#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division import sys import numbers import openxc_pb2 import json def sizeof_fmt(num): for unit in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']: if num < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s" % (num, unit) num /= 1024.0 total_raw_json_size = 0 total_raw_binary_size = 0 total_translated_json_size = 0 total_translated_binary_size = 0 for trace_file in sys.argv[1:]: for line in open(trace_file): try: json_message = json.loads(line) except ValueError: continue if 'id' and 'data' in json_message: total_raw_json_size += len(line) binary_message = openxc_pb2.RawMessage() binary_message.message_id = json_message['id'] binary_message.data = int(json_message['data'], 0) total_raw_binary_size += len(binary_message.SerializeToString()) else: if isinstance(json_message['value'], bool): binary_message = openxc_pb2.TranslatedBooleanMessage() elif isinstance(json_message['value'], numbers.Number): binary_message = openxc_pb2.TranslatedNumericMessage() else: binary_message = openxc_pb2.TranslatedStringMessage() binary_message.name = json_message['name'] binary_message.value = json_message['value'] total_translated_json_size += len(line) total_translated_binary_size += len(binary_message.SerializeToString()) print("For the %d trace files given..." % len(sys.argv[1:])) print("Total transferred raw JSON size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_raw_json_size)) print("Total transferred raw binary size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_raw_binary_size)) print("Total transferred translated JSON size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_translated_json_size)) print("Total transferred translated binary size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_translated_binary_size)) total_json_size = total_raw_json_size + total_translated_json_size print("Total transferred JSON size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_json_size)) total_binary_size = total_raw_binary_size + total_translated_binary_size print("Total transferred binary size is %s" % sizeof_fmt(total_binary_size)) print("Binary encoding is %f%% smaller than JSON for raw messages" % ( 100 - (total_raw_binary_size / total_raw_json_size * 100))) print("Binary encoding is %f%% smaller than JSON for translated messages" % ( 100 - (total_translated_binary_size / total_translated_json_size * 100))) print("Binary encoding is %f%% smaller than JSON overall" % ( 100 - (total_binary_size / total_json_size * 100)))