# # @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Standard Module Makefile version 2.0 # # Name of the componet (team/domain prefix '_' component name) COMPONENT_NAME = NS_Timer ifndef PRJ_ROOT export PRJ_ROOT = $(CURDIR)/../ endif include $(PRJ_ROOT)cfg/depends.mk # Name of the componet (team/domain prefix '_' component name) # This must be the same as the RTC Component name and Eclipse Project Name COMPONENT_NAME = NS_Timer # Additive Compile Flags (Flags from initiating make process will still apply) DEFS += # Set local includes and then the reference includes (priority order determines search path) # Default pattern are any configuration includes (which would be things like PosixBasedOS001), local (Team) component directories, # dependencies includes (other teams) # Local (current component references should be in the form of # $(CC_IFLAG)$(TEAM_ROOT)$(COMPONENT_NAME)/directory # Example your public include directory would be # $(CC_IFLAG)$(TEAM_ROOT)$(COMPONENT_NAME)/inc # Team references should only be to other's public includes such as # $(CC_IFLAG)$(TEAM_ROOT)NS_MessageCenter/inc # Global (non-team) references should be only to other's public includes such # these are found in the depends include file and captured in the (DEPENDS_INCLUDES) variable INCLUDES = \ $(CFG_INCS) \ $(CC_IFLAG)./ \ $(DEPENDS_INCLUDES) \ $(CC_IFLAG)$(TEAM_ROOT)$(COMPONENT_NAME)/inc # Do the same if you need to include library paths as well # Do an incremental in case additional library paths are defined # at the top-level make. Use similar guidelines as for includes # for example to include a team component library it would be # $(TEAM_ROOT)NS_MessageCenter/lib/NS_MessageCenter/ LIB_PATHS += \ $(DEPENDS_LIB_PATHS) \ # Define binary outputs. These can be libraries or executables. # Name a variable for each deliverable. Suffixes should be # EXEC - For Executables -> output to the bin directory #TIME_EXEC = $(BIN_PATH)time # LIB - For Static Libraries -> output to lib directory with specific naming #MATH_LIB = $(LIB_PATH)$(LIB_PREFIX)math.$(LIB_EXT) # SLIB - For Shared Objects #FRMWRK_SLIB = $(SLIB_PATH)frmwrk.$(SO_EXT) # LIB - Define the static library for Message Queue # # ifdef DYNAMIC COMPONENT_LIB = $(SLIB_PATH)$(LIB_PREFIX)$(COMPONENT_NAME)$(DEBUG_EXT).$(SO_EXT) else COMPONENT_LIB = $(LIB_PATH)$(LIB_PREFIX)$(COMPONENT_NAME)$(DEBUG_EXT).$(LIB_EXT) endif ## Sources Section # Define Library & Executable Sources (on a per deliverable basis) # This includes sources located in subdirectories. # Define generic line that pulls all c, cc, cpp files # since your in the src folder is pull only files from there COMPONENT_SRCS = \ $(wildcard *.c) \ $(wildcard *.cpp) # Define sources that my not be local to your component # here, you can define indivial files or wildcard from # a different folder. NON_LOCAL_SRCS = \ # List of all sources to be built. Can be assembled from the other defintitions. # This only defines sources for the current directory, so if there are subdirectories # those are not included. (Those are found in simple subdirectory makefiles that only # direct the building of sources, but no linking into a binary) SOURCES = \ $(COMPONENT_SRCS) \ $(NON_LOCAL_SRCS) \ # # Convert the source files to object files with correct folder location. # # C_LANG_OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(BLD_PATH),$(addsuffix .$(OBJ_EXT),$(basename $(filter %.c ,$(SOURCES) ) ) ) ) CPP_LANG_OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(BLD_PATH),$(addsuffix .$(OBJ_EXT),$(basename $(filter %.cpp %.cc %.cxx,$(SOURCES) ) ) ) ) # List of all sources to be generated. Can be assembled from the other defintitions. OBJECTS = \ $(C_LANG_OBJECTS) \ $(CPP_LANG_OBJECTS) # All headers that are dependencies. Wildcard is easy to pickup local headers. # This is only to automate the rebuilding, all builds on the servers are cleans # So this is not a huge deal when building on a component level. HEADERS = \ $(wildcard *.h) \ $(wildcard $(PRJ_ROOT)../$(COMPONENT_NAME)/inc/*.h) \ LIBRARIES = \ $(COMPONENT_LIB) \ ifdef DYNAMIC DYNAMIC_LIBS += \ NS_MessageCenter$(DEBUG_EXT) else STATIC_LIBS += endif # Make targets # Standard all: banner module_dirs subdirs local library binary debug: $(MAKE) TARGET=arm DEBUG=TRUE all base: banner module_dirs subdirs local # Standard Building of Source Files (Default builds for all objects defined above) $(C_LANG_OBJECTS): $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(CC_CMD) $(CPP_LANG_OBJECTS): $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(CPP_CMD) local: $(OBJECTS) # Defines specific for each deliverable # For a static library $(COMPONENT_LIB): $(OBJECTS) ifdef DYNAMIC # For a dynamic library $(SLIB_CMD) $(HIDE_ECHO_FLAG)$(OBJCPY) --only-keep-debug $(@) $(@).debug $(HIDE_ECHO_FLAG)$(OBJCPY) --strip-all $(@) $(HIDE_ECHO_FLAG)$(OBJCPY) --add-gnu-debuglink=$(@).debug $(@) else # For a static library $(AR_CMD) endif # Standard set of derived targets library: base \ $(LIBRARIES) @echo "***** `date` Done building library: $(COMPONENT_NAME) ******" binary: base \ $(BINARIES) # Subdirs should be to jump to subdirectories # standard form is of # $(MAKE) -C subdirectory_name $(MAKECMDGOALS) subdirs: clean: -rm -f $(BINARIES) -rm -f $(LIBRARIES) -rm -f $(OBJECTS) -rm -f $(COMPONENT_LIB).map -rm -f $(COMPONENT_LIB).debug -v: @echo "objs: --> $(OBJECTS)" @echo "sources: --> $(SOURCES)" @echo "headers: --> $(HEADERS)" @echo "includes: --> $(INCLUDES)" @echo "lib paths: --> $(LIB_PATHS)" @echo "static libs: --> $(LD_STATIC_LIBS)" @echo "dynamic libs: --> $(LD_DYNAMIC_LIBS)" @echo "lib: --> $(LIBRARIES)" @echo "bin: --> $(BINARIES)" module_dirs: build_dirs