4 This is the web application dashboard for Cross Development System.
8 *nodejs* must be installed on your system and the below global node packages must be installed:
10 > sudo npm install --global @angular/cli
12 This project has been developed using [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/download). Here is the list of
13 recommended VSCode plugins that are used to improved quality of written code :
15 - ext install HookyQR.beautify
16 - ext install Mikael.Angular-BeastCode
17 - ext install eg2.tslint
18 - ext install streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
19 - ext install DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
21 And some others useful plugins:
23 - ext install patrys.vscode-code-outline
24 - ext install eamodio.gitlens
26 ## 2. Installing dependencies
28 Install dependencies by running the following command:
32 `node_modules` directory will be created during the install.
34 ## 3. Building the project
36 Build the project by running the following command:
38 > npm run clean & npm run build
40 `dist` directory will be created during the build
42 ## 4. Starting the application
44 Start the application by running the following command:
48 The application will be displayed in the browser.