/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \defgroup <> <> /// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService /// . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService /// \brief /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef NOTIFICATION_PERSISTENT_SERVICE_SERVER_INCLUDE_NS_NPP_TYPES_H_ #define NOTIFICATION_PERSISTENT_SERVICE_SERVER_INCLUDE_NS_NPP_TYPES_H_ #include #include #include // name of notification file to be saved in persistent memory depending on the persistent type category #define NOTIFICATIONFILE "PERSISTENT_NOTIFICATION" // stores user notification common to all user #define USERNOTIFICATIONFILE "USER_PERSISTENT_NOTIFICATION" // stores user notification specific to particular user #define FACTORYNOTIFICATIONFILE "FACTORY_NOTIFICATION" // stores factory notification #define FACTORYCUSTOMERNOTIFICATIONFILE "FACTORYCUSTOMER_NOTIFICATION" // stores factorycustomer notification #define DEALERNOTIFICATIONFILE "DEALER_NOTIFICATION" // stores dealer notification // name of persistence folder for persistent type categorization #define USERDATA "UserData" // name of folder contatining userdata #define FACTORYDATA "FactoryData" // name of folder contatining factory data #define FACTORYCUSTOMERDATA "FactoryCustomerData" // name of folder contatining factory customer data #define DEALERDATA "DealerData" // name of folder contatining dealer data // default user name for personalization #define DEFAULTUSERNAME "DefaultUser" // name of NSNPS version file #define VERSION_TXT "version.txt" #define STORAGE_PATH "/var/local/lib/basesystem/nv/BS/ns/npp/rwdata/" typedef enum ENPSLoadType { LOADTYPE_NONE = -1, LOADTYPE_RELEASE = 0, // load file to persistent memory LOADTYPE_LOAD = 1, // load file to temporary memory LOADTYPE_RELOAD = 2, // reload the file. } ENPS_Loadtype; /// \typedef ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType /// \brief Persist file types typedef enum ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType { ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST = 0, ///< Add values after this value only. ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE, ///< Persist a file to a persistent memory ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER, ///< Persist a folder to a persistent memory ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTNONE, ///< no type ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST, ///< Add values before this value only. } ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType; typedef enum ENPSPersistenceJobState { ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTJObSTATEIDLE = 0, ///< Job is idle. // NOLINT (readability/naming) ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTJObSTATEINPROCESS = 1, ///< Job is in process. Either release or load. // NOLINT (readability/naming) ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTJObSTATERELEASEABORTED = 2, ///< Job release was aborted due to abort shutdown. // NOLINT (readability/naming) } ENPSPersistenceJobState; typedef CHAR CopyInfoStr[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; ///< Information passed via the framework typedef enum ENPSCopyWorkerProtocol { // > Command(s) CP_WRK_CMD_START = 1500, CP_WRK_CMD_STOP = 1501, CP_WRK_CMD_COPY = 1502, CP_WRK_CMD_RESUME = 1503, // This will release the thread from the abort command. // < Command Ack(s) CP_WRK_ACK_CMD_COMPLETE = 1504, // < Notification(s) CP_WRK_NTFY = 1505, // < Shutdown request command CMD_WRK_SHUTDOWN_REQ = 1506, CMD_WRK_SHUTDOWN_ACK = 1507, CMD_DELETE_OLD_DATA = 1508, AR_CMD_START = 1400, AR_CMD_STOP = 1401, AR_CMD_ARCHIVE = 1402, AR_CMD_RESUME = 1403, // This will release the thread from the abort command. // < Command Ack(s) AR_ACK_CMD_COMPLETE = 1404, // < Notification(s) AR_CMD_NTFY = 1405, NOR_PERSISTENCE_TIMER_START = 1406, NOR_PERSISTENCE_REGISTER = 1407, NOR_PERSISTENCE_UNREGISTER = 1408, // this cmd is used to tell the NOR thread to stop the timer // for all the the notifications in case of userdata reset during shutdown NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN = 1409, // while to persist the data immediately irrespective of delay in case of shutdown without userdata reset. // ack sent to NPPService main thread by Nor worker thread after persisting immediate data NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN_ACK = 1410, // message sent by main thread to immediate persistence thread // to change the persistent category of immediate notification NOR_PERSISTENCE_CHANGE_CATEGORY = 1411 } ENSP_CopyWorkerProtocol, *PENSP_CopyWorkerProtocol, ENPS_ArchiveProtocol; typedef enum ENPSCopyWorkerFailures { // > Failure codes(s) CP_WRK_FAILURE_SRC_NOT_FND = 3500, CP_WRK_FAILURE_DST_CREATE = 3501, CP_WRK_FAILURE_ABORT_DURING_CP = 3502, CP_WRK_FAILURE_ABORT_BEFORE_CP = 3503, CP_WRK_FAILURE_WRITE_ERROR_CP = 3504, AR_THREAD_FAILURE_SRC_NOT_FND = 3400, AR_THREAD_FAILURE_DST_CREATE = 3401, AR_THREAD_FAILURE_ABORT_DURING_ARCHIVE = 3402, AR_THREAD_FAILURE_ABORT_BEFORE_ARCHIVE = 3403, } ENPS_CopyWorkerFailures, *PENPS_CopyWorkerFailures, ENPS_ArchiveFailures; typedef struct NPSCopyAckMsg { ENSP_CopyWorkerProtocol m_eworkerprotocol; // Worker Load or Release Protocol Id } NSP_CopyAckMsg; typedef enum NotificationpersistentserviceCompressionType { ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICENONE = 0, /// No Compression before file persistence ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEDEFAULTCOMPRESSION, /// Compress file before persistence using default compression method ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICECOMPRESSUSINGLIBZ /// Compress file before persistence using libz } NOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICE_COMPRESSION_TYPE; typedef struct NPSCopyInfoMsg { CopyInfoStr m_csourcepath; // Source path CopyInfoStr m_cdestinationpath; // Destination path CopyInfoStr m_cpersistenttag; // Tag for Persistence CopyInfoStr m_crequesterappname; // Requester Name ENPS_Loadtype m_eloadtype; // Load to Persistent or Temporary Memory ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType m_epersisttype; // Folder or File Persistence NOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICE_COMPRESSION_TYPE m_ecompressiontype; // Check for Compression of the file } NSP_CopyInfoCmd; typedef struct NPSCopyStatus { BOOL m_bpersistencechk; // Persistence Success or Failure ENPS_CopyWorkerFailures m_ecopyfailures; // Failure Protocol ID CopyInfoStr m_cpersistenttag; // Tag for Persistence CopyInfoStr m_crequesterappname; // Requester Name ENPS_Loadtype m_eloadtype; // Load to Persistent or Temporary Memory ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType m_epersisttype; // Folder or File Persistence NOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICE_COMPRESSION_TYPE m_ecompressiontype; // Check for Compression of the file } NSP_CopyStatusResponse, NSP_CopyCancel; // Structure for Nor Persistent Notification typedef struct TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader { CHAR m_cnotificationname[MAX_STRING_SIZE_NOTIFICATION]; ///< Name of Notification UI_32 m_uimaxmsglength; ///< Maximum data length of notification EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType m_epersistenttype; ///< type of notification CHAR m_cpublishername[MAX_NAME_SIZE_APP]; ///< Service Name UI_32 m_uimsgsize; ///< length of message UI_32 m_uidelay; ///< Time delay between persistence EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory m_epersistcategory; ///< Persistent Category } TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader; typedef struct _TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo { // NOLINT (readability/naming) CHAR m_cnotificationname[MAX_STRING_SIZE_NOTIFICATION]; ///< Name of Notification UI_32 m_uidelay; ///< Time delay between persistence EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory m_epersistcategory; ///< Persistent Category } TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo; typedef struct _TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo { // NOLINT (readability/naming) CHAR m_cnotificationname[MAX_STRING_SIZE_NOTIFICATION]; ///< Name of Notification } TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo; typedef struct _NPS_CopyShutdown { // NOLINT (readability/naming) CopyInfoStr m_crequesterappname; } NSP_CopyShutdown, NSP_CopyShutdownAck; typedef struct _TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory { // NOLINT (readability/naming) TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader m_tnornotifInfoheader; ///< Notification info with new persist category type EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory m_eoldpersistcategory; ///< Old Persistent Category of notification } TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory; typedef struct _TImmediateShutdown { // NOLINT (readability/naming) EFrameworkunifiedShutdownType f_eshutdowntype; UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag; } TImmediateShutdown; #endif // NOTIFICATION_PERSISTENT_SERVICE_SERVER_INCLUDE_NS_NPP_TYPES_H_