--- edit_link: '' title: Bluetooth origin_url: >- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/automotive-grade-linux/docs-sources/master/docs/audio/bluez-alsa.md --- # bluez-alsa ## Introduction Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend allow bluetooth audio without PulseAudio. This project is a rebirth of a direct integration between Bluez and ALSA. Since Bluez >= 5, the build-in integration has been removed in favor of 3rd party audio applications. From now on, Bluez acts as a middleware between an audio application, which implements Bluetooth audio profile, and a Bluetooth audio device. github source : [bluez-alsa](https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa) ## Add bluez-alsa to an AGL image You can add bluez-alsa to your image ```yocto IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "bluez-alsa" ``` ## Check bluez-alsa status You can check the bluez-alsa status by running: ```bash systemctl status bluez-alsa.service ``` ## Stop pulseaudio You must disable pulseaudio if you want to use bluez-alsa ```bash systemctl --user stop pulseaudio ``` or disable pulseaudio bluetooth support ```bash vi /etc/pulse/default.pa #.ifexists module-bluetooth-policy.so #load-module module-bluetooth-policy #.endif #.ifexists module-bluetooth-discover.so #load-module module-bluetooth-discover #.endif ``` ## Connect your Bluetooth device You need to connect a bluetooth device ```bash $ bluetoothctl [bluetooth]# pair ${BT_ADDR} [bluetooth]# connect ${BT_ADDR} [bluetooth]# info ${BT_ADDR} ``` Here somes documentation links: * [Bluetooth headset from archlinux](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth_headset) * [Bluetooth Headset from gentoo](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Bluetooth_Headset) * [Bluez A2DP AudioSink for ALSA](http://www.lightofdawn.org/blog/?viewDetailed=00032) * [Bluez A2DP](http://www.lightofdawn.org/wiki/wiki.cgi/BluezA2DP) ## Test bluez-alsa speacker ```bash wget http://www.kozco.com/tech/piano2.wav aplay -D bluealsa:HCI=hci0,DEV=${BT_ADDR},PROFILE=a2dp ./piano2.wav ``` ## Add bluez-alsa pcm config to alsa ```bash vi /etc/asound.conf # Bluetooth headset pcm.btheadset { type plug slave.pcm { type bluealsa device "${BT_ADDR}" profile "a2dp" } hint { show on description "Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend" } } ``` Doc [asoundrc](https://alsa.opensrc.org/Asoundrc) Test bluez-alsa pcm ```bash aplay -D btheadset ./piano2.wav ``` ## Test gstreamer player ```bash gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin uri=file:///mnt/Holy-Mountain.mp3 ! alsasink device=btheadset ``` ## Test bluez-alsa phone After connected your phone with bluez: ```bash bluealsa-aplay ${BT_ADDR} ```