--- title: Working with Gerrit --- Follow these instructions to collaborate on AGL through the Gerrit review system. Please be sure that you are subscribed to the [mailing list](https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community) and of course, you can reach out on IRC at the #automotive channel on irc.libera.chat Gerrit assigns the following roles to users: - **Submitters**: May submit changes for consideration, review other code changes, and make recommendations for acceptance or rejection by voting +1 or -1, respectively. - **Maintainers**: May approve or reject changes based upon feedback from reviewers voting +2 or -2, respectively. ## Getting deeper into Gerrit A comprehensive walk-through of Gerrit is beyond the scope of this document. There are plenty of resources available on the Internet. A good summary can be found [here](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/Tutorial) and [Basic Gerrit Walkthrough for GitHub Users](https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/intro-gerrit-walkthrough-github.html). ## Working with a local clone of the repository To work on something, whether a new feature or a bugfix: 1. Open the Gerrit [repo page](https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/admin/repos/). 2. Select the repository you wish to work on. 3. Open a terminal window and clone the project locally using the ``Clone with git hook`` URL. Be sure that ``ssh`` is also selected, as this will make authentication much simpler. For example, for `documentation` repository: ```sh $ git clone "ssh://@gerrit.automotivelinux.org:29418/AGL/documentation" && scp -p -P 29418 @gerrit.automotivelinux.org:hooks/commit-msg "documentation/.git/hooks/" ``` 4. Setup `user` and `email` for git config ```sh $ cd documentation $ git config --global user.name "Your Full Name" $ git config --global user.email "your@email.com" ``` **NOTE:** To only configure for a particular repository : ```sh $ cd documentation $ git config user.name "Your Full Name" $ git config user.email "your@email.com" ``` 5. Create a descriptively-named branch off of your cloned repository ```sh $ git checkout -b issue-nname ``` ## Using git review There's a **very** useful tool for working with Gerrit called [git-review](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review). This command-line tool can automate most of the ensuing sections for you. Ofcourse, reading the information below is also highly recommended so that you understand what's going on behind the scenes. ```sh # for first time use only $ git review -s ``` If `.gitreview` is missing, add the following section to ``.git/config``, and replace ```` with your LFID id. ```sh [remote "gerrit"] url = ssh://@gerrit.automotivelinux.org:29418/AGL/documentation.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gerrit/* ``` Then submit your change with ``git review``. ```sh $ cd documentation $ git review ``` When you update your patch, you can commit with ``git commit --amend``, and then repeat the ``git review`` command. ## Typical Review Workflow - New Fresh Change ```sh $ cd documentation # Working Repository $ git remote -v update # Updating wrt remote $ git checkout -b mytopicbranch origin/octopus # Creating new branch ### CODE the CHANGES $ git add  # Track the changed files $ git commit -s # Signed Commit Message $ git review # Submit Changes to review ``` - Updating existing Gerrit Review ```sh $ cd documentation # Working Repository $ git review -d 25678 # Download review, 25678 is change number ### CODE the CHANGES $ git add  # Track the changed files $ git commit -s # Signed Commit Message $ git review # Submit Changes to review $ git checkout octopus # Return to octopus branch ``` ## Reviewing Using Gerrit - **Add**: This button allows the change submitter to manually add names of people who should review a change; start typing a name and the system will auto-complete based on the list of people registered and with access to the system. They will be notified by email that you are requesting their input. - **Abandon**: This button is available to the submitter only; it allows a committer to abandon a change and remove it from the merge queue. - **Change-ID**: This ID is generated by Gerrit (or system). It becomes useful when the review process determines that your commit(s) have to be amended. You may submit a new version; and if the same Change-ID header (and value) are present, Gerrit will remember it and present it as another version of the same change. - **Status**: Currently, the example change is in review status, as indicated by “Needs Verified” in the upper-left corner. The list of Reviewers will all emit their opinion, voting +1 if they agree to the merge, -1 if they disagree. Gerrit users with a Maintainer role can agree to the merge or refuse it by voting +2 or -2 respectively. Notifications are sent to the email address in your commit message's Signed-off-by line. Visit your [Gerrit dashboard](https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/dashboard/self), to check the progress of your requests. The history tab in Gerrit will show you the in-line comments and the author of the review.