_list ivi_surface_list; /* struct ivi_shell_surface::link */
++      struct text_backend *text_backend;
++      struct wl_listener show_input_panel_listener;
++      struct wl_listener hide_input_panel_listener;
++      struct wl_listener update_input_panel_listener;
++      struct weston_layer input_panel_layer;
++      bool locked;
++      bool showing_input_panels;
++      struct {
++              struct weston_surface *surface;
++              pixman_box32_t cursor_rectangle;
++      } text_input;
++      struct {
++              struct wl_resource *binding;
++              struct wl_list surfaces;
++      } input_panel;
++struct weston_view *
++get_default_view(struct weston_surface *surface);
++input_panel_setup(struct ivi_shell *shell);
++input_panel_destroy(struct ivi_shell *shell);
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ b/ivi-shell/
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6c22633
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ivi-shell/
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+diff --git a/protocol/ivi-application.xml b/protocol/ivi-application.xml
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8f24226
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/protocol/ivi-application.xml
+@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++<protocol name="ivi_application">
++  <copyright>
++    Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++    Copyright (c) 2013 BMW Car IT GmbH
++    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
++    copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
++    to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
++    the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
++    and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
++    Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++    The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
++    paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
++    Software.
++  </copyright>
++  <interface name="ivi_surface" version="1">
++    <description summary="application interface to surface in ivi compositor"/>
++    <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
++      <description summary="destroy ivi_surface">
++        This removes link from ivi_id to wl_surface and destroys ivi_surface.
++        The ID, ivi_id, is free and can be used for surface_create again.
++      </description>
++    </request>
++    <event name="configure">
++      <description summary="suggest resize">
++        The configure event asks the client to resize its surface.
++        The size is a hint, in the sense that the client is free to
++        ignore it if it doesn't resize, pick a smaller size (to
++        satisfy aspect ratio or resize in steps of NxM pixels).
++        The client is free to dismiss all but the last configure
++        event it received.
++        The width and height arguments specify the size of the window
++        in surface local coordinates.
++      </description>
++      <arg name="width" type="int"/>
++      <arg name="height" type="int"/>
++    </event>
++  </interface>
++  <interface name="ivi_application" version="1">
++    <description summary="create ivi-style surfaces">
++      This interface is exposed as a global singleton.
++      This interface is implemented by servers that provide IVI-style user interfaces.
++      It allows clients to associate a ivi_surface with wl_surface.
++    </description>
++    <enum name="error">
++      <entry name="role" value="0" summary="given wl_surface has another role"/>
++      <entry name="ivi_id" value="1" summary="given ivi_id is assigned to another wl_surface"/>
++    </enum>
++    <request name="surface_create">
++      <description summary="create ivi_surface with numeric ID in ivi compositor">
++        This request gives the wl_surface the role of an IVI Surface. Creating more than
++        one ivi_surface for a wl_surface is not allowed. Note, that this still allows the
++        following example:
++         1. create a wl_surface
++         2. create ivi_surface for the wl_surface
++         3. destroy the ivi_surface
++         4. create ivi_surface for the wl_surface (with the same or another ivi_id as before)
++        surface_create will create a interface:ivi_surface with numeric ID; ivi_id in
++        ivi compositor. These ivi_ids are defined as unique in the system to identify
++        it inside of ivi compositor. The ivi compositor implements business logic how to
++        set properties of the surface with ivi_id according to status of the system.
++        E.g. a unique ID for Car Navigation application is used for implementing special
++        logic of the application about where it shall be located.
++        The server regards following cases as protocol errors and disconnects the client.
++         - wl_surface already has an nother role.
++         - ivi_id is already assigned to an another wl_surface.
++        If client destroys ivi_surface or wl_surface which is assigne to the ivi_surface,
++        ivi_id which is assigned to the ivi_surface is free for reuse.
++      </description>
++      <arg name="ivi_id" type="uint"/>
++      <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
++      <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="ivi_surface"/>
++    </request>
++  </interface>
+diff --git a/protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml b/protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..826763c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/protocol/ivi-hmi-controller.xml
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++<protocol name="ivi_hmi_controller">
++  <copyright>
++    Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION
++    Copyright (c) 2013 BMW Car IT GmbH
++    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
++    copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
++    to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
++    the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
++    and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
++    Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++    The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
++    paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
++    Software.
++  </copyright>
++  <interface name="ivi_hmi_controller" version="1">
++    <description summary="set up and control IVI style UI"/>
++    <request name="UI_ready">
++      <description summary="inform the ready for drawing desktop." />
++    </request>
++    <request name="workspace_control">
++      <description summary="start controlling a surface by server">
++        Reference protocol to control a surface by server.
++        To control a surface by server, it gives seat to the server
++        to e.g. control Home screen. Home screen has several workspaces
++        to group launchers of wayland application. These workspaces
++        are drawn on a horizontally long surface to be controlled
++        by motion of input device. E.g. A motion from right to left
++        happens, the viewport of surface is controlled in the ivi-shell
++        by using ivi-layout. client can recognizes the end of controlling
++        by event "workspace_end_control".
++      </description>
++      <arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat"/>
++      <arg name="serial" type="uint"/>
++    </request>
++    <enum name="layout_mode">
++      <entry name="tiling" value="0"/>
++      <entry name="side_by_side" value="1"/>
++      <entry name="full_screen" value="2"/>
++      <entry name="random" value="3" />
++    </enum>
++    <request name="switch_mode">
++      <description summary="request mode switch of application layout">
++        hmi-controller loaded to ivi-shall implements 4 types of layout
++        as a reference; tiling, side by side, full_screen, and random.
++      </description>
++      <arg name="layout_mode" type="uint"/>
++    </request>
++    <enum name="home">
++      <entry name="off" value="0"/>
++      <entry name="on" value="1"/>
++    </enum>
++    <request name="home">
++      <description summary="request displaying/undisplaying home screen">
++        home screen is a reference implementation of launcher to launch
++        wayland applications. The home screen has several workspaces to
++        group wayland applications. By defining the following keys in
++        weston.ini, user can add launcher icon to launch a wayland application
++        to a workspace.
++        [ivi-launcher]
++        workspace-id=0
++              : id of workspace to add a launcher
++        icon-id=4001
++              : ivi id of ivi_surface to draw a icon
++        icon=/home/user/review/build-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_flower.png
++              : path to icon image
++        path=/home/user/review/build-ivi-shell/weston-dnd
++              : path to wayland application
++      </description>
++      <arg name="home" type="uint"/>
++    </request>
++    <event name="workspace_end_control">
++      <description summary="notify controlling workspace end"/>
++      <arg name="is_controlled" type="int"/>
++    </event>
++  </interface>
+diff --git a/shared/helpers.h b/shared/helpers.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1d1e458
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/shared/helpers.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++ * Copyright © 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
++ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
++ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
++ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
++ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
++ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
++ * the following conditions:
++  *
++ */
++#ifdef  __cplusplus
++extern "C" {
++ * @file
++ * Simple misc helper macros.
++ */
++ * Compile-time computation of number of items in a hardcoded array.
++ *
++ * @param a the array being measured.
++ * @return the number of items hardcoded into the array.
++ */
++#ifndef ARRAY_LENGTH
++#define ARRAY_LENGTH(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0])
++ * Returns the smaller of two values.
++ *
++ * @param x the first item to compare.
++ * @param y the second item to compare.
++ * @return the value that evaluates to lesser than the other.
++ */
++#ifndef MIN
++#define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
++ * Returns a pointer the the containing struct of a given member item.
++ *
++ * To demonstrate, the following example retrieves a pointer to
++ * `example_container` given only its `destroy_listener` member:
++ *
++ * @code
++ * struct example_container {
++ *     struct wl_listener destroy_listener;
++ *     // other members...
++ * };
++ *
++ * void example_container_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
++ * {
++ *     struct example_container *ctr;
++ *
++ *     ctr = wl_container_of(listener, ctr, destroy_listener);
++ *     // destroy ctr...
++ * }
++ * @endcode
++ *
++ * @param ptr A valid pointer to the contained item.
++ *
++ * @param type A pointer to the type of content that the list item
++ * stores. Type does not need be a valid pointer; a null or
++ * an uninitialised pointer will suffice.
++ *
++ * @param member The named location of ptr within the sample type.
++ *
++ * @return The container for the specified pointer.
++ */
++#ifndef container_of
++#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                            \
++      const __typeof__( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);        \
++      (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
++#ifdef  __cplusplus
++#endif /* WESTON_HELPERS_H */
+diff --git a/src/compositor.c b/src/compositor.c
+index 574db2d..e9c46a4 100644
+--- a/src/compositor.c
++++ b/src/compositor.c
+@@ -2503,6 +2503,54 @@ weston_surface_get_main_surface(struct weston_surface *surface)
+       return surface;
+ }
++/** Get the size of surface contents */
++WL_EXPORT void
++weston_surface_get_content_size(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                              int *width, int *height)
++      struct weston_renderer *rer = surface->compositor->renderer;
++      if (!rer->surface_get_content_size) {
++              *width = 0;
++              *height = 0;
++              return;
++      }
++      rer->surface_get_content_size(surface, width, height);
++/** Copy surface contents to system memory */
++weston_surface_copy_content(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                           void *target, size_t size,
++                           int src_x, int src_y,
++                           int width, int height)
++      struct weston_renderer *rer = surface->compositor->renderer;
++      int cw, ch;
++      const size_t bytespp = 4; /* PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 */
++      if (!rer->surface_copy_content)
++              return -1;
++      weston_surface_get_content_size(surface, &cw, &ch);
++      if (src_x < 0 || src_y < 0)
++              return -1;
++      if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
++              return -1;
++      if (src_x + width > cw || src_y + height > ch)
++              return -1;
++      if (width * bytespp * height > size)
++              return -1;
++      return rer->surface_copy_content(surface, target, size,
++                                       src_x, src_y, width, height);
+ static void
+ subsurface_set_position(struct wl_client *client,
+                       struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y)
+diff --git a/src/compositor.h b/src/compositor.h
+index 057f8be..2a8da6b 100644
+--- a/src/compositor.h
++++ b/src/compositor.h
+@@ -552,6 +552,16 @@ struct weston_renderer {
+                              float red, float green,
+                              float blue, float alpha);
+       void (*destroy)(struct weston_compositor *ec);
++      /** See weston_surface_get_content_size() */
++      void (*surface_get_content_size)(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                                       int *width, int *height);
++      /** See weston_surface__copy_content() */
++      int (*surface_copy_content)(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                                  void *target, size_t size,
++                                  int src_x, int src_y,
++                                  int width, int height);
+ };
+ enum weston_capability {
+@@ -1205,6 +1215,16 @@ weston_surface_unmap(struct weston_surface *surface);
+ struct weston_surface *
+ weston_surface_get_main_surface(struct weston_surface *surface);
++weston_surface_get_content_size(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                              int *width, int *height);
++weston_surface_copy_content(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                          void *target, size_t size,
++                          int src_x, int src_y,
++                          int width, int height);
+ struct weston_buffer *
+ weston_buffer_from_resource(struct wl_resource *resource);
+diff --git a/src/gl-renderer.c b/src/gl-renderer.c
+index 63af75d..55b612c 100644
+--- a/src/gl-renderer.c
++++ b/src/gl-renderer.c
+@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ struct gl_output_state {
+ enum buffer_type {
++      BUFFER_TYPE_SOLID, /* internal solid color surfaces without a buffer */
+ };
+@@ -1297,11 +1298,157 @@ gl_renderer_surface_set_color(struct weston_surface *surface,
+       gs->color[1] = green;
+       gs->color[2] = blue;
+       gs->color[3] = alpha;
++      gs->buffer_type = BUFFER_TYPE_SOLID;
+       gs->shader = &gr->solid_shader;
+ }
+ static void
++gl_renderer_surface_get_content_size(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                                   int *width, int *height)
++      struct gl_surface_state *gs = get_surface_state(surface);
++      if (gs->buffer_type == BUFFER_TYPE_NULL) {
++              *width = 0;
++              *height = 0;
++      } else {
++              *width = gs->pitch;
++              *height = gs->height;
++      }
++static uint32_t
++pack_color(pixman_format_code_t format, float *c)
++      uint8_t r = round(c[0] * 255.0f);
++      uint8_t g = round(c[1] * 255.0f);
++      uint8_t b = round(c[2] * 255.0f);
++      uint8_t a = round(c[3] * 255.0f);
++      switch (format) {
++      case PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8:
++              return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
++      default:
++              assert(0);
++              return 0;
++      }
++static int
++gl_renderer_surface_copy_content(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                               void *target, size_t size,
++                               int src_x, int src_y,
++                               int width, int height)
++      static const GLfloat verts[4 * 2] = {
++              0.0f, 0.0f,
++              1.0f, 0.0f,
++              1.0f, 1.0f,
++              0.0f, 1.0f
++      };
++      static const GLfloat projmat_normal[16] = { /* transpose */
++               2.0f,  0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
++               0.0f,  2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
++               0.0f,  0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
++              -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
++      };
++      static const GLfloat projmat_yinvert[16] = { /* transpose */
++               2.0f,  0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
++               0.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
++               0.0f,  0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
++              -1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
++      };
++      const pixman_format_code_t format = PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8;
++      const size_t bytespp = 4; /* PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 */
++      const GLenum gl_format = GL_RGBA; /* PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 little-endian */
++      struct gl_renderer *gr = get_renderer(surface->compositor);
++      struct gl_surface_state *gs = get_surface_state(surface);
++      int cw, ch;
++      GLuint fbo;
++      GLuint tex;
++      GLenum status;
++      const GLfloat *proj;
++      int i;
++      gl_renderer_surface_get_content_size(surface, &cw, &ch);
++      switch (gs->buffer_type) {
++      case BUFFER_TYPE_NULL:
++              return -1;
++      case BUFFER_TYPE_SOLID:
++              *(uint32_t *)target = pack_color(format, gs->color);
++              return 0;
++      case BUFFER_TYPE_SHM:
++              gl_renderer_flush_damage(surface);
++              /* fall through */
++      case BUFFER_TYPE_EGL:
++              break;
++      }
++      glGenTextures(1, &tex);
++      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
++      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, cw, ch,
++                   0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
++      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
++      glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo);
++      glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
++      glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
++                             GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);
++      status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
++      if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
++              weston_log("%s: fbo error: %#x\n", __func__, status);
++              glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo);
++              glDeleteTextures(1, &tex);
++              return -1;
++      }
++      glViewport(0, 0, cw, ch);
++      glDisable(GL_BLEND);
++      use_shader(gr, gs->shader);
++      if (gs->y_inverted)
++              proj = projmat_normal;
++      else
++              proj = projmat_yinvert;
++      glUniformMatrix4fv(gs->shader->proj_uniform, 1, GL_FALSE, proj);
++      glUniform1f(gs->shader->alpha_uniform, 1.0f);
++      for (i = 0; i < gs->num_textures; i++) {
++              glUniform1i(gs->shader->tex_uniforms[i], i);
++              glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
++              glBindTexture(gs->target, gs->textures[i]);
++              glTexParameteri(gs->target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
++              glTexParameteri(gs->target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
++      }
++      /* position: */
++      glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, verts);
++      glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
++      /* texcoord: */
++      glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, verts);
++      glEnableVertexAttribArray(1);
++      glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
++      glDisableVertexAttribArray(1);
++      glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
++      glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, bytespp);
++      glReadPixels(src_x, src_y, width, height, gl_format,
++                   GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, target);
++      glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo);
++      glDeleteTextures(1, &tex);
++      return 0;
++static void
+ surface_state_destroy(struct gl_surface_state *gs, struct gl_renderer *gr)
+ {
+       int i;
+@@ -1932,6 +2079,9 @@ gl_renderer_create(struct weston_compositor *ec, EGLNativeDisplayType display,
+       gr->base.attach = gl_renderer_attach;
+       gr->base.surface_set_color = gl_renderer_surface_set_color;
+       gr->base.destroy = gl_renderer_destroy;
++      gr->base.surface_get_content_size =
++              gl_renderer_surface_get_content_size;
++      gr->base.surface_copy_content = gl_renderer_surface_copy_content;
+       gr->egl_display = eglGetDisplay(display);
+       if (gr->egl_display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
+diff --git a/src/pixman-renderer.c b/src/pixman-renderer.c
+index 93be968..c9d5038 100644
+--- a/src/pixman-renderer.c
++++ b/src/pixman-renderer.c
+@@ -674,6 +674,53 @@ pixman_renderer_destroy(struct weston_compositor *ec)
+ }
+ static void
++pixman_renderer_surface_get_content_size(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                                       int *width, int *height)
++      struct pixman_surface_state *ps = get_surface_state(surface);
++      if (ps->image) {
++              *width = pixman_image_get_width(ps->image);
++              *height = pixman_image_get_height(ps->image);
++      } else {
++              *width = 0;
++              *height = 0;
++      }
++static int
++pixman_renderer_surface_copy_content(struct weston_surface *surface,
++                                   void *target, size_t size,
++                                   int src_x, int src_y,
++                                   int width, int height)
++      const pixman_format_code_t format = PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8;
++      const size_t bytespp = 4; /* PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 */
++      struct pixman_surface_state *ps = get_surface_state(surface);
++      pixman_image_t *out_buf;
++      if (!ps->image)
++              return -1;
++      out_buf = pixman_image_create_bits(format, width, height,
++                                         target, width * bytespp);
++      pixman_image_set_transform(ps->image, NULL);
++      pixman_image_composite32(PIXMAN_OP_SRC,
++                               ps->image,     /* src */
++                               NULL,          /* mask */
++                               out_buf,       /* dest */
++                               src_x, src_y,  /* src_x, src_y */
++                               0, 0,          /* mask_x, mask_y */
++                               0, 0,          /* dest_x, dest_y */
++                               width, height);
++      pixman_image_unref(out_buf);
++      return 0;
++static void
+ debug_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+             void *data)
+ {
+@@ -711,6 +758,10 @@ pixman_renderer_init(struct weston_compositor *ec)
+       renderer->base.attach = pixman_renderer_attach;
+       renderer->base.surface_set_color = pixman_renderer_surface_set_color;
+       renderer->base.destroy = pixman_renderer_destroy;
++      renderer->base.surface_get_content_size =
++              pixman_renderer_surface_get_content_size;
++      renderer->base.surface_copy_content =
++              pixman_renderer_surface_copy_content;
+       ec->renderer = &renderer->base;
+       ec->capabilities |= WESTON_CAP_ROTATION_ANY;
+       ec->capabilities |= WESTON_CAP_CAPTURE_YFLIP;
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/background.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/background.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..60c317c
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/background.png differ
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dc5a302
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/fullscreen.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/home.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/home.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..af9f603
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/home.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..711bcfc
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png differ
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0a71479
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_flower.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0253950
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6aacaaa
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_smoke.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_smoke.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0dbe20e
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/icon_ivi_smoke.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/panel.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/panel.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0fd72b8
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/panel.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/random.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/random.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7640aa0
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/random.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/sidebyside.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/sidebyside.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..98ea780
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/sidebyside.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/tiling.png b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/tiling.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dd3e02c
Binary files /dev/null and b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/data/tiling.png differ
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/weston.ini.ivi-shell b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-ivi-shell/weston.ini.ivi-shell
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ad6f19a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.5.0.bbappend b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.5.0.bbappend
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..264b6ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := ":${THISDIR}/weston-ivi-shell:"
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+                  file://Backport-IVI-Shell-from-Weston-1.9.0-to-1.5.0.patch \
+                  file://data/background.png \
+                  file://data/fullscreen.png \
+                  file://data/home.png \
+                  file://data/icon_ivi_clickdot.png \
+                  file://data/icon_ivi_flower.png \
+                  file://data/icon_ivi_simple-egl.png \
+                  file://data/icon_ivi_simple-shm.png \
+                  file://data/icon_ivi_smoke.png \
+                  file://data/panel.png \
+                  file://data/random.png \
+                  file://data/sidebyside.png \
+                  file://data/tiling.png \
+                 "
+EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --enable-ivi-shell"
+do_compile_prepend() {
+      cp -f ${WORKDIR}/data/* ${S}/data