/* * Copyright (c) 2017 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "applist.hpp" #include "../include/hmi-debug.h" using std::shared_ptr; using std::string; using std::vector; const static int kReserveReqSize = 10; const static int kReserveCLSize = 100; namespace wm { AppList::AppList() : current_req(1) { req_list.reserve(kReserveReqSize); app2client.reserve(kReserveCLSize); } void AppList::addClient(const string &appid, const string &role) { shared_ptr client = std::make_shared(appid, role); this->app2client[appid] = client; this->clientDump(); } void AppList::addClient(const std::string &appid, unsigned layer, unsigned surface, const std::string &role) { shared_ptr client = std::make_shared(appid, layer, surface, role); this->app2client[appid] = client; this->clientDump(); } void AppList::removeClient(const string &appid) { this->app2client.erase(appid); } bool AppList::contains(const string &appid) const { auto result = this->app2client.find(appid); return (this->app2client.end() != result) ? true : false; } void AppList::removeSurface(unsigned surface_id){ // This function may be very slow this->clientDump(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) ; bool ret = false; for (auto &x : this->app2client) { HMI_DEBUG("wm", "app: %s", x.second->appID()); ret = x.second->removeSurfaceIfExist(surface_id); if(ret){ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "remove surface %d from Client %s finish", surface_id, x.second->appID().c_str()); break; } } } /** * @brief get WMClient object. Before call this function, must call "contains" * to check the key is contained, otherwise, you have to take care of std::out_of_range. * @param string[in] application id(key) * @return WMClient object */ shared_ptr AppList::lookUpClient(const string &appid) { return this->app2client.at(appid); } int AppList::countClient() const { return this->app2client.size(); } unsigned AppList::currentRequestNumber() const { return this->current_req; } WMError AppList::popFloatingSurface(unsigned pid, unsigned *surface) { WMError ret = WMError::NO_ENTRY; auto fwd_itr = std::remove_if(this->floating_surfaces.begin(), this->floating_surfaces.end(), [pid, surface, &ret](FloatingSurface x) { if(pid == x.pid){ *surface = x.surface_id; ret = WMError::SUCCESS; return true; } else{ return false; } }); if (fwd_itr != this->floating_surfaces.cend()) { HMI_INFO("wm", "pop floating surface: %d", *surface); } this->floating_surfaces.erase(fwd_itr, this->floating_surfaces.end()); return ret; } WMError AppList::popFloatingSurface(const std::string &appid, unsigned *surface) { HMI_ERROR("wm", "This function is not implemented"); return WMError::SUCCESS; } void AppList::addFloatingClient(const std::string &appid, unsigned layer, const std::string &role) { } void AppList::addFloatingSurface(unsigned surface, unsigned pid) { struct FloatingSurface fsurface{surface, pid}; this->floating_surfaces.push_back(fsurface); this->dumpFloatingSurfaces(); } void AppList::removeFloatingSurface(unsigned surface) { this->dumpFloatingSurfaces(); auto fwd_itr = std::remove_if(this->floating_surfaces.begin(), this->floating_surfaces.end(), [surface](FloatingSurface x) { return x.surface_id == surface; }); if(fwd_itr != this->floating_surfaces.cend()){ HMI_INFO("wm", "remove floating surface: %d", surface); } this->floating_surfaces.erase(fwd_itr, this->floating_surfaces.end()); } WMError AppList::appendRole(const std::string &id, const std::string &role, unsigned surface) { WMError wm_err = WMError::NO_ENTRY; if (this->contains(id)) { auto x = this->lookUpClient(id); x->addSurface(role, surface); wm_err = WMError::SUCCESS; } return wm_err; } unsigned AppList::getRequestNumber(const string &appid) const { for (const auto &x : this->req_list) { // Since app will not request twice and more, comparing appid is enough? if ((x.trigger.appid == appid)) { return x.req_num; } } return 0; } unsigned AppList::addAllocateRequest(WMRequest req) { if (this->req_list.size() == 0) { req.req_num = current_req; } else { HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(this->current_req, "add: %d", this->req_list.back().req_num + 1); req.req_num = this->req_list.back().req_num + 1; } this->req_list.push_back(req); return req.req_num; // return 1; if you test time_expire } struct WMTrigger AppList::getRequest(unsigned req_num, bool *found) { *found = false; for (const auto &x : this->req_list) { if (req_num == x.req_num) { *found = true; return x.trigger; } } return WMTrigger{"", "", "", Task::TASK_INVALID}; } const vector &AppList::getActions(unsigned req_num, bool* found) { *found = false; for (auto &x : this->req_list) { if (req_num == x.req_num) { *found = true; return x.sync_draw_req; } } } WMError AppList::setAction(unsigned req_num, const struct WMAction &action) { WMError result = WMError::FAIL; for (auto &x : this->req_list) { if (req_num != x.req_num) { continue; } x.sync_draw_req.push_back(action); result = WMError::SUCCESS; break; } return result; } /** * Note: * This function set action with parameters. * if visible is true, it means app should be visible, so enddraw_finished parameter should be false. * otherwise (visible is false) app should be invisible. Then enddraw_finished param is set to true. * This function doesn't support actions for focus yet. */ WMError AppList::setAction(unsigned req_num, const string &appid, const string &role, const string &area, bool visible) { WMError result = WMError::NOT_REGISTERED; for (auto &x : req_list) { if (req_num != x.req_num) { continue; } bool edraw_f = (visible) ? false : true; WMAction action{appid, role, area, visible, edraw_f}; x.sync_draw_req.push_back(action); result = WMError::SUCCESS; break; } return result; } /** * This function checks * * req_num is equal to current request number * * appid and role are equeal to the appid and role stored in action list(sync_draw_req) */ bool AppList::setEndDrawFinished(unsigned req_num, const string &appid, const string &role) { bool result = false; for (auto &x : req_list) { if (req_num < x.req_num) { break; } if (req_num == x.req_num) { for (auto &y : x.sync_draw_req) { if (y.appid == appid && y.role == role) { y.end_draw_finished = true; result = true; } } } } this->reqDump(); return result; } /** * @brief check all actions of the requested sequence is finished * @param unsigned request_number * @return true if all action is set. */ bool AppList::endDrawFullfilled(unsigned req_num) { bool result = false; for (const auto &x : req_list) { if (req_num < x.req_num) { break; } if (req_num == x.req_num) { result = true; for (const auto &y : x.sync_draw_req) { result &= y.end_draw_finished; if (!result) { break; } } } } return result; } void AppList::removeRequest(unsigned req_num) { this->req_list.erase(remove_if(this->req_list.begin(), this->req_list.end(), [req_num](WMRequest x) { return x.req_num == req_num; })); } void AppList::next() { ++this->current_req; if (0 == this->current_req) { this->current_req = 1; } } bool AppList::haveRequest() const { return !this->req_list.empty(); } void AppList::clientDump() { DUMP("======= client dump ====="); for (const auto &x : this->app2client) { const auto &y = x.second; y->dumpInfo(); } DUMP("======= client dump end====="); } void AppList::reqDump() { DUMP("======= req dump ====="); DUMP("current request : %d", current_req); for (const auto &x : req_list) { DUMP("requested with : %d", x.req_num); DUMP("Trigger : (APPID :%s, ROLE :%s, AREA :%s, TASK: %d)", x.trigger.appid.c_str(), x.trigger.role.c_str(), x.trigger.area.c_str(), x.trigger.task); for (const auto &y : x.sync_draw_req) { DUMP( "Action : (APPID :%s, ROLE :%s, AREA :%s, END_DRAW_FINISHED: %d)", y.appid.c_str(), y.role.c_str(), y.area.c_str(), y.end_draw_finished); } } DUMP("======= req dump end =====\n"); } void AppList::dumpFloatingSurfaces() { DUMP("======= floating surface dump ====="); for (const auto &x : this->floating_surfaces) { DUMP("surface : %d, pid : %d", x.surface_id, x.pid); } DUMP("======= floating surface dump end =====\n"); } } // namespace wm