/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "PFDREC_API.h" RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_FuncStartStop(E_PFDREC_FUNC status) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_DeleteData(PFDREC_CALLBACK_FUNC func) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_DeleteIndividual(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_ComDataBackup(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, time_t time_info, uint32_t frame_num, uint8_t* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_ReadMemData(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint32_t offset, uint32_t read_num, uint8_t* data, uint32_t* out_num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_GetDataInfo(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint32_t* frame_num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_GetFuncStartStop(E_PFDREC_FUNC* status) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_OutputData(void) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_ReadData(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint64_t unique_id, uint32_t read_num, uint8_t* data, uint32_t* out_num, uint64_t* end_unique_id) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_SearchData(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, time_t time_info, uint64_t* unique_id, uint8_t* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_OpenSession(HANDLE h_app) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_CloseSession(HANDLE h_app) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_OverwriteData(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint32_t offset, uint8_t* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_SetExtractionMode(const E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, const E_PFDREC_EXTRACT_MODE mode) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_SetExtractionMode_Exp(const E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, const E_PFDREC_EXTRACT_MODE mode) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_ComDataBackupY2K38(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint32_t time_info, uint32_t frame_num, uint8_t* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; } RET_PFDREC_API PFDREC_SearchDataY2K38(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE category, uint32_t time_info, uint64_t* unique_id, uint8_t* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_PFDREC_NORMAL; }