project('agl-compositor', 'c', version: '0.0.15', default_options: [ 'warning_level=3', 'c_std=gnu99', ], meson_version: '>= 0.47', license: 'MIT/Expat', ) config_h = configuration_data() cc = meson.get_compiler('c') add_project_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-pedantic', '-Wextra', '-Werror' ]), language: 'c' ) add_project_arguments([ '-DPACKAGE_STRING="agl-compositor @0@"'.format(meson.project_version()), '-D_GNU_SOURCE', '-D_ALL_SOURCE', ], language: 'c' ) optional_libc_funcs = [ 'memfd_create', 'strchrnul' ] foreach func: optional_libc_funcs if cc.has_function(func) add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_@0@=1'.format(func.to_upper()), language: 'c') endif endforeach dep_libsystemd = dependency('libsystemd', required: false) dep_scanner = dependency('wayland-scanner', native: true) prog_scanner = find_program(dep_scanner.get_pkgconfig_variable('wayland_scanner')) dep_wp = dependency('wayland-protocols', version: '>= 1.18') dir_wp_base = dep_wp.get_pkgconfig_variable('pkgdatadir') agl_shell_xml = files('protocol/agl-shell.xml') xdg_shell_xml = join_paths(dir_wp_base, 'stable', 'xdg-shell', 'xdg-shell.xml') protocols = [ { 'name': 'agl-shell', 'source': 'internal' }, { 'name': 'xdg-shell', 'source': 'wp-stable' }, ] foreach proto: protocols proto_name = proto['name'] if proto['source'] == 'internal' base_file = proto_name xml_path = join_paths('protocol', '@0@.xml'.format(base_file)) elif proto['source'] == 'wp-stable' base_file = proto_name xml_path = join_paths(dir_wp_base, 'stable', proto_name, '@0@.xml'.format(base_file)) else base_file = '@0@-unstable-@1@'.format(proto_name, proto['version']) xml_path = join_paths(dir_wp_base, 'unstable', proto_name, '@0@.xml'.format(base_file)) endif foreach output_type: [ 'client-header', 'server-header', 'private-code' ] if output_type == 'client-header' output_file = '@0@-client-protocol.h'.format(base_file) elif output_type == 'server-header' output_file = '@0@-server-protocol.h'.format(base_file) else output_file = '@0@-protocol.c'.format(base_file) if dep_scanner.version().version_compare('< 1.14.91') output_type = 'code' endif endif var_name = output_file.underscorify() target = custom_target( '@0@ @1@'.format(base_file, output_type), command: [ prog_scanner, output_type, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ], input: xml_path, output: output_file, ) set_variable(var_name, target) endforeach endforeach # libweston-6 pkg-config file already has 'libweston-6' as prefix but # agl-compositor uses 'libweston-6' also. This makes use of the prefix # path as to allow building and installing the compositor locally prefix_path = get_option('prefix') message('prefix_path ' + prefix_path) if not prefix_path.contains('/usr') additional_include_dir = include_directories(prefix_path + '/' + 'include') local_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: additional_include_dir) else local_dep = [] endif libweston_dep = dependency('libweston-7') deps_libweston = [ dependency('wayland-server'), libweston_dep, dependency('libweston-desktop-7'), local_dep, ] srcs_agl_compositor = [ 'src/main.c', 'src/desktop.c', 'src/layout.c', 'src/shell.c', 'shared/option-parser.c', 'shared/os-compatibility.c', agl_shell_server_protocol_h, agl_shell_protocol_c, xdg_shell_protocol_c, ] # From meson documentation: # In order to look for headers in a specific directory you can use args : # '-I/extra/include/dir, but this should only be used in exceptional cases for # includes that can't be detected via pkg-config and passed via dependencies. if libweston_dep.found() if not prefix_path.contains('/usr') dir_path_x11_backend = join_paths(prefix_path, 'include', 'libweston-7', 'libweston', 'backend-x11.h') else dir_path_x11_backend = join_paths('libweston-7', 'libweston', 'backend-x11.h') endif # do the test if cc.has_header(dir_path_x11_backend) config_h.set('HAVE_BACKEND_X11', 1) endif endif if dep_libsystemd.found() config_h.set('HAVE_SYSTEMD', 1) srcs_agl_compositor += 'src/systemd-notify.c' deps_libweston += dep_libsystemd message('Found systemd, enabling notify support') endif configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: config_h) exe_agl_compositor = executable( 'agl-compositor', srcs_agl_compositor, dependencies: deps_libweston, install: true )