--- edit_link: '' title: Configuring AGL CMake Templates origin_url: >- https://git.automotivelinux.org/src/cmake-apps-module/plain/docs/dev_guide/configuring-cmake.md?h=master --- # Configuring AGL CMake Templates Configuration consists of editing the `config.cmake` file for your specific project. ## Creating Your `config.cmake` File First, you need to create a `confd/cmake` file in your CMake project directory. ```bash mkdir -p conf.d/cmake ``` Next, use one of the following commands to copy a `cmake.sample` file to your `config.cmake` file. The first command applies if you have the SDK installed, while the second command applies if you installed the modules on your native Linux system. **NOTE:** The `OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT` variable is defined once you have a project folder, the AGL SDK source files, and the CMake modules installed. ```bash mkdir -p conf.d/cmake # From the SDK sysroot >= RC2 of the 7.0.0 Guppy release cp ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}/usr/share/doc/CMakeAfbTemplates/samples.d/config.cmake.sample conf.d/cmake/config.cmake # From a native installation cp /usr/share/doc/CMakeAfbTemplates/samples.d/config.cmake.sample conf.d/cmake/config.cmake ``` Once you have created your `config.cmake` file, you need to make the changes specific to your project. ## Creating Your `CMakeLists.txt` File To create this file, use the example in the **cmake module**. Use one of the following two commands to create your file. The first command applies if you have the SDK installed, while the second command applies if you installed the modules on your native Linux system. **NOTE:** The `OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT` variable is defined once you have a project folder, the AGL SDK source files, and the CMake modules installed. ```bash # From the SDK sysroot >= RC2 of the 7.0.0 Guppy release cp ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}/usr/share/doc/CMakeAfbTemplates/samples.d/CMakeLists.txt.sample CMakeLists.txt # From a native installation cp /usr/share/doc/CMakeAfbTemplates/samples.d/CMakeLists.txt.sample CMakeLists.txt ``` ## Creating Your CMake Targets Creating a CMake target is the result of editing your `CMakeLists.txt` file. For each target that is part of your project, you need to use the ***PROJECT_TARGET_ADD*** statement. Using this statement includes the target in your project. Using the ***PROJECT_TARGET_ADD*** statement makes the CMake ***TARGET_NAME*** variable available until the next ***PROJECT_TARGET_ADD*** statement is encountered that uses a new target name. Following is typical use within the `CMakeLists.txt` file to create a target: ```cmake PROJECT_TARGET_ADD(target_name) --> Adds *target_name* to the project. *target_name* is a sub-folder in the CMake project. add_executable/add_library(${TARGET_NAME}.... --> Defines the target sources. SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES.... --> Configures the target properties so they can be used by macros. INSTALL(TARGETS ${TARGET_NAME}.... ``` ## Target Properties Target properties are used to determine the nature of the target and where the target is stored within the package being built. Use the **LABELS** property to specify the target type that you want included in the widget package. You can choose the following target types: Choose between: - **BINDING**: A shared library loaded by the AGL Application Framework. - **BINDINGV2**: A shared library loaded by the AGL Application Framework. This library must be accompanied by a JSON file named similar to the *${OUTPUT_NAME}-apidef* of the target, which describes the API with OpenAPI syntax (e.g: *mybinding-apidef*). Alternatively, you can choose the name without the extension using the **set_openapi_filename** macro. If you use C++, you must set **PROJECT_LANGUAGES** through *CXX*. - **BINDINGV3**: A shared library loaded by the AGL Application Framework. This library must be accompanied by a JSON file named similar to the *${OUTPUT_NAME}-apidef* of the target, which describes the API with OpenAPI syntax (e.g: *mybinding-apidef*). Alternatively, you can choose the name without the extension using the **set_openapi_filename** macro. If you use C++, you must set **PROJECT_LANGUAGES** through *CXX*. - **PLUGIN**: A shared library meant to be used as a binding plugin, which would load the library as a plugin consequently extending its functionalities. You should name the binding using a special extension that you choose with `SUFFIX cmake target property`. If you do not use the special extension, it defaults to **.ctlso**. - **HTDOCS**: The root directory of a web application. This target has to build its directory and puts its files in the **${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}**. - **DATA**: Resources used by your application. This target has to build its directory and puts its files in the **${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}**. - **EXECUTABLE**: The entry point of your application executed by the AGL Application Framework. - **LIBRARY**: An external third-party library bundled with the binding. The library is bundled in this manner because the platform does not provide bundling. - **BINDING-CONFIG**: Any files used as configuration by your binding. **TIP:** you should use the prefix _afb-_ (**Application Framework Binding**) with your *BINDING* targets. Following is an example that uses the **BINDINGV3** property: ```cmake SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "afb-" LABELS "BINDINGV3" OUTPUT_NAME "file_output_name") ``` **CAUTION**: You do not need to specify an **INSTALL** command for these targets. Installation is performed by the template. Targets are installed in the **${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PROJECT_NAME}** directory.