package openxc; option java_package = "com.openxc"; option java_outer_classname = "BinaryMessages"; message VehicleMessage { enum Type { CAN = 1; SIMPLE = 2; DIAGNOSTIC = 3; CONTROL_COMMAND = 4; COMMAND_RESPONSE = 5; } optional Type type = 1; optional CanMessage can_message = 2; optional SimpleMessage simple_message = 3; optional DiagnosticResponse diagnostic_response = 4; optional ControlCommand control_command = 5; optional CommandResponse command_response = 6; optional uint32 uptime = 7; } message CanMessage { enum FrameFormat { STANDARD = 1; EXTENDED = 2; } optional int32 bus = 1; optional uint32 id = 2; optional bytes data = 3; optional FrameFormat frame_format = 4; } message ControlCommand { enum Type { VERSION = 1; DEVICE_ID = 2; DIAGNOSTIC = 3; PASSTHROUGH = 4; ACCEPTANCE_FILTER_BYPASS = 5; PAYLOAD_FORMAT = 6; PREDEFINED_OBD2_REQUESTS = 7; MODEM_CONFIGURATION = 8; } optional Type type = 1; optional DiagnosticControlCommand diagnostic_request = 2; optional PassthroughModeControlCommand passthrough_mode_request = 3; optional AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand acceptance_filter_bypass_command = 4; optional PayloadFormatCommand payload_format_command = 5; optional PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand predefined_obd2_requests_command = 6; optional ModemConfigurationCommand modem_configuration_command = 7; } message DiagnosticControlCommand { enum Action { ADD = 1; CANCEL = 2; } optional DiagnosticRequest request = 1; optional Action action = 2; } message PassthroughModeControlCommand { optional int32 bus = 1; optional bool enabled = 2; } message AcceptanceFilterBypassCommand { optional int32 bus = 1; optional bool bypass = 2; } message PayloadFormatCommand { enum PayloadFormat { JSON = 1; PROTOBUF = 2; } optional PayloadFormat format = 1; } message PredefinedObd2RequestsCommand { optional bool enabled = 1; } message NetworkOperatorSettings { enum OperatorSelectMode { AUTOMATIC = 0; MANUAL = 1; DEREGISTER = 2; SET_ONLY = 3; MANUAL_AUTOMATIC = 4; } message NetworkDescriptor { enum NetworkType { GSM = 0; UTRAN = 2; } optional uint32 PLMN = 1; optional NetworkType networkType = 2; } optional bool allowDataRoaming = 1; optional OperatorSelectMode operatorSelectMode = 2; optional NetworkDescriptor networkDescriptor = 3; } message NetworkDataSettings { optional string APN = 1; } message ServerConnectSettings { optional string host = 1; optional uint32 port = 2; } message ModemConfigurationCommand { optional NetworkOperatorSettings networkOperatorSettings = 1; optional NetworkDataSettings networkDataSettings = 2; optional ServerConnectSettings serverConnectSettings = 3; } message CommandResponse { optional ControlCommand.Type type = 1; optional string message = 2; optional bool status = 3; } message DiagnosticRequest { enum DecodedType { NONE = 1; OBD2 = 2; } optional int32 bus = 1; optional uint32 message_id = 2; optional uint32 mode = 3; optional uint32 pid = 4; // TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we // support multi-frame responses optional bytes payload = 5; optional bool multiple_responses = 6; optional double frequency = 7; optional string name = 8; optional DecodedType decoded_type = 9; } message DiagnosticResponse { optional int32 bus = 1; optional uint32 message_id = 2; optional uint32 mode = 3; optional uint32 pid = 4; optional bool success = 5; optional uint32 negative_response_code = 6; // TODO we are capping this at 8 bytes for now - need to change when we // support multi-frame responses optional bytes payload = 7; optional double value = 8; } message DynamicField { enum Type { STRING = 1; NUM = 2; BOOL = 3; } optional Type type = 1; optional string string_value = 2; optional double numeric_value = 3; optional bool boolean_value = 4; } message SimpleMessage { optional string name = 1; optional DynamicField value = 2; optional DynamicField event = 3; }