-BUILD_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build)
-BUILD_DIR_TEST := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build-test)
-BUILD_DIR_DEBUG := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build-debug)
-BUILD_DIR_COVERAGE := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build-coverage)
-BUILD_DIR_DEBUG_TEST := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build-debug-test)
-BUILD_DIR_COVERAGE_TEST := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../../build-coverage-test)
-.PHONY: all clean distclean configure build package help update configure-debug configure-coverage build-debug build-coverage package-test package-debug package-coverage package-debug package-debug-test package-coverage-test package-all
-all: help
+ROOT_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(THISFILE))/../..)
+# Build directories
+# Note that the debug/test/coverage directories are defined in relation
+# to the release directory (BUILD_DIR), this needs to be kept in mind
+# if over-riding it and building those widget types, the specific widget
+# type variable (e.g. BUILD_DIR_DEBUG) may also need to be specified
+# to yield the desired output hierarchy.
+BUILD_DIR = $(ROOT_DIR)/build
+BUILD_DIR_DEBUG = $(abspath $(BUILD_DIR)/../build-debug)
+BUILD_DIR_TEST = $(abspath $(BUILD_DIR)/../build-test)
+BUILD_DIR_COVERAGE = $(abspath $(BUILD_DIR)/../build-coverage)
+# Output directory variable for use in pattern rules.
+# This is intended for internal use only, hence the explicit override
+# definition.
+override OUTPUT_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)
+# Final install directory for widgets
+# Default build type for release/test builds
+.PHONY: all help update install distclean
+.PHONY: clean clean-release clean-debug clean-test clean-coverage clean-all
+.PHONY: configure configure-release configure-debug configure-test configure-coverage
+.PHONY: build build-release build-debug build-test build-coverage build-all
+.PHONY: package package-release package-debug package-test package-coverage package-all