--- title: Instrument Cluster (IC-IVI with Container isolation) --- # Build and Boot AGL Instrument Cluster demo image (IC-IVI with Container isolation) ## Required Equipments **1) Tested board:** **[Starter Kit Pro/M3](https://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/M3SK) + [kingfisher support](https://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Kingfisher)** **2) MicroUSB** **3) MicroSD card** ## 0. Host PC environemnt **Build PC** Ubuntu OS (Tested version 18.04.6 LTS) ## 1. Define Your Top-Level Directory ```bash export AGL_TOP=$HOME/AGL mkdir -p $AGL_TOP ``` ## 2. Download the repo Tool and Set Permissions ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/bin export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > $HOME/bin/repo chmod a+x $HOME/bin/repo ``` ## 3. Download the AGL Source Files - **AGL Version:** Magic Marlin ```bash cd $AGL_TOP mkdir marlin export AGL_TOP=$HOME/AGL/marlin cd $AGL_TOP git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" repo init -b marlin -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo repo sync ``` - Optional: Specify the manifest file(octopus_15.0.0.xml) using -m option ```bash repo init -b octopus -m octopus_15.0.0.xml -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo ``` - Optional: Specify the master branch ```bash repo init -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo ``` ## 4. Downloading Proprietary Drivers Downloading Proprietary Drivers from [Renesas-automotive-products](https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/automotive-products/automotive-system-chips-socs/r-car-h3-m3-documents-software) - To check the files to download ```bash grep -rn ZIP_.= $AGL_TOP/meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp/meta-rcar-gen3/scripts/setup_mm_packages.sh export XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$HOME/Downloads ``` - Download and copy Proprietary Drivers files (Run commands at downloaded files directory) ```bash cp R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_* $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/ chmod a+rw $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/*.zip ``` ## 5. Define Your Board - Supporting Starter Kit Pro/M3 + kingfisher Board (For other supported boards, check [Define Your Board](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/octopus/#01_Getting_Started/02_Building_AGL_Image/09_Building_for_Supported_Renesas_Boards.md)) ```bash export MACHINE=m3ulcb-kf ``` ## 6. Run the aglsetup.sh Script ```bash cd $AGL_TOP source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -f -m $MACHINE -b $MACHINE agl-ic-container ``` ## 7. Using BitBake ```bash bitbake agl-cluster-demo-lxc-host ``` - The build process puts the resulting image in the Build Directory ($AGL_TOP/m3ulcb-kf/tmp/deploy/images/m3ulcb) ## 8.Boot the Board (Deploying the AGL Demo Image) - To boot your image on the Renesas board, you need to do three things: a) Update all [firmware](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/octopus/#01_Getting_Started/02_Building_AGL_Image/09_Building_for_Supported_Renesas_Boards/#4-troubleshooting) on R-Car M3 Starter Kit board (Flashing firmware). b) Prepare the MicroSD card and Flash image to the MicroSD card using [Etcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) (**image file name:** lxc-host-image-demo-m3ulcb-kf.wic.xz), then insert MicroSD card in the R-Car M3SK. c) Boot the board. 1) Use a MicroUSB cable to connect the PC to R-Car Starter Kit Pro (M3ULCB) board CN12 "CPLD/DEBUG" - Serial settings are 115200 8N1. - Run any standard terminal emulator program (e.g. minicom). [Replace **"Device"** with USB tty device name, for example **`/dev/ttyUSB0`**] ```bash sudo minicom -b 115200 -D "DEVICE" ``` - Power on the board - Quickly hit any key to get into the U-boot command prompt; you should see the following: ```bash Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 => ``` - Booting image command (for details check [How to boot](https://elinux.org/R-Car/AGL#Instrument_Cluster_with_Container_isolation_demo_image)) ```bash ext4load 0x48080000 Image ext4load 0x48000000 /boot/r8a77961-ulcb-kf.dtb booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000 ``` # Run SoC board Screen A) Connect HDMI panel to M3SK(CN4) for **IVI Container** ![IVI](https://elinux.org/images/9/91/Marlin-lxc-Ivi.JPG) B) Connect HDMI panel to Kingfisher(CN49)for **Cluster Container** ![IC](https://elinux.org/images/7/76/Marlin-lxc-Cluster.JPG) # Reference webpages 1. [eLinux](https://elinux.org/R-Car/AGL) 1. [Kingfisher Board](https://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Kingfisher) 1. [R-Car M3SK](https://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/M3SK#Flashing_firmware) 1. [agl reference machines](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/octopus/#02_hardware_support/01_Supported_Hardware_Overview/) 1. [AGL Tech Day Presenation](https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/agltechday2022/3b/agl-techday-202204.pdf) 1. [Build AGL Image](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/octopus/#01_Getting_Started/02_Building_AGL_Image/0_Build_Process_Overview/) 1. [Building for Supported Renesas Boards](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/octopus/#01_Getting_Started/02_Building_AGL_Image/09_Building_for_Supported_Renesas_Boards/)