* Not sure how to handle this case in python2, seems to work
* Python 3 doesn't need this since all strings are utf-8
inner_init = '0'
if self.pbtype == 'STRING':
- inner_init = self.default.encode('utf-8').encode('string_escape')
- inner_init = inner_init.replace('"', '\\"')
+ inner_init = self.default.replace('"', '\\"')
inner_init = '"' + inner_init + '"'
elif self.pbtype == 'BYTES':
- data = str(self.default).decode('string_escape')
- data = ['0x%02x' % ord(c) for c in data]
+ data = ['0x%02x' % ord(c) for c in self.default]
if len(data) == 0:
inner_init = '{0, {0}}'