/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 "IoT.bzh" * Author José Bollo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(JSON_C_TO_STRING_NOSLASHESCAPE) #define JSON_C_TO_STRING_NOSLASHESCAPE 0 #endif #include "verbose.h" #include "afb-args.h" #include "afb-hook-flags.h" #include "wrap-json.h" #define _d2s_(x) #x #define d2s(x) _d2s_(x) #if !defined(BINDING_INSTALL_DIR) #error "you should define BINDING_INSTALL_DIR" #endif #if !defined(AFB_VERSION) #error "you should define AFB_VERSION" #endif /** * The default timeout of sessions in seconds */ #define DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT 32000000 /** * The default timeout of api calls in seconds */ #define DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT 20 /** * The default timeout of cache in seconds */ #define DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT 100000 /** * The default maximum count of sessions */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_COUNT 200 /** * The default HTTP port to serve */ #define DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 1234 // Define command line option #define SET_BACKGROUND 1 #define SET_FOREGROUND 2 #define SET_ROOT_DIR 3 #define SET_ROOT_BASE 4 #define SET_ROOT_API 5 #define ADD_ALIAS 6 #define SET_CACHE_TIMEOUT 7 #define AUTO_WS 8 #define AUTO_LINK 9 #define ADD_LDPATH 10 #define SET_API_TIMEOUT 11 #define SET_SESSION_TIMEOUT 12 #define ADD_WEAK_LDPATH 13 #define SET_NO_LDPATH 14 #define SET_SESSIONMAX 15 #define ADD_WS_CLIENT 16 #define ADD_WS_SERVICE 17 #define SET_ROOT_HTTP 18 #define SET_NO_HTTPD 19 #define SET_TRACEEVT 20 #define SET_TRACESES 21 #define SET_TRACEREQ 22 #define SET_TRACEAPI 23 #define SET_TRACEGLOB 24 #if !defined(REMOVE_LEGACY_TRACE) #define SET_TRACEDITF 25 #define SET_TRACESVC 26 #endif #define SET_TRAP_FAULTS 27 #define ADD_CALL 28 #if WITH_DBUS_TRANSPARENCY # define ADD_DBUS_CLIENT 30 # define ADD_DBUS_SERVICE 31 #endif #define ADD_AUTO_API 'A' #define ADD_BINDING 'b' #define SET_CONFIG 'C' #define SET_COLOR 'c' #define SET_DAEMON 'D' #define SET_EXEC 'e' #define GET_HELP 'h' #define SET_LOG 'l' #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) #define SET_MONITORING 'M' #endif #define SET_NAME 'n' #define SET_OUTPUT 'o' #define SET_PORT 'p' #define SET_QUIET 'q' #define SET_RANDOM_TOKEN 'r' #define ADD_SET 's' #define SET_TOKEN 't' #define SET_UPLOAD_DIR 'u' #define GET_VERSION 'V' #define SET_VERBOSE 'v' #define SET_WORK_DIR 'w' #define DUMP_CONFIG 'Z' /* structure for defining of options */ struct option_desc { int id; /* id of the option */ int has_arg; /* is a value required */ char *name; /* long name of the option */ char *help; /* help text */ }; /* definition of options */ static struct option_desc optdefs[] = { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ {SET_VERBOSE, 0, "verbose", "Verbose Mode, repeat to increase verbosity"}, {SET_COLOR, 0, "color", "Colorize the ouput"}, {SET_QUIET, 0, "quiet", "Quiet Mode, repeat to decrease verbosity"}, {SET_LOG, 1, "log", "Tune log level"}, {SET_FOREGROUND, 0, "foreground", "Get all in foreground mode"}, {SET_BACKGROUND, 0, "background", "Get all in background mode"}, {SET_DAEMON, 0, "daemon", "Get all in background mode"}, {SET_NAME, 1, "name", "Set the visible name"}, {SET_PORT, 1, "port", "HTTP listening TCP port [default " d2s(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) "]"}, {SET_ROOT_HTTP, 1, "roothttp", "HTTP Root Directory [default no root http (files not served but apis still available)]"}, {SET_ROOT_BASE, 1, "rootbase", "Angular Base Root URL [default /opa]"}, {SET_ROOT_API, 1, "rootapi", "HTML Root API URL [default /api]"}, {ADD_ALIAS, 1, "alias", "Multiple url map outside of rootdir [eg: --alias=/icons:/usr/share/icons]"}, {SET_API_TIMEOUT, 1, "apitimeout", "Binding API timeout in seconds [default " d2s(DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT) "]"}, {SET_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 1, "cntxtimeout", "Client Session Context Timeout [default " d2s(DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT) "]"}, {SET_CACHE_TIMEOUT, 1, "cache-eol", "Client cache end of live [default " d2s(DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) "]"}, {SET_WORK_DIR, 1, "workdir", "Set the working directory [default: $PWD or current working directory]"}, {SET_UPLOAD_DIR, 1, "uploaddir", "Directory for uploading files [default: workdir] relative to workdir"}, {SET_ROOT_DIR, 1, "rootdir", "Root Directory of the application [default: workdir] relative to workdir"}, {ADD_LDPATH, 1, "ldpaths", "Load bindings from dir1:dir2:... [default = " BINDING_INSTALL_DIR "]"}, {ADD_BINDING, 1, "binding", "Load the binding of path"}, {ADD_WEAK_LDPATH, 1, "weak-ldpaths","Same as --ldpaths but ignore errors"}, {SET_NO_LDPATH, 0, "no-ldpaths", "Discard default ldpaths loading"}, {SET_TOKEN, 1, "token", "Initial Secret [default=random, use --token="" to allow any token]"}, {SET_RANDOM_TOKEN, 0, "random-token","Enforce a random token"}, {GET_VERSION, 0, "version", "Display version and copyright"}, {GET_HELP, 0, "help", "Display this help"}, #if WITH_DBUS_TRANSPARENCY {ADD_DBUS_CLIENT, 1, "dbus-client", "Bind to an afb service through dbus"}, {ADD_DBUS_SERVICE, 1, "dbus-server", "Provide an afb service through dbus"}, #endif {ADD_WS_CLIENT, 1, "ws-client", "Bind to an afb service through websocket"}, {ADD_WS_SERVICE, 1, "ws-server", "Provide an afb service through websockets"}, {ADD_AUTO_API, 1, "auto-api", "Automatic load of api of the given directory"}, {SET_SESSIONMAX, 1, "session-max", "Max count of session simultaneously [default " d2s(DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_COUNT) "]"}, #if WITH_AFB_HOOK {SET_TRACEREQ, 1, "tracereq", "Log the requests: none, common, extra, all"}, {SET_TRACEEVT, 1, "traceevt", "Log the events: none, common, extra, all"}, {SET_TRACESES, 1, "traceses", "Log the sessions: none, all"}, {SET_TRACEAPI, 1, "traceapi", "Log the apis: none, common, api, event, all"}, {SET_TRACEGLOB, 1, "traceglob", "Log the globals: none, all"}, #if !defined(REMOVE_LEGACY_TRACE) {SET_TRACEDITF, 1, "traceditf", "Log the daemons: no, common, all"}, {SET_TRACESVC, 1, "tracesvc", "Log the services: no, all"}, #endif #endif {ADD_CALL, 1, "call", "Call at start, format of val: API/VERB:json-args"}, {SET_NO_HTTPD, 0, "no-httpd", "Forbid HTTP service"}, {SET_EXEC, 0, "exec", "Execute the remaining arguments"}, #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) {SET_MONITORING, 0, "monitoring", "Enable HTTP monitoring at /monitoring/"}, #endif {SET_CONFIG, 1, "config", "Load options from the given config file"}, {DUMP_CONFIG, 0, "dump-config", "Dump the config to stdout and exit"}, {ADD_SET, 1, "set", "Set parameters ([API]/[KEY]:JSON or {\"API\":{\"KEY\":JSON}}" }, {SET_OUTPUT, 1, "output", "Redirect stdout and stderr to output file (when --daemon)"}, {SET_TRAP_FAULTS, 1, "trap-faults", "Trap faults: on, off, yes, no, true, false, 1, 0 (default: true)"}, {0, 0, NULL, NULL} /* *INDENT-ON* */ }; #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) static const char MONITORING_ALIAS[] = "/monitoring:"BINDING_INSTALL_DIR"/monitoring"; #endif static const struct { int optid; int valdef; } default_optint_values[] = { { SET_PORT, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT }, { SET_API_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT }, { SET_CACHE_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT }, { SET_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT }, { SET_SESSIONMAX, DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_COUNT } }; static const struct { int optid; const char *valdef; } default_optstr_values[] = { { SET_WORK_DIR, "." }, { SET_ROOT_DIR, "." }, { SET_UPLOAD_DIR, "." }, { SET_ROOT_BASE, "/opa" }, { SET_ROOT_API, "/api" } }; /********************************** * preparing items ***********************************/ static char *shortopts = NULL; static int *id2idx = NULL; static void *oomchk(void *ptr) { if (!ptr) { ERROR("Out of memory"); exit(1); } return ptr; } static char is_short_option(int val) { return (val >= 'a' && val <= 'z') || (val >= 'A' && val <= 'Z') || (val >= '0' && val <= '9'); } static void init_options() { int i, ns, mi, id; if (!shortopts) { ns = 2; mi = -1; for (i = 0 ; optdefs[i].name ; i++) { id = optdefs[i].id; if (id > mi) mi = id; if (is_short_option(id)) ns += 1 + !!optdefs[i].has_arg; } shortopts = oomchk(malloc(2 + ns)); id2idx = oomchk(calloc(1 + mi, sizeof *id2idx)); shortopts[ns = 0] = ':'; for (i = 0 ; optdefs[i].name ; i++) { id = optdefs[i].id; id2idx[id] = i; if (is_short_option(id)) { shortopts[++ns] = (char)id; if (optdefs[i].has_arg) shortopts[++ns] = ':'; } } shortopts[++ns] = 0; } } static const char *name_of_optid(int optid) { return optdefs[id2idx[optid]].name; } static int get_enum_val(const char *name, int optid, int (*func)(const char*)) { int i; i = func(name); if (i < 0) { ERROR("option [--%s] bad value (found %s)", name_of_optid(optid), name); exit(1); } return i; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- | printversion | print version and copyright +--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void printVersion(FILE * file) { fprintf(file, "\n" " AGL Framework Binder [AFB %s] " #if WITH_DBUS_TRANSPARENCY "+" #else "-" #endif "DBUS " #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) "+" #else "-" #endif "MONITOR " #if WITH_SUPERVISION "+" #else "-" #endif "SUPERVISION " #if WITH_AFB_HOOK "+" #else "-" #endif "HOOK " #if WITH_TRACE "+" #else "-" #endif "TRACE " "[BINDINGS " #if WITH_LEGACY_BINDING_V1 "+" #else "-" #endif "V1 " #if WITH_LEGACY_BINDING_VDYN "+" #else "-" #endif "VDYN " #if WITH_LEGACY_BINDING_V2 "+" #else "-" #endif "V2 +V3]\n" "\n", AFB_VERSION ); fprintf(file, " Copyright (C) 2015-2019 \"IoT.bzh\"\n" " AFB comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n" " Licence Apache 2\n" "\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- | printHelp | print information from long option array +--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void printHelp(FILE * file, const char *name) { int ind; char command[50], sht[4]; fprintf(file, "%s:\nallowed options\n", strrchr(name, '/') ? strrchr(name, '/') + 1 : name); sht[3] = 0; for (ind = 0; optdefs[ind].name != NULL; ind++) { if (is_short_option(optdefs[ind].id)) { sht[0] = '-'; sht[1] = (char)optdefs[ind].id; sht[2] = ','; } else { sht[0] = sht[1] = sht[2] = ' '; } strcpy(command, optdefs[ind].name); if (optdefs[ind].has_arg) strcat(command, "=xxxx"); fprintf(file, " %s --%-17s %s\n", sht, command, optdefs[ind].help); } fprintf(file, "Example:\n %s --verbose --port=" d2s(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) " --token='azerty' --ldpaths=build/bindings:/usr/lib64/agl/bindings\n", name); } static void dump(struct json_object *config, FILE *file, const char *prefix, const char *title) { const char *head, *tail; if (title) fprintf(file, "%s----BEGIN OF %s-----\n", prefix ?: "", title); head = json_object_to_json_string_ext(config, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY |JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED|JSON_C_TO_STRING_NOSLASHESCAPE); if (!prefix) fprintf(file, "%s\n", head); else { while(*head) { for (tail = head ; *tail && *tail != '\n' ; tail++); fprintf(file, "%s %.*s\n", prefix, (int)(tail - head), head); head = tail + !!*tail; } } if (title) fprintf(file, "%s----END OF %s-----\n", prefix ?: "", title); } /********************************** * json helpers ***********************************/ static struct json_object *joomchk(struct json_object *value) { return oomchk(value); } static struct json_object *to_jstr(const char *value) { return joomchk(json_object_new_string(value)); } static struct json_object *to_jint(int value) { return joomchk(json_object_new_int(value)); } static struct json_object *to_jbool(int value) { return joomchk(json_object_new_boolean(value)); } /********************************** * arguments helpers ***********************************/ static int string_to_bool(const char *value) { static const char true_names[] = "1\0yes\0true\0on"; static const char false_names[] = "0\0no\0false\0off"; size_t pos; pos = 0; while (pos < sizeof true_names) if (strcasecmp(value, &true_names[pos])) pos += 1 + strlen(&true_names[pos]); else return 1; pos = 0; while (pos < sizeof false_names) if (strcasecmp(value, &false_names[pos])) pos += 1 + strlen(&false_names[pos]); else return 0; return -1; } static void noarg(int optid) { if (optarg) { ERROR("option [--%s] need no value (found %s)", name_of_optid(optid), optarg); exit(1); } } static const char *get_arg(int optid) { if (optarg == 0) { ERROR("option [--%s] needs a value i.e. --%s=xxx", name_of_optid(optid), name_of_optid(optid)); exit(1); } return optarg; } static int get_arg_bool(int optid) { int value = string_to_bool(get_arg(optid)); if (value < 0) { ERROR("option [--%s] needs a boolean value: yes/no, true/false, on/off, 1/0", name_of_optid(optid)); exit(1); } return value; } static void config_del(struct json_object *config, int optid) { return json_object_object_del(config, name_of_optid(optid)); } static int config_has(struct json_object *config, int optid) { return json_object_object_get_ex(config, name_of_optid(optid), NULL); } static int config_has_bool(struct json_object *config, int optid) { struct json_object *x; return json_object_object_get_ex(config, name_of_optid(optid), &x) && json_object_get_boolean(x); } __attribute__((unused)) static int config_has_str(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *val) { int i, n; struct json_object *a; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(config, name_of_optid(optid), &a)) return 0; if (!json_object_is_type(a, json_type_array)) return !strcmp(val, json_object_get_string(a)); n = (int)json_object_array_length(a); for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { if (!strcmp(val, json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(a, i)))) return 1; } return 0; } static void config_set(struct json_object *config, int optid, struct json_object *val) { json_object_object_add(config, name_of_optid(optid), val); } static void config_set_str(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *val) { config_set(config, optid, to_jstr(val)); } static void config_set_optstr(struct json_object *config, int optid) { config_set_str(config, optid, get_arg(optid)); } static void config_set_int(struct json_object *config, int optid, int value) { config_set(config, optid, to_jint(value)); } static void config_set_bool(struct json_object *config, int optid, int value) { config_set(config, optid, to_jbool(value)); } static void config_set_optint_base(struct json_object *config, int optid, int mini, int maxi, int base) { const char *beg, *end; long int val; beg = get_arg(optid); val = strtol(beg, (char**)&end, base); if (*end || end == beg) { ERROR("option [--%s] requires a valid integer (found %s)", name_of_optid(optid), beg); exit(1); } if (val < (long int)mini || val > (long int)maxi) { ERROR("option [--%s] value %ld out of bounds (not in [%d , %d])", name_of_optid(optid), val, mini, maxi); exit(1); } config_set_int(config, optid, (int)val); } static void config_set_optint(struct json_object *config, int optid, int mini, int maxi) { return config_set_optint_base(config, optid, mini, maxi, 10); } __attribute__((unused)) static void config_set_optenum(struct json_object *config, int optid, int (*func)(const char*)) { const char *name = get_arg(optid); get_enum_val(name, optid, func); config_set_str(config, optid, name); } static void config_add(struct json_object *config, int optid, struct json_object *val) { struct json_object *a; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(config, name_of_optid(optid), &a)) { a = joomchk(json_object_new_array()); json_object_object_add(config, name_of_optid(optid), a); } json_object_array_add(a, val); } static void config_add_str(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *val) { config_add(config, optid, to_jstr(val)); } static void config_add_optstr(struct json_object *config, int optid) { config_add_str(config, optid, get_arg(optid)); } static void config_mix2_cb(void *closure, struct json_object *obj, const char *name) { struct json_object *dest, *base = closure; if (!name) name = ""; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(base, name, &dest)) { dest = joomchk(json_object_new_object()); json_object_object_add(base, name, dest); } if (json_object_is_type(obj, json_type_object)) wrap_json_object_add(dest, obj); else json_object_object_add(dest, "", json_object_get(obj)); } static void config_mix2(struct json_object *config, int optid, struct json_object *val) { struct json_object *obj; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(config, name_of_optid(optid), &obj)) { obj = joomchk(json_object_new_object()); json_object_object_add(config, name_of_optid(optid), obj); } wrap_json_for_all(val, config_mix2_cb, obj); } static void config_mix2_str(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *val) { size_t st1, st2; const char *api, *key; struct json_object *obj, *sub; enum json_tokener_error jerr; st1 = strcspn(val, "/:{[\""); st2 = strcspn(&val[st1], ":{[\""); if (val[st1] != '/' || val[st1 + st2] != ':') { obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose(val, &jerr); if (jerr != json_tokener_success) obj = json_object_new_string(val); } else { api = st1 == 0 ? "*" : strndupa(val, st1); val += st1 + 1; key = st2 <= 1 || (st2 == 2 && *val == '*') ? NULL : strndupa(val, st2 - 1); val += st2; sub = json_tokener_parse_verbose(val, &jerr); if (jerr != json_tokener_success) sub = json_object_new_string(val); if (key) { obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, key, sub); sub = obj; } obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, api, sub); } config_mix2(config, optid, obj); json_object_put(obj); } static void config_mix2_optstr(struct json_object *config, int optid) { config_mix2_str(config, optid, get_arg(optid)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- | set the log levels +--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void set_log(const char *args) { char o = 0, s, *p, *i = strdupa(args); int lvl; for(;;) switch (*i) { case 0: return; case '+': case '-': o = *i; /*@fallthrough@*/ case ' ': case ',': i++; break; default: p = i; while (isalpha(*p)) p++; s = *p; *p = 0; lvl = verbose_level_of_name(i); if (lvl < 0) { i = strdupa(i); *p = s; ERROR("Bad log name '%s' in %s", i, args); exit(1); } *p = s; i = p; if (o == '-') verbose_sub(lvl); else { if (!o) { verbose_clear(); o = '+'; } verbose_add(lvl); } break; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------- | Parse option and launch action +--------------------------------------------------------- */ static void parse_arguments_inner(int argc, char **argv, struct json_object *config, struct option *options) { struct json_object *conf; int optid, cind, dodump = 0; for (;;) { cind = optind; optid = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, options, NULL); if (optid < 0) { /* end of options */ break; } switch (optid) { case SET_VERBOSE: verbose_inc(); break; case SET_COLOR: verbose_colorize(); break; case SET_QUIET: verbose_dec(); break; case SET_LOG: set_log(get_arg(optid)); break; case SET_PORT: config_set_optint(config, optid, 1024, 32767); break; case SET_API_TIMEOUT: case SET_SESSION_TIMEOUT: case SET_CACHE_TIMEOUT: config_set_optint(config, optid, 0, INT_MAX); break; case SET_SESSIONMAX: config_set_optint(config, optid, 1, INT_MAX); break; case SET_ROOT_DIR: case SET_ROOT_HTTP: case SET_ROOT_BASE: case SET_ROOT_API: case SET_TOKEN: case SET_UPLOAD_DIR: case SET_WORK_DIR: case SET_NAME: config_set_optstr(config, optid); break; #if WITH_DBUS_TRANSPARENCY case ADD_DBUS_CLIENT: case ADD_DBUS_SERVICE: #endif case ADD_ALIAS: case ADD_LDPATH: case ADD_WEAK_LDPATH: case ADD_CALL: case ADD_WS_CLIENT: case ADD_WS_SERVICE: case ADD_BINDING: case ADD_AUTO_API: config_add_optstr(config, optid); break; case ADD_SET: config_mix2_optstr(config, optid); break; #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) case SET_MONITORING: #endif case SET_RANDOM_TOKEN: case SET_NO_HTTPD: case SET_NO_LDPATH: noarg(optid); config_set_bool(config, optid, 1); break; case SET_FOREGROUND: case SET_BACKGROUND: case SET_DAEMON: noarg(optid); config_set_bool(config, SET_DAEMON, optid != SET_FOREGROUND); break; case SET_TRAP_FAULTS: config_set_bool(config, optid, get_arg_bool(optid)); break; #if WITH_AFB_HOOK case SET_TRACEREQ: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_xreq_from_text); break; case SET_TRACEEVT: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_evt_from_text); break; case SET_TRACESES: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_session_from_text); break; case SET_TRACEAPI: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_api_from_text); break; case SET_TRACEGLOB: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_global_from_text); break; #if !defined(REMOVE_LEGACY_TRACE) case SET_TRACEDITF: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_legacy_ditf_from_text); break; case SET_TRACESVC: config_set_optenum(config, optid, afb_hook_flags_legacy_svc_from_text); break; #endif #endif case SET_EXEC: if (optind == argc) { ERROR("The option --exec requires arguments"); exit(1); } while (optind != argc) config_add_str(config, optid, argv[optind++]); break; case SET_CONFIG: conf = json_object_from_file(get_arg(optid)); if (!conf) { ERROR("Can't read config file %s", get_arg(optid)); exit(1); } wrap_json_object_add(config, conf); json_object_put(conf); break; case DUMP_CONFIG: noarg(optid); dodump = 1; break; case GET_VERSION: noarg(optid); printVersion(stdout); exit(0); case GET_HELP: printHelp(stdout, argv[0]); exit(0); default: ERROR("Bad option detected, check %s", argv[cind]); exit(1); } } /* TODO: check for extra value */ if (dodump) { dump(config, stdout, NULL, NULL); exit(0); } } static void parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv, struct json_object *config) { int ind; struct option *options; /* create GNU getopt options from optdefs */ options = malloc((sizeof optdefs / sizeof * optdefs) * sizeof * options); for (ind = 0; optdefs[ind].name; ind++) { options[ind].name = optdefs[ind].name; options[ind].has_arg = optdefs[ind].has_arg; options[ind].flag = NULL; options[ind].val = optdefs[ind].id; } memset(&options[ind], 0, sizeof options[ind]); /* parse the arguments */ parse_arguments_inner(argc, argv, config, options); /* release the memory of options */ free(options); } static void fulfill_config(struct json_object *config) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof default_optint_values / sizeof * default_optint_values ; i++) if (!config_has(config, default_optint_values[i].optid)) config_set_int(config, default_optint_values[i].optid, default_optint_values[i].valdef); for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof default_optstr_values / sizeof * default_optstr_values ; i++) if (!config_has(config, default_optstr_values[i].optid)) config_set_str(config, default_optstr_values[i].optid, default_optstr_values[i].valdef); // default AUTH_TOKEN if (config_has_bool(config, SET_RANDOM_TOKEN)) config_del(config, SET_TOKEN); if (!config_has(config, ADD_LDPATH) && !config_has(config, ADD_WEAK_LDPATH) && !config_has_bool(config, SET_NO_LDPATH)) config_add_str(config, ADD_LDPATH, BINDING_INSTALL_DIR); #if defined(WITH_MONITORING_OPTION) if (config_has_bool(config, SET_MONITORING) && !config_has_str(config, ADD_ALIAS, MONITORING_ALIAS)) config_add_str(config, ADD_ALIAS, MONITORING_ALIAS); #endif #if !defined(REMOVE_LEGACY_TRACE) && 0 config->traceapi |= config->traceditf | config->tracesvc; #endif } static void on_environment(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *name, void (*func)(struct json_object*, int, const char*)) { char *value = getenv(name); if (value && *value) func(config, optid, value); } __attribute__((unused)) static void on_environment_enum(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *name, int (*func)(const char*)) { char *value = getenv(name); if (value) { if (func(value) == -1) WARNING("Unknown value %s for environment variable %s, ignored", value, name); else config_set_str(config, optid, value); } } static void on_environment_bool(struct json_object *config, int optid, const char *name) { char *value = getenv(name); int asbool; if (value) { asbool = string_to_bool(value); if (asbool < 0) WARNING("Unknown value %s for environment variable %s, ignored", value, name); else config_set_bool(config, optid, asbool); } } static void parse_environment(struct json_object *config) { #if WITH_AFB_HOOK on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACEREQ, "AFB_TRACEREQ", afb_hook_flags_xreq_from_text); on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACEEVT, "AFB_TRACEEVT", afb_hook_flags_evt_from_text); on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACESES, "AFB_TRACESES", afb_hook_flags_session_from_text); on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACEAPI, "AFB_TRACEAPI", afb_hook_flags_api_from_text); on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACEGLOB, "AFB_TRACEGLOB", afb_hook_flags_global_from_text); #if !defined(REMOVE_LEGACY_TRACE) on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACEDITF, "AFB_TRACEDITF", afb_hook_flags_legacy_ditf_from_text); on_environment_enum(config, SET_TRACESVC, "AFB_TRACESVC", afb_hook_flags_legacy_svc_from_text); #endif #endif on_environment(config, ADD_LDPATH, "AFB_LDPATHS", config_add_str); on_environment(config, ADD_SET, "AFB_SET", config_mix2_str); on_environment_bool(config, SET_TRAP_FAULTS, "AFB_TRAP_FAULTS"); } struct json_object *afb_args_parse(int argc, char **argv) { struct json_object *result; init_options(); result = json_object_new_object(); parse_environment(result); parse_arguments(argc, argv, result); fulfill_config(result); if (verbose_wants(Log_Level_Info)) dump(result, stderr, "--", "CONFIG"); return result; }