/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 "IoT.bzh" * Author José Bollo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include "getref.h" #include "exprefs.h" #include "json2c.h" #define TEST(x) ((x) && *(x)) #define OOM(x) do{if(!(x)){fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");exit(1);}}while(0) /** * root of the JSON being parsed */ int version = 3; struct json_object *root = NULL; struct json_object *d_perms = NULL; struct json_object *a_perms = NULL; const char *preinit = NULL; const char *init = NULL; const char *onevent = NULL; const char *api = NULL; const char *scope = NULL; const char *prefix = NULL; const char *postfix = NULL; const char *provideclass = NULL; const char *requireclass = NULL; const char *requireapi = NULL; const char *info = NULL; char *capi = NULL; int priv = -1; int noconc = -1; int cpp = 0; enum idl { idl_afbidl = 0, idl_openapi = 1 } idl = idl_openapi; /* create c name by replacing non alpha numeric characters with underscores */ char *cify(const char *str) { char *r = strdup(str); int i = 0; while (r && r[i]) { if (!isalnum(r[i])) r[i] = '_'; i++; } return r; } /* get the permission odescription if set */ struct json_object *permissions_of_verb(struct json_object *obj) { struct json_object *x, *y; if (idl == idl_afbidl) return json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "permissions", &x) ? x : NULL; if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "x-permissions", &x)) return x; if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "get", &x)) if (json_object_object_get_ex(x, "x-permissions", &y)) return y; return NULL; } /* output the array of permissions */ void print_perms() { int i, n; const char *fmtstr = cpp ? "\t%s" : "\t{ %s }"; n = a_perms ? (int)json_object_array_length(a_perms) : 0; if (n) { printf("static const struct afb_auth _afb_auths_%s[] = {\n" , capi); i = 0; while (i < n) { printf(fmtstr, json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(a_perms, i))); printf(",\n"+(++i == n)); } printf("};\n\n"); } } /* * search in the global object 'd_perm' the computed representation * of the permission described either by 'obj' or 'desc' */ struct json_object *new_perm(struct json_object *obj, const char *desc) { const char *tag; char *b; struct json_object *x, *y; tag = obj ? json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, 0) : desc; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(d_perms, tag, &y)) { /* creates the d_perms dico and the a_perms array */ if (!d_perms) { d_perms = json_object_new_object(); a_perms = json_object_new_array(); } /* creates the reference in the structure */ asprintf(&b, "&_afb_auths_%s[%d]", capi, (int)json_object_array_length(a_perms)); x = json_object_new_string(desc); y = json_object_new_string(b); json_object_array_add(a_perms, x); json_object_object_add(d_perms, tag, y); free(b); } return y; } struct json_object *decl_perm(struct json_object *obj); enum optype { And, Or }; /* recursive declare and/or permissions */ struct json_object *decl_perm_a(enum optype op, struct json_object *obj) { int i, n; char *a; const char *opstr, *fmtstr; struct json_object *x, *y; if (cpp) { fmtstr = "afb::auth_%s(%s, %s)"; opstr = op==And ? "and" : "or"; } else { fmtstr = ".type = afb_auth_%s, .first = %s, .next = %s"; opstr = op==And ? "And" : "Or"; } x = NULL; i = n = obj ? (int)json_object_array_length(obj) : 0; while (i) { y = decl_perm(json_object_array_get_idx(obj, --i)); if (!y) ; else if (!x) x = y; else if (x != y) { asprintf(&a, fmtstr, opstr, json_object_get_string(y), json_object_get_string(x)); x = new_perm(NULL, a); free(a); } } return x; } /* declare the permission for obj */ struct json_object *decl_perm(struct json_object *obj) { char *a; const char *fmt; struct json_object *x, *y; if (json_object_object_get_ex(d_perms, json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, 0), &x)) return x; if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "permission", &x)) { if (cpp) fmt = "afb::auth_permission(\"%s\")"; else fmt = ".type = afb_auth_Permission, .text = \"%s\""; asprintf(&a, fmt, json_object_get_string(x)); y = new_perm(obj, a); free(a); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "anyOf", &x)) { y = decl_perm_a(Or, x); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "allOf", &x)) { y = decl_perm_a(And, x); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "not", &x)) { x = decl_perm(x); if (cpp) fmt = "afb::auth_not(%s)"; else fmt = ".type = afb_auth_Not, .first = %s"; asprintf(&a, fmt, json_object_get_string(x)); y = new_perm(obj, a); free(a); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "LOA", &x)) y = NULL; else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "session", &x)) y = NULL; else y = NULL; return y; } void declare_permissions(const char *name, struct json_object *obj) { struct json_object *p; p = permissions_of_verb(obj); if (p) decl_perm(p); } #define SESSION_CLOSE 0x000001 #define SESSION_RENEW 0x000010 #define SESSION_CHECK 0x000100 #define SESSION_LOA_1 0x001000 #define SESSION_LOA_2 0x011000 #define SESSION_LOA_3 0x111000 #define SESSION_MASK 0x111111 int get_session(struct json_object *obj); int get_session_a(int and, struct json_object *obj) { int i, n, x, y; n = obj ? (int)json_object_array_length(obj) : 0; if (n == 0) return 0; i = n; x = get_session(json_object_array_get_idx(obj, --i)); while (i) { y = get_session(json_object_array_get_idx(obj, --i)); if (and) x &= y; else x |= y; } return x; } int get_session(struct json_object *obj) { int y; const char *a; struct json_object *x; y = 0; if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "anyOf", &x)) { y = get_session_a(1, x); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "allOf", &x)) { y = get_session_a(0, x); } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "not", &x)) { y = ~get_session(x) & SESSION_MASK; } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "LOA", &x)) { switch (json_object_get_int(x)) { case 3: y = SESSION_LOA_3; break; case 2: y = SESSION_LOA_2; break; case 1: y = SESSION_LOA_1; break; default: break; } } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "session", &x)) { a = json_object_get_string(x); if (!strcmp(a, "check")) y = SESSION_CHECK; else if (!strcmp(a, "close")) y = SESSION_CLOSE; } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "token", &x)) { a = json_object_get_string(x); if (!strcmp(a, "refresh")) y = SESSION_RENEW; } return y; } void print_session(struct json_object *p) { int s, c, l; s = p ? get_session(p) : 0; c = 1; if (s & SESSION_CHECK) { printf("%s", "|AFB_SESSION_CHECK" + c); c = 0; } if (s & SESSION_LOA_3 & ~SESSION_LOA_2) l = 3; else if (s & SESSION_LOA_2 & ~SESSION_LOA_1) l = 2; else if (s & SESSION_LOA_1) l = 1; else l = 0; if (l) { printf("%s%d", "|AFB_SESSION_LOA_" + c, l); c = 0; } if (s & SESSION_CLOSE) { printf("%s", "|AFB_SESSION_CLOSE" + c); c = 0; } if (s & SESSION_RENEW) { printf("%s", "|AFB_SESSION_REFRESH" + c); c = 0; } if (c) printf("AFB_SESSION_NONE"); } void print_verb(const char *name) { printf("%s%s%s" , prefix, name, postfix); } void print_declare_verb(const char *name, struct json_object *obj) { if (TEST(scope)) printf("%s ", scope); printf("void "); print_verb(name); printf("(afb_req_t req);\n"); } void print_struct_verb(const char *name, struct json_object *obj) { struct json_object *p, *i; const char *info; info = NULL; if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "description", &i)) info = json_object_get_string(i); p = permissions_of_verb(obj); printf( " {\n" " .verb = \"%s\",\n" " .callback = " , name ); print_verb(name); printf( ",\n" " .auth = %s,\n" " .info = %s,\n" , p && decl_perm(p) ? json_object_get_string(decl_perm(p)) : "NULL" , info ? str2c_inl(info) : "NULL" ); if (version == 3) printf( " .vcbdata = NULL,\n" ); printf( " .session = " ); print_session(p); if (version == 3) printf( ",\n" " .glob = 0" ); printf( "\n" " },\n" ); } void getvarbool(int *var, const char *path, int defval) { struct json_object *o; if (*var != 0 && *var != 1) { o = get$ref(root, path); if (o && json_object_is_type(o, json_type_boolean)) *var = json_object_get_boolean(o); else *var = !!defval; } } void getvar(const char **var, const char *path, const char *defval) { struct json_object *o; if (!*var) { o = get$ref(root, path); if (o && json_object_is_type(o, json_type_string)) *var = json_object_get_string(o); else *var = defval; } } /******************************************************************************/ void openapi_getvars() { getvar(&api, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/api", NULL); getvar(&preinit, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/preinit", NULL); getvar(&init, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/init", NULL); getvar(&onevent, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/onevent", NULL); getvar(&scope, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/scope", "static"); getvar(&prefix, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/prefix", "afb_verb_"); getvar(&postfix, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/postfix", "_cb"); getvar(&provideclass, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/provide-class", NULL); getvar(&requireclass, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/require-class", NULL); getvar(&requireapi, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/require-api", NULL); getvarbool(&priv, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/private", 0); getvarbool(&noconc, "#/info/x-binding-c-generator/noconcurrency", 0); getvar(&api, "#/info/title", "?"); getvar(&info, "#/info/description", NULL); } void openapi_enum_verbs(void (*func)(const char *name, struct json_object *obj)) { struct json_object_iterator ji, jn; struct json_object *paths, *obj; const char *name; /* search the verbs */ paths = get$ref(root, "#/paths"); if (!paths) return; /* list the verbs and sort it */ ji = json_object_iter_begin(paths); jn = json_object_iter_end(paths); while (!json_object_iter_equal(&ji, &jn)) { name = json_object_iter_peek_name(&ji); obj = json_object_iter_peek_value(&ji); name += (*name == '/'); func(name, obj); json_object_iter_next(&ji); } } /******************************************************************************/ void afbidl_getvars() { getvar(&preinit, "#/tools/afb-genskel/preinit", NULL); getvar(&init, "#/tools/afb-genskel/init", NULL); getvar(&onevent, "#/tools/afb-genskel/onevent", NULL); getvar(&scope, "#/tools/afb-genskel/scope", "static"); getvar(&prefix, "#/tools/afb-genskel/prefix", "afb_verb_"); getvar(&postfix, "#/tools/afb-genskel/postfix", "_cb"); getvar(&provideclass, "#/tools/afb-genskel/provide-class", NULL); getvar(&requireclass, "#/tools/afb-genskel/require-class", NULL); getvar(&requireapi, "#/tools/afb-genskel/require-api", NULL); getvarbool(&priv, "#/tools/afb-genskel/private", 0); getvarbool(&noconc, "#/tools/afb-genskel/noconcurrency", 0); getvar(&api, "#/info/apiname", NULL); getvar(&api, "#/info/title", "?"); getvar(&info, "#/info/description", NULL); } void afbidl_enum_verbs(void (*func)(const char *name, struct json_object *obj)) { struct json_object_iterator ji, jn; struct json_object *verbs, *obj; const char *name; /* search the verbs */ verbs = get$ref(root, "#/verbs"); if (!verbs) return; /* list the verbs and sort it */ ji = json_object_iter_begin(verbs); jn = json_object_iter_end(verbs); while (!json_object_iter_equal(&ji, &jn)) { name = json_object_iter_peek_name(&ji); obj = json_object_iter_peek_value(&ji); func(name, obj); json_object_iter_next(&ji); } } /******************************************************************************/ void detectidl() { struct json_object *o; o = get$ref(root, "#/openapi"); if (o) { idl = idl_openapi; return; } o = get$ref(root, "#/afbidl"); if (o) { idl = idl_afbidl; return; } } /** * process a file and prints its expansion on stdout */ void process(char *filename) { char *desc; void (*getvars)(); void (*enum_verbs)(void (*)(const char*, struct json_object*)); /* translate - */ if (!strcmp(filename, "-")) filename = "/dev/stdin"; /* check access */ if (access(filename, R_OK)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't access file %s\n", filename); exit(1); } /* read the file */ root = json_object_from_file(filename); if (!root) { fprintf(stderr, "reading file %s produced null\n", filename); exit(1); } /* create the description (before expanding $ref ) */ desc = json2c_std(root); /* expand references */ root = exp$refs(root); /* detect the idl */ detectidl(); switch(idl) { default: case idl_afbidl: getvars = afbidl_getvars; enum_verbs = afbidl_enum_verbs; break; case idl_openapi: getvars = openapi_getvars; enum_verbs = openapi_enum_verbs; break; } /* get some names */ getvars(); capi = cify(api); /* get the API name */ printf( "\n" "static const char _afb_description_%s[] =\n" "%s" ";\n" "\n" , capi, desc ); enum_verbs(declare_permissions); print_perms(); enum_verbs(print_declare_verb); printf( "\n" "static const struct afb_verb_v%d _afb_verbs_%s[] = {\n" , version, capi ); enum_verbs(print_struct_verb); printf( " {\n" " .verb = NULL,\n" " .callback = NULL,\n" " .auth = NULL,\n" " .info = NULL,\n" ); if (version == 3) printf( " .vcbdata = NULL,\n" ); printf( " .session = 0" ); if (version == 3) printf( ",\n" " .glob = 0" ); printf( "\n" " }\n" "};\n" ); if (TEST(preinit) || TEST(init) || TEST(onevent)) { printf("\n"); if (TEST(preinit)) { if (TEST(scope)) printf("%s ", scope); printf("int %s(%s);\n", preinit, version==3 ? "afb_api_t api" : ""); } if (TEST(init)) { if (TEST(scope)) printf("%s ", scope); printf("int %s(%s);\n", init, version==3 ? "afb_api_t api" : ""); } if (TEST(onevent)) { if (TEST(scope)) printf("%s ", scope); printf("void %s(%sconst char *event, struct json_object *object);\n", onevent, version==3 ? "afb_api_t api, " : ""); } } printf( "\n" "%sconst struct afb_binding_v%d %s%s = {\n" " .api = \"%s\",\n" " .specification = _afb_description_%s,\n" " .info = %s,\n" " .verbs = _afb_verbs_%s,\n" " .preinit = %s,\n" " .init = %s,\n" " .onevent = %s,\n" , priv ? "static " : "" , version , priv ? "_afb_binding_" : version==3 ? "afbBindingV3" : "afbBindingV2" , priv ? capi : "" , api , capi , info ? str2c_inl(info) : "NULL" , capi , TEST(preinit) ? preinit : "NULL" , TEST(init) ? init : "NULL" , TEST(onevent) ? onevent : "NULL" ); if (version == 3) printf( " .userdata = NULL,\n" " .provide_class = %s%s%s,\n" " .require_class = %s%s%s,\n" " .require_api = %s%s%s,\n" , TEST(provideclass) ? "\"" : "", TEST(provideclass) ? provideclass : "NULL", TEST(provideclass) ? "\"" : "" , TEST(requireclass) ? "\"" : "", TEST(requireclass) ? requireclass : "NULL", TEST(requireclass) ? "\"" : "" , TEST(requireapi) ? "\"" : "", TEST(requireapi) ? requireapi : "NULL", TEST(requireapi) ? "\"" : "" ); printf( " .noconcurrency = %d\n" "};\n" "\n" , !!noconc ); /* clean up */ json_object_put(root); free(desc); } /** process the list of files or stdin if none */ int main(int ac, char **av) { int r, w; av++; r = w = 0; while (av[r]) { if (!(strcmp(av[r], "-x") && strcmp(av[r], "--cpp"))) { cpp = 1; r++; } else if (!strcmp(av[r], "-2")) { version = 2; r++; } else if (!strcmp(av[r], "-3")) { version = 3; r++; } else { av[w++] = av[r++]; } } av[w] = NULL; if (!*av) process("-"); else { do { process(*av++); } while(*av); } return 0; }