Add pre-trained model for Snips
[src/snips-model-agl.git] / model / resources / en / stop_words.txt
1 !
2 ?
3 a
4 about
5 allright
6 alright
7 although
8 an
9 and
10 any
11 besides
12 but
13 can
14 hello
15 hey
16 hi
17 instead
18 just
19 lol
20 man
21 me
22 my
23 now
24 ok
25 only
26 please
27 pls
28 so
29 some
30 such
31 that
32 the
33 then
34 these
35 this
36 those
37 though
38 to
39 too
40 very
41 while
42 yo
43 you
44 your
45 yours
46 yourself