/* This program takes a command line argument and encodes a message in * one of MsgType1, MsgType2 or MsgType3. */ #include #include #include #include #include "unionproto.pb.h" /* This function is the core of the union encoding process. It handles * the top-level pb_field_t array manually, in order to encode a correct * field tag before the message. The pointer to MsgType_fields array is * used as an unique identifier for the message type. */ bool encode_unionmessage(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t messagetype[], const void *message) { const pb_field_t *field; for (field = UnionMessage_fields; field->tag != 0; field++) { if (field->ptr == messagetype) { /* This is our field, encode the message using it. */ if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) return false; return pb_encode_submessage(stream, messagetype, message); } } /* Didn't find the field for messagetype */ return false; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s (1|2|3)\n", argv[0]); return 1; } uint8_t buffer[512]; pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); bool status = false; int msgtype = atoi(argv[1]); if (msgtype == 1) { /* Send message of type 1 */ MsgType1 msg = {42}; status = encode_unionmessage(&stream, MsgType1_fields, &msg); } else if (msgtype == 2) { /* Send message of type 2 */ MsgType2 msg = {true}; status = encode_unionmessage(&stream, MsgType2_fields, &msg); } else if (msgtype == 3) { /* Send message of type 3 */ MsgType3 msg = {3, 1415}; status = encode_unionmessage(&stream, MsgType3_fields, &msg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown message type: %d\n", msgtype); return 2; } if (!status) { fprintf(stderr, "Encoding failed!\n"); return 3; } else { fwrite(buffer, 1, stream.bytes_written, stdout); return 0; /* Success */ } }