{ "comment": "Surface ID to Layer ID mapping", "main_surface": { "surface_role": "HomeScreen", "comment": "This surface should never be made invisible (The HomeScreen)" }, "mappings": [ { "role": "BackGroundLayer", "name": "BackGroundLayer", "layer_id": 999, "comment": "Single BackGround layer map for the map, radio, music and video" }, { "role": "homescreen", "name": "FarHomeScreen", "layer_id": 1000, "comment": "FarHomeScreen is the part of HomeScreen. The z order of this layer is lower than NearHomeScreen" }, { "role": "music|video|browser|radio|phone|map|hvac|settings|dashboard|poi|mixer|sdl|launcher|fallback", "name": "Apps", "layer_id": 1001, "comment": "Range of IDs that will always be placed on layer 1001", "split_layouts": [ { "name": "map", "main_match": "map", "sub_match": "video|music", "priority": 1000 } ] }, { "role": "focusapp", "name": "NearHomeScreen", "layer_id": 1002, "comment": "NearHomeScreen is the part of HomeScreen. The z order of this layer is upper than FarHomeScreen" }, { "role": "restriction", "name": "Restriction", "layer_id": 1003, "comment": "This layer is for restriction notification. This is used by restriction role" }, { "role": "^on_screen.*", "name": "OnScreen", "layer_id": 9999, "comment": "Range of IDs that will always be placed on the OnScreen layer, that gets a very high 'dummy' id of 9999" } ] }