/* * Copyright (C) 2015 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Manuel Bachmann" * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "local-def.h" /* -------------- RADIO DEFINITIONS ------------------ */ #include #include #include #define pthread_signal(n, m) pthread_mutex_lock(m); pthread_cond_signal(n); pthread_mutex_unlock(m) #define pthread_wait(n, m) pthread_mutex_lock(m); pthread_cond_wait(n, m); pthread_mutex_unlock(m) #define BUF_LEN 16*16384 typedef enum { FM, AM } Mode; typedef struct dongle_ctx dongle_ctx; typedef struct demod_ctx demod_ctx; typedef struct output_ctx output_ctx; struct dongle_ctx { pthread_t thr; unsigned char thr_finished; uint16_t buf[BUF_LEN]; uint32_t buf_len; }; struct demod_ctx { pthread_t thr; unsigned char thr_finished; pthread_rwlock_t lck; pthread_cond_t ok; pthread_mutex_t ok_m; int pre_r, pre_j, now_r, now_j, index; int pre_index, now_index; int16_t buf[BUF_LEN]; int buf_len; int16_t res[BUF_LEN]; int res_len; }; struct output_ctx { pthread_t thr; unsigned char thr_finished; pthread_rwlock_t lck; pthread_cond_t ok; pthread_mutex_t ok_m; int16_t buf[BUF_LEN]; int buf_len; }; struct dev_ctx { rtlsdr_dev_t* dev; Mode mode; float freq; unsigned char mute; unsigned char should_run; /* thread contexts */ dongle_ctx *dongle; demod_ctx *demod; output_ctx *output; }; void* _dongle_thread_fn (void *); void* _demod_thread_fn (void *); void* _output_thread_fn (void *); unsigned int _radio_dev_count (void); const char* _radio_dev_name (unsigned int); unsigned char _radio_dev_init (struct dev_ctx *, unsigned int); unsigned char _radio_dev_free (struct dev_ctx *); void _radio_apply_params (struct dev_ctx *); void _radio_start_threads (struct dev_ctx *); void _radio_stop_threads (struct dev_ctx *); static unsigned int init_dev_count; static struct dev_ctx **dev_ctx; /* ------------- RADIO IMPLEMENTATION ----------------- */ /* ---- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS --- */ void radio_on () { init_dev_count = _radio_dev_count(); int i; dev_ctx = (struct dev_ctx**) malloc(init_dev_count * sizeof(struct dev_ctx)); for (i = 0; i < init_dev_count; i++) { dev_ctx[i] = (struct dev_ctx*) malloc(sizeof(struct dev_ctx)); dev_ctx[i]->dev = NULL; dev_ctx[i]->mode = FM; dev_ctx[i]->freq = 100.0; dev_ctx[i]->mute = 0; dev_ctx[i]->should_run = 0; dev_ctx[i]->dongle = NULL; dev_ctx[i]->demod = NULL; dev_ctx[i]->output = NULL; _radio_dev_init(dev_ctx[i], i); } } void radio_off () { int i; for (i = 0; i < init_dev_count; i++) { _radio_dev_free(dev_ctx[i]); free(dev_ctx[i]); } free(dev_ctx); } void radio_set_mode (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx, Mode mode) { dev_ctx->mode = mode; _radio_apply_params(dev_ctx); } void radio_set_freq (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx, float freq) { dev_ctx->freq = freq; _radio_apply_params(dev_ctx); } void radio_set_mute (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx, unsigned char mute) { dev_ctx->mute = mute; _radio_apply_params(dev_ctx); } void radio_play (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { _radio_start_threads(dev_ctx); } void radio_stop (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { _radio_stop_threads(dev_ctx); } /* --- HELPER FUNCTIONS --- */ unsigned int _radio_dev_count () { return rtlsdr_get_device_count(); } const char* _radio_dev_name (unsigned int num) { return rtlsdr_get_device_name(num); } unsigned char _radio_dev_init (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx, unsigned int num) { rtlsdr_dev_t *dev = dev_ctx->dev; if (rtlsdr_open(&dev, num) < 0) return 0; rtlsdr_set_tuner_gain_mode(dev, 0); if (rtlsdr_reset_buffer(dev) < 0) return 0; // dev_ctx->dev = dev; REQUIRED IN C TOO ? TEST ! _radio_apply_params(dev_ctx); return 1; } unsigned char _radio_dev_free (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { rtlsdr_dev_t *dev = dev_ctx->dev; if (rtlsdr_close(dev) < 0) return 0; dev = NULL; return 1; } void _radio_apply_params (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { rtlsdr_dev_t *dev = dev_ctx->dev; Mode mode = dev_ctx->mode; float freq = dev_ctx->freq; int rate; freq *= 1000000; rate = ((1000000 / 200000) + 1) * 200000; if (mode == FM) freq += 16000; freq += rate / 4; rtlsdr_set_center_freq(dev, freq); rtlsdr_set_sample_rate(dev, rate); // dev_ctx->dev = dev; REQUIRED IN C TOO ? TEST ! } void _radio_start_threads (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { rtlsdr_dev_t *dev = dev_ctx->dev; dev_ctx->dongle = (dongle_ctx*) malloc(sizeof(dongle_ctx)); dev_ctx->demod = (demod_ctx*) malloc(sizeof(demod_ctx)); dev_ctx->output = (output_ctx*) malloc(sizeof(output_ctx)); dongle_ctx *dongle = dev_ctx->dongle; demod_ctx *demod = dev_ctx->demod; output_ctx *output = dev_ctx->output; pthread_rwlock_init(&demod->lck, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&demod->ok, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&demod->ok_m, NULL); pthread_rwlock_init(&output->lck, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&output->ok, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&output->ok_m, NULL); dev_ctx->should_run = 1; /* dongle thread */ dongle->thr_finished = 0; pthread_create(&dongle->thr, NULL, _dongle_thread_fn, (void*)dev_ctx); /* demod thread */ demod->pre_r = demod->pre_j = 0; demod->now_r = demod->now_j = 0; demod->index = demod->pre_index = demod->now_index = 0; demod->thr_finished = 0; pthread_create(&demod->thr, NULL, _demod_thread_fn, (void*)dev_ctx); /* output thread */ output->thr_finished = 0; pthread_create(&output->thr, NULL, _output_thread_fn, (void*)dev_ctx); } void _radio_stop_threads (struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx) { rtlsdr_dev_t *dev = dev_ctx->dev; dongle_ctx *dongle = dev_ctx->dongle; demod_ctx *demod = dev_ctx->demod; output_ctx *output = dev_ctx->output; if (!dongle || !demod || !output) return; /* stop each "while" loop in threads */ dev_ctx->should_run = 0; rtlsdr_cancel_async(dev); pthread_signal(&demod->ok, &demod->ok_m); pthread_signal(&output->ok, &output->ok_m); while (!dongle->thr_finished || !demod->thr_finished || !output->thr_finished) usleep(100000); pthread_join(dongle->thr, NULL); pthread_join(demod->thr, NULL); pthread_join(output->thr, NULL); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&demod->lck); pthread_cond_destroy(&demod->ok); pthread_mutex_destroy(&demod->ok_m); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&output->lck); pthread_cond_destroy(&output->ok); pthread_mutex_destroy(&output->ok_m); free(dongle); dev_ctx->dongle = NULL; free(demod); dev_ctx->demod = NULL; free(output); dev_ctx->output = NULL; } /* ---- LOCAL THREADED FUNCTIONS ---- */ static void _rtlsdr_callback (unsigned char *buf, uint32_t len, void *ctx) { struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx = (struct dev_ctx *)ctx; dongle_ctx *dongle = dev_ctx->dongle; demod_ctx *demod = dev_ctx->demod; unsigned char tmp; int i; if (!dev_ctx->should_run) return; /* rotate 90° */ for (i = 0; i < (int)len; i += 8) { tmp = 255 - buf[i+3]; buf[i+3] = buf[i+2]; buf[i+2] = tmp; buf[i+4] = 255 - buf[i+4]; buf[i+5] = 255 - buf[i+5]; tmp = 255 - buf[i+6]; buf[i+6] = buf[i+7]; buf[i+7] = tmp; } /* write data */ for (i = 0; i < (int)len; i++) dongle->buf[i] = (int16_t)buf[i] - 127; /* lock demod thread, write to it, unlock */ pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&demod->lck); memcpy(demod->buf, dongle->buf, 2 * len); demod->buf_len = len; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&demod->lck); pthread_signal(&demod->ok, &demod->ok_m); } /**/ void* _dongle_thread_fn (void *ctx) { struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx = (struct dev_ctx *)ctx; struct dongle_ctx *dongle = dev_ctx->dongle; rtlsdr_read_async(dev_ctx->dev, _rtlsdr_callback, dev_ctx, 0, 0); dongle->thr_finished = 1; return 0; } void _lowpass_demod (void *ctx) { demod_ctx *demod = (demod_ctx *)ctx; int i=0, i2=0; while (i < demod->buf_len) { demod->now_r += demod->buf[i]; demod->now_j += demod->buf[i+1]; i += 2; demod->index++; if (demod->index < ((1000000 / 200000) + 1)) continue; demod->buf[i2] = demod->now_r; demod->buf[i2+1] = demod->now_j; demod->index = 0; demod->now_r = demod->now_j = 0; i2 += 2; } demod->buf_len = i2; } /**/ void _lowpassreal_demod (void *ctx) { demod_ctx *demod = (demod_ctx *)ctx; int i=0, i2=0; int fast = 200000; int slow = 48000; while (i < demod->res_len) { demod->now_index += demod->res[i]; i++; demod->pre_index += slow; if (demod->pre_index < fast) continue; demod->res[i2] = (int16_t)(demod->now_index / (fast/slow)); demod->pre_index -= fast; demod->now_index = 0; i2 += 1; } demod->res_len = i2; } /**/ void _multiply (int ar, int aj, int br, int bj, int *cr, int *cj) { *cr = ar*br - aj*bj; *cj = aj*br + ar*bj; } /**/ int _polar_discriminant (int ar, int aj, int br, int bj) { int cr, cj; double angle; _multiply(ar, aj, br, -bj, &cr, &cj); angle = atan2((double)cj, (double)cr); return (int)(angle / 3.14159 * (1<<14)); } /**/ void _fm_demod (void *ctx) { demod_ctx *demod = (demod_ctx *)ctx; int16_t *buf = demod->buf; int buf_len = demod->buf_len; int pcm, i; pcm = _polar_discriminant(buf[0], buf[1], demod->pre_r, demod->pre_j); demod->res[0] = (int16_t)pcm; for (i = 2; i < (buf_len-1); i += 2) { pcm = _polar_discriminant(buf[i], buf[i+1], buf[i-2], buf[i-1]); demod->res[i/2] = (int16_t)pcm; } demod->pre_r = buf[buf_len - 2]; demod->pre_j = buf[buf_len - 1]; demod->res_len = buf_len/2; } /**/ void _am_demod (void *ctx) { demod_ctx *demod = (demod_ctx *)ctx; int16_t *buf = demod->buf; int buf_len = demod->buf_len; int pcm, i; for (i = 0; i < buf_len; i += 2) { pcm = buf[i] * buf[i]; pcm += buf[i+1] * buf[i+1]; demod->res[i/2] = (int16_t)sqrt(pcm); } demod->res_len = buf_len/2; } /**/ void* _demod_thread_fn (void *ctx) { struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx = (struct dev_ctx *)ctx; demod_ctx *demod = dev_ctx->demod; output_ctx *output = dev_ctx->output; while(dev_ctx->should_run) { pthread_wait(&demod->ok, &demod->ok_m); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&demod->lck); _lowpass_demod(demod); if (dev_ctx->mode == FM) _fm_demod(demod); else _am_demod(demod); _lowpassreal_demod(demod); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&demod->lck); /* lock demod thread, write to it, unlock */ pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&output->lck); memcpy(output->buf, demod->res, 2 * demod->res_len); output->buf_len = demod->res_len; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&output->lck); pthread_signal(&output->ok, &output->ok_m); } demod->thr_finished = 1; return 0; } void* _output_thread_fn (void *ctx) { struct dev_ctx *dev_ctx = (struct dev_ctx *)ctx; output_ctx *output = dev_ctx->output; while (dev_ctx->should_run) { pthread_wait(&output->ok, &output->ok_m); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&output->lck); //if (!dev_ctx->mute) // mRadio->PlayAlsa((void*)&output->buf, output->buf_len); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&output->lck); } output->thr_finished = 1; return 0; } /* -------------- PLUGIN BINDING ------------------- */ STATIC json_object* start (AFB_session *session, AFB_request *request, void* handle) { json_object *response; char query [512]; // request all query key/value getQueryAll (request, query, sizeof(query)); // check if we have some post data if (request->post == NULL) request->post="NoData"; // return response to caller response = jsonNewMessage(AFB_SUCCESS, "Start Radio plugin query={%s} PostData: \'%s\' ", query, request->post); //if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%d: \n", pingcount); return (response); } STATIC json_object* stop (AFB_session *session, AFB_request *request, void* handle) { json_object *response; char query [512]; getQueryAll (request, query, sizeof(query)); if (request->post == NULL) request->post="NoData"; response = jsonNewMessage(AFB_SUCCESS, "Stop Radio plugin query={%s} PostData: \'%s\' ", query, request->post); return (response); } STATIC struct { void * somedata; } handle; STATIC AFB_restapi pluginApis[]= { {"start" , (AFB_apiCB)start , "Ping Application Framework", NULL}, {"stop" , (AFB_apiCB)stop , "Ping Application Framework", NULL}, {0,0,0} }; PUBLIC AFB_plugin *radioRegister (AFB_session *session) { AFB_plugin *plugin = malloc (sizeof (AFB_plugin)); plugin->type = AFB_PLUGIN; plugin->info = "Application Framework Binder - Radio plugin"; plugin->prefix = "radio"; plugin->apis = pluginApis; return (plugin); };