import { Injectable, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Headers, RequestOptionsArgs, Response } from '@angular/http'; import { Location } from '@angular/common'; import { CookieService } from 'ngx-cookie'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs/Subscriber'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject'; // Import RxJs required methods import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap'; import { XDSServerService, IXDSFolderConfig } from "../services/xdsserver.service"; import { XDSAgentService } from "../services/xdsagent.service"; import { SyncthingService, ISyncThingProject, ISyncThingStatus } from "../services/syncthing.service"; import { AlertService, IAlert } from "../services/alert.service"; import { UtilsService } from "../services/utils.service"; export enum ProjectType { NATIVE_PATHMAP = 1, SYNCTHING = 2 } export var ProjectTypes = [ { value: ProjectType.NATIVE_PATHMAP, display: "Path mapping" }, { value: ProjectType.SYNCTHING, display: "Cloud Sync" } ]; export var ProjectStatus = { ErrorConfig: "ErrorConfig", Disable: "Disable", Enable: "Enable", Pause: "Pause", Syncing: "Syncing" }; export interface IProject { id?: string; label: string; pathClient: string; pathServer?: string; type: ProjectType; status?: string; isInSync?: boolean; isUsable?: boolean; serverPrjDef?: IXDSFolderConfig; isExpanded?: boolean; visible?: boolean; defaultSdkID?: string; } export interface IXDSAgentConfig { URL: string; retry: number; } export interface ILocalSTConfig { ID: string; URL: string; retry: number; tilde: string; } export interface IxdsAgentPackage { os: string; arch: string; version: string; url: string; } export interface IConfig { xdsServerURL: string; xdsAgent: IXDSAgentConfig; xdsAgentPackages: IxdsAgentPackage[]; projectsRootDir: string; projects: IProject[]; localSThg: ILocalSTConfig; } @Injectable() export class ConfigService { public conf: Observable; private confSubject: BehaviorSubject; private confStore: IConfig; private AgentConnectObs = null; private stConnectObs = null; constructor(private _window: Window, private cookie: CookieService, private xdsServerSvr: XDSServerService, private xdsAgentSvr: XDSAgentService, private stSvr: SyncthingService, private alert: AlertService, private utils: UtilsService, ) { this.load(); this.confSubject = >new BehaviorSubject(this.confStore); this.conf = this.confSubject.asObservable(); // force to load projects this.loadProjects(); } // Load config load() { // Try to retrieve previous config from cookie let cookConf = this.cookie.getObject("xds-config"); if (cookConf != null) { this.confStore = cookConf; } else { // Set default config this.confStore = { xdsServerURL: this._window.location.origin + '/api/v1', xdsAgent: { URL: 'http://localhost:8010', retry: 10, }, xdsAgentPackages: [], projectsRootDir: "", projects: [], localSThg: { ID: null, URL: "http://localhost:8384", retry: 10, // 10 seconds tilde: "", } }; } // Update XDS Agent tarball url this.xdsServerSvr.getXdsAgentInfo().subscribe(nfo => { this.confStore.xdsAgentPackages = []; nfo.tarballs && nfo.tarballs.forEach(el => this.confStore.xdsAgentPackages.push({ os: el.os, arch: el.arch, version: el.version, url: el.fileUrl }) );{}, this.confStore)); }); // Update Project data this.xdsServerSvr.FolderStateChange$.subscribe(prj => { let i = this._getProjectIdx(; if (i >= 0) { // XXX for now, only isInSync and status may change this.confStore.projects[i].isInSync = prj.isInSync; this.confStore.projects[i].status = prj.status; this.confStore.projects[i].isUsable = this._isUsableProject(prj);{}, this.confStore)); } }); } // Save config into cookie save() { // Notify subscribers{}, this.confStore)); // Don't save projects in cookies (too big!) let cfg = Object.assign({}, this.confStore); delete (cfg.projects); this.cookie.putObject("xds-config", cfg); } loadProjects() { // Setup connection with local XDS agent if (this.AgentConnectObs) { try { this.AgentConnectObs.unsubscribe(); } catch (err) { } this.AgentConnectObs = null; } let cfg = this.confStore.xdsAgent; this.AgentConnectObs = this.xdsAgentSvr.connect(cfg.retry, cfg.URL) .subscribe((sts) => { //console.log("Agent sts", sts); // FIXME: load projects from local XDS Agent and // not directly from local syncthing this._loadProjectFromLocalST(); }, error => { if (error.indexOf("XDS local Agent not responding") !== -1) { let msg = "" + error + "
"; msg += "You may need to download and execute XDS-Agent.
"; let os = this.utils.getOSName(true); let zurl = this.confStore.xdsAgentPackages && this.confStore.xdsAgentPackages.filter(elem => elem.os === os); if (zurl && zurl.length) { msg += " Download XDS-Agent tarball for " + zurl[0].os + " host OS "; msg += ""; } msg += "
"; this.alert.error(msg); } else { this.alert.error(error); } }); } private _loadProjectFromLocalST() { // Remove previous subscriber if existing if (this.stConnectObs) { try { this.stConnectObs.unsubscribe(); } catch (err) { } this.stConnectObs = null; } // FIXME: move this code and all logic about syncthing inside XDS Agent // Setup connection with local SyncThing let retry = this.confStore.localSThg.retry; let url = this.confStore.localSThg.URL; this.stConnectObs = this.stSvr.connect(retry, url).subscribe((sts) => { this.confStore.localSThg.ID = sts.ID; this.confStore.localSThg.tilde = sts.tilde; if (this.confStore.projectsRootDir === "") { this.confStore.projectsRootDir = sts.tilde; } // Rebuild projects definition from local and remote syncthing this.confStore.projects = []; this.xdsServerSvr.getProjects().subscribe(remotePrj => { this.stSvr.getProjects().subscribe(localPrj => { remotePrj.forEach(rPrj => { let lPrj = localPrj.filter(item => ===; if (lPrj.length > 0 || rPrj.type === ProjectType.NATIVE_PATHMAP) { this._addProject(rPrj, true); } });{}, this.confStore)); }), error => this.alert.error('Could not load initial state of local projects.'); }), error => this.alert.error('Could not load initial state of remote projects.'); }, error => { if (error.indexOf("Syncthing local daemon not responding") !== -1) { let msg = "" + error + "
"; msg += "Please check that local XDS-Agent is running.
"; msg += "
"; this.alert.error(msg); } else { this.alert.error(error); } }); } set syncToolURL(url: string) { this.confStore.localSThg.URL = url;; } set xdsAgentRetry(r: number) { this.confStore.localSThg.retry = r; this.confStore.xdsAgent.retry = r;; } set xdsAgentUrl(url: string) { this.confStore.xdsAgent.URL = url;; } set projectsRootDir(p: string) { if (p.charAt(0) === '~') { p = this.confStore.localSThg.tilde + p.substring(1); } this.confStore.projectsRootDir = p;; } getLabelRootName(): string { let id = this.confStore.localSThg.ID; if (!id || id === "") { return null; } return id.slice(0, 15); } addProject(prj: IProject): Observable { // Substitute tilde with to user home path let pathCli = prj.pathClient.trim(); if (pathCli.charAt(0) === '~') { pathCli = this.confStore.localSThg.tilde + pathCli.substring(1); // Must be a full path (on Linux or Windows) } else if (!((pathCli.charAt(0) === '/') || (pathCli.charAt(1) === ':' && (pathCli.charAt(2) === '\\' || pathCli.charAt(2) === '/')))) { pathCli = this.confStore.projectsRootDir + '/' + pathCli; } let xdsPrj: IXDSFolderConfig = { id: "", label: prj.label || "", path: pathCli, type: prj.type, defaultSdkID: prj.defaultSdkID, dataPathMap: { serverPath: prj.pathServer, }, dataCloudSync: { syncThingID: this.confStore.localSThg.ID, } }; // Send config to XDS server let newPrj = prj; return this.xdsServerSvr.addProject(xdsPrj) .flatMap(resStRemotePrj => { xdsPrj = resStRemotePrj; if (xdsPrj.type === ProjectType.SYNCTHING) { // FIXME REWORK local ST config // move logic to server side tunneling-back by WS let stData = xdsPrj.dataCloudSync; // Now setup local config let stLocPrj: ISyncThingProject = { id:, label: xdsPrj.label, path: xdsPrj.path, serverSyncThingID: stData.builderSThgID }; // Set local Syncthing config return this.stSvr.addProject(stLocPrj); } else { return Observable.of(null); } }) .map(resStLocalPrj => { this._addProject(xdsPrj); return newPrj; }); } deleteProject(prj: IProject): Observable { let idx = this._getProjectIdx(; let delPrj = prj; if (idx === -1) { throw new Error("Invalid project id (id=" + + ")"); } return this.xdsServerSvr.deleteProject( .flatMap(res => { if (prj.type === ProjectType.SYNCTHING) { return this.stSvr.deleteProject(; } return Observable.of(null); }) .map(res => { this.confStore.projects.splice(idx, 1); return delPrj; }); } syncProject(prj: IProject): Observable { let idx = this._getProjectIdx(; if (idx === -1) { throw new Error("Invalid project id (id=" + + ")"); } return this.xdsServerSvr.syncProject(; } private _isUsableProject(p) { return p && p.isInSync && (p.status === ProjectStatus.Enable) && (p.status !== ProjectStatus.Syncing); } private _getProjectIdx(id: string): number { return this.confStore.projects.findIndex((item) => === id); } private _addProject(rPrj: IXDSFolderConfig, noNext?: boolean) { // Convert XDSFolderConfig to IProject let pp: IProject = { id:, label: rPrj.label, pathClient: rPrj.path, pathServer: rPrj.dataPathMap.serverPath, type: rPrj.type, status: rPrj.status, isInSync: rPrj.isInSync, isUsable: this._isUsableProject(rPrj), defaultSdkID: rPrj.defaultSdkID, serverPrjDef: Object.assign({}, rPrj), // do a copy }; // add new project this.confStore.projects.push(pp); // sort project array this.confStore.projects.sort((a, b) => { if (a.label < b.label) { return -1; } if (a.label > b.label) { return 1; } return 0; }); // FIXME: maybe reduce subject to only .project //{}, this.confStore).project); if (!noNext) {{}, this.confStore)); } } }