/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file * SensorLog.cpp * @brief * Sensor Logging service functionality */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Include Files * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include #include #include "SensorLog.h" #include "Sensor_Common_API.h" #include #include "POS_private.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Definition * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sensor Log Type */ typedef enum { SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT = 0, /* Sensor Log Type-SYS (INPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-SYS (OUTPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-GPS (INPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-GPS (OUTPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-NAVI(INPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-NAVI(OUTPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-POS (OUTPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-CMD (INPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT, /* Sensor Log Type-CMD (OUTPUT) */ SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT /* Sensor Log Type-Counting */ } SENSLOG_TYPE; #define SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON (1) /* Effective specific flag ON */ #define SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_OFF (0) /* Enable flag OFF */ #define SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE (128) /* Output path size */ #define SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE (64) /* Output file name size */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE (128) /* config file size/line */ #define SENSLOG_LEN_MIN (1) /* Record Length-Minimum */ #define SENSLOG_LEN_MAX (900) /* Record Length-Maximum */ #define SENSLOG_LEN_DEFAULT (300) /* Record length-default value */ #define SENSLOG_GEN_MIN (1) /* Number of generations-minimum value */ #define SENSLOG_GEN_MAX (999) /* Number of generations-maximum value */ #define SENSLOG_GEN_DEFAULT (100) /* Number of generations-default value */ #define SENSLOG_BUF_MIN (2272) /* Buffer Size-Minimum */ #define SENSLOG_BUF_MAX (11360) /* Buffer size-maximum value */ #define SENSLOG_BUF_DEFAULT (4544) /* Buffer size-default value */ #define SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_NEW (0) /* Output Flag-New */ #define SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_ADD (1) /* Output Flag-Add */ #define SENSLOG_PNAME_MAX (16) /* Maximum number of characters of process name */ #define SENSLOG_SEMAPHO_NAME ("SENSLOG_SEMAPHO") /* Semaphore name(MAX 32Byte) */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_1 "/var/local/lib/basesystem/nv/BS/vs/positioning/rwdata/" /* Sensor log-Config filepath-1 */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_2 "/mnt/sda1/" /* Sensor log-Config filepath-2 */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_SYS "POS_sys_log.cfg" /* Sensor log-Config filename-SYS */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_GPS "POS_gps_log.cfg" /* Sensor log-Config filename-GPS */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_NAVI "POS_nav_log.cfg" /* Sensor log-Config filename-NAVI */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_POS "POS_pos_log.cfg" /* Sensor log-Config filename-POS */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_CMD "POS_cmd_log.cfg" /* Sensor log-Config filename-CMD */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_LEN "POS_log_len" /* Sensor log-config file-Record length */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_GEN "POS_log_gen" /* Sensor log-config file-Number of generations */ #define SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_BUF "POS_log_buf" /* Sensor log-config file-Buffer size */ #define SENSLOG_NAV_SVINFO_FILE_NAME "POS_NAV_SVINFO" /* Sensor log-NAV-SVINFOFile name(Log output when file exists)*/ #define SENSLOG_SEQ_START ">>>>" /* Sensor log sequence(Start) */ #define SENSLOG_SEQ_END "<<<<" /* Sensor log sequence(End) */ #define SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE (4) /* Sensor Log Sequence Size */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Structre * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! @brief Structure to create SensorLog data */ typedef struct { uint16_t us_len; /* Number of records */ uint16_t uc_gen; /* Number of generations */ } SENSLOG_GEN; /*! @brief Structure to create SensorLog data */ typedef struct { uint8_t uc_valid_flag; /* Output enable flag */ SENSLOG_GEN st_gen; /* Generation information */ uint16_t us_file_rec_count; /* Number of file output records */ uint16_t us_rec_count; /* Number of output records */ uint16_t us_gen_count; /* Number of generations */ uint8_t uc_file_path[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE]; /* Output path */ uint8_t uc_file_name[SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; /* Output file name */ uint8_t uc_gen_fname[SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; /* Generation information output file name */ uint8_t uc_text_buf[SENSLOG_BUF_MAX]; /* Buffering area(Static) */ uint32_t ul_text_buf_size; /* Buffering area size */ uint32_t ul_text_buf_len; /* Data size in the buffer */ uint8_t uc_output_flag; /* Output flag */ uint8_t uc_temp_buf[SENSLOG_BUF_MAX]; /* Output data temporary area */ uint8_t uc_positioninglog_buf[SENSLOG_BUF_MAX]; /* FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG outputs */ } SENSLOG_INFO; /*! @brief Structure to get System time */ typedef struct { uint16_t us_year; uint16_t us_month; uint16_t us_day_of_week; uint16_t us_day; uint16_t us_hour; uint16_t us_minute; uint16_t us_second; uint16_t us_milli_seconds; } SENSLOG_SYSTEMTIME; /*! @brief Structure to create SensorLog data */ typedef struct { uint16_t us_data_type; /* Data type */ SENSLOG_SYSTEMTIME st_sys_time; /* Current time */ DID ul_did; /* Data ID */ int8_t c_pname[SENSLOG_PNAME_MAX]; /* Destination information */ uint8_t uc_unit_type; /* Hardware configuration type(GRADE1 / GRADE2) */ uint8_t uc_result; /* Send/Receive result(Success:0 / Fail:1) */ uint16_t us_data_size; /* Size of the data */ } SENSLOG_DATA_HEADER; /*! @brief Structure to create SensorLog ID table */ typedef struct { uint16_t us_data_type; /* Data type */ DID ul_did; /* Data ID */ uint16_t us_file_type; /* Sensor Log Type */ uint16_t us_write_type; /* FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG Output Type */ } SENSLOG_ID_TBL; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Local Function Prototype * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SensLogGetConfig(const uint8_t*, SENSLOG_INFO*); static void SensLogGetConfigVal(uint8_t*, uint8_t*); static void SensLogCheckNAVSVINFOFile(void); static void SensLogWrite(uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, DID did, PNO pno, uint8_t*, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t); static uint16_t SensLogGetFileType(const SENSLOG_ID_TBL*, uint16_t*, uint16_t*, DID did); static void SensLogOutputFile(uint8_t); static void SensLogOutputGenFile(uint8_t); static void SensLogGetSystemTime(SENSLOG_SYSTEMTIME*); static void Num2String2Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num); static void Num2String3Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num); static void Num2String4Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num); static void Num2HexString(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t digits, uint32_t num); static void SensLogmakeHeader(uint8_t* buf, SENSLOG_DATA_HEADER data_header); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Grobal Value * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sensor log information */ static SENSLOG_INFO g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT]; // NOLINT(readability/nolint) static uint8_t g_navsv_info_flag = FALSE; uint8_t g_mount_path[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE]; /* Mount path */ UNIT_TYPE g_unit_type = UNIT_TYPE_NONE; /* HW configuration type */ SemID g_sem_id = 0; /* Lock semaphore ID */ /* Sensor log type definition table */ const SENSLOG_ID_TBL kSensLogInputTbl[] = { /* Data type DID Sensor Log Type FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG Output Type */ {SENSLOG_DATA_I_SYS, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_SYS_STS, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_GPS, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_LOC, POSHAL_DID_GPS_CUSTOMDATA_NAVI, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NAV }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_SPEED, VEHICLE_DID_MOTION_SPEED_NAVI, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NAV }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_TIME, VEHICLE_DID_SETTINGTIME, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NAV }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_TIME, POSHAL_DID_GPS_TIME, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_GPSINF, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NAV }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_GPSRST, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_GPSSET, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_NAVSVINFO, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_SYS_ABNORMAL, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS }, {SENSLOG_DATA_I_UNSPECIFIED, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE } }; const SENSLOG_ID_TBL kSensLogOutputTbl[] = { /* Data type DID Sensor Log Type FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG Output Type */ {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_SPEED_PULSE, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_SPEED_KMPH, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_X, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_Y, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_Z, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_X, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_Y, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_Z, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS_ANTENNA, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_SNS_COUNTER, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_SPEED_PULSE_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_X_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_Y_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_Z_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, VEHICLE_DID_GPS__CWORD82__NMEA, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS__CWORD82___CWORD44_GP4, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS__CWORD82__FULLBINARY, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS_NMEA, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_REV, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_REV_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_TEMP, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GYRO_TEMP_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_X_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_Y_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GSNS_Z_FST, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_PULSE_TIME, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS_CLOCK_DRIFT, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS, POSHAL_DID_GPS_CLOCK_FREQ, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SYS_PKG, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_GPS, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_LONLAT_N, VEHICLE_DID_LOCATION_LONLAT_NAVI, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_LONLAT_G, VEHICLE_DID_LOCATION_LONLAT, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_ALT, VEHICLE_DID_LOCATION_ALTITUDE, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SPEED_N, VEHICLE_DID_MOTION_SPEED_NAVI, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_SPEED_P, VEHICLE_DID_MOTION_SPEED_INTERNAL, SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_HEAD_N, VEHICLE_DID_MOTION_HEADING_NAVI, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_HEAD_G, VEHICLE_DID_MOTION_HEADING, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_TIME_SETREQ, VEHICLE_DID_SETTINGTIME, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_TIME, POSHAL_DID_GPS_TIME, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_GPSINF, VEHICLE_DID_NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS, SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_TIME_CS, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_GPSRST, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE }, {SENSLOG_DATA_O_UNSPECIFIED, 0, SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT, POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE } }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Function * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief * Sensor Log Initial Processing * * @param[in] p_mount_path Mount path */ void SensLogInitialize(uint8_t *p_mount_path) { static SENSLOG_INFO st_sens_log_info; /* Coverity CID:23609 compliant */ uint8_t uc_hw[16]; /* HW name */ uint8_t ret = 0; uint8_t i; static uint8_t tzset_flag = 0; /* Not initialized */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, "+"); /* Not initialized */ if (tzset_flag == 0) { tzset(); tzset_flag = 1; /* Initialization complete */ } /* Initialization of sensor log information structure */ memset(&g_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(g_sens_log_info)); /* Get mount path */ memset(&g_mount_path[0], 0, sizeof(g_mount_path)); if (NULL == p_mount_path) { snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&g_mount_path[0]), sizeof(g_mount_path), SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_2); } else { snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&g_mount_path[0]), sizeof(g_mount_path), "%s/", p_mount_path); } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, "mount path[%s]", g_mount_path); /* HW judgment */ memset(&uc_hw[0], 0, sizeof(uc_hw)); g_unit_type = GetEnvSupportInfo(); if (UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1 == g_unit_type) { /* GRADE1 */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_hw[0]), sizeof(uc_hw), "GRADE1"); } else if (UNIT_TYPE_GRADE2 == g_unit_type) { /* * Note. * This feature branches processing depending on the unit type. */ } else { /* Environment error */ /* Do not output sensor log */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Environment Error."); ret = 1; } /* Get Semaphore ID */ g_sem_id = _pb_CreateSemaphore(const_cast(SENSLOG_SEMAPHO_NAME)); if (g_sem_id == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not return zero // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Semaphore create Error.(ID = 0)"); ret = 1; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } if (ret == 0) { /* Read config files */ /* SYS */ memset(&st_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); SensLogGetConfig((const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_SYS, &st_sens_log_info); if (st_sens_log_info.uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { st_sens_log_info.us_gen_count = 1; memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_sys_i_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_sys_o_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_sys_i_gen.dat", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_sys_o_gen.dat", uc_hw); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_INPUT); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS_OUTPUT); } /* GPS */ memset(&st_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); SensLogGetConfig((const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_GPS, &st_sens_log_info); if (st_sens_log_info.uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { st_sens_log_info.us_gen_count = 1; memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_gps_i_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_gps_o_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_gps_i_gen.dat", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_gps_o_gen.dat", uc_hw); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT); } /* NAVI */ memset(&st_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); SensLogGetConfig((const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_NAVI, &st_sens_log_info); if (st_sens_log_info.uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { st_sens_log_info.us_gen_count = 1; memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_nav_i_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_nav_o_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_nav_i_gen.dat", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_nav_o_gen.dat", uc_hw); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT); } /* POS */ memset(&st_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); SensLogGetConfig((const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_POS, &st_sens_log_info); if (st_sens_log_info.uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { st_sens_log_info.us_gen_count = 1; memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_pos_o_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_pos_o_gen.dat", uc_hw); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_POS_OUTPUT); } /* CMD */ memset(&st_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); SensLogGetConfig((const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_CMD, &st_sens_log_info); if (st_sens_log_info.uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { st_sens_log_info.us_gen_count = 1; memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); memcpy(&g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT], &st_sens_log_info, sizeof(SENSLOG_INFO)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_cmd_i_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT].uc_file_name[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT].uc_file_name), "POS_%s_cmd_o_%%03d.log", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_cmd_i_gen.dat", uc_hw); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname[0])), sizeof(g_sens_log_info[SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT].uc_gen_fname), "POS_%s_cmd_o_gen.dat", uc_hw); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_INPUT); SensLogOutputGenFile(SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD_OUTPUT); } /* NAV-SVINFO */ SensLogCheckNAVSVINFOFile(); } for (i = 0; i < SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT; i++) { if (g_sens_log_info[i].uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].uc_valid_flag:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].uc_valid_flag); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].st_gen.us_len:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].st_gen.us_len); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].st_gen.uc_gen:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].st_gen.uc_gen); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].us_file_rec_count:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].us_file_rec_count); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].us_rec_count:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].us_rec_count); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].us_gen_count:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].us_gen_count); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].uc_file_path:%s", i, g_sens_log_info[i].uc_file_path); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].uc_file_name:%s", i, g_sens_log_info[i].uc_file_name); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].uc_gen_fname:%s", i, g_sens_log_info[i].uc_gen_fname); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "g_sens_log_info[%d].ul_text_buf_size:%d", i, g_sens_log_info[i].ul_text_buf_size); } } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log stop processing */ void SensLogTerminate(void) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "+"); /* Initialization of sensor log information structure */ memset(&g_sens_log_info, 0, sizeof(g_sens_log_info)); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log saving process */ void SensLogStore(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8 : dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert uint8_t i; FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "+"); for (i = 0; i < SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT; i++) { /* Output buffering log */ if ((g_sens_log_info[i].uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) && (g_sens_log_info[i].ul_text_buf_len > 0)) { SensLogOutputFile(i); } } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Sensor log config file information acquisition * * @param[in] uc_config_file Config filename * @param[out] st_sens_log_info Sensor log information */ static void SensLogGetConfig(const uint8_t* uc_config_file, SENSLOG_INFO* st_sens_log_info) { FILE* fp; uint8_t uc_file_path[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE]; uint8_t uc_file_name[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; uint8_t ucBuf[SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE]; uint8_t uc_val[SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE]; uint8_t flag = 0; FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "+"); if ((uc_config_file == NULL) || (st_sens_log_info == NULL)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not NULL // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert /* Unprocessed if the argument is invalid. */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Parameter Error."); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { memset(&uc_file_path, 0, sizeof(uc_file_path)); memset(&uc_file_name, 0, sizeof(uc_file_name)); /* Refer to the config files in the built-in memory. */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_path[0]), sizeof(uc_file_path), \ SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_1); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), \ "%s%s", uc_file_path, uc_config_file); fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "r"); if (NULL == fp) { /* If there are no config files in the built-in memory, refer to the USB memory. */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_path[0]), sizeof(uc_file_path), \ "%s", (const char*)&g_mount_path[0]); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), \ "%s%s", uc_file_path, uc_config_file); fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "r"); } if (NULL == fp) { /* Do not print when there are no config files.(Console log output)*/ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "Not SensorLog config file. [%s]", uc_file_name); } else { /* Read config files */ for (;;) { if (fgets(reinterpret_cast(&ucBuf), SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE, fp) == NULL) { /* EOF detection(Fail-safe:Normally it does not pass because it is break at the flag judgment place.)*/ break; } memset(&uc_val, 0, sizeof(uc_val)); if ((strncmp(reinterpret_cast(&ucBuf), SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_LEN, \ strlen(SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_LEN)) == 0) && ((flag & 0x01) != 0x01)) { /* Get record length */ SensLogGetConfigVal(ucBuf, uc_val); st_sens_log_info->st_gen.us_len = static_cast(atoi((const char *)uc_val)); flag ^= 0x01; } else if ((strncmp(reinterpret_cast(&ucBuf), SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_GEN, \ strlen(SENSLOG_CONFIG_KEY_GEN)) == 0) && ((flag & 0x02) != 0x02)) { /* Get number of generations */ SensLogGetConfigVal(ucBuf, uc_val); st_sens_log_info->st_gen.uc_gen = static_cast(atoi((const char *)uc_val)); flag ^= 0x02; } else { /* nop */ } if (flag == 0x03) { break; } } fclose(fp); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, \ "SensorLog read : file[%s] : config[0x%02x]", uc_file_name, flag); if ((st_sens_log_info->st_gen.us_len < SENSLOG_LEN_MIN) \ || (st_sens_log_info->st_gen.us_len > SENSLOG_LEN_MAX)) { /* The default value is applied if it is outside the valid range. */ st_sens_log_info->st_gen.us_len = SENSLOG_LEN_DEFAULT; } if ((st_sens_log_info->st_gen.uc_gen < SENSLOG_GEN_MIN) \ || (st_sens_log_info->st_gen.uc_gen > SENSLOG_GEN_MAX)) { /* The default value is applied if it is outside the valid range. */ st_sens_log_info->st_gen.uc_gen = SENSLOG_GEN_DEFAULT; } st_sens_log_info->ul_text_buf_size = SENSLOG_BUF_MAX; /* Static area(Maximum security) */ st_sens_log_info->uc_valid_flag = SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON; st_sens_log_info->uc_output_flag = SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_NEW; /* The log output path should be the same path as the config file. */ memcpy(st_sens_log_info->uc_file_path, uc_file_path, SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE); } } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log config file setting value acquisition * * @param[in] uc_text Config setting information * @param[out] uc_val Config setting */ static void SensLogGetConfigVal(uint8_t* uc_text, uint8_t* uc_val) { uint8_t ucBuf[SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE]; uint16_t i = 0; uint16_t j = 0; FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "+"); if ((uc_text == NULL) || (uc_val == NULL)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not NULL // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert /* Unprocessed if the argument is invalid. */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Parameter Error."); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { memset(ucBuf, 0, sizeof(ucBuf)); while ((*uc_text != ':') && (*uc_text != '\0')) { uc_text++; i++; if (i >= (SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE - 1)) { break; } } while ((*uc_text != '\r') && (*uc_text != '\n') && (*uc_text != '\0')) { uc_text++; i++; ucBuf[j++] = *uc_text; if (i >= SENSLOG_CONFIG_TEXT_SIZE) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed size // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert memset(&ucBuf, 0, sizeof(ucBuf)); break; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } } memcpy(uc_val, ucBuf, sizeof(ucBuf)); } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } /** * @brief * Acquisition of sensor log NAV-SVINFO file information * * @param[in] none */ static void SensLogCheckNAVSVINFOFile(void) { FILE* fp; const uint8_t* uc_config_file; uint8_t uc_file_path[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE]; uint8_t uc_file_name[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "+"); uc_config_file = (const uint8_t*)SENSLOG_NAV_SVINFO_FILE_NAME; memset(&uc_file_path, 0, sizeof(uc_file_path)); memset(&uc_file_name, 0, sizeof(uc_file_name)); /* Refer to the config files in the built-in memory. */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_path[0]), sizeof(uc_file_path), SENSLOG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_1); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), "%s%s", uc_file_path, uc_config_file); fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "r"); if (NULL == fp) { /* If there are no config files in the built-in memory, refer to the USB memory. */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_path[0]), sizeof(uc_file_path), \ "%s", (const char*)&g_mount_path[0]); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), \ "%s%s", uc_file_path, uc_config_file); fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "r"); } if (NULL == fp) { /* Do not print when there are no config files.(Console log output)*/ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, "Not SensorLog config file. [%s]", uc_file_name); g_navsv_info_flag = FALSE; } else { fclose(fp); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INIT, __FUNCTION__, "SensorLog read : file[%s]", uc_file_name); g_navsv_info_flag = TRUE; } FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "-"); return; } /** * @brief * Acquisition of sensor log NAV-SVINFO file information * * @param[in] none * * @return Destination sensor log file type */ uint8_t SensLogGetNavSvinfoFlag(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: dead code. AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert return g_navsv_info_flag; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Sensor log output(Input information) * * Writes the specified log (input information) to the buffer area * * @param[in] us_data_type Data type * @param[in] ul_did Data ID * @param[in] us_pno Destination PNO * @param[in] p_data Write data pointer * @param[in] us_size Write data size * @param[in] uc_result Reception result * @param[in] u_write_flag ability to write sensor log * @param[in] u_write_abnormal_flag When an error occurs ability to write sensor log */ void SensLogWriteInputData(uint16_t us_data_type, DID ul_did, PNO us_pno, uint8_t *p_data, \ uint16_t us_size, uint8_t uc_result, uint8_t u_write_flag, uint8_t u_write_abnormal_flag) { uint16_t file_type = 0; uint16_t data_type = us_data_type; uint16_t write_type = POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE; RET_API lret_sem = RET_ERROR; /* Sensor log file type determination */ file_type = SensLogGetFileType(kSensLogInputTbl, &data_type, &write_type, ul_did); /* For the target type,Perform exclusive control */ /* Currently, only GPS input can be written from multiple threads. */ if (file_type == SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_INPUT) { /* Semaphore ID determination */ if (g_sem_id != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not zero lret_sem = _pb_SemLock(g_sem_id); /* Semaphore Lock */ if (lret_sem != RET_NORMAL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not return error // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "SemLock Error."); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { /* Sensor log output */ SensLogWrite(file_type, data_type, write_type, ul_did, us_pno, p_data, \ us_size, uc_result, u_write_flag, u_write_abnormal_flag); (void)_pb_SemUnlock(g_sem_id); /* Semaphore unlock */ } } } else { /* Sensor log output */ SensLogWrite(file_type, data_type, write_type, ul_did, us_pno, p_data, us_size, \ uc_result, u_write_flag, u_write_abnormal_flag); } return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log output(Outputs the information) * * Writes the specified log (output information) to the buffer area * * @param[in] us_data_type Data type * @param[in] ul_did Data ID * @param[in] us_pno Destination PNO * @param[in] p_data Write data pointer * @param[in] us_size Write data size * @param[in] uc_result Reception result */ void SensLogWriteOutputData(uint16_t us_data_type, DID ul_did, PNO us_pno, uint8_t *p_data, \ uint16_t us_size, uint8_t uc_result) { uint16_t file_type = 0; uint16_t data_type = us_data_type; uint16_t write_type = POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE; RET_API lret_sem = RET_ERROR; /* Sensor log file type determination */ file_type = SensLogGetFileType(kSensLogOutputTbl, &data_type, &write_type, ul_did); /* For the target type,Perform exclusive control */ /* Currently, only GPS output can be written from multiple threads. */ if (file_type == SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS_OUTPUT) { /* Semaphore ID determination */ if (g_sem_id != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not zero lret_sem = _pb_SemLock(g_sem_id); /* Semaphore Lock */ if (lret_sem != RET_NORMAL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not return error // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "SemLock Error."); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { /* Sensor log output */ SensLogWrite(file_type, data_type, write_type, ul_did, us_pno, p_data, \ us_size, uc_result, SENSLOG_ON, SENSLOG_OFF); (void)_pb_SemUnlock(g_sem_id); /* Semaphore unlock */ } } } else { /* Sensor log output */ SensLogWrite(file_type, data_type, write_type, ul_did, us_pno, p_data, us_size, \ uc_result, SENSLOG_ON, SENSLOG_OFF); } return; } /** * @brief * Convert number to ASCII code(For two digits,Fill up to zero) * * @param[out] buf Data saving * @param[in] num Numbers to be converted */ static void Num2String2Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num) { int8_t c; if (num >= 100) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed size // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert *buf++ = '0'; *buf = '0'; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { c = static_cast(num / 10); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); *buf = static_cast(num - (c * 10) + '0'); } } /** * @brief * Convert number to ASCII code(For 3 digits,Fill up to zero) * * @param[out] buf Data saving * @param[in] num Numbers to be converted */ static void Num2String3Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num) { int8_t c; if (num >= 1000) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed size // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '0'; *buf = '0'; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { c = static_cast(num / 100); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); num = num - (c * 100); c = static_cast(num / 10); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); *buf = static_cast(num - (c * 10) + '0'); } } /** * @brief * Convert number to ASCII code(For 4 digits,Fill up to zero) * * @param[out] buf Data saving * @param[in] num Numbers to be converted */ static void Num2String4Digit(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t num) { int8_t c; if (num >= 10000) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed size // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '0'; *buf = '0'; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { c = static_cast(num / 1000); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); num = num - (c * 1000); c = static_cast(num / 100); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); num = num - (c * 100); c = static_cast(num / 10); *buf++ = static_cast(c + '0'); *buf = static_cast(num - (c * 10) + '0'); } } /** * @brief * Convert digits to hexadecimal ASCII code(Fill up to zero) * * @param[out] buf Data saving * @param[in] Number of digits to be converted to digits * @param[in] num Numbers to be converted */ static void Num2HexString(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t digits, uint32_t num) { uint8_t* p = buf + digits; uint8_t calc; int32_t i; /* Only within the displayable range,Convert */ if ((digits == 8) || (num < (uint32_t)(1 << (4 *digits)))) { while (num) { calc = num % 16; if (10 > calc) { calc = static_cast(calc + 0x30); // 0x30 is 0 character } else { calc = static_cast(calc + (0x61 - 0x0A)); // 0x41 is the letter of a } *(--p) = calc; num /= 16; digits--; } } /* Insert 0 in the remaining significant digits. */ for (i = 0; i < digits; i++) { *(--p) = '0'; } } /** * @brief * Sensor Log Header Creation * * @param[out] buf Data saving * @param[in] DataHeader data headers * @note For buf, Up to 62 bytes are used. As 64 bytes are allocated in the upper digit, Without current problems, dataHeader.c_pname size increase, * Need to be reviewed when changing the format. */ static void SensLogmakeHeader(uint8_t* buf, SENSLOG_DATA_HEADER dataHeader) { /* "%02d %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %08x %s %01x %01x %04d " */ int8_t *p; uint16_t i = 0; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.us_data_type); buf += 2; *(buf++) = ' '; Num2String4Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_year); buf += 4; *(buf++) = '/'; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_month); buf += 2; *(buf++) = '/'; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_day); buf += 2; *(buf++) = ' '; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_hour); buf += 2; *(buf++) = ':'; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_minute); buf += 2; *(buf++) = ':'; Num2String2Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_second); buf += 2; *(buf++) = '.'; Num2String3Digit(buf, dataHeader.st_sys_time.us_milli_seconds); buf += 3; *(buf++) = ' '; Num2HexString(buf, 8, dataHeader.ul_did); buf += 8; *(buf++) = ' '; p = dataHeader.c_pname; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(dataHeader.c_pname); i++) { if (*p == 0) { break; } *(buf++) = *(p++); } *(buf++) = ' '; Num2HexString((buf++), 1, dataHeader.uc_unit_type); *(buf++) = ' '; Num2HexString((buf++), 1, dataHeader.uc_result); *(buf++) = ' '; Num2String4Digit(buf, dataHeader.us_data_size); buf += 4; *(buf++) = ' '; return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log output * * Write specified log to buffer area(Common process) * * @param[in] us_file_type File type * @param[in] us_data_type Data type * @param[in] us_write_type FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG Output Type * @param[in] ul_did Data ID * @param[in] us_pno Destination PNO * @param[in] p_data Write data pointer * @param[in] us_size Write data size * @param[in] uc_result Reception result * @param[in] uWriteFlag ability to write sensor log * @param[in] u_write_abnormal_flag When an error occursability to write sensor log */ static void SensLogWrite(uint16_t us_file_type, uint16_t us_data_type, uint16_t us_write_type, \ DID ul_did, PNO us_pno, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t us_size, uint8_t uc_result, uint8_t uWriteFlag, \ uint8_t u_write_abnormal_flag) { uint32_t len = 0; SENSLOG_DATA_HEADER dataHeader; uint16_t headSize = sizeof(SENSLOG_DATA_HEADER); uint16_t i = 0; uint8_t workBuf[64]; uint16_t workBufLen = 0; PCSTR pPname = NULL; uint32_t ulTempBufLen; uint32_t ulPositioninglogBufLen = SENSLOG_BUF_MAX; uint32_t retComp; if ((p_data == NULL) || (us_size == 0) || (us_size > SENSLOG_BUF_MIN)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not NULL /* Unprocessed if write specified log data is invalid */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Parameter Error. File[%d] Data[%d] DID[%d] Size[%d]", us_file_type, us_data_type, ul_did, us_size); } else { /* Sensor log file type determination */ if (us_file_type < SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT) { if ((g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) || (us_write_type != POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE)) { /* Setting of header information */ memset(&dataHeader, 0x00, sizeof(dataHeader)); dataHeader.us_data_type = us_data_type; SensLogGetSystemTime(&dataHeader.st_sys_time); dataHeader.ul_did = ul_did; pPname = _pb_CnvPno2Name(us_pno); if (pPname == NULL) { dataHeader.c_pname[0] = '-'; } else { snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&(dataHeader.c_pname[0])), \ sizeof(dataHeader.c_pname), "%s", pPname); } dataHeader.uc_unit_type = (uint8_t)g_unit_type; dataHeader.uc_result = uc_result; dataHeader.us_data_size = us_size; /* Buffer storage(Header)*/ memset(&workBuf[0], 0x00, sizeof(workBuf)); SensLogmakeHeader(workBuf, dataHeader); workBufLen = static_cast(strlen(reinterpret_cast(&(workBuf[0])))); memcpy(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[0])), \ &workBuf[0], workBufLen); /* Buffer storage(Data portion)*/ for (i = 0; i < us_size; i++) { Num2HexString(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[workBufLen + i * 3]), 2, *p_data); g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[workBufLen + i * 3 + 2] = ' '; g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[workBufLen + i * 3 + 3] = 0; /* NULL */ p_data++; } g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[workBufLen + (us_size * 3)] = '\r'; g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[workBufLen + (us_size * 3) + 1] = '\n'; ulTempBufLen = workBufLen + (us_size * 3) + 2; /* FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG out */ if ((us_file_type == SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_INPUT) || (us_file_type == SENSLOG_TYPE_NAVI_OUTPUT)) { if (g_unit_type != UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1) { /* Sensor log is not output when an error occurs except for _CWORD80_ in NAV. */ u_write_abnormal_flag = 0; } } if ((us_write_type != POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE) && (u_write_abnormal_flag == SENSLOG_ON)) { /* Data compression */ retComp = compress2(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type]. \ uc_positioninglog_buf[SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE + sizeof(ulPositioninglogBufLen)])), \ reinterpret_cast(&ulPositioninglogBufLen), \ reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[0])), \ ulTempBufLen, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); if (retComp == Z_OK) { memcpy(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_positioninglog_buf[0]), \ SENSLOG_SEQ_START, SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE); memcpy(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_positioninglog_buf[SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE]), \ &ulPositioninglogBufLen, sizeof(ulPositioninglogBufLen)); memcpy(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_positioninglog_buf[SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE \ + sizeof(ulPositioninglogBufLen) + ulPositioninglogBufLen]), SENSLOG_SEQ_END, SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE); g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_positioninglog_buf[SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE + sizeof(ulPositioninglogBufLen) \ + ulPositioninglogBufLen + SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE] = '\n'; ulPositioninglogBufLen = static_cast(SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE + sizeof(ulPositioninglogBufLen) \ + ulPositioninglogBufLen + SENSLOG_SEQ_SIZE + 1); POS_SENSLOG(us_write_type, (PCSTR)&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_positioninglog_buf[0]), \ ulPositioninglogBufLen); } else { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, \ "compress error[retComp = %d]", retComp); } } if ((g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_valid_flag == SENSLOG_VALIDFLAG_ON) \ && (uWriteFlag == SENSLOG_ON)) { /* For executing file output */ /* Buffer size determination */ len = g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_len; if (g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_size <= (len + ((headSize + us_size) * 3))) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "[%d]:DataSize[%d]/BufLen[%d]", us_data_type, us_size, len); /* In case of buffer upper limit,Write File */ SensLogOutputFile(static_cast(us_file_type)); /* Buffer clear */ memset(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_text_buf[0]), 0x00, g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_size); len = 0; } /* Buffer storage */ memcpy(reinterpret_cast(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_text_buf[len])), \ &g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_temp_buf[0], ulTempBufLen); g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_len = len + ulTempBufLen; g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_rec_count++; /* Determining whether the number of file write records is the upper limit (the number of records per file) */ if (g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].st_gen.us_len <= g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_rec_count) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_28, __FUNCTION__, "[%d]:RecCnt[%d/%d]", us_data_type, g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_rec_count, \ g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].st_gen.us_len); /* In case of buffer upper limit,Write File */ SensLogOutputFile(static_cast(us_file_type)); /* Buffer clear */ memset(&(g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_text_buf[0]), 0x00, \ g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_size); g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].ul_text_buf_len = 0; g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_rec_count = 0; /* Update the number of generations */ g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_gen_count++; if (g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].st_gen.uc_gen < g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_gen_count) { g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].us_gen_count = 1; } g_sens_log_info[us_file_type].uc_output_flag = SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_NEW; } } } } } return; } /** * @brief * Sensor log file type determination * * Determine the type of the output destination sensor log file * * @param[in] pstTbl Sensor log type definition table * @param[in] Pus_data_type Data type * @param[out] pus_write_type FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG Output Type * @param[in] ul_did Data ID * * @return Destination sensor log file type */ static uint16_t SensLogGetFileType(const SENSLOG_ID_TBL *pstTbl, uint16_t *pus_data_type, \ uint16_t *pus_write_type, DID ul_did) { uint16_t file_type = SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT; uint16_t cnt = 0; /* Determination of output log file type */ /* DID,Prioritize the beginning of the table for both data types. */ /* If DID is specified, it is judged by DID.*/ if (ul_did != 0) { for (cnt = 0; pstTbl[cnt].us_file_type != SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT; cnt++) { if (pstTbl[cnt].ul_did == ul_did) { *pus_data_type = pstTbl[cnt].us_data_type; file_type = pstTbl[cnt].us_file_type; *pus_write_type = pstTbl[cnt].us_write_type; break; } } } /* If no DID is specified or cannot be found, judge according to the data type. */ if (file_type == SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT) { for (cnt = 0; pstTbl[cnt].us_file_type != SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT; cnt++) { if (pstTbl[cnt].us_data_type == *pus_data_type) { file_type = pstTbl[cnt].us_file_type; *pus_write_type = pstTbl[cnt].us_write_type; break; } } } return file_type; } /** * @brief * Sensor log file output * * Write the log data in the buffer area to a file * * @param[in] ucFileType File type */ static void SensLogOutputFile(uint8_t ucFileType) { FILE *fp; int fd; uint8_t uc_file_name_base[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; uint8_t uc_file_name[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; if (ucFileType < SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed type /* File path generation */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name_base[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name_base), "%s%s", g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_file_path, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_file_name); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name_base[0]), g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].us_gen_count); /* Writing to a File */ if (g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_output_flag == SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_NEW) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, \ "SensLog create file. : file[%s] : uc_output_flag[%d]", \ uc_file_name, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_output_flag); /* Export New File(Write From Beginning)*/ fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "w+"); g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_output_flag = SENSLOG_OUTPUTFLAG_ADD; /* Update generation information file */ SensLogOutputGenFile(ucFileType); } else { /* Append export */ fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "a+"); } if (NULL != fp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not NULL /* Log file output(ASCII)*/ fd = fileno(fp); fwrite(&(g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_text_buf[0]), g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].ul_text_buf_len, 1, fp); fflush(fp); /* Flush the userspace buffers provided by the C library */ fdatasync(fd); /* Flush cache of files referenced by fd to disk */ fclose(fp); /* Coverity CID:23371 compliant */ } else { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, \ "SensLog fopen fail. : file[%s] : uc_output_flag[%d]", \ uc_file_name, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_output_flag); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } } return; } /** * @brief * Generation information file output * * Holds the number of generations being output in the generation information file. * * @param[in] ucFileType File type */ static void SensLogOutputGenFile(uint8_t ucFileType) { FILE *fp; int fd; uint8_t uc_file_name_base[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; uint8_t uc_file_name[SENSLOG_FILEPATH_SIZE + SENSLOG_FILENAME_SIZE]; if (ucFileType < SENSLOG_TYPE_COUNT) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not exceed type /* File path generation */ snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name_base[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name_base), "%s%s", g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_file_path, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].uc_gen_fname); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), sizeof(uc_file_name), reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name_base[0]), g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].us_gen_count); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "SensLog create file. : file[%s] : us_gen_count[%d]", uc_file_name, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].us_gen_count); /* Export New File(Write From Beginning)*/ fp = fopen(reinterpret_cast(&uc_file_name[0]), "w+"); if (NULL != fp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not NULL /* Generation control number output */ fd = fileno(fp); fprintf(fp, "%03d", g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].us_gen_count); fflush(fp); /* Flush the userspace buffers provided by the C library */ fdatasync(fd); /* Flush cache of files referenced by fd to disk */ fclose(fp); /* Coverity CID:23372 compliant */ } else { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: invalid AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, \ "SensLog fopen fail. : file[%s] : us_gen_count[%d]", \ uc_file_name, g_sens_log_info[ucFileType].us_gen_count); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } } return; } /** * @brief * Get system time * * Get the system time(Millisecond) * * @param[out] st_sys_time System time */ void SensLogGetSystemTime(SENSLOG_SYSTEMTIME *st_sys_time) { time_t time_sec = 0; struct timespec tp = {0}; struct tm time_cal= {0}; if (NULL != st_sys_time) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: not NULL if (0 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp)) { time_sec = tp.tv_sec; localtime_r(&time_sec, &time_cal); st_sys_time->us_year = static_cast((WORD)time_cal.tm_year + 1900); st_sys_time->us_month = static_cast((WORD)time_cal.tm_mon + 1); st_sys_time->us_day_of_week = (WORD)time_cal.tm_wday; st_sys_time->us_day = (WORD)time_cal.tm_mday; st_sys_time->us_hour = (WORD)time_cal.tm_hour; st_sys_time->us_minute = (WORD)time_cal.tm_min; st_sys_time->us_second = (WORD)time_cal.tm_sec; st_sys_time->us_milli_seconds = (WORD)(static_cast(tp.tv_nsec) * 1e-6); /* Calculating milliseconds */ } } return; } /* end of file */