--- title: IVI Flutter apps --- # Build and Boot AGL Flutter IVI dashboard demo applications made for GSoC ## 0. Prepare Your Build Host - Install the required tools to build an AGL Image. For detailed explanation, check [Preparing Your Build host](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/pike/#01_Getting_Started/02_Building_AGL_Image/02_Preparing_Your_Build_Host/) ## 1. Define Your Top-Level Directory ```bash $ export AGL_TOP=$HOME/AGL $ echo 'export AGL_TOP=$HOME/AGL' >> $HOME/.bashrc $ mkdir -p $AGL_TOP ``` ## 2. Download the repo Tool and Set Permissions ```bash $ mkdir -p $HOME/bin $ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH $ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc $ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > $HOME/bin/repo $ chmod a+x $HOME/bin/repo ``` ## 3. Download the AGL Source Files To download the latest **pike** branch AGL files, use the following commands: ```bash $ cd $AGL_TOP $ mkdir pike $ cd pike $ repo init -b pike -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo $ repo sync ``` ## 4. Initialize the build environment using aglsetup.sh Script To initialize the build environment, we must use the setup script. This script is available here: ```bash $ $AGL_TOP/pike/meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh ``` Run the script: ```bash $ cd $AGL_TOP/pike $ source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -b build-flutter-dashboard -m qemux86-64 agl-demo agl-devel ``` - Here `-b` is used to specify the build directory and `-m` is used to specify the target platform. - Running this script, will create a build directory if it does not exist. Default build directory: `$AGL_TOP/pike/build-flutter-dashboard` - Default target paltform: `qemux86-64` ## 5. Using BitBake ```bash $ cd $AGL_TOP/pike/build-flutter-dashboard $ source agl-init-build-env $ bitbake agl-ivi-demo-platform-flutter ``` ## 6. Deploying the AGL Demo Image Boot the image using QEMU ```bash $ cd $AGL_TOP/pike/build-flutter-dashboard $ source agl-init-build-env $ runqemu kvm serialstdio slirp publicvnc ``` ## 6. Run the Graphics To get graphics of the app, you need VNC client like VNC Viewer or Vinagre - Open the VNC client - Enter the server address as `localhost:0` That's it, you should get something like this: ![Screenshot](images/ivi_homescreen.PNG)