# Test the 'oneof' feature for generating C unions. Import('env') import re match = None if 'PROTOC_VERSION' in env: match = re.search('([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)', env['PROTOC_VERSION']) if match: version = map(int, match.groups()) # Oneof is supported by protoc >= 2.6.0 if env.GetOption('clean') or (match and (version[0] > 2 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 6))): env.NanopbProto('oneof') enc = env.Program(['encode_oneof.c', 'oneof.pb.c', '$COMMON/pb_encode.o', '$COMMON/pb_common.o']) dec = env.Program(['decode_oneof.c', 'oneof.pb.c', '$COMMON/pb_decode.o', '$COMMON/pb_common.o']) env.RunTest("message1.pb", enc, ARGS = ['1']) env.RunTest("message1.txt", [dec, 'message1.pb'], ARGS = ['1']) env.RunTest("message2.pb", enc, ARGS = ['2']) env.RunTest("message2.txt", [dec, 'message2.pb'], ARGS = ['2']) env.RunTest("message3.pb", enc, ARGS = ['3']) env.RunTest("message3.txt", [dec, 'message3.pb'], ARGS = ['3'])